
let's talk drugs ...

One thing that really bothers me about the situation in Canada right now is the abysmal lead the Supreme Court has over wanna be courts in the US. Just think of all the great things that these unelected swine … oops … sorry …. At least pork is useful for something .. it makes good bacon …. And the Supreme Court of Canada certainly doesn’t make good law... have given us. Look at all the benefits one has with this band of deviants sitting on the bench – homosexual marriage shoved down the throats of decent people; pedophile heaven in the newly discovered right to group sex; against all evidence to the contrary, finding that legal ownership of guns is dangerous (well, they might be right if Canadians weren’t so complacent and decided to storm Ottawa and give the ‘supremes’ and their masters in the Liberal Party a lesson in civics); and moving further towards Holland style drugs laws to boot.
Drug laws are something I was thinking about recently. One of the folks I enjoy sparring with on another site is a guy from Utah who is irreligious and an avowed Libertarian. His biggest Libertarian platform seems to be drugs laws. The folks who like the US to abandon the war on drugs use a whole bunch of statistics and viewpoints to “prove” that the war is both lost and stupid:
  • drug laws can’t work – we should have learned that from the fact that Prohibition failed. Well, that’s not only a very bad argument, it’s also fallacious. Prohibition didn’t fail – it reduced alcohol-based problems by astounding percentages. However, it was eventually repealed for one reason … the genie had always been out of the bottle – alcohol had been accepted for millennia. Quite different than illegal and/or illicit drugs.

  • Alcohol and smoking is bad for us too, but we don’t make them illegal. Pulling in other substances doesn’t make drugs any less of a problem. We have, in fact, made many places free of smoking, and alcohol … and we punish people who commit offences while inebriated.

  • Smoking marijuana is no worse than smoking cigarettes. Well, we have no studies on long term usage of ‘grass’ … since it is illegal in most places … so that’s a pretty hard thing to prove or disprove …. But medical studies have shown that marijuana cigarettes are worse than tobacco cigarettes … so I have to call BS on that one.

  • It’s my body and what I do with MY body is no one else’s business! Again … gotta call BS on that one. There is NO such thing as “I’m not hurting anyone else, just myself." Even dopers have families who are hurt. Dopers have to get their money somewhere … and that’s usually crime … which means that Pete gets to pay taxes to support the doper in rehab, and jail, and welfare. For some reason, dopers never seems to want to sign off on a waiver when they say “I’m not hurting anyone except me”.

  • We’re tying up the courts with trying petty drug user cases. Golly, who gets to define petty … and what defines wasting a courts time? Drugs are illegal… and drug users are criminals. Crime is crime is crime. You don’t wanna go to court? Don’t play with matches … or drugs ….

  • If drugs were legalized, we could collect taxes on them. Yeah, I love that … give the government another criminal enterprise to get involved in. They’ve taken over the numbers and other forms of gambling from the crooks and now we want them to start getting into junkie fodder too? Oh joy!