
New Audio

Turn it up! Unless you're surrounded by sensitive people of course.

Three new features:

  • Twas The Night Before Christmas In Iraq (currently playing) - by Mike Church - He want's this one passed on to soldiers everywhere. There's no copyright violation if you download it. Just follow his wishes and thank a soldier.
  • I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas - by Shirley Temple - This was too cute to resist.
  • The Secret Song (no, that's not it's real title) - by Mike Church - Another beautifully performed Politically Incorrect parody. It's a demo and he'd probably appreciate the feedback. (Note: the more the lib-lefties complain about it, the better the chances that it gets put on a CD) The link is hidden somewhere in yesterday's posts so you'll have to hunt around a little.

UPDATE: We had to pull the Hippo song to make room for a political parody. E-mail us with "Hippo" in the subject line and we'll be sure that you get a copy...
