
Paul Martin's Strange Bedfellows

I have spent the weekend wondering why the news doesn't call Buzz Hargrove angry, since he always is. Also wondered, what gives with Buzz. Then it hit me:

This explains this

Specifically this:

... a complete ban on corporate and union donations ...

explains this:

Buzz is terrified of the Conservatives because he knows the only weight he carries in political circles is with his checkbook. He has no support on the shop floor: Buzz Hargrove will deliver Paul Martin about 2,000 votes, and not all even in a single riding. Take it from an autoworker - Buzz is laughed at on the floor when it comes to politics. (why, you may ask does he keep his job? Simple, the man's a great negotiator and that's his #1 job). No, without the ability to donate my and my brothers money to his party du jour, he wields no power. Thus, to Buzz Hargrove Stephen Harper really is scary.

Fair warning to Paul Martin: this guy is a bigger pain in the ass than Bono (mainly because Bono lives out of country and finances his rants with his own currency). He will expect something in return, and he will huff and puff and threaten all sorts of things, but he delivers even less than you (Martin) do. And when he doesn't get his way, he runs to the only people who have any respect for his opinion, the media, and he makes you look bad. Don't believe me, ask this guy, he knows all about Buzz, and he seems to have stopped listening.

Really Paul, if your going to sleep around so much, you really should be more discriminating about your partners.