
Sad issue...

November 24th, 2005 Chris Scott
It's a sad day when North Korea's Kim Jong-il emerges as a role model in the war on global warming. I think it is a sad day when Kim Jong Il wakes up alive... Granted, when the United Nations Climate Change Conference opens at Palais des Congrès in Montreal next week, the Dear Leader will be a no-show. His absence will put him on the same footing as that other hereditary president, George W. Bush. ?!?!? George W. Bush compared to Kim Jong Il... Only on the left. Other "big names" who can't be bothered to show up may include our own Environment Minister, Stéphane Dion, plus NDP climate critic (and chief) Jack Layton, who seems set to lie(he said the NDP will push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020), pick these of all days for a slug-out involving domestic regime change on Parliament Hill. Absentees may not appreciate what they are missing. Yea, waaay better than, uhh, anything else... If this writer's experience at a previous climate conference is an indication, the Palais des Congrès meeting will be a swanky affair. Participants will we treated to two weeks of gala dinners and cafeteria-style lunches served on throwaway dishware. All on taxpayer-dime...
They will produce truckloads of one-sided photocopies, and a majority of the 10,000 government reps, journalists and NGO-types expected will jet in, in jets that do not emit CO2.

Information posted by Friends of the Earth (U.K.) states that global air traffic accounts annually for more than 600 million tonnes of heat-trapping CO2 emissions. It's stats like these that reveal the wisdom in the Dear Leader's decision to never fly. "Keen" biographers have noted that Mr. Kim is afraid of airplanes, and that his rare trips abroad to Beijing or Moscow are conducted by state train... Well, I guess we should all emulate Dear Leader General Comrade Kim Jong Il then...