
She's a Beauty

Step right up and don't be shy
Because you will not believe your eyes
She's right here, behind the glass
You're gonna like her, 'cause she's got class
Foster/Lukather/Waybill (The Tubes)

Belinda Stronach is in full whine today about woman's role in politics, and the focus on her looks and dress. Frankly the gall of this woman stuns me:

"When I made an important decision to join the government back in May, more attention was given to my personal relationship, as opposed to the important issues at stake..."

This is a woman issue how? Peter MacKay took the worst of that coverage, while the media was busy ignoring the fact that you sold your confidence vote for a seat in cabinet. Those of us who tried to bring up the "important issues at stake" of parliamentary ethics where shouted down as sexists.

"I think we (women) are held to maybe a different standard. I've often been asked, 'What clothes am I wearing, what shoes am I wearing, where do I get my hair cut?'" "I don't think men get asked these questions."

Can she be serious? What clothes are the men wearing Belinda? A business suit, perhaps? In charcoal or blue? With a tie? Red if their Liberal, dark for everyone else but Jack who daringly has gone pastel today?
And you? Something red I bet. Short to mid length skirt, in colour? Want to be not asked those questions? Try dressing like professional, try getting your hair cut at the kitchen table like Stephen Harper does. But if you are going to dress to be noticed, don't complain if we notice how your dressed.

"Being the boss's daughter is not always a picnic," she said. "You have to work twice as hard to prove yourself."

When was it not a picnic, Belindad? (note: accidental spelling error: I like it.) Before or after you get the job? See here's the deal,. I could come work for Magna, work "twice as hard to prove" myself, produce twice the results and not be named C.E.O. because my Dad is an electrician, not Frank Stronach. Want us to admire your accomplishments, accomplish something.