
T-Minus 16 Hours

When we wake up tomorrow morning we're going to know for sure.

Are the sand-monkey terrorists going to be true to their demands and give us some new beheading videos?

If this happens, what does it do to the morale of the MoonBat population? Surely having some of their own slaughtered like animals will give them a different perspective no? Will they ignore it and carry on with their anti-war efforts anyway? It would seem to me personally that having the terrorist sand-monkeys follow through on their promise would go a long way in uniting the resolve of North Americans to seeing this adventure through. But I'm not a moonbat who's willing to ignore facts so I can't say for sure.

Are the sand-monkey terrorists going to "cave-in" (pun intended) and ask for a ransom instead?

That would be the smart thing for them to do. Can they really risk alienating their MoonBat supporters by killing their captive moonbats? If they do ask for a ransom, who's going to pay? The Canadian government? How are the taxpayers going to take it when the government wastes a bunch of their tax money to save people who were too stupid to stay out of a war zone? What if a bunch of the NGO's chip in and put the ransom fund together themselves? What would that do to their donation base? Speaking from personal experience I think I'd be rather pissed if money that I donated toward humanitarian efforts was diverted to help rescue people who were too stupid to stay out of a war zone.

The more I think about it, the more inclined I am to think that the whole deal is bunk and I hope I'm right. I think it's a scam to generate funds for the sand-monkey terrorists and that the captives are in on it. Think about it. The terrorists are desperate for funding. Ransom provides that funding. The terrorists know that the largest part of their battle is being fought in North America. It's the battle for the hearts and minds of those who can demand that their governments pull their forces out of the Middle East. The terrorists know (don't they?) that they can't alienate their support base here which is what would be bound to happen if they followed through. They can however, increase moonbat mobilization by holding moonbats captive no? Consider the captives themselves. They've taken the side of the sand-monkey terrorists. They're sympathetic to the terrorist cause. They've been rumored to be providing physical assistance to the sand-monkey terrorists. Is it such a stretch to think that they may be helping the sand-monkeys here as well?

Or maybe not.

We'll find out tomorrow...

UPDATE: T-Minus 13 hours...

MSM is reporting that the sand-monkey terrorists have extended their deadline to this Saturday December the 10th.

Kind of adds a little weight to my theory no?