
T-Minus 3 Days And Counting

At the risk of sounding insensitive.. Oh, wait!

Do I really care if I sound insensitive or not?


I'm glad we cleared that up...

Anyway, getting back on track...

The knives are being sharpened in preparation of the beheading of 4 dumbass peaceniks who PUT THEMSELVES in a nasty position. 2 of these idiots are Canadian citizens.

Here's the story: 4 Christian peace activists were in a rough part of Iraq and got kidnapped by sand-monkey terrorists who claim that they're spies. Said sand-monkey terrorists are now demanding that ALL of their sand-monkey terrorist bretheren currently being held for the crime of being a sand-monkey terrorist, be unconditionally released. "Only by meeting that target will the dumbass peaceniks be allowed to live" say the sand-monkey terrorists.

It's not going to happen. It's impossible and the sand-monkey terrorists know it. This begs the question as to why they've made such outrageous demands. No one knows for sure. It's a big "question mark". I'm inclined to think that, being the sand-monkey terrorists they are, these savages are just looking to get a little "bloody airplay". To make their mark and join the "big boys" with AlQueda. Why was there no ransom demand?

Another question mark is what the hell these dumbass peaceniks were doing in Iraq to begin with. Some rumors say they were doing missionary work. Not too pretty bright if you ask me. Does it make alot of sense to send Christian pacifists into the heart of Islam in the middle of a "holy war"? Another rumor I've heard is that these idiots were actually helping the sand-monkey terrorists get reunited with their friends and family after being released by US forces. If that's the case, this adventure would be loaded with twisted irony. Or, perhaps the sand-monkey terrorists are correct with their assertions that the dumbass peaceniks are actually spies. Are our spies so dumb that the best cover they can come up with is dumbass peacenik?

One thing we do know for sure is that alot of resources are being put toward getting our people released. From the mailbag:

Subject : Emergency meeting to organize for the peace activists abducted in Iraq is tomorrow, Sunday, December 4 at 8:00PM!

Just a quick automated reminder that Peace Calgary Meetup has
an event tomorrow. You didn't RSVP but if you can make it, here
are the details:
What: Emergency meeting to organize for the peace activists
abducted in Iraq
When: Sunday, December 4 at 8:00PM
Where: Scarboro United Church
134 Scarboro Avenue SW
Calgary AB T3C 2H1
(403) 244-1161
Event Description:
Message from Julie Hrdlicka:
"There has been alot of discussion and information coming
across about the missing peace activists in Iraq. I think a lot
needs to be clarified about the kind of work that cpt does,
their stance on the occupation and the war and what we can do
to help the peace activists missing in the country.
"My phone and email has been inendated with messages of support
and many people want to act but, they just don't know what to
do. And now those who are holding the activists say the US, UK
and Canada have until next thursday to fullfill their ransom
demands (see:
"So, we need to act NOW. Please join us for this important

I'm going to assume that similar events were held across the country. (I'm sorry I wasn't a fly on the wall at that one)

Our impotent government is doing all it can. Which isin't much. We're into an election campaign right now. Does anyone really think that Paul Martin is going to do anything to help these individuals when he's busy fighting to keep his job as Prime Minister? Remember, this is the guy who's broken almost every single one of his campaign promises and keeps his ships registered offshore to prevent paying Canadian taxes. Remember yesterday's post about the protestor sitting in jail for heckeling the PM? It's the same PM... Mister integrity!

Anyway, I've ranted enough...

Here's the way I see it: Only three things are going to save us from watching 4 brand-new beheading videos:

  1. Divine intervention by the good Lord above,
  2. Divine intervention by the US Military or,
  3. the sand-monkey terrorists clue-in and demand a ransom instead.

I'm inclined to think the 3rd option is the most likely.

Just think, more of your Canadian tax dollars at work.

An Addition: I was in such a hurry to get out of here this am that I forgot the most important part of the post. That being the question of individual responsibility. These individuals made a consious decision to put themselves in harms way. Now, as a result, we're paying the price emotionally and quite likely financially. Their quest (the peaceniks) to make themselves "feel good" by doing what they see as noble is going to leave the rest of us feeling not too pretty good. To me, that's selfish. On their part. I can't say that I blame the sand-monkey terrorists that much because they're sand-monkey terrorists. This is the sort of thing that we have to expect from them. To put it another way, if an individual goes swimming with sharks, do you blame the shark when the man gets eaten? Nope, you blame the individual for being stupid and then you kill the sharks because they have a taste for human blood. That's what we're going to have to do.

Oh, just a quick note for all of those sand-monkey terrorists who may be offended that I'm using the term "sand-monkey terrorist". Send all complaints here. State your name, exact location and most recent terrorist accomplishments. Upon review, someone will be in touch with you to provide a proper apology.

Another quick note for the dumbass peaceniks who read this blog: I don't care if you're offended that I've used the terms "sand-monkey terrorist" or "dumbass peaceniks", they accurately describe both groups...
