
A Warm Welcome

The Chronicles would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest member of the MoonBat listing. Please say hello to Paladiea.

Paladiea is one of those young idealistic students we so often encounter up here in Canada. She's one of those victim/feminists types... She complains that she has to repay her student loans... She doesn't think that anyone should have to actually work for anything in life. Paladiea maintains her own socialist blog and is a frequent commenter on My Blahg hosted by Robert McClelland. She lives in Toronto and thinks the sun rises and sets with the same...

Here's how she really feels about the concept of western alienation:

"I'm sure all 500 people that vote Conservative there will make a big difference. Toronto is going Liberal/NDP and we decide the fate of the country."

The funny thing is that she didn't realize she was speaking to the same when she made her comment... When ever the subject of western alienation comes up in Robert's comment threads, she seems to take the position that it doesn't exist.

It's funny how hypocritical moonbats are when they think no one's watching...

Do me a favor, visit Paladiea at her blog or in the comment threads over at Roberts blahg and let her know that she's a naive socialist weasel.