
Whose going to solve Canada U.S. relations? Part 2

I have had a few posts recently about what I think is our governments childish, immature sniping at the U.S. both during this election and in the past few years. My point has been that sooner or later, such adolescent posturing is going to cost us. I'm not alone in that opinion, as evidenced by this piece by Douglas MacKinnon in the Washington Times. Here's a few highlights from the article:

For a growing number of people in our country, "O, Canada" is now less about a national anthem and more about frustration, confusion, disappointment and anger. As in, "Oh, Canada! Why are you once again stabbing the United States in the back?" A recent public spat between liberal Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, and David Wilkins, U.S. ambassador to Canada, is shining a much-needed light on a problem that runs much deeper than mere name calling. It is a problem that if not properly addressed and fixed, could have severe national-security consequences for the United States...

The ambassador's point raises a larger question: Can Canada really be considered our "friend" anymore? As someone whose family comes from Canada, a country I grew up loving as a child, it pains me to ask the question. That said, what other question can be asked when the Canadian government not only willingly allows Islamic terrorists into their country, but does nothing to stop them from entering our nation...

Comedian Jon Stewart once joked that "A Canadian woman kept asking me, 'What do Americans really think about Canada? What do Americans really think about Canada?' " And Mr. Stewart answered, "We don't." Well, the day has come when we need to not only start thinking about them, but holding some Canadians accountable for their irresponsible actions. Our once great friend is turning against us. Common sense and our national security dictate that we can no longer afford to ignore that fact.

There's a problem here, and Mr. Martin isn't solving it, he's exasperating it. I ask again, which of our leader's has a plan for resolution?

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler