
With friends like these...

You know your campaign is in trouble when your best friends are picking on you. If the Liberals have a best friend in the media, it's this guy. A quote or two for you:

If Paul Martin is going to ban handguns when handguns are pretty much banned already in this country...

What he should do is bring in a law that -— and this is the language I would use if I were drafting the legislation - "really, really, really" bans handguns.

Who would you rather vote for? A guy with one great idea that's already been implemented or a guy with a hundred ideas that have already been implemented?

If I were advising Paul Martin... I'd tell them to call a huge news conference and promise to make all criminal activity illegal.

You get the drift. It's never pretty when your friends are turning on you, but it's a trend I've noticed in this campaign.