You can't pay the taxes on a case of beer for $25.00
It's beautiful!
Quiz time: Why don't the Liberals want to give child care money directly to parents?
Answer: Because they don't trust them to spend it wisely! They might spend it on... BEER ...and ... POPCORN!
No no, the Libs. must spend the money for you, as you can't be trusted with it. Don't believe me? Now you don't have to, Scott Reid, the prime minister's director of communications, has said so himself.
Only the Liberals know how to spend our money for us! How could you possibly be expected to know which Montreal Ad firm to send your check to? Thank God for the Liberals infinite wisdom and guidance.
One question for Scott Reid. What's the name of my first born child?
If you don't even know her name, how can you be expected to know what's best for her?
Bet ya' Scott Reid needs a beer right about now: Guess he knows how I've felt the last 13 years.
Cross posted to At Home in Hespeler
Quiz time: Why don't the Liberals want to give child care money directly to parents?
Answer: Because they don't trust them to spend it wisely! They might spend it on... BEER ...and ... POPCORN!
No no, the Libs. must spend the money for you, as you can't be trusted with it. Don't believe me? Now you don't have to, Scott Reid, the prime minister's director of communications, has said so himself.
Only the Liberals know how to spend our money for us! How could you possibly be expected to know which Montreal Ad firm to send your check to? Thank God for the Liberals infinite wisdom and guidance.
One question for Scott Reid. What's the name of my first born child?
If you don't even know her name, how can you be expected to know what's best for her?
Bet ya' Scott Reid needs a beer right about now: Guess he knows how I've felt the last 13 years.
Cross posted to At Home in Hespeler
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