Ahhhh... The sight of victory.

I am pissed off. I just watched Stephen Harper end his platform speech on the National with the words "God Bless Canada". God Bless Canada? That is a nice kiss to the Socons Stephen,:) Hahaha
Ya know, you had better start getting used to seeing a LOT more of this... This guy is great, I mean, he ain't crying or saying sorry, or even taking it down. He's just saying what he wants to, and in the end, isn't it all that really matters?
"but where the fuck do you think you are anyway, Texas?"
He's at the Prime Minister's Office, MAKING RENOVATIONS!!!
"Newsflash, you are not running for Pope, so stop blessing people!"
Aaaaahahaha :) I like the cut of that dude's jive.
"You must really think you have this all sown up if you can start in with that kind of nonsense. You need a humbling," Yup. Read the title, and while your at it, suck on this...
So always remember, whenever you see entertainment gold like this, don't EVER stop until the enemy surrenders...
"I didn’t want to have to take this step, but this blog used to generate some good discussion. However, ever since a few rightwing trolls set up permanent camp here and began polluting the comments" - low intelligence quotient + non-existent cognitive skills + sociopathic self-centeredness + cowardice + attraction to violence + racist tendencies + myopia + sexual confusion + limited vocabulary + limited educational opportunities + unrestrained attraction to “authoritarian” figures = Phantom = Richard = Jeff = Knight of…blah, blah, blah…etc.
Does this sound like a "rightwing troll"? I probably fit some of those "cry"teria, except "cowardice" of course. How in the hell was I even(sorta) mentioned? I only started leaving (a few)comments there for about two weeks. Buy stock in tissue paper companies... And may God continue to bless Canada. God bless America. God bless Texas. God bless Alberta.
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