What A Great Morning!
Lib-left heads exploding - *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *KABOOM!!!* - the last one is particularly fascinating:
The new Prime Minister of Canada is Stephen Harper. I can say, without fear of any reasonable contradiction, that Harper is the single worst human being to ever be Prime Minister of Canada. The best thing the disgusting Canadian media was able to say about him - and they were desperately looking for nice things to say - was that he doesn't suffer fools gladly. His disdain for humanity is quite obvious. He has been a life-long political policy wonk, and his biggest job prior to entering politics as a candidate was President of the National Citizens' Coalition (note the url), an extreme right-wing lobby group which was originally founded by insurance companies to destroy the Canadian health care system. Harper's entire life has been dedicated to two goals: increasing the amount of corporate control over politics and wrecking the single-payer Canadian health care system. He's a real nasty piece of shit, and the disgusting Canadian media won't be able to hide that fact for very long. His Conservative Party has nothing to do with the policies of the old Progressive Conservative Party, and is expressly modeled on the American Republicans.
Wow, someone's a little bitter...
Seeing this next bit just made my entire day!
A little preamble first:
Way back in October I first came across Dylan's blog (Right of Center Ice) and was rather annoyed that he'd call himself a conservative when, in my mind, he clearly wasn't. I put a post together on the topic and he protested saying that it wasn't fair that I'd pick on another conservative like that. In fact, he protested to Stephen Taylor of the BT's and it's one of the primary reasons I got punted from the group. To quote Stephen:
It has come to my attention that your blog is in violation of the standards of the Blogging Tories community. In particular, your blogpost http://nomoresocialism.blogspot.com/2005/10/outing-liberal.html can easily be labelled as 'trolling', which goes against BloggingTories standards outlined here (#8): http://www.stephentaylor.ca/archives/000331.html as such, I am removing your blog from the Blogging Tories blogroll."
Now I'd belying if I said I wasn't a little bitter.
Imagine my delight this morning when I read that Dylan, who adamantly swore he's conservative, and his co-author, Luke, voted for the Progressive Canadian's and Liberals respectively.
"As a critic who has seen many former 2003 PC party members ditching our newest efforts to renew the PC name as a moderate, centrist alternative to the Liberals and neo-Conservatives; I would feel hypocritical to abandon my party after such a surprising losses in Brome-Missisquoi, Sudbury, and nationally. Perhaps sitting out of federal politics for a while is in order. Re-evaluation of what I believe it means to be a Christian engaged in politics is in order, as well as reflection on my own political beliefs and how do they contribue best within our political economy - both of which will determine any re-newal or new memberships in any political party." - Dylan
"I have to say that I voted for the Liberals, hoping without abandon that they might pull the rabbit out of the hat again and take a minority government again. When this did not happen I was disappointed because I'm frightened with what Harper and his neo-con cronies might do and say now that they are in power." - Luke
Note to Dylan and Luke: Thank you for finally comming out of the closet. One votes for crooks and the other votes socialist-lite. How completely special!
Note to Stephen Taylor: These are the twerps you stuck up for a few months ago. How's it feel??
Note to everyone else: Sign-up with the Anti-Pc League. We're going to blow the BT's right out of the water. It'll be moving off of blogspot soon and will have an aggregator and all of that neat stuff. Changes should all be made by mid February.

On a slightly different note. Did you know that Duceppe used to be a member of the Marxist-Leninists Communist Workers’ Party? Yup he was. For 3 years aparently. Now, why wouldn't the lib-left and MSM bring that up at the same time they were picking on Harper for working for the NCC? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm....
The new Prime Minister of Canada is Stephen Harper. I can say, without fear of any reasonable contradiction, that Harper is the single worst human being to ever be Prime Minister of Canada. The best thing the disgusting Canadian media was able to say about him - and they were desperately looking for nice things to say - was that he doesn't suffer fools gladly. His disdain for humanity is quite obvious. He has been a life-long political policy wonk, and his biggest job prior to entering politics as a candidate was President of the National Citizens' Coalition (note the url), an extreme right-wing lobby group which was originally founded by insurance companies to destroy the Canadian health care system. Harper's entire life has been dedicated to two goals: increasing the amount of corporate control over politics and wrecking the single-payer Canadian health care system. He's a real nasty piece of shit, and the disgusting Canadian media won't be able to hide that fact for very long. His Conservative Party has nothing to do with the policies of the old Progressive Conservative Party, and is expressly modeled on the American Republicans.
Wow, someone's a little bitter...
Seeing this next bit just made my entire day!
A little preamble first:
Way back in October I first came across Dylan's blog (Right of Center Ice) and was rather annoyed that he'd call himself a conservative when, in my mind, he clearly wasn't. I put a post together on the topic and he protested saying that it wasn't fair that I'd pick on another conservative like that. In fact, he protested to Stephen Taylor of the BT's and it's one of the primary reasons I got punted from the group. To quote Stephen:
It has come to my attention that your blog is in violation of the standards of the Blogging Tories community. In particular, your blogpost http://nomoresocialism.blogspot.com/2005/10/outing-liberal.html can easily be labelled as 'trolling', which goes against BloggingTories standards outlined here (#8): http://www.stephentaylor.ca/archives/000331.html as such, I am removing your blog from the Blogging Tories blogroll."
Now I'd belying if I said I wasn't a little bitter.
Imagine my delight this morning when I read that Dylan, who adamantly swore he's conservative, and his co-author, Luke, voted for the Progressive Canadian's and Liberals respectively.
"As a critic who has seen many former 2003 PC party members ditching our newest efforts to renew the PC name as a moderate, centrist alternative to the Liberals and neo-Conservatives; I would feel hypocritical to abandon my party after such a surprising losses in Brome-Missisquoi, Sudbury, and nationally. Perhaps sitting out of federal politics for a while is in order. Re-evaluation of what I believe it means to be a Christian engaged in politics is in order, as well as reflection on my own political beliefs and how do they contribue best within our political economy - both of which will determine any re-newal or new memberships in any political party." - Dylan
"I have to say that I voted for the Liberals, hoping without abandon that they might pull the rabbit out of the hat again and take a minority government again. When this did not happen I was disappointed because I'm frightened with what Harper and his neo-con cronies might do and say now that they are in power." - Luke
Note to Dylan and Luke: Thank you for finally comming out of the closet. One votes for crooks and the other votes socialist-lite. How completely special!
Note to Stephen Taylor: These are the twerps you stuck up for a few months ago. How's it feel??
Note to everyone else: Sign-up with the Anti-Pc League. We're going to blow the BT's right out of the water. It'll be moving off of blogspot soon and will have an aggregator and all of that neat stuff. Changes should all be made by mid February.

On a slightly different note. Did you know that Duceppe used to be a member of the Marxist-Leninists Communist Workers’ Party? Yup he was. For 3 years aparently. Now, why wouldn't the lib-left and MSM bring that up at the same time they were picking on Harper for working for the NCC? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm....
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