

I've been BANNED from the BLAHG

I have to admit that Robert's been far more patient than most socialists but he gets all pissy when you pick on the NDP. Socialists hate it when they're (correctly) compared to Nazis...

Here's what got me booted:

RichardEvans Says: January 16th, 2006 at 12:17 am

Peter D Says:January 15th, 2006 at 11:40 pm

I agree, socialism is always socialism. But the Nazi's believed in private enterprise, controlled by a ruling elite (aristocracy). That is wholly un-socialist.

Wow, that sounds alot like NDP policy...

Lets have a look:

While there are issues at work in the global market economy that concern the NDP, we understand that if we want a seat at that table then there are rules we will need to use. Ultimately, it is how we organize our economy, the investment we make in ourselves as we build a wealthy and just society that will distinguish our country, and from which others may learn.
The NDP is as serious about prosperity as it is about social justice.

Here are some key principles we bring to the economy and jobs:
First, we are committed to annual balanced budgets.
Second, we are committed to creating a competitive tax regime by maintaining the GST, reducing income taxes on lower income Canadians, and targeting carefully managed, monitored and enforced incentives to encourage investment and the development and production of leading edge environmental and other technologies...

Yup... The ruling elite controling the economy... only in our case it's the SCOC-ocracy

Lets see what the lexicon sez about ND's shall we?

New Democrat: The physical and semantic veneer applied to an old-time sociologist Liberal attitude which sufficiently disguises traditional Leftist Redistributionism as a market-friendly, Third Way moderate social philosophy which wants to use the means of successful Capitalism to accomplish the ends of Benign Utopian Socialism. A New Democrat encourages Market success so it might be regulated into traditional redistributionist social programs to help the very victims that the old-fashioned Democrats created. A New Democrat is an old Socialist with a new look and the same old goals: Che Guevara with a shave and a credit card, Jane Fonda waving an American flag, Karl Marx with a stock portfolio.

Does that shoe fit about right Peter?

Remember kids, if the MoonBats aren't pissed you're doing it wrong!