Can You Say "Abu Ghraib"?
Alrightythen. I didn't think they were this stupid but aparently they are. This week a firestorm erupted because Ezra Levant of the Western Standard Magazine appropriately published the Mohammed cartoons. The Rest of the Canadian MSM chose not to do so. And why did they make this decision? Well, lets let Tony Burman, Editor in Cheif of the CBC explain in his own words:
"At the CBC, we decided not to show the original cartoons in our extensive coverage of the controversy. We felt that we could easily describe the drawings in simple and clear English without actually showing them. This was intended, without embarrassment, as an act of respect not only for Islam but for all religions.
Why should we insult and upset an important part of our audience for absolutely no public value? We wouldn't have done that if it involved overt examples of racism, or anti-Semitism or libel. Where do we draw the line?
Shouldn’t the media be part of the solution, not the problem?
That was the approach most Canadian news organizations took. Few actually showed the cartoons and those that did limited exposure to one occasion with considerable context and explanation."
To summarize, they didn't want to needlessly upset the Muslum community within Canada. Fair enough, that's their perogative.
Well, not 10 days after the above comment was written and only 3 days after it really got out into the blogosphere, the CBC, CTV, and Global, decided to to an about face and show some disturbing images. Were they the cartoons in question? Nope! They were additional photos released of the supposed "Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse and torture". Keep in mind that these "abuses" took place 3 years ago. The soldiers involved have been tried and convicted and are currently serving time in Levenworth.
- Could the story have been covered using a description of the images, using clear English, without actually showing them? If one says "yes" in the case of the cartoons they have to say "yes" in this new case as well no? To say otherwise would be considered hypocritical no?
- Burman commented that they were showing "respect" for Islam and Muslums by not showing the cartoons. Does the MSM not have the same respect for the United States and it's military? You know, the folks that are keeping us safe and have done the same for the past 100 years? Should we not have the same respect for them? Their answer is simply "NO", as is being illustrated by their actions.
- It's clear that these new images will be upsetting to Muslums and Islam. What's the public value of upsetting them in this manner? The event is 3 years past already. Those involved have been tried and convicted. So why run with the story at all? This one's easy. It's to generate / propogate the anti-US sentiment.
- Burman asks "where do they draw the line?" Well, they just did. If disturbing images will direct islamofacist-cum-terrorist ire at their media organisations, they'll not run them. They're scared. If however, the images will direct islamofacist-cum-terrorist ire at the US, they'll display them "loud and proud".
- Burman also asks: "shouldn't the media be part of the solution and not the problem?" Well, that depends which side the media is on and exactly what is seen as the problem. It's become painfully clear over the past number of years, to me anyway, that the MSM is on the side of the Islamofascists. The problem is the US and their nasty "war on terror". They choose to hinder rather than help the war effort because in their minds, the war effort is unjust. They think they're part of the solution where in reality they are the problem.
Simply put, the Canadian MSM tells us earlier this week that they won't show images upsetting to Muslums and then a few days later they go and show images that are upsetting to Muslums. Pure unmitigated Canadian MSM hypocrisy.
Just so we all know that this sort of thing isin't isolated to Canada:
- BBC didn't show the cartoons but does have a link to the new Abu Ghraib images.
- MSNBC didn't show the cartoons but but does have a link to the new Abu Ghraib images.
- CNN didn't show the cartoons but does have a link to the new Abu Ghraib images.
- ABC didn't show the cartoons but does have a link to the new Abu Ghraib images.
- CBS didn't show the cartoons but does have a link to the new Abu Ghraib images.
- FOX NEWS didn't show the cartoons and doesn't currently have a link up to the new Abu Ghraib images. Well Done!
I expected this from Canada and the UK but you Americans should be ashamed of yourselves. 80% of your major telivision news outlets are acting like pussies!
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