On A Lighter Note:
The actress has been accused of turning her back on her adopted home in the past, after criticising London and the famously bad UK weather.
But she insists she'd never leave the home she has made with husband CHRIS MARTIN and daughter APPLE.
She says, "I love living in the UK! Brits are far more intelligent and civilized than Americans."
"I love the fact that you can hail a taxi and just pick up the pram and put it in the back of the cab without collapsing it.
She's right too! The Brits invented computers, the internet, light-bulbs, the telephone, television, airplanes and they did put people on the moon... Oh, wait, that's the American list.
Well, umm, the brits did invent colonialism.
Note to Gwyneth: You named your child "APPLE". I don't think you're really qualified to discuss the intelligence of others.
In other entertainment news, there's strong evidence that Alec Balwin may be gay.
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