
Blame Ol' Billy

I'd like to blame Bill Clinton for a lot of things. Most notably is a marked decline in North American moral standards. Slick Willy single handedly did more to destroy the family, with a blow-job, than decades of activities by radical fem-nazi's. He cheated, got caught, and then claimed that it wasn't cheating. Claimed that blow-jobs don't count. And once that didn't work, he claimed that it was "just sex" and that since Hillary was "OK with it" (meaning that she wasn't throwing him out) that we should let the matter fade away. And he got away with it. I don't have empirical data on this issue and won't suggest otherwise. Anecdotaly however, I would assert that there was a bit of a cultural shift after that event. Billy made it extremely easy for any other would-be-cheater to use the same excuses. "It's just a little sex" and "blow-jobs don't count". "Look, the President did it, why is it wrong for me to do it?"

Now, I've been called morally aggressive in the past and that's OK. I don't mind. But this post is about Billy's "screw-ups". Meaning that there has been more than one. So we won't dwell.

Here's another (h/t - YN):

The first round fired against the U.S. homeland in this war was not 11 September 2001.

No sooner had we relaxed our national defense posture as Cold War tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Bloc adversaries subsided than our homeland was attacked by a second-tier adversary, radical Islamists.

On 26 February 1993, a terrorist cell headed by al-Qa'ida operative Ramzi Ahmed Yousef (who entered the U.S. on an Iraqi passport) bombed Tower One of the World Trade Center in an effort to topple it into Tower Two and murder up to 30,000 occupants of those buildings. Fortunately, due to Ramzi's lack of engineering knowledge about where to park the truck bomb, Tower One withstood the blast.

In 1995, after Ramzi's capture, he was being flown to New York for prosecution. As the transport helicopter passed the WTC towers, an FBI agent removed Ramzi's mask so he could see that the towers were still standing. Ramzi commented gravely, "We are not done yet." Indeed, Ramzi's computer, seized in the Philippines before his arrest in Pakistan, detailed a plan to hijack commercial aircraft and use them as flying bombs against U.S. targets -- which his cadre succeeded in doing on 9/11.

For eight long years after the first WTC bombing, the Clinton administration refused to take the domestic terrorist threat seriously enough to make deterrence a priority. Eight months into George Bush's first term, it became resoundingly clear that a small terrorist cell armed with nothing more than box cutters could, in a matter of minutes, kill thousands of Americans and cause in excess of $250 billion in damages to the U.S. economy.

Our current situation with this war on terror can be directly attributed to Clinton's inaction back then.

The list goes on and on... China... Somalia... The tech-bust... The growth of the lib-left... etc, etc...

As noted previously, I'd like to blame Bill Clinton for a lot of things. But I can't. You see, we live in democracies in North America. We put our leaders into their positions and then fail to take them to task. We trust them. And we should. But we shouldn't do it blindly. If they screw up it's our fault. Not because we're willing participants though. It's because we don't care enough to become informed with what's going on. Because we don't care enough to ask the questions. Because we, as North American society, have become apathetic. And it's the equivalent of being in bondage.

Understand that when I say "we", I'm generalizing. You, dear reader, are one of the smart ones. You've made the effort to become informed. You're visiting this blog (that I'm lucky to be able to post to) and others like it. 9-11 was a wake-up call for me and I'd wager, many of you as well. Many more however haven't opened their eyes yet and I'd like to ask the following: What do we have to do to shake the rest of the sheeple out of their slumber?