Drugs, drugs... DRUGS!!!
Pyongyang, March 13, 2006 (KCNA) -- Drug smuggling is now rapidly increasing in south Korea, according to south Korean MBC. 10 cases of drug smuggling were detected uhhhh... Uh huhuhu! O.K at Inchon airport this year, which increased by 40 percent as compared with those in the same period of last year. Philopon seized accounts for over
1,290 million won in domestic currency, or more than 15 times that of last year.

1,290 million North Korean won, huh?
Compared to the value of .169 billion American dollars?
Next story...
U.S. Smear Campaign against DPRK Assailed
Pyongyang, March 12, 2006 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Reunification Solidarity of south Korea released a commentary on March 2 in denunciation of the U.S. smear campaign against the DPRK. The commentary recalled that the U.S. State Department asserted in an "international narcotics control and strategy report" on March 1 that there exist the substantial evidences showing the involvement of the DPRK in drug and other illegal dealings. The U.S. labeled the north of Korea as a "criminal state" and has exerted sanctions upon it, the commentary noted, charging that all those acts are prompted by its intention to isolate and stifle the north. The whole world recognizes that the U.S. is the biggest producer and market of drugs and a country where a largest number of counterfeit notes overflow, the commentary said. So, by technicality, the amount of drugs and American counterfeit notes produced by North Korea is insignificant... The commentary urged the U.S. not to resort to its far-fetched allegation in a bid to conquer other countries but to be aware of its crimes and strive to redress them. It demanded the U.S. repeal all the base reports pursuant to the hostile policy towards the north. No.
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