An Exercise In Irrelevance
Jean Rasczak: All right, let's sum up. This year in history, we talked about the failure of democracy. How the social scientists of the 21st Century brought our world to the brink of chaos. We talked about the veterans how they took control and imposed the stability that has generations since. We talked about the rights and privileges between those who served in the armed forces and those who haven't, therefore called citizens and civilians.
[to a student] Jean Rasczak: You. Why are only citizens allowed to vote?
Student: It's a reward. Something the federation gives you for doing federal service.
Jean Rasczak: No. Something given has no value. When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.
Dizzy: My mother always told me that violence doesn't solve anything.
Jean Rasczak: Really? I wonder what the city founders of Hiroshima would have to say about that.
[to Carmen] Jean Rasczak: You.
Carmen: They wouldn't say anything. Hiroshima was destroyed.
Jean Rasczak: Correct. Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst.
Alright, so now you're probably asking "What's the point?"
I'm glad you asked. The point is this: The moonBats attempted to exercise their political authority this weekend with a show of force and did no more than prove just how completely irrelevant they really are.
From Breitbart:
Anti-War Protesters Rally Around World
Mar 18 6:27 PM US/Eastern
By PAUL BURKHARDTAssociated Press Writer
Thousands of anti-war protesters took to the streets around the world Saturday, marking the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with demands that coalition troops leave immediately. [...]
and from the AP:
Anti-War Rallies Mark Iraq Anniversary
By NATHANIEL HERNANDEZ Associated Press Writer
CHICAGO (AP) -- The third anniversary of the U.S.-led war in Iraq drew tens of thousands of protesters - shouting chants of "Stop the War" and calling for the withdrawal of troops - in demonstrations across the globe.
More than 7,000 people marched through downtown Chicago in one of the nation's largest protests, saying the war diverts money from domestic needs and demanding the U.S. pull out of Iraq. One sign read, "Bush is a category 5 disaster." [...]
Lets look at the numbers for a minute (as reported by the AP, CTV, CBC et al - note that the numbers from the Calgary event are my own estimate based on observations)
Toronto; pop = 5mil, protesters out = 1,000, pop protesting the war = 0.02%
London; pop = 7.5mil, protesters out = 15,000, pop protesting the war = 0.2%
Calgary; pop = 1mil, protesters out = 50, pop protesting the war = 0.005%
Sydney; pop = 4mil, protesters out = 500, pop protesting the war = 0.01%
Tokyo; pop = 12.3mil, protesters out = 2,000, pop protesting the war = 0.01%
NYC; pop = 8mil, protesters out = 1,200, pop protesting the war = 0.01%
Chicago; pop = 3mil, protesters out = 7,000, pop protesting the war = 0.2%
In the vast majority of these examples, the protesters could only muster less than 1/10th of a percentage of the populations of their cities. In the two examples with the largest protests, the best they could do was muster only 2/10th's of one percent of their cities populations.
This is clearly NOT a show of force and goes even further to demonstrate a complete lack of political authority.
Here's how John S. from Stop the ACLU saw it
Anti-war protesters marched in Australia, Asia, Turkey and Europe on Saturday in demonstrations that marked the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with a demand that coalition troops pull out.
Around 500 protesters marched through central Sydney, chanting "End the war now" and "Troops out of Iraq." Many campaigners waved placards branding President Bush the "World's No. 1 Terrorist" or expressing concerns that Iran could be the next country to face invasion.
Indeed, the protests would have probably been even smaller if it were simply pacifist dreamers gathering. Without the hatred of America to fuel these moonbats, many wouldn't have put the hash pipe down and gotten off their couch. If these folks were truly anti-war, they would be protesting the hate filled extremist terrorists that want to impose tyranny on the world under the banner of Islam. Instead, we can see their true motives, and if they were smart they would realize why they can't gather any significant support for their cause. We all want peace, but we have to look at where the root causes are that are keeping us from getting there. If you ponder it, we are always at some kind of war. War and peace and like yin and yang, and more often the only way we can achieve peace is through war with those that destroy it. Appeasement will never get us there.
As noted above, I went down to the protest here in Calgary. I didn't go as a "Protest Warrior" this time though. We're going to chaulk that up to a St. Paddy's day hang-over and short notice on the part of the MoonBats.
All of the usual suspects were there including our favorite Che supporter. I'm putting my estimate of actual protesters at 30 -40 people. Kids and innocent folks who were simply trying to walk past don't count.

One of the signs that really caught my attention was one that read "Free The Guantanimo POW's" How on earth could anyone want a bunch of sand monkey terrorists set free? I'd really like to know. Now I can understand the MoonBats wanting to close Gitmo but releasing the prisoners is a little insane no?

I was also a little dismayed that one of the speakers, an immigrant woman of middle eastern descent, was nattering on about how bad things were in Iraq under the US occupation. How is it that this woman an stand there and complain about Iraqi's gaining freedoms that she was currently using? Liberalism really is a mental disorder.
Maybe one day these individuals will realize that once they stop acting like idiots and start using logic and reason, their numbers will go up and they'll have some real political authority.
Note: I'm having trouble uploading the pics to blogger right now. I'll try to get them up a little later this afternoon. - Update: Pics are up. You should be able to click on them to get the larger images.
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