Left = Wrong
One really HAS to feel Righteous, when reading the delusional "arguments" of the left. The taliBAN was one of the most heinous regimes this side of Kim Jong Il. Where were all of these leftist yellow cowards after 9-11? Where were they before Jan 23, 2006? Hiding in their partisan closets, of course.
I find it more than disingenuous when a "debate" AGAINST Canada's mission suddenly erupts out of nowhere, due simply to a change of political leadership. Let this hollow rhetoric continue, as anyone that can see world events with any type of clarity, will recognize the importance of helping the Afghan people.
And just so every Right-winger knows how wrong the left really is, here's a quote that should disturb any human legitimately concerned with human rights...
Forget all the cheery propaganda fed to the gullible press, including the latest preposterous excuse for sending troops: women's rights
How "preposterous" does one have to be to actually publish the belief that this war has nothing to do with the rights of women in that savage land of oppression? Is the left even aware of the fact women living under the taliBAN's rule WERE(keyword) not allowed the right to go to school, work, leave the house, or show their face? I kinda doubt women living in Afghanistan enjoyed having their clitoris surgically removed either. Leftists do not care about women in Afghanistan, and never did. Slandering the Conservative agenda is much much more important than human rights, to human-scum like Eric Margolis...
Update: A double-agent moonbat chimes in...
Wow. Knight of the Blue Revolution, that is the stupidest article I have ever read. It was probably you who wrote it. Whatever. One more thing, Eric is not a leftist or socialist. Eric, while I do not adhere to his political orientation, is a great journalist(something you will never know or be) and is a conservative. I mean for god's sake, he is a member of the republican party.Therefore, he is not leftist "scum". Posted by theking01
Update #2: Someone named Canuckistani is soundin' OFF! :)
Update #3: A stereotype moonbat tries to defend the left...
We are wiping the U.S's shit for them. Canada has no legitimate reason to be there[...!] As for Knight's personal slur of Eric reputation, Eric is an objective journalist, and a thoughtful caring person. What? He's not a Conservative anymore??? We all know the Right's(Wrong) strategy of killing the messenger because they can't intellectually refute the message. Posted by ghawley.
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