

It would seem that I've gotten the attention of EugenePlawiuk from over at the Gaunch Review blog. Actually, I'm OK with that seeing that it is, to use his own words, "AN UNABASHED LIBERTARIAN COMMUNIST BLOG"

Hmmm... So I've pissed off a communist... Cool!

Lets see what he has to say:

There are those on the rightwing of the blogosphere in Canada that think they can blissfully go on and on in a racist fashion and think it's funny. Worse they think it's defensible.I am refering the collective of mental midgets over at Cannuckistan Chronicles. The latest White Whing Wacist outburst in this case was posted by Richard, the Cannucklehead. Breaking News: Sand Monkeys and MoonBats Really Are That Dumb!Sand Monkeys. Whats next Rag Heads? Is it any less racist or offensive? No. But hey Richard the White Whing Wascist already has his excuse's ready for those of us offended by his racism.


Sure he would from the safety of his Canadian blogosphere. This mental midget thinks this clever comment clears him from being a hatemonger and racist. Far from it, it merely confirms he is unapologetic about his hatemongering and racism.But worse yet Richard literally palpitates with joy over the death of Tom Fox the Christian PeaceMaker. Richard says he deserved to die and his fellow Canadian and Brit comrades deserve to die too. The vitrol drools vindictively in his post.


These are far from rational well meaning folks whose politics differ from mine. They are rabid racist dogs of war. There is no reasoning with them. Nor should one try. Merely exposing them to the light of day may help them retreat back under the rock from whence they crawled with their cousins in the White Supremacist movement.

I'll let Eugene's comments stand on their own. The explaination re the term sand monkey is below as well as the rationelle for having no sympathy for those who aid and abett terrorists.

I do have one question for Eugene though: How is it that an unabashed libertarian communist can be making money from pop-up ads on his blog? Isn't that just a wee bit capitalist of him?