Postcard from Ontario

I'm glad to see you are recovering nicely from your birthday. So much recovered in fact that you are giving Wonder Woman a sabbatical. Tell her I'd be glad to run a post or two up her flagpole if she feels the need to salute.
Things are never boring here in Ontario Richard and the past few days are fine examples of this principle. I read today that you Albertans may be getting another energy rebate next year; us too... sort of. Premier Squinty came to my home town to announce that if you create environmentally friendly energy in your home, you can sell it to the grid. So, if I put a windmill in my back yard, besides all the free BBQ-able snacks it will whack out of the air, I can remove my house from the grid and/or sell any excess back to Ontario hydro - at an inflated price. How is his sane? However, I cant begin to tell you how excited this makes me Richard. I'm gonna save a bundle AND finally get that freeloading Hamster to contribute to the house.

He said he wants the job because he fears the threat of Quebec separation is poised to further divide Canada.Seperation will further divide Canada? Ya think?
But of course what he really means is Quebec didn't vote Liberal en masse last election, so that's bad for Canada.
Mr. MacIsaac also said he wants to run to bring his youth to the party and to end the "continuous mockery that's been allowed to take place of my party."Perhaps your party been made a mockery of, but a mockery taking it's place? What is a mockery? Some kind of small furry animal? And how has it taken place of your party?
"I've never in my life had any reason to speak my mind if I didn't think that I had something that was politically motivating me to do so."Huh?
If you are a Liberal supporter, you got to love this one from the guy who wants to be your leader:
Six or seven years - hooray. But not a good thing for a guy who wants to run the opposition to say. Would you vote for a guy who just gave the other side six or seven years? One last quote Richard, not because it's so good, but because it seque's so nicely into my next story:
He predicts Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives will stay in power for another six to seven years.
"I really think this time is the opportunity for me to put it out there that I'm not playing games."
Ah, games. Richard, as bad as it can be here in Ontario, it is so much worse in Toronto. The place is being run by lunatics. Every year the poor Toronto taxpayers go through this song and dance routine where they cut nothing, sell off some assets and beg the Feds and the provincial's for money. That is what the whole new deal for cities routine was about. It meant the City of Toronto could access more cash. They are completely out of control.
Case in point: They have developed a board game called "Balance the Budget" ostensibly to help
"engage residents" in the 2007 budget discussions and to "educate participants on the city's current financial health."That's right, the city can't balance the budget, so they'll make a game of it. And how much does this one cost the poor city of Toronto taxpayers?
Walker (councillor Michael Walker) suspects the costs have easily reached $100,000 and have involved as much as a year of staff time.Do you know Richard, when I read this one yesterday I just kind of laughed. But sitting here writing about, it is really infuriating. But always remember, this is the environment Jack Layton and Olivia Chow cut there teeth in. They are not nuts, just suffering from overexposure.
That's it for now, I gotta go get a small game licence so I can put up my windmill, and I have yet to figure out a way to put the cat on the grid, not to mention the kids...
As you can see I'm very busy so
having a Liberal time, wish I was there.
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