The Truth According To

Zionism is a form of Facism and Nazism which until very recently was classified as "Racist" by the United Nations. This classification was only overturned by pressure from United States at a UN conference in South Africa.
Zionism represents the biggest threat to world peace today.
This cartoon represents the fact that modern day "Israel" was built on stolen land. The Palestinian people who had welcomed Jew's as guests were turfed out of their homes and lands by these same people.
Over the years the Zionists have attempted to classify the Palestinians as terrorists and as outsiders in their own lands. However ask yourself the question; How would you feel if you were thrown out of your home today so as to satisfy a racist Zionist belief that 1000's years before, the Jews lived in this land.
The Palestinian people welcomed the Jews and have no problem living with the Jews, the fact is the Zionists want to live in a "pure Jewish" land, literally a modern form of Fascism and Nazism.
Crossposted to North American Patriot
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