
Why are we supporting head-choppers?

I’m having a real hard time with trying to be ‘conscious’ of others rights. The continual drumbeat from the nutcase fanatic head-choppers from that ‘religion of peace’ just makes me more determined that their so-called rights do NOT supersede anyone else’s!
It’s bad enough that we have morons with zero religious training appointing themselves as learned religious scholars (or imams, if you prefer) just because they know how to read … well, read but not comprehend, obviously. But when they’re given a voice by absolute idiots like the leftards on the Alberta Human Remains Coots ... well … I sure wish they’d get back to whining about the treatment aborigines receive with our tax dollars.
Using our tax dollars to allow muslitards to sue people that they disagree with just violates every principle I remember learning in civics classes. One of the things I’ve always pointed out as being better in Canada is the whole loser pays legal system  ... it stops frivolous lawsuits and the idiot kind of tort law we are afflicted with.  Allowing dipshit leftard groups like the AHRCC to fund lawsuits changes that whole dynamic … now it’s taxpayers forced to subsidize points of view differences.
I thought it was bad enough that the left-leaning idiots in Ottawa went the idiotic “hate speech” route … but allowing muslim morons to define magazine articles as hate is just so far beyond the pale …
You want to talk hate speech … how about inciting your followers to murder non-believers? That is worse than anything Ernst Zundel was accused of … in fact, if it were a Christian that were inciting other Christians to murder muslims, he’d have been in jail before he could catch his next breath,. But these head choppers don’t incite ... they command. It’s not hate speech … it’s pure bloody hate … and accessory to any killing that happens.
If the Alberta Human Remains and Citizenship Clowns held any values at all … they would be fighting to have this jackass deported instead of defended!
I normally shrug off the constant flow of requests for financial support … but this one I plan to respond to. The Western Standard should be congratulated for having the fortitude to report … instead of simply trying to brainwash the unwashed as so much of our media does. It is disgusting that public funds will be used to take the magazine to court, and it is doubly disgusting that private funds will be necessary to defend such an action. I guess this is the result of Canada being a ‘civilized’ country while the savage and uncivilized ‘religion of peace’ – washed in blood and gore – is free to use the tools of civilization against it. I’m starting to believe that we should adopt their methodology to defeat them. Unbelievers and criminals like these head-choppers should not be accorded any rights at all, and should be chased from our shores back to sand-land!.