

U.S. Moves against Cuba under Fire
Pyongyang, April 19, 2006 (KCNA) -- The Cuban people are adhering to the revolutionary principles and resolutely destroying the economic blockades of the imperialist reactionaries against Cuba, by floating rafts to Florida... closely rallied around Fidel Castro in defiance of the anti-Cuban moves to which the U.S. imperialists are clinging persistently, like Cubans "cling persistently" on a raft to Florida...failing to draw a proper lesson from their miserable defeat in the past, declares Minju Joson in a signed article today. It always goes on: The anti-U.S. armed struggle of the Cuban people known as the Playa Giron battle in history has clearly showed that no one on earth can be a match to a people tightly holding arms. I wasn't aware people with tightly held arms were so powerful. The Cuban people are smashing at every step the anti-Cuban and anti-socialist moves of the imperialist reactionaries in the staunch anti-imperialist and anti-U.S. spirit they displayed in routing the enemy in those days and reliably defending the motherland, revolution and socialism. It must be noted that the Cuban government and people have paid deep attention to tightening political ties with the "leftist powers" that have made appearance one on the heel of the other in the Latin American region in recent years. By developing friendly and cooperative relations with such countries aspiring after socialism as Venezuela and Bolivia, they are forming an anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. front and striking a blow at the dominationist moves of the U.S. to reduce the Latin American region to its "quiet backyard". Kinda like South Korea regards North Korea as it's "dark backyard"... The Cuban people are extending invariable support and solidarity to the struggle of the Korean people to reunify the country and build a great prosperous powerful nation, shattering at every step the maneuvers of the U.S. imperialists to launch a war of aggression, holding aloft the banner of socialism in the East. The Korean people are glad to be with the Cuban people in one and the same trench of the anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. struggle. Well, North Korea and Cuba ARE in the "same trench"... It is an unshakable stand of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government to go always hand in hand with the Cuban people in the fight against the common enemy... Success. We believe that the Cuban people will surely emerge victorious in the anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. struggle. A Cuban victory is an American citizenship...