
Thursday Morning Giggles

Found these at Townhall.com

“It is time for those of us who are tired of the diversity movement to come
up with our own definition of racism. Racism is best defined as a pathological
tendency to interject race into situations where it is not relevant, merely for
personal gain."

“Some people think I am opposed to the National Day of Silence. That
isn’t true. There’s nothing like a day without homosexual whining. Right now,
I’m trying to talk them into a National Year of Silence.”

“When I am hunting and I know I see a deer in the brush, I pull the
trigger. When I know it is a human, I hold my fire. When I don’t know, I also
hold my fire. The feminist who doesn’t know whether a fetus is a person, has the
abortion anyway. In other words, she just pulls the trigger. Nonetheless,
feminists still feel they are morally superior to hunters.”

“Men are fully capable of masturbating without taking a seminar. For
men, it’s a natural talent. For campus feminists, it’s another excuse to seek
funding from the university administration.”

“Feminists often justify abortion by saying that the procedure is no
different than picking a scab. That’s when I start asking questions. I often ask
feminists about a film I saw of a fetus in the so-called first trimester of
development. The baby was yawning, rubbing its eyes, and even rolling around and
playing in the womb. I like to ask feminists whether they have ever seen a scab

Read more Mike Adams quotes here [click]