The MSM and lib-left up here in Canada have been getting their panties all in a bunch (Jason C provides us with one of the better examples) these past few days and it's amusing to watch. What's their boggle? Well, the idea that the media is now being barred from a military ceremony where the bodies of our fallen soldiers are turned over to their families. Repatriation. Their whole argument is that we're not respecting our soldiers or their families by making these changes.
Ok, so what's really the problem?
In a word (two actually): Cindy Sheehan
Canada's MSM and lib-left is trying to pull a Cindy and the opportunity is being taken from them. They're pissed that they can't use 4 flag-covered caskits as the backdrop for their editorialising on the evils of war.
Now you've got to be saying to yourself that this is a reasonable thing to do right? Who would politicize the death of a soldier? Well, the old Liberal government did it for 12 years. They made things easy for the MSM. Quick photo-ops and sound-bytes with little or no effort. All of this gave our moonbat lib-left more than enough anti-war ammunition. Why do you think our soldiers were called "peacekeepers" instead of soldiers? Because the MSM and lib-left did such a good mind-f**k on the public that it wasn't politically correct to have "soldiers" anymore.
Like Cindy dry-humping her sons grave with hundreds of cameras behind her, our own politicians and lib-left were screwing our fallen sons to further their own political goals.

Think I'm full of shit? Lets ask Jack Layton.
You see, 'ol Jack is the leader of Canada's NDP. The NDP is the furthest left of all political parties who have seats in our Parliment. Not long ago, 'ol Jack didn't seem to have a problem with sending our troops to Afganistan. When it was a Liberal government that did the sending. Now that we have a Conservative government in power it seems that Jack's had a change of heart. No sooner than our new Parliment began sitting, Jack started screaming that we had to re-assess our position on Afganistan. That we had to bring oursoldiers peacekeepers home. His reasoning? Dead soldiers.
Did Jack have the change of heart because he figured out that we were actually at war and that soldiers die fighting war? Nope. He had the change of heart because he knew he could use the issue to score points against the new Conservative government.
The new Conservative government clued-in in a hurry and these changes are the result. No more media on the tarmack during the repatriation ceromonies. They're not going to allow Canada's MSM and lib-left to "spin" the deaths of our soldiers indiscriminately any more.
Understand this: The Conservative government isn't using dead soldiers as a political football, they're preventing others from using dead soldiers as a political football!
This, in my mind, is showing true respect to our fallen heros and their families. Our soldiers seem to agree.
SDA has two great posts on the issue. Here and here. C-junk has great commentary on the parallel and closely related "flag-flap" and AGWN has gleaned some not-too-surprising comments from the lib-left.
Welcome to Cannuckistan Eh!
Ok, so what's really the problem?
In a word (two actually): Cindy Sheehan
Canada's MSM and lib-left is trying to pull a Cindy and the opportunity is being taken from them. They're pissed that they can't use 4 flag-covered caskits as the backdrop for their editorialising on the evils of war.
Now you've got to be saying to yourself that this is a reasonable thing to do right? Who would politicize the death of a soldier? Well, the old Liberal government did it for 12 years. They made things easy for the MSM. Quick photo-ops and sound-bytes with little or no effort. All of this gave our moonbat lib-left more than enough anti-war ammunition. Why do you think our soldiers were called "peacekeepers" instead of soldiers? Because the MSM and lib-left did such a good mind-f**k on the public that it wasn't politically correct to have "soldiers" anymore.
Like Cindy dry-humping her sons grave with hundreds of cameras behind her, our own politicians and lib-left were screwing our fallen sons to further their own political goals.

Think I'm full of shit? Lets ask Jack Layton.
You see, 'ol Jack is the leader of Canada's NDP. The NDP is the furthest left of all political parties who have seats in our Parliment. Not long ago, 'ol Jack didn't seem to have a problem with sending our troops to Afganistan. When it was a Liberal government that did the sending. Now that we have a Conservative government in power it seems that Jack's had a change of heart. No sooner than our new Parliment began sitting, Jack started screaming that we had to re-assess our position on Afganistan. That we had to bring our
Did Jack have the change of heart because he figured out that we were actually at war and that soldiers die fighting war? Nope. He had the change of heart because he knew he could use the issue to score points against the new Conservative government.
The new Conservative government clued-in in a hurry and these changes are the result. No more media on the tarmack during the repatriation ceromonies. They're not going to allow Canada's MSM and lib-left to "spin" the deaths of our soldiers indiscriminately any more.
Understand this: The Conservative government isn't using dead soldiers as a political football, they're preventing others from using dead soldiers as a political football!
This, in my mind, is showing true respect to our fallen heros and their families. Our soldiers seem to agree.
SDA has two great posts on the issue. Here and here. C-junk has great commentary on the parallel and closely related "flag-flap" and AGWN has gleaned some not-too-surprising comments from the lib-left.
Welcome to Cannuckistan Eh!
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