Carnival of Pedophiles 2.0
You continue to willfully ignore that not all pedophiles touch children. Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Not all pedophiles are self-serving freaks who will abuse children just to get off, and none of them choose to have this condition. But thanks for the compassion and empathy, "LFR." It's only to be expected from a homophobe.
Posted by: Jillium April 24, 2006 at 05:18 PM
Crake, don't worry about those comments. You have an excellent blog, but a BLog will obviously come under a lot of criticism. Richard, we may be using similar arguments to homosexuals - the homosexuals were right. There is nothing wrong with what they do and they managed to educate the public effectively.
Posted by: BLueRibbon April 25, 2006 at 03:44 AM
Personally if you guys don't believe children need to be encouraged or empowered to excell, then you are the child molestors.
Posted by: Crake April 25, 2006 at 08:06 PM
*sigh* I just don't get it :S I just don't understand why so many people can't see that paedophilia is, er, normal, not harmful, and at the end of the day perfectly OK. Listen. I know, that all your life you've been fed news stories of paedophiles commiting such attrocities as raping, killing, beating etc until you were foaming at the mouth. I know that you're by far in the majority and it's oh so easy to hide as a face in the crowd and not have to bother with radical changes of viewpoint. But I urge you to look at this from our point of view. I swear, this is not about acceptance of underage sex. Well, OK. It is. But not primarily. Primarily it is about dealing with the psychological problems inherent in being born a paedophile in today's society.
Of course i could not leave sex out of this just in case you accuse me of backstabbing or some such nonsense. I'm just trying to break everything to you in the least painful way possible. Quite frankly, ths is a seperate issue that requires a far more lengthy comment to address. Besides, I'd prefer to deal with pure acceptance first (i.e. not getting hanged upon coming out etc). We'll screw your heads with the underage sex is ok thing later. But for noow...yeah sure, I'll admit, I want it. With selected boys under 13 years old. So friggin hawt *sweats* *loosens collar*. however for now I will simply state that I know very well that I could never take the same attitude to sex as you guys can. simple as that. good moral judgement comes into play. sorry if you believe underage sex is wrong full stop. sound slimy? sorry. I guess you think I'm off to lynch/date rape the next unsuspecting child to come wandering past my front door now. well, uh, if you say so. I personally find your own sexual activities just as mucosal.
Posted by: ezekiel23 April 28, 2006 at 06:39 PM
"Blogging child molesters"I'd be quite pissed off if I wasn't already numb to such bullshit as this. Do you honestly beleive that anyone with such an interest in children is automatically guilty of commiting a horrid crime?What's even more disturbing is how you seem to have bestowed upon yourself the duty to insult, attack and blatantly lie about these people. Why is it that you can accuse people of commiting horrific crimes, insult their blogs and writing, and imply that they are actively deceitful, yet YOU consider yourself so superior that you can label them "Filth" afterwards?In my honest oppinion, you need to do some more research - the kind that perverted justice would never bother with.Andrew Homepage 04.25.06 - 9:22 am #
LOL! You guys are the sick ones! We pedophiles shall continue to exist no matter what you all do! We have been a part of human society since its beginnings. Did you forget that Greece was a thriving BL culture?And when you think about it you guys have tried to stamp out BLs and pedophiles for so long now. Apprently nature abhors a vaccum because now female school teachers are turning pedophile! Female Pedophiles like myself are going to like me are going to have fun while you gusy go looking behind bushes and catholic church pews for BLs. and you know whats really sad? You guys encourage women like me.CrystaCrysta 04.25.06 - 6:10 pm #
Bigotry and hatred will get you nowhere. If you want to comment on us, first try to understand us. Otherwise you're just repeating the same senseless mistake that humans have made for eons.Twilight_Sky Homepage 04.29.06 - 6:17 pm #
Emphasis mine. It amazes me how these individuals try to justify their positions. "We're born this way" "It's a sexual orientation" "You have to try to understand us" Right. Whatever.
They didn't confine their whining to the comments sections either. They put their own posts up which is where we're going to start this weeks carnival...
First up is a blog called "Artless Truth" run by an individual called "one45". Here's a look at what "one45" has as some short-term goals:
This summer will be time not only to figure out what that thesis will be and what grad schools to apply to, but also time to rediscover myself, and what better way than to rejoin old friends and work with kids? I need to hold onto this, look towards the brighter future and finish the drudgery that lies between.Emphasis mine. When he's not thinking about kids, he's helping other pedophiles avoid being caught looking at kiddie-porn:
I guess I’ve always wondered how many hits I’d get if I was mentioned on the major russian boy porn board… no wait, I really didn’t. But it is interesting. I was averaging between 150-250 unique visits per day. It jumped to over 900 yesterday, and already over 800 today. Well, I hope they enjoy the cleaner images on this site. I don’t think that viewing CP is a good idea at all. It can get you jail time and all sorts of trouble. Plus over half of it was produced in abusive situations for profit, e.g. the Blue Orchid tapes, produced by these guys: boyfuckers. It would be really useful if that page were translated to english, but here’s a mechanical translation by babelfish. Although in some cases, I will admit the question is more one of legalities than morals, either way it’s not a good idea. On the other hand, it is very much another criminalized addiction.
The issue here is not really whether it is right or wrong, but how to stop it. There are two major ways, depending on what your orientation is. If you are strictly attracted to boys, then fulfillment can be found in legal forms, including boy photography, where you get a much more rounded aesthetic appreciation of the boy as well. The shift may be gradual, from porn to naturist films to naturist pictures to speedos and so forth. As with any addiction the key is to set a schedule and try and stick to it, but not bring yourself down for minor deviations from it. It’s still something you will have to keep secret and will likely feel shame, but there is the legal issue is addressed...
Well, isn't that special...
Next up we have a blog called "my silent war". Here's a choice quote:
A chronicle of my struggle for the acceptance and understanding of the paedophiles like myself, who would NEVER abuse a child.Pay attention to that statement because it seems to be one of the main planks of their argument for acceptance. We'll address that one in next weeks post. For right now though, lets look at what this individual has to say about last weeks post:
You have to wonder what it must feel like, to be so steeped in prejudice and hatred, that you force yourself to lie about people, accusing them of commiting actions that would in reality make them sick, and encourage utter hatred to be directed at them. Does hatred feel good? Does it cause some kind of euphoria? Is it enjoyable to slag people off because you don't understand them?I sure hope notYup, I'm prejudiced against child molesters. I have a great deal of hatred for them.
That's a good thing.
Finally we've got one called "Altering Perceptions". All I have to say is HolyCrap!
March 15, 2006
Filed under: Boylove
I seem to go through phases with this online stuff. Sometimes I feel like blogging and participating on BLOC and all the other stuff, and other times I just want to disappear. The last week or so has been like that. Maybe more than a week. I’m back now, somewhat at least. Trying to figure out why I go through these phases. Its not like I don’t enjoy all the online stuff…I honestly love it. I just get burned out on it for some reason. I get tired of talking and want to do something for a boy. Want to actually help a boy, because that in some way helps me.
March 16, 2006
Late nights
Filed under: Boylove
Matt is on spring break, which he calls “March break”. Which should mean chatting till late at night, but then of course Mom has to go to bed. Stupid women.
March 20, 2006
Hard Decisions
Filed under: Boylove
I have been wrestling with myself over the last few weeks over my relationship with my syf. I guess this is the reason for my sporadic posting. I am at a crossroads, and don’t know which way to turn.
I have reached a point in my relationship where I am keenly aware of the damage I could cause to this young man, both emotionally and psychologically. It is a heavy burden, as Im sure all of you know. He desperately wants to take our relationship further. But he is at an age where his emotions are in a constant turmoil, thanks to puberty, and I greatly fear that what he thinks he wants at this moment will change. I fear that whatever I decide now, he is likely to hate me for it later.
March 22, 2006
Filed under: Boylove
Life fucking sucks. There, I said it. What would I do if I was deeply in love with a boy, and another boy decided to do everything he can to destroy that? Even if it meant destroying both me and the boy I love? Stay tuned…
March 24, 2006
Fun Day
Filed under: Personal
This morning I went and picked up my stepson from rehab. Fun fun. I don’t know if the whole thing worked for him or not, but I’m hoping. It was a court-ordered rehab, which makes no sense to me. How do you order someone to change? Thats American justice for you.
March 31, 2006
The Past
Filed under: Boylove
Isn’t it funny how the past always comes back to haunt you? You make mistakes everyone does. But those mistakes never go away, do they? No matter how well things seem to be going, those old mistakes will come back and bite you right on the ass.
Emphasis mine. Sometimes, some things just make you shake your head. This is one of those times I think. Oh, if anyone is wondering, "syf" stands for "special young friend" in pedophile speak. I found a great glossary of the terms they use here: click.
These people are out there. They wan't your children. They're using the same arguments made by homosexuals to try to gain acceptance. They don't deny it and they feel that it's perfectly normal. Think about it for a while.
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