A little review: A couple of the "45 declared goals for the takeover of America" (Written in 1958)
Here's what the CBE say's about the sculptures:
I don't know where they got that description but it sure seems to fit the socialist / secular progressive view of the world.
Upon further thought though that description seems to be exactly the sort of thing that would be put up by an organisation subjected to goal #17:

This is why my kids go to a charter school. The more the influence of the CBE can be minimised, the better...
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."A quick look around downtown Calgary gives us this, as it sits on the Grounds of the Calgary Board of Education (CBE):
Family of Man

These sculptures were specifically commissioned for that part of Britain's Pavilion at Expo 67 which portrayed Britain responding to the challenge of the world problems and meeting international responsibilities. They were conceived and designed by Mario Armengol, who aimed to inspire two moods - an immediate reaction to man dominating and then a contradictory feeling of insignificance and dependence.(emphasis mine)
The sculptures, despite their height of 21 feet, are unmistakably human - naked, raceless, expressionless men and women. They are placed in groups, hands extended in gestures of fellowship and goodwill.
I don't know where they got that description but it sure seems to fit the socialist / secular progressive view of the world.
Upon further thought though that description seems to be exactly the sort of thing that would be put up by an organisation subjected to goal #17:
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.A socialist school board embraces and promotes socialist art. They've even made it their offical logo.

This is why my kids go to a charter school. The more the influence of the CBE can be minimised, the better...
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