
The Homosexual / Pedophile Link

In relation to having the age of sexual consent raised to 16...

AGWN is begining to get it:
The only thing that is different is that 14- and 15-year-olds are off limits to adults.

And then it stuck me. Is this what the gay lobby is really upset about?

Are gay relationships skewed more heavily towards adults having sex with young teens? Is this law really discriminatory, in that the majority of heterosexual relationships are not going to be affected, but a significant portion of homosexual ones will?

I was leery of putting this up until I saw this post on rabble:

A very interesting point came up in the comments thread of AGWN's post re the nature/nurture argument. If homosexuals are born gay, why does the practice / concept need to be taught to children before they reach the age of 16?

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm......

Update - One of Canada's biggest moonbats, Robert McClellan, of "My Blahg", also posted on the issue of raising the age for sexual consent to 16:
Let’s make one thing clear about this legislation to raise the age of consent. It is an example of conservative nanny statism.
That's all he wrote and frankly I expected more of a rant from him. His comments thread makes up for it though:

8 Comments Add your own
  1. Alex Sloat Says:

    What is your opinion in general of age-of-consent laws, where would you set the limits on them,. and at what point does it become nannystateism? There is obviously a point where it’s gone too far(e.g., legislation banning premarital sex - I doubt you’d find a single Conservative in favour of that one), but is banning 14-75 sex really it?

    (For the record, I’m rather apathetic about this law - it’s certainly not going to be a great achievement of this government. I’m just curious about your opinions on it, given that you’re making a pretty strong claim about it.)

  2. Anti Socialist Canadian Says:


    You have to keep in mind that this is a SOCIALIST blog. These people AGREE with Svend’s open support of NAMBLA.

  3. Ti-Guy Says:

    Oh, f**k off you f**king pig.

    Enough of this arselhole, Robert. I dont need to read this blog and see people being accused of pedophilia like this.

    F**k you and your whore mother, Anti-Social.

  4. Ti-Guy Says:

    I hope you in the army, Anti-Social, and will be deployed soon to Afghanistan. Once there, I hope you’re killed.

    The world will be better off if you’re dead. Sorry, if that’s sounds mean, but..there it is. You are the most revolting person I’ve ever met.

  5. Paladiea Says:

    These people AGREE with Svend’s open support of NAMBLA.

    Now there’s libel if I ever saw it.

  6. Ti-Guy Says:

    Do you think Aunty cares? Without libel, s/he’s got nothing.

  7. Andrew Says:

    If nanny statism is criminalizing 40 year olds having sex with 14 year olds (while allowing near-in-age couples to do what they want), then I guess I can handle a bit of it.

  8. Ti-Guy Says:

    Of course. With Conservatives, it’s always about f**king…every day, all day.

    With the close-in-age exemption, this legislation doesn’t bother me. But I’ll never, ever forgive the Conservatives for accusing people of pedophilia over this issue. They’ll rot in Hell for that.

    Now, let’s sit and wonder what other issue involving fucking the Conservatives will now get simultaneously moist and hysterical over…

(edited for Ti-Guy's profanity)

One really has to wonder if our friend Ti-Guy isn't protesting too much. What is it that would cause him to react so violently to the idea that little kids are now sexually off limits to adults? I can understand Robert's take on the legislation change because he is, after all, a communist who want's to destroy western society. Ty-Guy on the other hand just exploded to the point where he is wishing someone dead.

I've been banned from commenting over at the Blahg, could maybe some of you kind folks wander over there and ask Ti-Guy if he has a vested interest in continuing to allow adults to have sex with 14 year old kids? Pretty please?