Shootin' Off My Mouth
Well, I guess I've gone and done it. Before I disappeared on a little journey last week, I sent Richard a postcard in which I opined that maybe, just maybe, the Stanley Cup was won, and it was going somewhere a little farther south than say... Edmonton:
Then the bloody Oilers go and do the unthinkable, they refuse to die. And of course, someone had to call me on it, one of my fellow bloggers from right here at Let Freedom Reign none the less. Yes, KnightofGoodMrIronMan from none other than Edmonton Alberta had this to say:
But I said what I said, and I'm prepared to put my blog where my keyboard is. So here it is KnightofGoodMrIronMan. If the Oilers win tomorrow night, I will put the Oilers Logo (right) at or near the top of my blog until the Stanley Cup has been won in 2008. If they lose, you put the
Leafs logo on yours (left).
So what do you say KnightofGoodMrIronMan? You on?
Well on Tuesday the Edmonton Oilers announced they where conceding defeat to the Carolina Hurricanes. Now that's not, admittedly, exactly what they said, but what they did say, " Dwayne Roloson is out for the remainder," amounts to the same thing.I beg forgiveness for this sin, and offer this by way of sad pathetic excuse. I am from Southern Ontario. Have lived here since the age of three. Maple Leaf country, you see. And here in Maple Leaf country, when the team is down 2 -0, and the back-up goalie has the call the rest of the way, well "announced they where conceding defeat" is what you get.
Then the bloody Oilers go and do the unthinkable, they refuse to die. And of course, someone had to call me on it, one of my fellow bloggers from right here at Let Freedom Reign none the less. Yes, KnightofGoodMrIronMan from none other than Edmonton Alberta had this to say:
"now that the Stanley Cup is over"OK Mr. KnightofGoodMrIronMan, you guys have done your bit - you have made me watch hockey in 30 degree heat, 2 days before the summer solstice, the only NHL hockey I have watched in three years, I'll have you know. And I'll tell you something else Mr. KnightofGoodMrIronMan, here in Ontario we know from teams that have run out of gas, what with the Leafs doing it every year, and the Hurricanes look out of gas.
*snicker* Perhaps outside of Northern Alberta...

So what do you say KnightofGoodMrIronMan? You on?
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