
I Wan't To Go Back!

How do you un-learn that which you've learned? How do you un-see that which you've seen?

I wan't it erased. All of it! I don't want to know what I know any longer.

I don't want to know that Communism is still alive and well in a lighter version called progressive secularism.

I don't want to know that those who practice progressive secularism are lying about it.

I don't want to know that a large portion of the North American population has bought into the lies.

I don't want to know that we've allowed the progressives to slowly erode away at North American society. That we're to blame because our own apathy allowed them to do it.

I want to go back to my bubble. Pre 9-11. Back to ignorance of the left, their tactics and their goals. Back to where my biggest worry was whether or not I had enough gas for the BB-Q.

But I can't. Because, to quote Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."