Looks Like an Invitation - Updated
Rally to protest Israeli aggression in the middle east
Upcoming Events › Rally to protest Israeli aggression in the middle east
- Monday, July 17, 2006, 7:00 PM 20060718T010000Z
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From: CanPalNet Calgary
Dear friends and fellow activists,
As you know, the situation in the Middle East is deteriorating fast. Israel's disproportionate response has killed over a hundred Lebanese civilians, and destroyed much of Lebanon's infrastructure, including airports, roads, communications, and electricity. Our prime minister considers this "defensive" response to the kidnapping of two soldiers to be "measured". Meanwhile, 8 Canadians have died from Israeli airstrikes.
We wish to assemble not only to protest American support of Israel, but also our own prime minister's.
The rally will be taking place in front of the American consulate (1st st, 7th ave SE), at 7pm on Monday, July 17. Bring banners, flags, signs, noisemakers, candles, etc.
We can expect that the usual handful of hecklers will come out - Please ignore them. They feel validated by the confrontation they provoke, and without it, they will get bored and leave.
Feel free to circulate this email to ensure that as many people as possible know about this. If you have friends without email, give them a ring.
With hopeful hearts,
Canpalnet calgary.
http://peace.meetup.com/r/user/0/0/0/http://www.canpalnetcalgary.ca/- More information:
Looks like I've got a date for 7PM seeing that they're already expecting me...
UPDATE - Alrightythen! - Click for larger images -
Here's what I saw when I wandered up to the protest:

Some shots from in behind. The group featured in the 1st picture was the most vocal.

Some media was still there when I showed up. Don't think I'll be making the news though. After getting a those pics, I decided to set up on the leading corner and get a few more before I brought my sign into view.

Here's a pic of the sort of signs they were waving.

It was time to raise my sign. At this point, I've got to explain the sign I took to this little adventure because it was responsible for some good humor. It has different messages on each side.

On the other side (side 2), we have this:
As I was on the leading edge of the crowd I had side 2 facing the oncoming traffic. Side 1 was facing the crowd. You wouldn't believe the nice comments I was getting from the terrorist supporters for what they read on side 1. I have no idea why, but they couldn't seem to figure out that side 1 was actually in support of war. Maybe they thought that terrorism didn't fall into any of those categories. Stupid terrorist supporters.
All the while side 2 was telling the passing traffic to ignore the moonbats and terrorist supporters. I was smiling and waving and having a great time because the terrorist supporters didn't know any better and the moonbats (who know me and were warned to ignore me) didn't tip anyone off to what I was doing. (That's where the good humor comes in.) It was cool while it lasted but then things started breaking up and some of the terrorist supporters saw what was on the other side of the sign as they were leaving. They didn't seem happy.
Being a smart little bastard, I figured that pissing off the whole group of terrorist supporters wasn't in my best interest (I was all alone) and decided that it was time to skidaddle.
After answering a few questions as to where I actually stood on the issue (they didn't like my answers) I was back in my Jeep and headed home.
The evening was altoghether uneventful but still productive. The MoonBats and terrorist supporters know that their drivel won't go unchallanged. The MoonBats knew this already, judging by the reference to "hecklers" in their e-mail and it's good to keep them on their toes. The terrorist supporters didn't however and now they do. It's also served to let me know what I'll be up against when they do it again this Friday at 3:00pm.
PS I'm looking for some volunteers who are willing to join me in the counter protest at that same time...
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