
The MoonBat PlayBook

Have a look at what Anne Coulter say's about the NYT here:
"Today, Times editors and columnists are doing what liberals always do when they're caught red-handed committing treason: They scream that they're being "intimidated" before hurling more invective."
And then compare it to the rantings over at the Blahg:
Ti-Guy Says:

This seems coordinated. Janke writes that post, Kate shows up at Prog-Blogs and Richard Evans went gunning for me yesterday and today (despite, as far as I know, not having anything to do with him since January).

I think the proto-fascists have adopted the tactic we’re seeing quite bit in the States and which the Deb Frisch/Count Cockula affaire illustrated so well this weekend….bloggity-blah being re-directed into material threats of actual people. That’s what the rethuglicans do, after all, and the CPC supporters are following the script.

Janke’s smear implied that you posed a material threat to his child. That’s a complete fabrication.

My, my, my... It's all a conspiricy intended to intimidate. {Snicker}

It's nice to see that the MoonBats in Canada and the US are consistant in their approaches. Or maybe the Canadian MoonBats aren't bright enough to come up with their talking points...