Another Useless U.N. Deadline Passes This Afternoon...
Don't get me wrong here, I know we care about the issue itself. Iranian nukes would be not-too-pretty-good. What I'm asking is if we care that it's being addressed by a completely ineffective UN security council. We already know what's going to happen. Any tough sanctions brought forward in the Security Council are going to be vetoed by either Russia, China or those pussies from France. Any minor sanctions that get imposed are going to turn into another scandal ie Oil For Food, Sex For Food and the more recent assistance "neutral" UN Observers were giving to Hezbollah sandmonkey-jihadists in Lebanon.
So why even bother?
From Fox News:
"We think that this first resolution should send a substantial signal to the Iranian regime that this is serious business and that the international community means what it says," McCormack said.
Britain's U.N. ambassador said this week the Security Council will need until mid-September before acting on its threat to punish Iran.
It is not clear how far the effort will go. Russia and China, which can veto action at the Security Council, have counseled patience and said they do not support severe punishments.
If Iran misses the deadline, then talks should begin about how to implement steps previously agreed upon by foreign ministers, including those of Russia and China, said John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
The United States has sought economic and political sanctions on Iran for some two years and has slowly built an international coalition to do so. The Bush administration has argued that targeted sanctions could be persuasive because they would pinch Iran financially and bruise the national ego.
Iran's president urged Europe against following the lead of the United States, saying Wednesday that punishment would not deter Iran from pursuing its nuclear program.
"So it's better for Europe to be independent in decision-making and to settle problems through negotiations," hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, according to Iranian state-run television.
(emphasis mine)
So to paraphrase Mr. Almondjihad:
We're going to do what we want anyway so you Europeans may as well get on side with us and ignore the "Great Satan".And there's not one friggin' thing the UN will do about it...

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