Confused Says:
August 21st, 2006 at 9:25 pm | |Still trying to figure this stuff out…..
Progressives believe:
Conservatives, Bush and Jews are bad.
Palestinians, Islamic freedom fighters, and communists (like China) are good…
The first group are bad because they are war mongers and won’t let gay people marry.
The second group are good because they are fighting tyranny and won’t let gay people marry. In fact they would shoot/stone/behead gays on sight, married or not.
So the Gay belief isn’t all that important, because it seems to me that the evil righties at least tolerate them, whereas the good freedom fighter Islamicists reaction would be pretty extreme, to say the least.
So I don’t understand how these freedom fighter Islamicists can be considered by the left as “good” because they would prefer to kill all the gay people.
So we are just left with the warmonger part.
Now the fact that these Islamic freedom fighters stated goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel, “push them into the sea” if you will, but this doesn’t make them warmongers too. They just want their land back.
Now before Israel even existed, pre 1947, that land belonged to Syria, Jordan, (other countries too possibly, Egypt?), but there was no country named “Palestine”. The Palestinians just lived in these other countries. But none of these countries were “bad” because they were all Arabic countries and all Arabic countries are good. But we can’t blame Israel for it, because Israel didn’t even exist….
Can’t blame Bush for it, because he wasn’t even born yet (or was 1 year old at the time).
Can’t even blame the US for it, because they didn’t really have anything to do with it, they were occupied in Europe.
Can’t blame the UN for it, even though they created this new nation, everything the UN does is good, and they can’t do bad things either. Even though they created this new nation “Israel” and didn’t create a “Palestine”.
So all the nations around this new Israel immediately declare war and attack and get their butts kicked. (But they are not warmongers; it was all Israel’s fault). And Israel keeps some of their land.
Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian, decides he will become the leader of the Palestinians, and invents hijacking and the killing of civilians including women children and old men in wheelchairs. But he is a good guy, a freedom fighter killing the warmongers.
So they give him a Nobel peace prize. And he amasses a personal fortune approaching a billion dollars. Somehow. Although he never held a real job or owned a business a single day in his life. And he handled the flow of relief money to the Palestinian people. How can that be? Let’s just say he was creative. Too bad that none of that billion dollars ever went to help “his” people.
So now the Israelis have to endure constant bombings and killings but hey, they deserve it, they are warmongers who occupied other people’s lands. They can’t even build a fence to try to protect themselves because fences are bad. All because the Palestinians, who never had a country before, want one now. And its Israel’s fault.
Now Hezbollah (Iran) wants to wipe them off the face of the planet. They might be willing to give Palestine the leftovers, but what they really want is Israel to just disappear. They amassed a huge stockpile of weapons in Lebanon, and fling them across the border and occasionally cross over and kill Israelis. But that’s ok because they are not killing that many people, really. Plus they are Islamic freedom fighters and are good…..
So what is Israel supposed to do? Sit there and wait until they get bombed out of existence? How do they negotiate with other countries, groups, states-with-in a country that refuses to acknowledge their very existence?
What is your solution?
Sometimes those most confused really aren't...
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