
islamofascism comes from welfare abuse?

Apologies for being completely invisible lately. Here I am, just a short time from being able to retire (according to my company pension info, I can take full retirement in 18 months), and suddenly my workload has increased more than 100%. While I look on that as a positive ... I prefer to make a positive contribution in exchange for my paycheck … it hasn’t left me a whole lot of time to either read or contribute in BitLand. Not only haven’t I been able to keep up with the blogs, my 5 websites are suffering from nonupdateitis.

So, anyway, I find the kerfluffle going on in Britain right now interesting. Not quite for the same reason that many others seem to be interested, however. What caught my attention was that favorite sock-puppet of liberals – Welfare. Did anyone else notice the information about the couple that was involved? Probably so, since it appeared as though they were planning to use the baby in their quest for seventy-some virgins (does the baby get those too??) What caught my attention about the pair were the comments given, without any opprobrium at all, by relatives:

  • They were on welfare

  • After they got married, they moved to the projects

  • While in the projects, they were on welfare.
So, ok, they moved through the molasses of a public school education, into the world of “this country owes me a living,” and then into the world of breeders, and on into the world of “I have absolutely nothing but time on my hands so let’s think how we can reward this society for its care an attention.”

Don’t you find it exceedingly strange that people are wondering why second (or third) generation muslims don’t think of themselves as British? Why would they think of themselves as part of a society in which they take no part and contribute nothing except more tax burden? Like rats in the walls of a tenement, they are not part of the population, merely parasites. They feel no allegiance to the country or its citizens, because they have never had to earn the right to be citizens. They are given much more than necessities to survive, asked for nothing, and asked to adhere to nothing. And they have nothing but time on their hands. Like vandals who deface others property because they have nothing better to do, islamic/muslim fascists yammer to each other about how important they are and how unimportant those that provide for them are. Like dependant children who come to believe they contribute to the success of the family just by existing, the throngs of islamofascists among us have come to believe that our acceptance of them as immigrants has given them some worth.

As much as I blame those self-proclaimed prophets of islam for creating the culture of jihad, I blame the liberal "culture of welfare" for giving these fascist thugs the time to dream, plan and carry out their thuggery. If they were forced to become productive citizens instead of being permitted to be parasites, they wouldn’t have the time on their hands to listen to fake scholars exhort them to turn the clock back to pre-dark-age time. As long as EUrope and Canada allow the parasitism, it’s going to get worse instead of better. It’s time to put the last nails into the welfare coffin, and time to make these tax-suckers produce or return to the cesspools of the mid-east whence they came!

OK, sure, sometimes people need a helping hand when bad times come a’callin’ … and we should provide. We should provide dormitories. We should provide adequate meals. We should provide manual labor opportunities to pay for the roof and the food. We should provide just enough, and of quality as to make it desirable to get back on your feet. It’s the free ride that has placed us at this juncture … and we’re seeing the free ride wasn’t so free after all. Like the snake that bit the woman who took him in and healed him … we are now seeing that our charity is not THE answer … it is not even A answer … it s just plain misguided and wrong.