Persistant Buggers...
If you can't get a bomb on the plane, take the individual components for a bomb and assemble them in flight...

Just think, if the terrorist problem were solved, we wouldn't have all of these extra security measures...
Update: "Girl On The Right" sez what I've been thinking this am:

Just think, if the terrorist problem were solved, we wouldn't have all of these extra security measures...
Update: "Girl On The Right" sez what I've been thinking this am:
Ok. Enough now. Time to pull the plug on overseas funding for mosques, Hezbollah demonstrations, blind hook-handed preachers, and the Koran. It's time to start flying the English flag at Heathrow again, and arresting anyone who calls it offensive. Because if the country's flag offends you, you're up to no good. It's time to stop crying about the fucking "backlash" that doesn't really exist. It's time to start raiding the mosques and rounding up anyone with the word "smite" on their lips. Because make no mistake: these bastards will not be happy until they smite us all.
I'm going to go grab some tums, and some of the scotch the boss keeps in his desk for Christmas. and I'll come back later to talk about all things fluffy and pink. Because up until 30 minutes ago, I was having a fluffy pink morning.
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