
Right, meet the middle ground...

  1. Canadiaan Says:

    Yes, I’m a Canadian, but I am a very limited democrat. Which is to say that “democracy” is only a method of making decisions, not an end in itself, and it legitimately only applies–maybe–to a very few delimited things. And, democracy uber alles is a recipe for disaster. My “rights” are not anyones to put up for a vote…they’re mine, period, and they are not permissions for someone else to grant or remove.

    What the majority thinks doesn’t mean much to me, and it means nothing to me when it comes to how I run my business, who I can sleep with, what I choose to smoke, whether or not I choose to own a gun, what doctor I want to see or where I want to see him/her, whether and/or how and about what I can deal with someone in my neighbourhood or a different country, or how much or how little I want to pay someone to work for me, or earn working for someone else…for only a few examples.

    I lived in BC long enough to watch polite leftist democrats trash a thriving economy, not once but a few times, and in a period of a couple of short years each time. I’ve seen polite feminist leftist democrats attempt to make illegal my male-orented porn while attempting to elevate their female-oriented porn as works of revolutionary art. Another example: I think leftist unions are “democratic collectives” designed to take over companies, not build them, and they are designed specifically to fix prices, restrain trade and prevent competition.

    In short, I think leftist democratic activism in Canada is very often and exactly a “sneaky, ideologically motivated attempt at seizing political control.” I’m old enough to remember how the left in Canada glossed over or simply lied to explain away the horrendous abuses of the Soviet and Chinese Communists, let alone Pol Pot–and the only threats (to my life, property and/or health of me and my family) I have ever received for political activism of my own have come from the left.

    I understand exactly why DWest says “if lefties had their way, your freedoms would ultimately be cut in half, and then progressively more, and more… and more.” History is full of such examples coming from the left. The right is equally fucked up, you understand, but about somewhat different things.

    Now you may understand why, as gentle and willing to be neighbourly as I am and wish to be, that I am not a “centrist”.

I read the blahg quite a bit to keep abreast of the moonbats and this is one of the best things I've seen pop up there... (ps: ignore the number on the quote, firefox somehow thinks it's a new bullet point and assigns it a new number. The original is 177)