Running For Terry Fox
I raised $250 dollars for this years Terry Fox Run, $135 from donations by people who read this blog (or At Home in Hespeler).
I ran the full 5K for the first time, my only stops occurring due to traffic jams. My son ran instead of biked this year, and while he walk/ran the first half with Lady Hespeler, he got bored about halfway through, and was only about 2 minutes behind me at the end.
Thank you to all who donated, linked to my donation page or woke up this morning and thought, "hey Terry Fox day, that blogger guy is running."
It is not too late to donate to the Terry Fox foundation, where 87 cents of every dollar raised goes to Cancer research. The foundation is ran by Darryl Fox, Terry's brother who was with Terry for his Marathon of Hope. It is, in my opinion, well run and worthwhile charity. If you are wondering where to make a charitable donation this year, please consider the Terry Fox Foundation.
And if you still wish to donate to my run, you still can:
Donate Here!
Again, thank you to all who helped out.
I ran the full 5K for the first time, my only stops occurring due to traffic jams. My son ran instead of biked this year, and while he walk/ran the first half with Lady Hespeler, he got bored about halfway through, and was only about 2 minutes behind me at the end.

It is not too late to donate to the Terry Fox foundation, where 87 cents of every dollar raised goes to Cancer research. The foundation is ran by Darryl Fox, Terry's brother who was with Terry for his Marathon of Hope. It is, in my opinion, well run and worthwhile charity. If you are wondering where to make a charitable donation this year, please consider the Terry Fox Foundation.
And if you still wish to donate to my run, you still can:
Donate Here!
Again, thank you to all who helped out.
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