What A Crock
The other day I got this letter in the mail:

It's from the Domain Registry of Canada and they're looking to take over registration of my domain name "no-libs.com". Beyond the wording that tries to convince folks that registration should be done through them, here's what really pissed me off:
They want to charge me $40.00/year.
My current service (sibername.com) only charges me $13.46/year.
Why on earth would I want to pay an extra $26.03/year for the privilege of having the Domain Registry of Canada be my registering agent?
A word to the wise: If you're currently using the DRC as your registering agent consider switching. Just because you're in Canada doesn't mean that you have to go through them.
Even if you need a "dot-ca" domain name, it'll pay-off to do some shopping around. I recently purchased www.myblahg.ca through the company that hosts my server (IX Web Hosting) and it only cost $24.95/year. Actually, it really didn't cost me anything because of the "credits" they gave me when I signed up for their "Business Plus Plan".
Note to the Domain Registry of Canada: Quit sending me mail telling me how you're going to overcharge and I'll quit putting up posts telling the rest of the world what a CROCK OF SHIT you really are! Fair enough?
Note re www.myblahg.ca: I bought it specifically to piss-off Robert McClelland who owns www.myblahg.com. And it worked. Currently it redirects traffic back here. In the future it's going to be used as an NDP slam site. That's going to piss him off even more. Don't ask me why I find this humorous. I just do.

It's from the Domain Registry of Canada and they're looking to take over registration of my domain name "no-libs.com". Beyond the wording that tries to convince folks that registration should be done through them, here's what really pissed me off:
They want to charge me $40.00/year.
My current service (sibername.com) only charges me $13.46/year.
Why on earth would I want to pay an extra $26.03/year for the privilege of having the Domain Registry of Canada be my registering agent?
A word to the wise: If you're currently using the DRC as your registering agent consider switching. Just because you're in Canada doesn't mean that you have to go through them.
Even if you need a "dot-ca" domain name, it'll pay-off to do some shopping around. I recently purchased www.myblahg.ca through the company that hosts my server (IX Web Hosting) and it only cost $24.95/year. Actually, it really didn't cost me anything because of the "credits" they gave me when I signed up for their "Business Plus Plan".
Note to the Domain Registry of Canada: Quit sending me mail telling me how you're going to overcharge and I'll quit putting up posts telling the rest of the world what a CROCK OF SHIT you really are! Fair enough?
Note re www.myblahg.ca: I bought it specifically to piss-off Robert McClelland who owns www.myblahg.com. And it worked. Currently it redirects traffic back here. In the future it's going to be used as an NDP slam site. That's going to piss him off even more. Don't ask me why I find this humorous. I just do.
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