A Little Ditty...
Today's selection comes with a language warning so you're going to have to push the play button yourself (top left-hand corner of your screen)
Running For Terry Fox
I ran the full 5K for the first time, my only stops occurring due to traffic jams. My son ran instead of biked this year, and while he walk/ran the first half with Lady Hespeler, he got bored about halfway through, and was only about 2 minutes behind me at the end.

It is not too late to donate to the Terry Fox foundation, where 87 cents of every dollar raised goes to Cancer research. The foundation is ran by Darryl Fox, Terry's brother who was with Terry for his Marathon of Hope. It is, in my opinion, well run and worthwhile charity. If you are wondering where to make a charitable donation this year, please consider the Terry Fox Foundation.
And if you still wish to donate to my run, you still can:
Donate Here!
Again, thank you to all who helped out.
What A Crock

It's from the Domain Registry of Canada and they're looking to take over registration of my domain name "no-libs.com". Beyond the wording that tries to convince folks that registration should be done through them, here's what really pissed me off:
They want to charge me $40.00/year.
My current service (sibername.com) only charges me $13.46/year.
Why on earth would I want to pay an extra $26.03/year for the privilege of having the Domain Registry of Canada be my registering agent?
A word to the wise: If you're currently using the DRC as your registering agent consider switching. Just because you're in Canada doesn't mean that you have to go through them.
Even if you need a "dot-ca" domain name, it'll pay-off to do some shopping around. I recently purchased www.myblahg.ca through the company that hosts my server (IX Web Hosting) and it only cost $24.95/year. Actually, it really didn't cost me anything because of the "credits" they gave me when I signed up for their "Business Plus Plan".
Note to the Domain Registry of Canada: Quit sending me mail telling me how you're going to overcharge and I'll quit putting up posts telling the rest of the world what a CROCK OF SHIT you really are! Fair enough?
Note re www.myblahg.ca: I bought it specifically to piss-off Robert McClelland who owns www.myblahg.com. And it worked. Currently it redirects traffic back here. In the future it's going to be used as an NDP slam site. That's going to piss him off even more. Don't ask me why I find this humorous. I just do.
More New Audio
Kimveer Gill

Do you think this most recent shooting will finally make the lib-left in this country admit that criminals and psychos need to be treated like criminals and psychos and held responsible for their actions instead of coddling them like unruly toddlers? Hmmmm? Probably not (Our friend Eugene is blamining video games).

The folks on the lib-left are going to tell us that we have to wait before judging. They're going to tell us that we don't have the facts. They're lying. We have enough facts...
Fact - This psycho used a 9mm semi-automatic rifle and the gun registry didn't stop him.
Fact - This psycho used a 45 cal pistol and the gun registry didn't stop him.
Fact - This psycho used an unspecified 12 cal weapon with the ability of firing 4 bullets at once and the gun registry didn't stop him.
Fact - We, as Canadian taxpayers, dished out $2 Billion to fund a gun registry that has proven time and time and time and time and time again to have no effect on gun crime.
Fact - We don't need the facts of this individual case to draw conclusions based on recent trends!
If you're the praying type, direct some thoughts to a conservative majority in the next election so they can scrap that useless program outright and direct it's funds and energy to something that may actually be effective.
On the media coverage of this event:
I'm not friggin' impressed...
Here's the story as I got it listening to reporters on the scene:
- 4 men in combat fatigues stormed the school
- 2 men in combat fatigues stormed the school
- The men were all dressed in black trench coats
- There were two shooters dead - one by suicide and the other shot by police.
- There were no dead.
- There was one dead.
- There were no civilian deaths.
- There were 4 civilian deaths.
- And finally today, we've got a more accurate picture: One shooter. Killed by police. One civilian death. Killed by the shooter. Lots of casualities.
Simply put, the reporters didn't have the facts. They were speculating based on witness interviews. They reported their speculation as fact and changed their reports as more info came in.
Now I understand that the story was unfolding at the time but why not frame it in that sense? Why not state fact as fact and speculation as speculation? The media didn't seem to do that.
Anyway, I've got another question and I'm sure it's going to get me in some hot water...
Witnesses and the media are reporting that the shooter was a "white guy" nammed "Kimveer Gill". Now, if I'm not mistaken, this is a "white guy":

Does this individual look like the guy above?:

Not so much. In fact, he looks more like this guy (typical middle eastern complexion):

White guys generally have names like Alex, Sam, John, Craig or Wade. Have you ever met a white guy with the name Kimveer?
Does what we're being told by the MSM jive with this guy's name and complexion and how long will it take the lib-left to freak out because I'm asking that question?
I bring this up based on the lessons learned from the Ecole Polytechnique shooting all those years ago. The media and officials told us that Mark Lapine was a white guy who just managed to snap one day. Later we discovered that he was a devout Muslim who was pissed that Canadian women weren't acting the way that good subservient (Muslim) women should act. You never hear the MSM bring those points up during the anniversary candle-light vigils now do you?
They fooled us once and I don't think it's wrong to ask these questions now...
Greenstone Media
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Greenstone Media, a radio company whose founders include social activist Gloria Steinem and actress Jane Fonda, has launched an all-women, all-talk network across the United States.
Steinem said the network, which is run by women, aims to provide an alternative to current radio talk, which she describes as "very argumentative, quite hostile, and very much male-dominated."
This network "has a different spirit. It has more community. It's more about information, about humor, about respect for different points of view and not constant arguing," Steinem told Reuters in an interview.
Alright, let's see if I've got this correct... Uber Fem-Nazi, Gloria Steinem, and America's most famous, traitorous bitch, "Hanoi" Jane Fonda, have started a talk radio network. How nice.
I can just imagine the line-up...
07:00 - 10:00; Men Are Pigs - hosted by Gloria Steinem
10:00 - 13:00; Communism for A Better America - Hosted by Jane Fonda
13:00 - 15:00; The Planned Parenthood Show - Various Hosts
15:00 - 16:00; ACLU Update - Various Hosts
16:00 - 17:00; Getting In Touch With Your Vagina - Hosted by Eve Ensler
17:00 - 20:00; Peace Mum - Hosted by Cindy Sheehan
20:00 - 07:00; Replay of the daily line-up
All times are Eastern
So, what do you think? Will it crater faster than Air America and will it have the same accounting irregularities?
Some Recent Comments and Some Thoughts
"They weren't lib-left whimps"And:
You my friend are the most deplorable person I have ever encountered. To use someones loved ones, who perished that awful morning , to bolster your political beliefs, is beyond phucking rude. You are a dispicable piece of crap and anyone that follows or finds enjoyment in your posts, is either a moron or Hitler SS. Un-bloody believable, your kind have no shame. I, as I imagine many others, wish sir that you were within reach but of course that is how you pukes operate, in hiding and ALWAYS in a gang. DONE
I.B.Lever | 09.11.06 - 3:29 pm | #
In 2003, a total of 42,443 people were killed in car accidents according to the data collected by the Federal Highway Administration. That (very precise) figure only includes those reported or identified by the police.And this from Darcey's post at the WS letting folks know that we were having the recent 9-11 support rally (I don't normally publish this type of language on this site but it had to be seen to be believed):
The total 9/11 death toll, including all crash sites, victims on the ground and in the planes, was 3030. I havn't checked if that includes the terrorists themselves.
So, in terms of car accidents alone, America undergoes fourteen 911s each year. Every one of those deaths is preventable. This is ignoring all other sources of accidents, and non-preventable death such as illness.
Wow, you sure make a lot of fuss over 1/14th of a year's worth of car accidents!
Heres why we should rally amd support 9-11, this is what I say to my compadres
From your fucked up values and religious whacks like your president, to your arrogant “I love oil” nature and your love for attempting to fuck other countries up with your “superior” defence force. I hate the way you think that America is responsible for all good in this world. You’re not.
You did not invent human rights, you did not invent sliced bread, or the wheel, AND JESUS WAS NOT BORN IN TEXAS. NOR WAS HE WHITE.
AND HE DID NOT SLEEP WITH YOUR SISTER. Although I’m sure you did.
I hate you so much that I want to draw a tan^-1(1) with my fist to your face. (NO, YOU DID NOT INVENT TRIANGLES)
I hate how you complain about the price of oil, while you rape your planet with your fat ass, McDonald’s eating, gas guzzling fuck Hummers of hell.
I hate how you feel the need to liberate random countries from “oppression” and instill your proud and wonderful freedom and democracy.
I also hate your “Patriot Act” which effectively removes all forms of freedom and democracy from your country… and allows your government to go all fascist on you ass, while you sit in your homes and hate gays, blacks, Hispanics, Mexicans, the Spanish, Cubans, Latinos (that’s ignorance for you)
I hate how you destroy the English language using the letter z in random places, and leaving out u in others. Your education system is fucked up. NO ONE TEACHES CREATIONISM ANY MORE.
You piss me off by being the most religious country in the Western world, with your conservative values hindering the progress of mankind.
And fuck you and your nuclear warheads trying to fuck this planet up, while making sure to condemn any Arab that ever tries to enrich Uranium (ooh laa dee daa)
I hate your conservative, Jewish-owned media with your O’Reillys and Coulters spouting pro-Bush, Christian (figure that?) propaganda, and telling you that Bush taking away your freedom is the greatest liberty you will ever receive.
I hate the Westboro Baptist Church, allowed to exist because of your fundie values and gay hating economics.
I hate your consumerist whore views, buying things just because rich guys in suits tell you to.
And I hate your disgusting superiority complex, segregating all races except Americans (ye, that’s a race) and fucking over your neighbours to the south by not allowing them to speak Spanish, and thinking that you are far better than Canada. You’re not.
I hate your “obesity epidemic” while people in Africa starve. JUST DON’T FUCKING EAT.
And also, I hate the way you stereotype yourself so much that I can go off on rants such as these.
Posted by: Rallysupporter | Sep 10, 2006 6:02:28 AM
And these gems from our recent post on the NDP:
You are clearly a sissy, dick and I can't picture you chasing anyone but a conservative in a skirt, with a cattle prod. Brave words from a fruity little neocon whose nose is probably buried up a local politicians ass so far, your eyes are brown. Don't kid us dick, you're admired by a handful of limp wristed lunatics so out of touch with reality, they plead for a fellow sissies attention. What a repulsive representative of corporate greed such as you and your feeble-minded flock needs,is to be slapped silly with a pair of your own silk panties.And:
Stop drooling "dick", won't happen but justice will be handed out before it's all said and done. Paranoid pansies, is all.
I'm proudly a socialist. my only arugment in all this is simple.
You state socialism and communism as the same, NOT true. maybe you need to go to http://www.politicalcompass.org/....org/ uselection
and touch up on your political left and right orientations
Our oil is owned by US Corporations, NOT Canadians. So why would it hurt us to claim it back as OURS?
I could go on and on, but yea, you just sound like a bush/harper lackie.. keep kissing..
Now I don't know about you folks but it seems to me that the lib-left is particularly testy of late;
- Lib and NDP supporters are at each others throats, fractured,
- Our favorite MoonBat is franticly trying to convince
himselfothers that the NDP has some relevance by irrelivant poll results, - The anti-Americanism comming from both the Libs and NDP is at a fever pitch and,
- The idea that a group of people would get together to show support for the US and remember 9-11 sends them off the deep end.
I have a theory: We're ripping their hearts out...
- Cindy Shehan and other darlings of the left get laughed at whenever their names get brought up.
- Rove and Libby have been cleared in the Plame case. - No "Fitzmas" for the MoonBats
- Progress is being made in Iraq and Afghanistan and the MSM is forced to report it.
- Hezbollah and Hammas are losing support in the West.
- The G-8 stood in solidarity with Israel.
- Multiculturalism is being proven to be a failure all over Europe and North American immigration policies are being questioned.
- Welfare reforms have proven successfull.
- The abstainance "doesn't work" argument is being proven to be false.
- The MSM is being taken to task on every point and we're not letting them get away with anything
- The New Conservative government has lived up to their promises and are continually gaining support.
- Our halls of higher education are continually being exposed as centers for socialist indoctrination. - More and more parents are sending their kids to private or charter schools.
- and on, and on, and on...
I think it's starting to dawn on them that any progress they thought they were making toward the "North American Socialist Utopia" is being halted. They're clueing-into the fact that normal folks like you and I aren't buying into their bunk anymore. They're losing public support and they're starting to go into panic mode as a result.
This is a good thing.
Wait and see what happens when we start to reverse the supposed "progress" they've made thus far...