
More Union Madness

Since I have been composing my prelude to Labour Day this week (Labou-A-Palooza?), today I offer the struggles of a different union:

When word came down in mid-August that Edmonton-based medic, Cpl. Andrew James Eykelenboom, had been killed in a fiery suicide attack south of Kandahar, Scugog Councillor Lynn Philip Hodgson, author of seven historical war books, including Inside Camp X, decided to do the right thing and lower the flag to half mast.

It was a Saturday.

The municipal office in Port Perry was closed and therefore no union employees were on site.

"It only takes two minutes to lower a flag," says Hodgson.
And that, my friends, is a grievable offense. Even I, who work in a strong union environment; who sees this kind of stuff all the time; who knows don't flip a light switch, don't pick up somebody else's trash; don't ever - EVER - cross the line of demarcation, even I am surprised at the callousness of this one:

"The members of (our local) totally support and respect the lowering of the flags at the township offices to half mast to recognize fallen soldiers, and other losses that occur both outside and within our community," says Drebit (local CUPE president Liz Drebit ) "This was never the issue behind this grievance."

"When the collective agreement has been violated, the correct procedure is that a grievance be filed to resolve the issue at hand and hopefully to prevent any future oversights."
And these people want to re-make our society in their own image? Pray they never succeed.

This item brought to you via Hespeler

Another Useless U.N. Deadline Passes This Afternoon...

Does anybody really care?

Don't get me wrong here, I know we care about the issue itself. Iranian nukes would be not-too-pretty-good. What I'm asking is if we care that it's being addressed by a completely ineffective UN security council. We already know what's going to happen. Any tough sanctions brought forward in the Security Council are going to be vetoed by either Russia, China or those pussies from France. Any minor sanctions that get imposed are going to turn into another scandal ie Oil For Food, Sex For Food and the more recent assistance "neutral" UN Observers were giving to Hezbollah sandmonkey-jihadists in Lebanon.

So why even bother?

From Fox News:

"We think that this first resolution should send a substantial signal to the Iranian regime that this is serious business and that the international community means what it says," McCormack said.

Britain's U.N. ambassador said this week the Security Council will need until mid-September before acting on its threat to punish Iran.

It is not clear how far the effort will go. Russia and China, which can veto action at the Security Council, have counseled patience and said they do not support severe punishments.

If Iran misses the deadline, then talks should begin about how to implement steps previously agreed upon by foreign ministers, including those of Russia and China, said John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N.

The United States has sought economic and political sanctions on Iran for some two years and has slowly built an international coalition to do so. The Bush administration has argued that targeted sanctions could be persuasive because they would pinch Iran financially and bruise the national ego.

Iran's president urged Europe against following the lead of the United States, saying Wednesday that punishment would not deter Iran from pursuing its nuclear program.

"So it's better for Europe to be independent in decision-making and to settle problems through negotiations," hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, according to Iranian state-run television.

(emphasis mine)

So to paraphrase Mr. Almondjihad:
We're going to do what we want anyway so you Europeans may as well get on side with us and ignore the "Great Satan".
And there's not one friggin' thing the UN will do about it...


HezboLiberal Party of Canada

Well, it seems that while I was busy working yesterday I missed out on being the first to mirror the HezboLiberal site. Oh well, better late than never...

(click the image to enter www.hezboliberals.no-libs.com)

Click here to see why we're mirroring the site.

Kudos to the "Western Standard" and "l8f57" for hosting mirrors of their own.

If you'd like to set up a mirror of your own, the source files can be downloaded here and here with thanks to "l8f57".

h/t SDA


SpongeBuzz PinkPants!

Richard - Since you like to offer different musical choices, I thought I'd offer this one.

I have been working on posts on the CAW report Eye Of The Storm: The CAW and the Remaking of Canadian politics (pdf document), particularly looking at some of the many possible issues that arise from it. In the next few days I will be posting on these issues one at a time, with the first one slated to run tonight on At Home in Hespeler. The issues that I will be looking at are:

- The politics of the report
- What this report means to the Liberals (and Liberals, you should be more worried about this than the rest of us).
- The CAW's version of democracy
- Replacing capitalism and, ultimately, democracy.

For those not familiar, I give you one paragraph from this 24 page report (emphiasis are mine):

We want a society in which working people can have true hope, security and equality; a society with full economic and political democracy. To accomplish this, we need to be able to thoroughly regulate private business; manage employment, investment and trade; expand public ownership and non-profit enterprise; and run the economy in the interests of the working people. If we succeed, we will have fundamentally transformed our economy and society, replacing capitalism with socialism.

Meanwhile, I penned a theme song for this series of reports based on the SpongeBob SqaurePants theme song.


Comrade: Are you ready Kids?

Kids: Da, Da Comrade.

Comrade: I can't hear you.


Comrade: Whoooooooo - Lives in a dream world, nineteen-seventeen
Kids: SpongeBuzz PinkPants!

Comrade: A lefty; A pinko; A commie is he:
Kids: SpongeBuzz PinkPants!

Comrade: If communist nonsense be something you wish:
Kids: SpongeBuzz PinkPants!

Comrade: Then eat up your cabbage, you'll be gettin' no fish:
Kids: SpongeBuzz PinkPants!

Comrade: Ready?

Kids: SpongeBuzz PinkPants! SpongeBuzz PinkPants!
SpongeBuzz PinkPants! SpongeBuzz PinkPants!

Comrade: SpongeBuu----zzz PinkPants!


Listen to the original, and sing along with SpongeBuzz PinkPants here.

More Audio - With some video this time

Brought to you via an open border:

Now here's the music:

I didn't auto-play this one because it's a pretty big file.


New Audio!

Something (another great Mike Church tune) to kickstart your Monday morning...

If the audio isn't already playing in your browser, click here.

If you don't wan't your Monday morning kickstarted, hit the little stop button on the little player on the top left. And before you write in to complain about the auto-start-dealie please remember that you have the power to control the aforementioned stop button. Consider yourself empowered.

If you're going to write in to complain that this song is somehow racist, wait till you hear what I put up tomorrow...


Aw Keef, How Could You?

Standing on a stage, in a giant arena, near nobody and with tons of ventilation. Yet still those who would live our lives for us find something:

Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards may have flouted Scotland's smoking ban when he played to thousands fans at Glasgow's Hampden Park.

The city council confirmed it was investigating reports that he smoked on stage throughout the gig on Friday.

Oh, the humanity! The indecency!! The sanctimony:

However, the anti-tobacco organisation Action on Smoking and Health (Ash) Scotland said celebrities should not be above the law.

Chief executive Maureen Moore said: "The law in Scotland says where you can and cannot smoke and it's been brought in to protect workers and the public from a Class A carcinogen - passive smoking.

"And if he as been breaking the law then he has to pay the penalty like anyone else."

Really Keith, we expected so much better from you. What kind of role model are you, anyway?

That fifty-quid fine will no doubt hurt, but you'll know better next time I'm sure.

From hespeler


Blog Note

I'm going to unplug for the weekend... Going camping... See ya Monday...

SandMonkey Jihadists and their MSM Sympathizers Busted Again

A great piece by zombietime.com
Two ambulances that had been somehow damaged long before the July Israel-Hezbollah conflict even began were dragged out of a salvage yard, where they had been rusting for months or years. They were taken to a parking lot and smashed up even more, inside and out. Then fresh gurneys were placed inside one of them. An intentionally amateurish video was then taken of the two vehicles, in order to show the damage. That night, as planned, some Red Cross workers feigning minor injuries rushed into a hospital in Tyre, and recounted a tale of horror: their ambulances had been attacked by Israeli missiles. The media was notified.

The next day, reporters from around the world interviewed the ambulance drivers as they lay in the hospital sporting prop bandages. The one driver who spoke the best English was quoted the most in the English-speaking press. The journalists, however, were not allowed to inspect the ambulances themselves; instead, the pre-packaged video was supplied to them, freezeframes from which were used as illustrations to accompany the articles. Three patients in the same hospital were identified as also being victims of the attack, even though their injuries had actually happened elsewhere. Every single Western reporter accepted the ambulance drivers' story without question. Emboldened by the media's credulity, the drivers exaggerated the severity of the incident with each new interview, until it no longer even vaguely matched the staged evidence. The story was broadcast to the world, and accepted as fact.

A few days later, after the Western press had wandered away to find other stories, the damaged ambulances were towed and parked in front of the Red Cross office in Tyre, as a martyrdom exhibit for the sympathetic local press and residents. Few if any mainstream journalists ever attempted to verify any of the claims made by the ambulance crews, despite the seriousness of the charge.
The entire ambulance incident completely debunked point by point...


This Won't Be Good For The Local MoonBats!

Yours truly has just gained the leadership of the Calgary chapter of Protest Warrior.

This is going to be a blast!

Wanna join my gang?



We'll Miss You Brian


Today is the last posting for Nealenews. After spending five hours a day, seven days a week for the past four years updating this site, I have reached the point where I no longer have the energy or desire to continue.

In an attempt to prolong the inevitable, I recently decided to cut back on the postings, including weekends, but news operates on a 24-hour cycle and rather than become irrelevant through neglect, I've decided to pull the plug.

I would like to thank all of you for supporting this site so enthusiastically and for the many emails you have sent encouraging me along the way.

Thank you for all the work you did Brian. NealeNews is an information source that will be hard to replace and will sorely be missed.

A Calgary Disgrace

My wife, recently educated on what exactly Hezbollah is, brought this poll to my attention:
Should Hezbollah be removed from Ottawa's official list of terrorist organizations?
58% Yes
42% No

(click for larger image)

I don't know how or why but this result is coming from a country music station in the heart of rednek country in Canada...

UPDATE: They changed the poll so I'removed the link...

Oh Look!

A quick blast from the past:

It has come to my attention that your blog is in violation of the standards of the Blogging Tories community. In particular, your blogpost http://nomoresocialism.blogspot.com/2005/10/outing-liberal.html can easily be labelled as 'trolling', which goes against BloggingTories standards outlined here (#8):http://www.stephentaylor.ca/archives/000331.html

as such, I am removing your blog from the Blogging Tories blogroll.

On a personal note, I was also displeased to see that the death of Rosa Parks become an opportunity for your blog to question the black civil rights movement. I am also upset by your use of the hateful word "fag" in this post:http://nomoresocialism.blogspot.com/2005/09/aw-crap.html

Please also consider that blogs will become more visible during the upcoming election and that the media will use any stick given them to beat upon the Conservative Party. I'm sure that you'd agree that a few of your opinions would surely harm the party if they became even indirectly associated with it.

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion and as a'c'onservative, I support your rights to free speech. However, as the webmaster of Blogging Tories (a private group), it is also my right(and responsibility) to disassociate myself (and others who have asked) from inflammatory bloggers such as yourself.
I should say though that if being accurate and straitforward are considered "radical" in the eyes of the Blogging Tories administration, I personally don't want to be a member. Moving on will be a good thing.

To that end, I'll be looking to join some other like minded organisations to share ideas and traffic. The "RINO's" and the "Wide Awakes" are two immediate examples. Look to see them listed in the near future.

Also to be listed in the near future is a group that I'll be developing and administering myself. You'll get the full details on that once I flesh them out. Basicly though it'll be comprised of bloggers who are as concerned as I am with the current PC culture and it's effects on society.

Like I said, moving on from the BT's is a good thing.
(emphasis mine)

The Anti-PC League, created as a result of getting punted by the BT's, now has 288 members.

The BT's have 263 members

Our group is still growing and the BT's seem to have reached their plateau...


This moment of self indulgence was brought to you through sheer spite. Now get out there and kick some PC ass!


Love - Afghani Style

It is well known that one of the side effects of drug abuse is paranoia. Let it never be said, however, that just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.

Case in point: yes Bobby Brown, Osama bin Laden is after you ho:

Al-Qaeda chief and the world's most dreaded terrorist, Osama bin Laden had a crush on singer-cum-actress Whitney Houston and wanted to make her his wife after killing her husband Bobby Brown.

Osama bin Laden, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. Why do I feel like I'm boxing the trifecta for the most fucked-up human contest.

from hespeler

Fox Newsmen STILL missing

Fox News Channel reporter Steve Centanni and freelance cameraman Olaf Wiig are still missing. It has now been more than a week since their kidnapping at gunpoint in Gaza by unknown terrorists. FNC top management, the journalists' families, and Palestinian journalists continue to press for their release.
It’s funny … but we see “news” stories about a book Jill Carroll is writing on her experiences as a captured LEFT-WING loony journalist … but it seems like Fox News folks aren’t really worthy of attention. Hurricane Katrina is still in the news … but not Fox media types kidnapped by the “peace-loving” suicide cult in Palestine.

Gives one a “hmmm” moment or two doesn’t it … an appreciation for the big-tent lefties in the MSM.


This was too good to not post:
Confused Says:

Still trying to figure this stuff out…..

Progressives believe:

Conservatives, Bush and Jews are bad.

Palestinians, Islamic freedom fighters, and communists (like China) are good…

The first group are bad because they are war mongers and won’t let gay people marry.

The second group are good because they are fighting tyranny and won’t let gay people marry. In fact they would shoot/stone/behead gays on sight, married or not.

So the Gay belief isn’t all that important, because it seems to me that the evil righties at least tolerate them, whereas the good freedom fighter Islamicists reaction would be pretty extreme, to say the least.

So I don’t understand how these freedom fighter Islamicists can be considered by the left as “good” because they would prefer to kill all the gay people.

So we are just left with the warmonger part.

Now the fact that these Islamic freedom fighters stated goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel, “push them into the sea” if you will, but this doesn’t make them warmongers too. They just want their land back.

Now before Israel even existed, pre 1947, that land belonged to Syria, Jordan, (other countries too possibly, Egypt?), but there was no country named “Palestine”. The Palestinians just lived in these other countries. But none of these countries were “bad” because they were all Arabic countries and all Arabic countries are good. But we can’t blame Israel for it, because Israel didn’t even exist….

Can’t blame Bush for it, because he wasn’t even born yet (or was 1 year old at the time).

Can’t even blame the US for it, because they didn’t really have anything to do with it, they were occupied in Europe.

Can’t blame the UN for it, even though they created this new nation, everything the UN does is good, and they can’t do bad things either. Even though they created this new nation “Israel” and didn’t create a “Palestine”.

So all the nations around this new Israel immediately declare war and attack and get their butts kicked. (But they are not warmongers; it was all Israel’s fault). And Israel keeps some of their land.

Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian, decides he will become the leader of the Palestinians, and invents hijacking and the killing of civilians including women children and old men in wheelchairs. But he is a good guy, a freedom fighter killing the warmongers.

So they give him a Nobel peace prize. And he amasses a personal fortune approaching a billion dollars. Somehow. Although he never held a real job or owned a business a single day in his life. And he handled the flow of relief money to the Palestinian people. How can that be? Let’s just say he was creative. Too bad that none of that billion dollars ever went to help “his” people.

So now the Israelis have to endure constant bombings and killings but hey, they deserve it, they are warmongers who occupied other people’s lands. They can’t even build a fence to try to protect themselves because fences are bad. All because the Palestinians, who never had a country before, want one now. And its Israel’s fault.

Now Hezbollah (Iran) wants to wipe them off the face of the planet. They might be willing to give Palestine the leftovers, but what they really want is Israel to just disappear. They amassed a huge stockpile of weapons in Lebanon, and fling them across the border and occasionally cross over and kill Israelis. But that’s ok because they are not killing that many people, really. Plus they are Islamic freedom fighters and are good…..

So what is Israel supposed to do? Sit there and wait until they get bombed out of existence? How do they negotiate with other countries, groups, states-with-in a country that refuses to acknowledge their very existence?

What is your solution?

Sometimes those most confused really aren't...


The PC Police Strike Again...

Tom and Jerry smoking scenes to be edited out

Cartoon duo Tom and Jerry have been investigated by a media watchdog for lighting up on screen.

In one episode, Tom smoked a roll-up cigarette in a bid to impress a female cat.

In another, Tom`s opponent in a tennis match was seen smoking a large cigar.

A viewer complained about the cartoons aired on children`s channel Boomerang, saying they were not appropriate for young viewers.

Media regulator Ofcom investigated and the channel agreed to edit out scenes in future which glamorise or condone smoking.

"We recognise that these are historic cartoons, most of them having been produced in the `40s, `50s or `60s, at a time when smoking was more generally accepted," Ofcom ruled.

"We note that, in Tom and Jerry, smoking usually appears in a stylised manner and is frequently not condoned.

"However, while we appreciate the historic integrity of the animation, the level of editorial justification required for the inclusion of smoking in such cartoons is necessarily high."
Why is it that normal people can no longer tell whiny complainers to simply shut the hell up? Why do we have to revise history to please stunned-twit-anti-smoking fascists?


Blame the weapon, not the criminal using it...

Swords ban to beat violent crime

Justice Minister Cathy Jamieson announced laws to ban swords unless sold for legitimate reasons.

Shops selling swords will need a licence, as will businesses dealing with non-domestic knives and other bladed weapons such as machetes.

The measures are the latest steps from the Scottish Executive to curb the problem of knife crime.

They come weeks after a nationwide knife amnesty.

A total of 12,645 blades - including lock knives, machetes, swords, meat cleavers, bayonets and axes - were handed in during the five-week amnesty.

They've already banned guns and I guess knives were the next logical step.


islamofascism comes from welfare abuse?

Apologies for being completely invisible lately. Here I am, just a short time from being able to retire (according to my company pension info, I can take full retirement in 18 months), and suddenly my workload has increased more than 100%. While I look on that as a positive ... I prefer to make a positive contribution in exchange for my paycheck … it hasn’t left me a whole lot of time to either read or contribute in BitLand. Not only haven’t I been able to keep up with the blogs, my 5 websites are suffering from nonupdateitis.

So, anyway, I find the kerfluffle going on in Britain right now interesting. Not quite for the same reason that many others seem to be interested, however. What caught my attention was that favorite sock-puppet of liberals – Welfare. Did anyone else notice the information about the couple that was involved? Probably so, since it appeared as though they were planning to use the baby in their quest for seventy-some virgins (does the baby get those too??) What caught my attention about the pair were the comments given, without any opprobrium at all, by relatives:

  • They were on welfare

  • After they got married, they moved to the projects

  • While in the projects, they were on welfare.
So, ok, they moved through the molasses of a public school education, into the world of “this country owes me a living,” and then into the world of breeders, and on into the world of “I have absolutely nothing but time on my hands so let’s think how we can reward this society for its care an attention.”

Don’t you find it exceedingly strange that people are wondering why second (or third) generation muslims don’t think of themselves as British? Why would they think of themselves as part of a society in which they take no part and contribute nothing except more tax burden? Like rats in the walls of a tenement, they are not part of the population, merely parasites. They feel no allegiance to the country or its citizens, because they have never had to earn the right to be citizens. They are given much more than necessities to survive, asked for nothing, and asked to adhere to nothing. And they have nothing but time on their hands. Like vandals who deface others property because they have nothing better to do, islamic/muslim fascists yammer to each other about how important they are and how unimportant those that provide for them are. Like dependant children who come to believe they contribute to the success of the family just by existing, the throngs of islamofascists among us have come to believe that our acceptance of them as immigrants has given them some worth.

As much as I blame those self-proclaimed prophets of islam for creating the culture of jihad, I blame the liberal "culture of welfare" for giving these fascist thugs the time to dream, plan and carry out their thuggery. If they were forced to become productive citizens instead of being permitted to be parasites, they wouldn’t have the time on their hands to listen to fake scholars exhort them to turn the clock back to pre-dark-age time. As long as EUrope and Canada allow the parasitism, it’s going to get worse instead of better. It’s time to put the last nails into the welfare coffin, and time to make these tax-suckers produce or return to the cesspools of the mid-east whence they came!

OK, sure, sometimes people need a helping hand when bad times come a’callin’ … and we should provide. We should provide dormitories. We should provide adequate meals. We should provide manual labor opportunities to pay for the roof and the food. We should provide just enough, and of quality as to make it desirable to get back on your feet. It’s the free ride that has placed us at this juncture … and we’re seeing the free ride wasn’t so free after all. Like the snake that bit the woman who took him in and healed him … we are now seeing that our charity is not THE answer … it is not even A answer … it s just plain misguided and wrong.


Carl Rove Eats Kittens

Not really! I just wanted to see what that headline would do to google hits...


Consigning Pierre to History's Dustbin

I feel good today. Happy, content:

I grew up knowing that Fidel Castro had a special place among my family's friends. We had a picture of him at home: a great big man with a beard who wore military fatigues and held my baby brother Michel in his arms. When he met my little brother in 1976, he even gave him a nickname that would stick with him his whole life: "Micha-Miche."

A few years later, when Michel was around 8 years old, I remember him complaining to my mother that my older brother and I both had more friends than he did. My mother told him that, unlike us, he had the greatest friend of all: he had Fidel...

Fidel may have been at first a political contact of my father's but their relationship was much more than that. It was extra-political.

Don't you begin to get the feeling that history is not going to be very kind to the Pierre Trudeau legacy, no matter how many love ins the CBC holds. I mean with friends like these...

On a side note, does any body else get completely creeped out when looking at this picture?

What kind of man lets a someone with that much blood on his hands any where near an infant?

Third greatest Canadian, my aunt Fanny.

h/t to Wonder Woman.

From Hespeler


A quick note

Our counterprotest post will be up tomorrow am as I still have to steal pics and video from some of the others who attended...

Here's a teaser:

On a lighter note, polls are showing that these terrorist supporters aren't convincing anyone:
An overwhelming number of Canadians support Prime Minister Stephen Harper's assertion that Israel's attacks on Lebanon are justified because Israel has a right to self defence and say Iran and Syria are wrong to have armed Hezbollah, according to a new poll to be released today.

The poll, which was conducted by public opinion researcher COMPAS Inc., will appear today in the news magazine Western Standard. The poll states that 82 per cent of Canadians asked believe that Israel has a right to self defence.

The results come on the heels of protests by Lebanese Canadians who have criticized Mr. Harper's comments in support of Israel. Protesters have derided Mr. Harper as being nothing more than a carbon copy of U.S. President George W. Bush.

(emphasis mine)


UPDATE: Jeff's link...


Here's some of the stuff our MSM isin't showing you:

The full text of UN Resolution 1071 - The document both Israel and Hezbollah signed on to:

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 520 (1982), 1559 (2004), 1655 (2006), 1680 (2006) and 1697 (2006), as well as the statements of its president on the situation in Lebanon, in particular the statements of 18 June, 2000, of 19 October, 2004, of 4 May 2005, of 23 January 2006 and of 30 July 2006;

Expressing its utmost concern at the continuing escalation of hostilities in Lebanon and in Israel since Hezbollah's attack on Israel on 12 July 2006, which has already caused hundreds of deaths and injuries on both sides, extensive damage to civilian infrastructure and hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons;

Emphasizing the need for an end of violence, but at the same time emphasizing the need to address urgently the causes that have given rise to the current crisis, including by the unconditional release of the abducted Israeli soldiers;

Mindful of the sensitivity of the issue of prisoners and encouraging the efforts aimed at urgently settling the issue of the Lebanese prisoners detained in Israel;

Welcoming the efforts of the Lebanese prime minister and the commitment of the government of Lebanon, in its seven-point plan, to extend its authority over its territory, through its own legitimate armed forces, such that there will be no weapons without the consent of the government of Lebanon and no authority other than that of the government of Lebanon, welcoming also its commitment to a UN force that is supplemented and enhanced in numbers, equipment, mandate and scope of operation, and bearing in mind its request in this plan for an immediate withdrawal of the Israeli forces from Southern Lebanon;

Determined to act for this withdrawal to happen at the earliest;

Taking due note of the proposals made in the seven-point plan regarding the Shebaa farms area;

Welcoming the unanimous decision by the government of Lebanon on 7 August 2006 to deploy a Lebanese armed force of 15,000 troops in south Lebanon as the Israeli army withdraws behind the Blue Line and to request the assistance of additional forces from UNIFIL as needed, to facilitate the entry of the Lebanese armed forces into the region and to restate its intention to strengthen the Lebanese armed forces with material as needed to enable it to perform its duties;

Aware of its responsibilities to help secure a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solution to the conflict;

Determining that the situation in Lebanon constitutes a threat to international peace and security;

1. Calls for a full cessation of hostilities based upon, in particular, the immediate cessation by Hezbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations;

2. Upon full cessation of hostilities, calls upon the government of Lebanon and UNIFIL as authorized by paragraph 11 to deploy their forces together throughout the South and calls upon the government of Israel, as that deployment begins, to withdraw all of its forces from southern Lebanon in parallel;

3. Emphasizes the importance of the extension of the control of the government of Lebanon over all Lebanese territory in accordance with the provisions of resolution 1559 (2004) and resolution 1680 (2006), and of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, for it to exercise its full sovereignty, so that there will be no weapons without the consent of the government of Lebanon and no authority other than that of the government of Lebanon;

4. Reiterates its strong support for full respect for the Blue Line;

5. Also reiterates its strong support, as recalled in all its previous relevant resolutions, for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders, as contemplated by the Israeli-Lebanese General Armistice Agreement of 23 March 1949;

6. Calls on the international community to take immediate steps to extend its financial and humanitarian assistance to the Lebanese people, including through facilitating the safe return of displaced persons and, under the authority of the government of Lebanon, reopening airports and harbours, consistent with paragraphs 14 and 15, and calls on it also to consider further assistance in the future to contribute to the reconstruction and development of Lebanon;

7. Affirms that all parties are responsible for ensuring that no action is taken contrary to paragraph 1 that might adversely affect the search for a long-term solution, humanitarian access to civilian populations, including safe passage for humanitarian convoys, or the voluntary and safe return of displaced persons, and calls on all parties to comply with this responsibility and to cooperate with the Security Council;

8. Calls for Israel and Lebanon to support a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solution based on the following principles and elements:

Full respect for the Blue Line by both parties;

Security arrangements to prevent the resumption of hostilities, including the establishment between the Blue Line and the Litani river of an area free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons other than those of the government of Lebanon and of UNIFIL as authorized in paragraph 11, deployed in this area;

Full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of July 27, 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese state;

No foreign forces in Lebanon without the consent of its government;
No sales or supply of arms and related materiel to Lebanon except as authorized by its government;

Provision to the United Nations of all remaining maps of land mines in Lebanon in Israel's possession;

9. Invites the secretary general to support efforts to secure as soon as possible agreements in principle from the government of Lebanon and the government of Israel to the principles and elements for a long-term solution as set forth in paragraph 8, and expresses its intention to be actively involved;

10. Requests the secretary general to develop, in liaison with relevant international actors and the concerned parties, proposals to implement the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), including disarmament, and for delineation of the international borders of Lebanon, especially in those areas where the border is disputed or uncertain, including by dealing with the Shebaa farms area, and to present to the Security Council those proposals within 30 days;

11. Decides, in order to supplement and enhance the force in numbers, equipment, mandate and scope of operations, to authorize an increase in the force strength of UNIFIL to a maximum of 15,000 troops, and that the force shall, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 and 426 (1978):

a. Monitor the cessation of hostilities;

b. Accompany and support the Lebanese armed forces as they deploy throughout the South, including along the Blue Line, as Israel withdraws its armed forces from Lebanon as provided in paragraph 2;

c. Coordinate its activities related to paragraph 11 (b) with the government of Lebanon and the Government of Israel;

d. Extend its assistance to help ensure humanitarian access to civilian populations and the voluntary and safe return of displaced persons;

e. Assist the Lebanese armed forces in taking steps towards the establishment of the area as referred to in paragraph 8;

f. Assist the government of Lebanon, at its request, to implement paragraph 14;

12. Acting in support of a request from the government of Lebanon to deploy an international force to assist it to exercise its authority throughout the territory, authorizes UNIFIL to take all necessary action in areas of deployment of its forces and as it deems within its capabilities, to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities of any kind, to resist attempts by forceful means to prevent it from discharging its duties under the mandate of the Security Council, and to protect United Nations personnel, facilities, installations and equipment, ensure the security and freedom of movement of United Nations personnel, humanitarian workers, and, without prejudice to the responsibility of the government of Lebanon, to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence;

13. Requests the secretary general urgently to put in place measures to ensure UNIFIL is able to carry out the functions envisaged in this resolution, urges member states to consider making appropriate contributions to UNIFIL and to respond positively to requests for assistance from the Force, and expresses its strong appreciation to those who have contributed to UNIFIL in the past;

14. Calls upon the government of Lebanon to secure its borders and other entry points to prevent the entry in Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel and requests UNIFIL as authorized in paragraph 11 to assist the government of Lebanon at its request;

15. Decides further that all states shall take the necessary measures to prevent, by their nationals or from their territories or using their flag vessels or aircraft;

a. the sale or supply to any entity or individual in Lebanon of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, whether or not originating in their territories, and;

b. the provision to any entity or individual in Lebanon of any technical training or assistance related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of the items listed in subparagraph (a) above, except that these prohibitions shall not apply to arms, related material, training or assistance authorized by the government of Lebanon or by UNIFIL as authorized in paragraph 11;

16. Decides to extend the mandate of UNIFIL until 31 August 2007, and expresses its intention to consider in a later resolution further enhancements to the mandate and other steps to contribute to the implementation of a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solution;

17. Requests the secretary general to report to the Council within one week on the implementation of this resolution and subsequently on a regular basis;

18. Stresses the importance of, and the need to achieve, a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, based on all its relevant resolutions including its resolutions 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967 and 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973;

19. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

(emphasis mine)

Note how they state in the preamble that this current conflict was clearly started by Hezbollah? Yeah, I picked-up on that too...

The important parts minus the fluff:
  • Hezbollah stops shooting,
  • Hezbollah unconditionally returns the Israeli soldiers it initially captured (I think - They may have left some "wiggle room" allowing for a prisioner exchange - Israels soldiers for the Hezbollah diplomats that were taken after the conflict began.)
  • Israel stops shooting,
  • Control of the south is to be returned to Lebbanon,
  • UN Peacekeepers are to be deployed along the boarder and Israel doesn't have to pull out untill the UN moves in.
Now that sounds amazingly similar to what Stephen Harper and the rest of the G8 Leaders have been saying all along;

The most urgent priority is to create conditions for a cessation of violence that will be sustainable and lay the foundation for a more permanent solution. This, in our judgment, requires:

  • The return of the Israeli soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon unharmed;

  • An end to the shelling of Israeli territory;

  • An end to Israeli military operations and the early withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza;

  • The release of the arrested Palestinian ministers and parliamentarians.

  • The framework for resolving these disputes is already established by international consensus.

In Lebanon, UN Security Council Resolutions 1559 and 1680 address the underlying conditions that gave rise to this crisis. We urge the U.N. Security Council to develop a plan for the full implementation of these resolutions.

We extend to the Government of Lebanon our full support in asserting its sovereign authority over all its territory in fulfillment of UNSCR 1559. This includes the deployment of Lebanese Armed Forces to all parts of the country, in particular the South, and the disarming of militias. We would welcome an examination by the U.N. Security Council of the possibility of an international security/monitoring presence.

We also support the initiation of a political dialogue between Lebanese and Israeli officials on all issues of concern to both parties. In addition, we will support the economic and humanitarian needs of the Lebanese people, including the convening at the right time of a donors conference.

In Gaza, the disengagement of Israel provided an opportunity to move a further step toward a two state solution under the Road Map. All Palestinian parties should accept the existence of Israel, reject violence, and accept all previous agreements and obligations, including the Road Map. For its part, Israel needs to refrain from unilateral acts that could prejudice a final settlement and agree to negotiate in good faith.

Our goal is an immediate end to the current violence, a resumption of security cooperation and of a political engagement both among Palestinians and with Israel. This requires:

  • An end to terrorist attacks against Israel;

  • A resumption of the efforts of President Abbas to ensure that the Palestinian government complies with the Quartet principles;

  • Immediate expansion of the temporary international mechanism for donors established under the direction of the Quartet;

  • Israeli compliance with the Agreement on Movement and Access of November 2005 and action on other steps to ease the humanitarian plight of the people of Gaza and the West Bank;

  • Resumption of security cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis;

  • Action to ensure that the Palestinian security forces comply with Palestinian law and with the Road Map, so that they are unified and effective in providing security for the Palestinian people;

  • Resumption of dialogue between Palestinian and Israeli political officials.

(emphasis mine)

Granted, the UN resolution doesn't refer to Palastine but that's ok. As ineffective as the UN is, they need to focus on "little steps".

My personal thoughts?

Well, I think folks have clued-in and realised that if Hezbollah (and Lebanon, by proxy) hadn't picked a fight, they wouldn't be getting their asses kicked right now.

I think that Israel has gained some moral high-ground by signing onto this accord. They're showing that they aren't the agressor and will only respond once they have been attacked. That's important in terms of public perception. When the terrorists attack again, and they WILL attack again, Israel has the ability to say;"Hey! We pulled out! We honored the terms of the agreement and all we get in return is more attacks!" This, in turn, will provide them with some lattitude in how they respond to their terrorist attackers.

Here's a question: Why are the "blogging dippers" so quiet on the ceaseFire? Something to think about...

Along those lines, the following article came to mind:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is costing Canada credibility, and preventing it from playing its traditional role of neutral broker in any Middle East peace effort, acting Liberal Party leader Bill Graham said.

"There are greater geopolitical considerations in the region that mean that Canada has to take a balanced approach... Will we be a credible force in the region in the future? That's a question we must ask ourselves," Graham said.


"I have a concern that the prime minister of Canada is out-Bushing Mr. Bush," said Graham, a former Liberal foreign minister, who complained that the Conservatives have ignored the need for diplomatic "nuance" in their public comments.

"Lose the nuance and (you) lose your capacity to help others," Graham said.

Under former Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, Canada had moved away from past wholesale criticism of Israel, but Harper's remarks on the fighting have been seen by commentators at home as striking in their outright support of Israel.

Harper, who defeated Martin in January's election, has defended Israel's incursion as "measured" self-defense, and told reporters on Tuesday the world had to confront groups like Hizbollah, which recommend the use of violence to achieve political goals.

"We don't say they shouldn't be part of the process. We say be part of a negotiating process. But I think we have to hold ultimately responsible for the violence, people who advocate it and act upon those desires," Harper said in Paris on his way home from the G8 summit in Russia.

Graham's comments were echoed by Jack Layton, leader of the left-leaning New Democrats, who said Harper had to "immediately correct" the mistake of moving Canadian foreign policy too close to that of Bush.

"Mr Harper has said today in Paris that it's too early to send an international force to the region. I say to you Mr Harper -- it's never to early to demonstrate the resolve of Canadians to bring peace and stability to those who are suffering," Layton told a news conference in Ottawa.

I wonder how the conversations went when Layton and Graham were told that their beloved UN was taking the same stance that was taken by both Bush and Harper a few weeks prior... Methinks there were a few MoonBat head explosions...

More: Paul Tuns thinks the ceasefire is meaningless He may be right...

Happy Atom Bomb Days!

With the focus on the ME the past couple of weeks, we somehow missed an important anniversary.

The events that led to the end of the second world war:

On the morning of August 6, 1945 the United States Army Air Forces dropped the nuclear weapon "Little Boy" on the city of Hiroshima, followed three days later by the detonation of the "Fat Man" bomb over Nagasaki, Japan.

The Fat Man mushroom cloud resulting from the nuclear explosion over Nagasaki rises 18 km (11 mi, 60,000 ft) into the air from the hypocenter.
The Fat Man mushroom cloud resulting from the nuclear explosion over Nagasaki rises 18 km (11 mi, 60,000 ft) into the air from the hypocenter.
The mushroom cloud over Hiroshima after the dropping of Little Boy.
The mushroom cloud over Hiroshima after the dropping of Little Boy.

We need to focus that sort of energy on the ME...


Calgary's Pro-Hezbollah Rally

We got pics.

We got video.

We got harassed by Calgary's finest.

We got the finger from the terrorist supporters.

We'll give you more once we get it all sorted out...


We're Havin' Us A Party!

Well, we've rounded up some rabblerousers and we're going to visit the terrorist love-in that they're planning on having tomorrow at 2 in Calgary. And, why shouldn't we? After all, they did invite us and ask us to bring signs and banners:
Your Organizer, Grant Neufeld, sent the following message to
the members of Peace Calgary Meetup:

Announcing a new event for Peace Calgary Meetup!

What: Protest: Stop the Bombing. Stop the War.

When: Saturday, August 12, 2:00 PM

Where: Central Memorial Park (12 Avenue at 4 Street SW)

Event Description:

Mr. Harper, killing innocent civilians, children and UN
peacekeepers is not a "Measured Response"

Join us, as Calgarians come together to speak out against the
War in the Middle East.

Everyone welcome!

Please bring drums, banners, posters etc.

This rally is organized by Peace Calgary. For more information, visit www.peacecalgary.ca, call 270-9669 or email

This is part of an national day of action organized by the
Canadian Peace Alliance. http://www.acp-cpa.ca/

Learn more and RSVP here:

How could we refuse with an invitation like that? Please, if you're in Calgary tomorrow, join us in showing the jihadists and their supporters that their crap won't be condoned...


Persistant Buggers...

If you can't get a bomb on the plane, take the individual components for a bomb and assemble them in flight...

Just think, if the terrorist problem were solved, we wouldn't have all of these extra security measures...

Update: "Girl On The Right" sez what I've been thinking this am:
Ok. Enough now. Time to pull the plug on overseas funding for mosques, Hezbollah demonstrations, blind hook-handed preachers, and the Koran. It's time to start flying the English flag at Heathrow again, and arresting anyone who calls it offensive. Because if the country's flag offends you, you're up to no good. It's time to stop crying about the fucking "backlash" that doesn't really exist. It's time to start raiding the mosques and rounding up anyone with the word "smite" on their lips. Because make no mistake: these bastards will not be happy until they smite us all.

I'm going to go grab some tums, and some of the scotch the boss keeps in his desk for Christmas. and I'll come back later to talk about all things fluffy and pink. Because up until 30 minutes ago, I was having a fluffy pink morning.

Right, meet the middle ground...

  1. Canadiaan Says:

    Yes, I’m a Canadian, but I am a very limited democrat. Which is to say that “democracy” is only a method of making decisions, not an end in itself, and it legitimately only applies–maybe–to a very few delimited things. And, democracy uber alles is a recipe for disaster. My “rights” are not anyones to put up for a vote…they’re mine, period, and they are not permissions for someone else to grant or remove.

    What the majority thinks doesn’t mean much to me, and it means nothing to me when it comes to how I run my business, who I can sleep with, what I choose to smoke, whether or not I choose to own a gun, what doctor I want to see or where I want to see him/her, whether and/or how and about what I can deal with someone in my neighbourhood or a different country, or how much or how little I want to pay someone to work for me, or earn working for someone else…for only a few examples.

    I lived in BC long enough to watch polite leftist democrats trash a thriving economy, not once but a few times, and in a period of a couple of short years each time. I’ve seen polite feminist leftist democrats attempt to make illegal my male-orented porn while attempting to elevate their female-oriented porn as works of revolutionary art. Another example: I think leftist unions are “democratic collectives” designed to take over companies, not build them, and they are designed specifically to fix prices, restrain trade and prevent competition.

    In short, I think leftist democratic activism in Canada is very often and exactly a “sneaky, ideologically motivated attempt at seizing political control.” I’m old enough to remember how the left in Canada glossed over or simply lied to explain away the horrendous abuses of the Soviet and Chinese Communists, let alone Pol Pot–and the only threats (to my life, property and/or health of me and my family) I have ever received for political activism of my own have come from the left.

    I understand exactly why DWest says “if lefties had their way, your freedoms would ultimately be cut in half, and then progressively more, and more… and more.” History is full of such examples coming from the left. The right is equally fucked up, you understand, but about somewhat different things.

    Now you may understand why, as gentle and willing to be neighbourly as I am and wish to be, that I am not a “centrist”.

I read the blahg quite a bit to keep abreast of the moonbats and this is one of the best things I've seen pop up there... (ps: ignore the number on the quote, firefox somehow thinks it's a new bullet point and assigns it a new number. The original is 177)



Kate points us to "the mother of all photo staging sites". It's a "must read" if you're looking at keeping the emerging information organised...

After spending the past year and a half immersed in the blogosphere I'm not surprised that this stuff is comming from the MSM.

Not at all. That innocence was lost when I woke up to the slanted/biased reporting of the CBC.

Nor am I surprised at the reactions from the folks on the left:

  1. Mike Says:

    “why does a left winger feel it necessary to doctor photographs to make it look even worse?”

    How do you know the photog was a “left winger”? Are you psychic?

    The “doctoring” was making the smoke rising from Beruit darker and thicker and adding 2 flares to a photo of an IDF jet (it had only dropped 1). The doctoring was not needed, but in no way changes the meaning of the photographs. Doctored does not mean faked - those were real burning buildings, real carnage and a real jet dropping 1 real flare.

    And two doctored photos, easily detected, does not mean the thousands of others are also doctored of faked.

    Funny the outrage over 2 doctored photos, doctoring intelligence, lying to Congress and going to war based on the lies is ok.

    How’s that moral relativism working out for ya?

Well. It was only a few photos that were "doctored"!!! No problem right?


There are doctored photos, staged photos, mischarachterisation of photos and outright misdirection on the part of the MSM. These are people that we're expecting to tell us the truth.

To present facts.

If they can't or won't do that, we have a very serious problem indeed...

Oh Look!!!

Another terrorist supporting love-fest!

Your Organizer, Grant Neufeld, sent the following message to
the members of Peace Calgary Meetup:

Announcing a new event for Peace Calgary Meetup!

What: Protest: Stop the Bombing. Stop the War.

When: Saturday, August 12, 2:00 PM

Where: Central Memorial Park (12 Avenue at 4 Street SW)

Event Description:

Mr. Harper, killing innocent civilians, children and UN
peacekeepers is not a "Measured Response"

Join us, as Calgarians come together to speak out against the
War in the Middle East.

Everyone welcome!

Please bring drums, banners, posters etc.

This rally is organized by Peace Calgary. For more information, visit www.peacecalgary.ca, call 270-9669 or email

This is part of an national day of action organized by the
Canadian Peace Alliance. http://www.acp-cpa.ca/

Learn more and RSVP here:
To visit Peace Calgary Meetup, go here:

Anyone know where I can buy a bullhorn?


You Can Say That Again!

Licia Corbella:

"...we used to lock up perverts and let our kids go free. "



I ran the "Blahg" through the pornolizer and there wasn't much of a difference. (language warning)


Ya Know...

In the fight against terrorism we found it easy to paint all Muslums with the same brush. To treat them all with suspicion. The moonBats would scream that it's racial profiling and that it's not fair. I would agree that it's not fair and I would agree that it's racial profiling. I would also assert that it's completely appropriate because moderate Muslums aren't speaking out against their radical brethern. In response, the MoonBats would often point to one, lone, dissenting voice from the Muslum community.

Tarek Fatah.

Mr. Fatah spoke out against terrorism.

Reading about Mr. Fatah and what he was doing in speaking out against the radicals almost changed my mind about the Muslum community. I say "almost" because he was a single voice representing a small group of Muslums in Canada. Had there been more, my opinion would have been swayed.

And now, after receiving threats from radicals within the Muslum community, Mr. Fatah has been silenced.

A spokesman for moderate Muslims has resigned from the Muslim Canadian Congress, citing death threats and safety concerns.

Tarek Fatah said his wife and daughters encouraged him to step down as communications director for the organization following an alarming number of threats and harassing phone calls.

"I'm just exhausted, it's too much," he told CBC.

"I'm physically drained and fatigued and disappointed by how much leverage these extremists have," he said.

Fatah said he has been assaulted both verbally and physically, including an incident in which he was attacked at an Islamic conference in Toronto by dozens of young Muslim men.

He also said that an associate informed him of a discussion she overheard in which young men were discussing how Fatah should be killed.

From the comments section at SDA:

I have said a number of times that there are only two reasons why members of the Muslim community wouldnt speak out against the radicals.

1) They agree with the radicals
2) They are being threatened

I gave Mr Fatah lots of credit post the plot of the 17 being revealed. He spoke stridently and forcefully against the virus within the community. Good for him and some others. It was good to see and I think it gave others within the community the courage to speak. Thus showing that many members of the community do not agree with the radicals statements.

Sadly, it seems that the croallery was true....yes people spoke out and the reasons why mor edidnt was becasue they were threatened.

I made my analogy to the KKK, the equivalent in "my community", to these radical islamicists and that the way they were "broken" (debate ensued about how broken, so lets say neutered and marginalized) was by people they were supposed to be defending, telling them they were wrong. In the case of the US it was a white protestant power structure in the 50's (from the north) breaking a white protestant terorist group.

Those who are not muslim owe it to Mr Fatah to congratulate him and others for their stance. There are others but clearly the power within that community is powerful. If the apologistas cannot see how dangerous this is then it may only take something worse.

Only the power of the state, through due process, and the power of community shame (meaning the community shaming them not shaming the community) can break this.

While I didnt agree with everything Mr Fatah and his organization said I am saddened he felt the need to do what he did. It is a wake up call and it should be heeded. The Muslim community is being threatened into submission and browbeaten into the "death cult".

These arent my speculations, Mr Fatah's statements and actions are proof and the warning bell. If you are a muslim and you disagree you need to speak up, numbers matter.

IF you are non-muslim then support and reinforcement are required for the moderate forces and solid backing and a stiff spine are required to defend our own "values" free speech. political change vs violent change, seperation of religon and state. This means no guilt and no apologies for criminal beahviour, it is not our fault that islamicists are wanting to blow things up, assisinate community leaders etc.

This is not a call for any change in our laws or values it is a call to stand up for the values and laws we expect of ourselves and the ones that built a peaceful prosperous society.

Mr Fatah, your words will be missed.

Posted by: Stephen at August 4, 2006 08:12 AM
I can't add much to Stephen's comments but to say that it's unfortunate but this event has only cemented my opinion that we need to look at the Muslum community as a whole...


United Progressive Socialist States of America

Welcome Comrades! It took close to forty years of hard work, scheming and faking but very soon the UPSSA can become a reality. Be sure to review the base agenda.

Thanks to our good friends at the DOE and NEA, very few students manage to avoid our extensive training and indoctrination system imbedded in the school systems. Test scores of all graduates (and drop-outs) get lower each year, therefore demonstrating the success of our basic premise.

The gang over at the ACLU with the help of our carefully placed judges has managed to undermine most of the stupid ideas and systems that the right-wingers have tried to force upon us.

The influx of Mexican and Hispanic squatters grows almost daily. We are gaining more and more votes as each hour passes.

Our team members in the churches continue to twist the system and make our values become the defacto slant of those churches. The teaching and encouraging of Islam is likewise moving forward thanks to the ACLU, DOE and NEA folks.

Of course the MSM is a great help in all of these efforts and we want to make sure they get full credit, especially for publishing all of those nasty secrets that show how really evil the right-wingers are and how they want to mistreat those folks that blow up people all day to protest their being oppressed by the evil USA.

All you need to do is vote early and often, so we can take back the Federal Congress in November 2006. That will allow us to raise taxes to stop this silly expansion of the economy and reduction of the deficit. It will also give us a launch base to make sure one of ours becomes President in 2008. Once those things are accomplished, we can continue with clamping down on all that "free speech" BS that has been going around. All people really need is our MSM friends to report the news that the people want to have spoon-feed to them.

Additionally, we can then raise the minimum wage to $10.00/hr and get some serious unemployment figures, this 4.7% rate is not good for the country. In conjunction with this step forward, unemployment will be made indefinite and no requirements will be made to try to find work.

In appreciation for your support, all registered Democrats who vote will be exempt from income taxes on income below $25,000 per year in each year that they vote.

The above was copied in it's entrity from upssa.com

Kudos to the folks that put it together!


Silly MoonBat

I'd like to say that the recent heatwave has scrambled some MoonBat brains but their brains were scrambled to begin with. The heatwave has simply given them the oportunity to show how scrambled their brains really are:
So, yesterday was the hottest 24 hour period in Toronto's RECORDED HISTORY. Temperatures over 36C with it only dropping to 27C at night.

Power consumption passed all recorded levels too. Everyone had their A/C on, and most still do (I don't though I prefer to conserve my power). All this despite the fears of another Great Blackout. To sum up, it was REALLY HOT.

So, is this a freak coincidence in a string of freak coincidences? The last hottest year on record was last year, and the one before that was 2004. Hmmm an intriguing coincidence if I do say so myself.

But really, come on. We all know that this is a symptom of all the carbon dioxide we're putting into the air. Really, it's as simple as cause and effect.

And my response to this poor deluded child:

And when the last ice age ended? When the glaciers receeded all those years ago? What about when Canada used to be a tropic? That was all because of man-made CO2 as well right? Oh, wait, it must have been dinosaur-made CO2 because people weren't really around back then. We were still evolving toward that missing link thingy... It must have been the dinosaurs. Dinosaur farts to be specific. My oh my, what possibly could have caused the thousands of freeze-thaw cycles our planet has gone through? How many dinosaur farts would be required to bring the planet out of an ice age? Could they possibly fart enough? They (these causes) must have been man-made some how. Maybe GWB travelled back in time with his weather making machine (of Katrina fame) and created the "cycles" to provide reasonable doubt. Give it some time and we'll figure out how to blame ourselves for crap that's been going on since this planet started spinning!

Climate change is real pal, I'll grant you that but I think you're a little off base with it's causes. There are things in the universe beyond the control of us wee mortals...

I don't see any Bias. Do you see any Bias?

By Don Martin of the Calgary Herald:

It was a predictable, unflinching performance, the only quibble being that MacKay spent more time commiserating about burnout in his bureaucracy than doing his feel-their-pain routine for the Lebanese war victims.

And MacKay gave no hint the government is softening its position, even as Israel goes about dropping bombs on children huddled in high-rise basements, UN peacekeeper posts and Montreal family reunions.

The Hezbollah rebel militia is very very bad, he says. Terrorists. Thugs. Provocateurs. Nay, a "cancer." Israel is the victim, the defender and entitled to counterattack at will. Lebanon is thus left to be pitied and aided wherever possible, but is essentially collateral damage caught in circumstances beyond its control.

That's the government position in a nutshell and you can put the transcripts under a microscope and you won't find any shifting nuances in his wording.

There was no call, as Opposition MPs demanded, for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Our friend Don seems to be pissed at the conservative government and just as pissed at the lack of opposition effectiveness. Just another MoonBat's head exploding if you ask me...


A Must-Read Article

Tom Gross, National Post

Published: Wednesday, August 02, 2006

LONDON - Large sections of the international media are not only misreporting the current conflict in Lebanon. They are actively fanning the flames.

Grab a coffee. It's a long one...


The one that got away...

An individual dies in the Mid-East and it's a tragedy for their survivors back in North America. The lib-left does all it can to captialize on the grief being experienced by the families. Before the bodies are even back on North American soil they lobby (troll for) family members looking for someone to use as a face of tragedy. Someone to hide behind. Someone to spew their lib-left drivel and who can't or won't be taken to task because they're a "grieving family member". That's how they got Cindy Shehan and Robert Berg as spokespeople for the pro-appeasment movement.

They didn't catch this one though (article copied in it's entirity):

Murdered aid worker’s sister says politics has no place in his death

VANCOUVER (CP) — The sister of a Vancouver carpenter who was shot to death in Afghanistan says she’s overwhelmed by countless messages of support from people around the world.

But Luba Frastacky also said Monday she wishes people would stop using the death of her brother Mike Frastacky for political reasons.

Some are using the death to back up their belief that Canadian troops should withdraw from Afghanistan, where her brother was building a school as an independent aid worker, Frastacky said from Toronto.

"They’re e-mailing me saying I should put pressure, or they want to put pressure, on (Prime Minister Stephen) Harper to get our troops out of Afghanistan. If they want to do that it’s fine. But don’t ask me to do more than I’ve already done. I’ve sacrificed a brother."

Frastacky said Mike Frastacky, 56, risked his life when he returned to Afghanistan to finish building the school in Nahrin, in the northeastern province of Baghlan.

He was shot at a home two weeks ago under mysterious circumstances.

Frastacky’s body was transferred to a military hospital morgue in Kabul, where his cremation was arranged last week, his sister said.

She said the Foreign Affairs Department informed her earlier Monday that her brother’s ashes would be flown to Toronto on Wednesday.

(emphasis mine)

At this point, I think the folks that wan't to politicize this man's death are no better than ambulance chasing lawyers. Thankfully Luba Frastacky isn't taking the bait...

Under the SpotLight - Blogging Dippers

Here are some of the headlines from the "Blogging Dippers" aggregator this morning:

After Fidel

Vive Cuba

Viva Fidel

Ever wonder what would happen if we let the socialists retake control of Canada? Methinks they should rename themselves. "The Blogging Communists" would be more appropriate.


I found these images on a site called "The Study of Revenge". They're accurate, appropriate and thought provoking...