
Libberish: An Introduction

(As adapted from Trilobyte's liberal Lexicon)

In the amazing world of socio-politics, it often seems like the two major factions simply can't communicate, separated by the very words invented to describe the problems in the first place.

For decades, the Lib-left have been refining their Anti-Conservative, Anti-American, Pro Victimology rhetoric until, in today's setting, they speak a powerful specialized language, like scientists or mathematicians. Even the smallest expression contains volumes of earlier thinking under its simple surface. Leftists have spent years distilling their endless self-pity and hollow complaints into a deliberately aggressive secret lingo which they understand among themselves, but exists only as a sinister, accusative mystery to those on the Right.

Here at the Chronicles, this enigmatic, encrypted, malignant claptrap is called "Libberish."

Below, you will find a list of many Liberal Third Way Multi-Pluralist terms. Each word or phrase is de-coded and explained into clear common English. This list is incomplete and will be added to / updated on an ongoing basis.

UPDATE: The list has been moved to the left sidebar to save some space...


Long Live Good Mr. Iron Man

Am I disappointed? Yes.
Do I feel betrayed? Maybe a little.
Was it ever disheartening? Not for one second.

I am reminded of Stephen Harper's encouraging words, that dark and sad May Knight...

"You may have lost tonight's battle but you have done it in order to win the war,"

Good Mr. Iron Man sacrificed his career acting against a very complicit Liberal party. You can say what you want about tapes being edited, but they existed for a reason, and that reason wasn't because Good Mr. Iron Man thought of himself as a rising star(like B.S does) and wanted the publicity(like B.S does).

He was acting for the Good of Canada then, he is acting for the Good of Canada today.

Have a happy life outside of politics Good Mr. Iron Man.
History will have your tapes forever.

p.s: At least I will never have to have my comments censored at "buckets" of greywall's SmearBlog again...

Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead

And we made up some new audio to celebrate...

Turn up the volume!

If your browser doesn't automatically play audio, click here to download it...


No Confidence!

A quick round up of available information on the upcoming Federal election:

The vote was 171 to 133 saying that the House has no confidence in the governing Liberals. Paul Martin will take that long walk to the Governor Generals office to request a January 23, 2006 election.

The latest Poll suggests this is going to be close. The Pollara Poll has The Libs at 36%, the Cons at 31%. With a 2.8% accuracy, 19 times out of 20, well take 2.8 from the Liberals, give 2.8 to the Conservatives, and it's close.

And the early soundbites say... this is also going to be nasty. Don't let any one tell you different, Paul Martin fired the first salvo.

"Stephen Harper sees no positive role for government, not in improving the lives of Canadians, not even in standing up for Canada,"

Remember that quote in two weeks time when the Toronto Star is complaining about dirty tactics of everybody but the Liberals, the 'American' style mud slinging was started by Martin.

I'm looking so forward to this: it's going to be fun!

All I Want For Christmas...

is a new PM
a new PM
a new PM

All I want for Christmas is a new PM
then Scott Brison can Kiss My Ass!

Just A Reminder

Just a quick review of the sites policies (because I needed somewhere to anchor the new links).

E-Mail Policy:

It will be presumed that all E-mail sent to this site's attention is for publication unless otherwise indicated. If said e-mail is, in our opinion, completely outrageous it will be subject to posting and subsequent mockery even if the sender requests otherwise.

Comment Policy:

The Chronicles is a free speech zone however, postings to the comments sections can and will be edited or deleted for racism or defamatory content.

Audio Policy:

Audio made available on this site is the legally purchased property of the site owner. As such, you are being given permission to listen to it but not download or make copies of the same. To do so would likely constitute a copyright violation.

MoonBat Policy:

It is this sites aim that any and all policies and characteristics of the lib-left be analyzed for substance and if warranted, subsequently mocked in a very public fashion. Individuals holding policies and or characteristics being mocked can and will be referred to as MoonBats. If you find this policy offensive, you're a MoonBat.

A Clarification - When we at the Chronicles refer to "beating" on MoonBats, it's metaphorical.

Education = Moonbat Indoctrination

I don’t know, it may well be me, but it seems like the left leaning cant of the educational system is leaning more left than ever. The only confusing part of the whole thing is how the leftards that post as representative of the liberal / progressive population keep pretending to be:
a)     Victims
b)     Liberal, and
c)     Progressive

when, in fact, they really are:
a)     Victimizers AND professional victims (whiners)
b)     The LEAST liberal faction of the population (as they believe only in their own rights)
c)     regressive.

I continue to blame the education system; that system that wants students at earlier and earlier ages to maximize the indoctrination. Think about it … are any of the moonbats that commonly post or comment saying anything very different from Mao’s Red Brigade? Or Hitler’s Youth Corps? Or the Russian’s youth groups?  (That was, of course, a rhetorical question, since the only possible answer is “no, nothing different”)  It “sounds” good but doesn’t work and never has, and is only aimed at creating a privileged class of “people who just want to help.”  Of course, that fact that the people that they want to “help” don’t want their “help” is just looked on as ungrateful … since they have just “so much” to offer. Sort of reminds one of the poster I used to have in my office – “Hire them before they’re 20, while they still know everything.”

Back to that education system I blame. And, yes, I wholeheartedly do. Blame. Them. From ancient times to fairly recently, teachers were the best and the brightest. And they were that way for one reason – they were passing along knowledge THEY had gained throughout their life. Because they were older folks who cared enough about their craft and their society to pass along their knowledge. Through apprenticeship programs that slowly passed along skills to the apprentice in all the crafts, and even in the arts, the young learned from the elders. Not just any carpenter had apprentices – only the better ones. And the better ones were easy to recognize, as their wares were much in demand.

This is where our societal attention has wandered from … a system where personal knowledge and skills were passed on, to a system where “teachers” read a book and listen to a “professor” and then try to pass “knowledge” along. And since they HAVE no knowledge, they have no passion … so they try to counterbalance their utter lack of relevance with feel good CRAP like self-esteem. Self-esteem that would be earned by the student gaining some knowledge that would make them valuable citizens and employees (or even employers). None of the elder statesmen of history were professional politicians – they were all people who had LIVED before entering public service. They taught and advised and created based on history and personal experiences.

I have oft equated professional religious leaders to con-men ….. “earning” their living by counseling in matters they had no experience in and contributing not a whit to the GDP. However, they do have at least some small value, in helping focus groups on morals.  Teachers, on the other hand, no longer contribute any real value to society. Instead of passing along value in the form of wisdom and knowledge and skills, they exist solely to benefit themselves. Instead of contributing when they have great knowledge and smaller needs – being in the twilight of their years, we have indoctrinated youngsters interested in building their wealth who have great “needs” and little knowledge to pass on. So, instead of doing what they’re grossly overpaid for (but incapable of performing) they self-appoint themselves to indoctrinate their captive audience in “Bobbie has two mommies” and “gay marriage should be mandatory” … and similar topics of no value to aid these youngsters in getting and keeping jobs.

Underlining my above-noted belief is the flood of news lately about young female school teachers who are so immature that they institute sexual relations with their students … the latest having been a 26 year old who had sex with her 14 year old student during her HONEYMOON.  That certainly dots the i’s for me!

Another Conservative Party Sell Out?

OTTAWA - Peter MacKay has been dating a blonde billionairess. Not Belinda Stronach -- this time it's Sophie Desmarais of the wealthy Power Corp. family.


Mr. MacKay, who is deputy leader of the Conservatives, and Ms. Desmarais met at dinner at Brian and Mila Mulroney's Montreal home about a month ago. The Mulroneys played matchmaker -- Mrs. Mulroney thinks highly of Mr. MacKay and knows Ms. Desmarais. They have been seen dining together a couple of times in Ottawa since then.

The romance is at an early stage but is understood to have developed fairly quickly, according to sources. "She gave him a little peck on the cheek as they left," said one source who had seen them out together.


Now before you brush this off as ol' Peter lookin for a little luvvin, have a look at the incestious relationship between the current (corrupt) Canadian Government and the Desmarais family/Power Corp and it's connections to things like the Kyoto Accord and the oil for food scandel (the first block of info is a little older and I've put in little [updates] ):

It may pay you to spend a few minutes tracing the connections of Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. to the leading politicians, etc. of Canada. This association explains the Kyoto pact:

JOHN RAE: leading strategist for Prime Minister Chretien's election campaign. Was Executive Vice- President of Power Corp. and Paul Desmarais' right- hand man. His brother is....

BOB RAE: ex-NDP Premier of Ontario, who appointed....

MAURICE STRONG (his god father) to the chairmanship of Ontario Hydro, which he proceeded to dramatically cut in both skilled human resources and generating capacity Past CEO of Desmarais Power corp. Strong received an appointment to the UN as senior environmental advisor to the UN president and chairman of the earth council. He was responsible for the Kyoto accords. More on Moe Strong:

PAUL MARTIN: current federal Finance Minister. [update - current Liberal Prime Minister of Canada] Rose through the ranks at Power Corp., mentored by Paul Desmarais. Bought Canada Steamship Lines from him. Ran against Chretien for Liberal Party leadership.

JEAN CHRETIEN: [former] Prime Minister. Daughter, France, is married to Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais, chairman of Power Corporation. Chretien's "advisor, counsellor and strategist" for the past 30 years has been ...

(POWER CORP was also the majority shareholder in PetroFina France which had tens of BILLIONS$ in long term contracts with Saddam / IRAQ... but no, that would NOT have any bearing on why Chretien chose not to participate IRAQ WAR #2. Nah!)

MITCHELL SHARP, who brought Chretien into politics when he was Finance Minister. Sharp has been, since 1981, Vice-Chairman for North America of the corporate globalist TRILATERAL COMMISSION.

DANIEL JOHNSON: Liberal leader in Quebec. Rose through the ranks of Power Corp. Key in delivering federal spending to Quebec based Power Corp and other corporate welfare cases in the province

BRIAN MULRONEY: ex- [Progressive] Conservative Prime Minister. Now a lawyer and lobbyist for Power Corporation which, together with Ontario Hydro and Hydro Quebec, has just formed the Hong Kong-based ASIA POWER CORP., to help China to develop its energy potential. Power Corp.'s legal interests in Asia will be handled by a Hong Kong branch of Mulroney's Montreal law firm, Olgilvy, Renault.

NOTE: The Conservative party mentioned here is NOT the current CPC party. [update - adding Peter McKay to the mix does in fact add the current CPC]

PIERRE TRUDEAU: past PM and former power corp. lawyer. Introduced into the company by his father who had business connections to Desmarais. PET signed over millions to Power corp. under federal grant programs. Desmarais funded his election campaign. So...we have the CONSERVATIVE party , the LIBERAL party , and the NDP all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. And we have the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Prime Minister's key aide all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.

We now see the Power Corp. key alumnus in the UN Kyoto deal which so coincidentally benefits the (largely unpublicized) business interests of Desmarais alumnus.

Maurice Strong has now joined Brian Mulroney and Paul Desmarais in investing in the Asia Power Group's $100 million venture capital in "small coal-fired power plants being built in the south of China". They are also looking at "larger projects in northern China, as well as in Malaysia, the Philippines and India." The Asian economies are expected to spend $1 trillion on essential infrastructure, of which an estimated $400 billion will be on power generation. Chinese and Asian labour costs are low - as low, in China, as $45 per month - and potential profits are enormous.

The Nov/Dec. 1993 issue of Council on Foreign Relations' publication FOREIGN RELATIONS contains an article, THE RISE OF CHINA, in which we are warned that China will begin to use more energy than the United States within a few decades, massively straining the world's energy supplies. If you were a power company investment magnet where would you place your future fortunes?

In a nation wracked with environmental paranoia or a developing, unregulated energy hungry industrial giant? China is gearing up to be the world's dominant manufacturing power. Most of China's energy comes from the burning of soft, high-sulphur, highly- polluting coal. In 1991 alone, 11 trillion cubic meters of waste gases and sixteen million tons of soot were emitted into the atmosphere over China - and it has only just begun its long process of increased energy generation! The sulphur in this coal causes acid rain. The burning of the coal releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the most efficient "greenhouse gas" in the global warming process.

There are indications that Strong , Desmarais and their crones (under ghost corporate affiliates) are behind the current rash of buying of low grade coal mines in depressed nations to fuel these projects. But this is yet to be fully substantiated. Who would invest so massively in low grade coal when it was targeted as Kyoto taboo commodity? Maybe someone who knew in advance they would be able to burn it with out regulation in China? Green house fears bottomed out the price of these coal purchases. If it can be used for power generating fuel, you stand to have a very inexpensive fuel source. China continues to burn coal in it's power production unregulated by Kyoto.

Now the real hook. You remember Maurice Strong? Desmarais familiar and corporate confidante, ex power boss, major investor in 3rd world coal fired energy enterprise? Well Maurice ended up appointed to the UN as head advisor to the UN president on environmental affairs Is this irony? He was campaigned for that position by Canada's PM's and diplomats. As such, he called a little multi national conference called Kyoto! Maurice and his friend Jean Chretien wrote and signed an agreement which effectively will destroy their pal Desmarais` chef energy competitor (Alberta Nat Gas) and gave Power Corp investment in China coal/energy an enormous competitive advantage. Anyone who thinks this as mere coincidence is unaware of the networking of international corporate elites. This revelation makes it clear theKyoto earth summit was a vehicle used by corporate (Strong/Chretien) bag men to create a huge global shift in powergeneration profits. They were backed by one of the worlds most devious businessmen.

Oh, and Paul Desmarais? In September, 1993, he joined the Trilateral Commission. He spearheaded the Tri-lat initiative of promoting a Kyoto-like conference over concerns for the planet from carbon emissions produced by the DEVELOPED NATIONS.

h/t coldwave

Here's a chart showing how our friends have been tied to the "Oil For Food Scandel":

I don't think this little romance was started by just some chance encounter and I'm going to make a bold prediction:

The Desmarais family is hedging it's bets that Peter McKay is going to be the next Prime Minister of Canada and want's to maintain their families ties to that office.

This makes sense. It's becoming painfully clear that we'll have another minority government in the next election. Harper and Martin are both going to be turffed as a result. Once the CPC has McKay in place as leader (he's not "scary" like Harper and is way more "liberal friendly") they'll be able to win a majority.

That being the case, Harper will come home and begin work on the AB seperation campaign.


More Shining Examples of Lib-Left Thinking

Note to US readers: These people aren't the exception up here, they're the rule.

My new friend Polly is now equating the previous post on her as a "virtual sexual assault".

Richard Evans concludes his attack on me with the following words: Well, there you have it folks. We don't know if Polly is a lesbian or not but we can be certain that she hates Dick...

By introducing sex, he resorts to the age-old tactic of using sex to control women. As one commenter puts it, he uses "virtual sexual assault". The intent is to humiliate and debase.

Unfortunately, I have seen these tactics used repeatedly throughout the blogosphere:
So and so likes horse cock....I fucked so and so up the ass...and of course, ...we can be certain that she hates Dick.

Can you imagine the situation reversed?

...Well, folks, we don't know if Richard is gay or not, but we can be certain that he hates Pussy..whoops, I mean Polly ...(hehe)...

Sorry Polly, "Dick" is a name. If you're going to make references like this, please ensure to keep them in context.

And here are some of the comments off of our new friend Dale's blog:

dirk said:
You hit it in the head…”The shit slinging, smear breeding monkeys then begin to dance along the comment list, frolicking amongst one-line hate tag lines and profoundly stupid utterances like “Dude, you totally fictitiously pw3nd that pinko moonbat!!!111! LOLZ!?!/”…

I have tried to debate with some conservative bloggers my self. Out of a genuine interest in understanding how they arrive at their conclusions. Most start of right away with insults or name calling.But I guess its in their nature to be such,how else can you write such posts and comments as showen by your post. Its not based on anything but bigotry and pre-concieved notions. I have found myself scratching my head on numerous occassions while reading some blogs of the “consevative right”.


Annamarie Deneen said:


You are a kind, selfless person who thinks of others, and feels the pain of those who are suffering, neglected, hurt. You gallantly gave support to Polly, and for this you were maligned by two vicious, vituperative individuals whom I am ashamed to call ‘Canadians’. Please disregard their inane, nonsensical drivel, and perhaps if we ignore them, they will stop posting here.

Dirk: You can't start off your paragraph by calling someone a bunch of names and then finish with some diatribe about how you hate it when someone starts of by calling you a bunch of names... You're an idiot. (see, I finished with it just to make you happy)

Now I have one simple question that these people haven't seemed to want to answer.

Would they be acting with such indignation were it a male I profiled instead of "Polly the martyr who doesn't claim to want to help people while saying that she wants to help people"?

Oh, and one small point of clarification for you moonbats who can't seem to read: The "Calgary MoonBat" post had nothing to do with the CDA.

It doesn't pay to be a Conservative Commentator in Cannuckistan

From Lifesite comes news that "morally" Conservative columnist, TV host and Radio commentator Michael Coren has been fired from CFRB radio:

Holiday (CFRB General Manager Pat Holiday) said Coren was let go after a Monday program where Coren "picked on a group of people" (fat people) and "said things you just don't say on the radio". On radio, added Holiday, "You can do a lot of things. What you just can't do is take personal attacks."

So what were the personal attacks, you ask?

Coren was not picking on real people but had created a fictitious character so as to illustrate a point about the current debate on obesity.

How is a "fictitious character" amount to a personal attack? Doesn't a person need to be involved for it to be personal? Definition #1 in my dictionary for personal is "of or pertaining to a person." So what person was attacked? But this really bugs me:

Asked later in the interview if Coren's comments were actionable, Holiday responded, "This particular instance couldn't be actionable because he made the person up so he was faking it on top of it. But if it was a real person, our license would be hanging out to dry right now."

Why would any comment affect your license if it was factual? If it was slanderous, let the slandered party sue Mr. Coren. But your license should never depend on comments by a host. Of course, we all no that in PC Cannuckistan they do, but that does not make it less ridiculous. And shame on Pat Holiday for not having the guts to stick up for Coren, especially considering the fictitious character element of this.

Also, if Mr. Coren had said something sexual, something crude, wouldn't the MSM have ran this story. Why did I, who reads 2 newspapers a day in Michael Coren's market, have to stumble upon this on Bourque.org? Where are they when one of their own is fired for his words?

That sound you just heard is free speech, whimpering on it's deathbed, the whistling is the MSM, pretending not to notice.

From the Inbox

Received this on Friday, from Liberal party headquarters.

Dear Liberal Friend,

As I write these words, Liberal Headquarters here at 81 Metcalfe Street in Ottawa is alive with energy and excitement. Computers are being wired up, telephones installed, and preparations for an election are being finalized.

Canadians have said repeatedly that they don'’t want a Holiday election. But the Opposition Parties, led by an angry, gloomy Stephen Harper, have decided that their political agenda must be the country'’s agenda. That, of course, is their prerogative. But surely it doesn't require, as they spent yesterday doing, calling all Liberals corrupt and drawing a direct line from the Liberal Party to organized crime.

The Bloc? Their separatist agenda requires that they construct "“winning conditions" for a referendum, a referendum that PQ Leader Andre Boisclair has promised to hold "“immediately"” after winning power at the provincial level. For the Bloc, the election of a Stephen Harper government with them holding the balance of power is the ultimate "“winning condition"”. For they know that Stephen Harper's neo-conservative agenda is the very antithesis of Quebeckers'’ views. They, too, call all Liberals "corrupt"” in the most McCarthyite way, to mask the fact that they have no policies that represent a positive vision of Quebec's place in Canada.

It all amounts to a nasty campaign. As Liberals, we need to be prepared for the lowest possible level of political discourse from our opponents. We need to be prepared to respond to excessive charges. And we need to promote our record of achievement. That means speaking of a 30-year low in unemployment. Record surpluses. The best economy in the G-8. Social innovation. Child care. Tax cuts. Positive things -– things that we can all be proud of.

I will be spending the rest of the time before Monday working with the Campaign team to construct a winning campaign. That campaign will cost over $18 million. Now more than ever, we need your help to mount that campaign. Our candidates need your time and talents. Your friends and neighbours can and should be asked to pitch in and help on our campaign.

Finally, we need your help to finance the campaign. Please take the time to donate to a winning campaign. Even a small amount helps. And as we approach year end, you are close to obtaining a generous tax credit.

As we approach our campaign launch, we carry with us the support of the hundreds of thousands of Liberals across Canada. And more than ever, we ask for a demonstration of that support: financial, moral, and otherwise -– to re-elect a Liberal government.

You gotta love these guys. First they say this:

But the Opposition Parties, led by an angry, gloomy Stephen Harper...
then this
It all amounts to a nasty campaign. As Liberals, we need to be prepared for the lowest possible level of political discourse from our opponents...

So in the 1st paragraph, they are calling their opponents names, in the third lamenting the fact that name calling is going to happen - what hypocrites!

Then there is this about the Bloc:

For they know that Stephen Harper'’s neo-conservative agenda is the very antithesis of Quebeckers' views. They, too, call all Liberals "“corrupt"” (emphasis theirs) in the most McCarthyite way, to mask the fact that they have no policies that represent a positive vision of Quebec'’s place in Canada.

Note: neo-conservative and McCarthyite. Isn't it the height of McCarthyism to flail accusations all over the place hoping something sticks, just like this e mail. Oh, by the way Steve (This letter is signed by Steven MacKinnon), McCarthy was right, their where communists in government, in the entertainment industry, in business. His methods, I admit, where heavy handed, but his assertion had truth in it. Same applies. You may argue it's McCarthyism to accuse all Liberals of corruption, but there is sufficient evidence of Liberal corruption to warrant the charge.

My favourite part of the e mail is this:

Finally, we need your help to finance the campaign...

What's the matter Steve, can't steal the money like you did the last two elections?

Anyway, here's the last portion of the e mail:

Yours in Liberalism,

Steven MacKinnon
National Director

P.S. Please redirect this e-mail on to others you think will support a winning campaign!

Your wish is my command Mr. MacKinnon, I have just passed your e mail on to the readers of Cannuckistan Chronicles.


Shock and Awe!

What's the best part about kicking a MoonBat in the pants?

Their response!

"...Over at Canuckistan Chronicles (yes, the url is actually nomoresocialism.blogspot.com), I read this disgusting blog entry where the author writes a fictitious interview with Polly Jones, in which the interviewer, named 'Dick' (how befitting) offers such statements as 'We don't know if Polly is a lesbian or not but we can be certain that she hates Dick…' and thinks them humorous in the slightest.


The way that righties like Caniuckistan and brethren spew and froth in feeding frenzies over a lefty bloggers' entries, expecially when they are supposed to be regarding issues such as the CDA is why I refuse to engage them. I broke from that refusal tonight, writing this comment on the 'fictitious' interview post:..."

Emphasis is mine

Aparently my new friend Dale finds it astonishing that there are individuals out there who don't worship at the alter of socialism. Astonished enough that he just had to speak out!

That simple response by Dale is the entire reason behind my existance in the blogosphere. It's the reasoning behind why I am the way I am and why I do the things I do.

This site was set up with the intention of making people like Dale understand that not everyone thinks like them. That our country isin't as socialist as they think or would like to believe. That they are no longer in control. That we're fighting back.

They don't like it and that's ok. I've got thick skin.

The encroachment of socialism won't be stopped or reversed until someone has the balls to stand up to people like Dale and call "bullshit".



Another Calgary MoonBat

What follows is a fictitious interview by our fictitious reporter Dick. Today Dick is ficitiously interviewing "Polly Jones" from "Marginal Notes".

Hi Polly, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dick, intrepid reporter for the Cannuckistan Chronicles. You caught my attention recently with some moonbatty comments in an on-line conversation thread. I'd like to find out more about you if that's ok.

What's a "Cannuckistan Chronicles"?

It's an on-line daily that looks at the state of politics and social issues within North America from a conservative point of view.

This isn't going to be a slag piece is it?

No mam, we're going to be as factual as possible.

I'm a woman, not a "mam". Call me that again and I won't be answering any of your questions. Sexist pig.

Right, sorry Polly, could you tell me a little about yourself?

OK, I am a graduate student in social work, specializing in leadership and international issues. I have a personal interest in issues of violence and mental health.

Good, thanks. You have a personal interest in mental health issues? That's interesting.

Why is that interesting?

Well I noticed on your blog that you had mentioned some personal depression. Is your interest in mental health for purely personal reasons?

(giggles) No, I think everyone else is mental.

I see. Is it possible that you're projecting your own issues onto others?

Project... Hey, take that back right now!

Alright, sorry. I noticed that you have the CBC, BBC and G&M as the only referenced news sources on your site. I'm sure we can agree that they're fairly biased with their reporting. Do you ever seek balance with your news sources?

Biased? They're not biased at all. Besides, nothing else is sanctioned by the state. Why would I look elsewhere?

Right. I was a fool for asking. OK, what was it that drew you to take up social work?

I like to help people who need it.

Alright, so if I understand that correctly, you like to have control over people who are more messed up than you are?

I didn't say that.

It was implied.

F*#@ You! If you spread lies about me I'm going to kick your FRIGGIN' ASS.

You're doing it again...

Doing what?

Projecting... The whole interest in "violence issues" thing...

I'm not projecting. I'm not a violent person. (as she pops a prozac into her mouth) Why are you being so mean?

I'm not being mean. I'm just trying to figure you out... Can I ask, are you a lesbian?


I'm sorry, it's just that your blog seems to have a slight tone to it that could give the impression that you don't have too much luck with men. I was curious...

This interview is finished. I hate you you F****ing Ass!

Well, there you have it folks. We don't know if Polly is a lesbian or not but we can be certain that she hates Dick...

Update: Todays subject displays even more moonbattyness:

"...Well,it's an opportunity to highlight the ways in which others try to silence those who speak for change - shaming, misrepresentation, threat, and raising questions about sexuality.

I will not go through and point to all of the ways I have been misrepresented. The only point I will respond to is that I have NEVER claimed that I wish to "help others"."

[It was a fictitious interview. You never claimed anything luv.]

"I am an activist that works for changes that I feel are important and are part of my own liberation. I have seen many other people in pain in my life, and I hope that I can help them to speak out about their own experiences with mental health and sexual violence. Absolutely, my own life experiences inform my understanding of the world."

[Um, did you not, just now with that statement, claim that you do, in fact, wish to help others? Are you not, in fact, contradicting yourself with those two statements?]

"I want to tell everyone that I was prepared for this. I mean this type of shaming and threat is exactly why I have in interest in mental health and women's issues. God, it's so ironic to me. I'm sure that this will continue to go on, but I won't respond to every witch hunt, as it is simply a waste of my energies."

[How is it that when one challanges an individual, all of a sudden, they're against the goals of said individual?]

Emphasis and comments are my own...

Sorry "Ms. activist that doesn't want to help people while trying to help people", you're not a martyr, you're a moonbat. That's the point of this post.

Hey, what are the odds that she comes to a Calgary blogger meet and greet next weekend at the Ranchmans?

Blogger Meet and Greet - Calgary and Area

In chatting with Aiz from Exposed Agenda and Mike from Project AB, we thought it'd be neat if we could get a bunch of us local bloggers and commenters together for an afternoon of appitizers and beer (or wiskey or vodka or whatever). It'd give us to meet and get to know each other a little better.

Scheduling something like that however is a bit of a bitch so we're going to make it easier for everyone. To give folks a little extra motivation...

You won't have to pay for anything.

Don't ask how or why, just accept it.

Here are the details:

  • Who: Invitation is open to any Bloggers / Commenters who can make it.
  • When: From 12:00 - 4:00 Saturday Dec. 3, 2005
  • Where: Ranchman's Restaurant and Bar - 9615 Macleod Tr. S, Calgary

The fine print:

  • The budget is set and can't be changed. As such, there is a limit of 30 attendees. An RSVP to resenvt@hotmail.com with "Ranchman's" in the subject line is required to get your names on the list. No RSVP = No Soup For You.
  • As this adventure is open to all political stripes, all participants must be on their best behavior. I know, that's a given but one never knows what'll happen when a bunch of extremely opinionated people get lubricated and start discussing politics or social issues.
  • The Polly Clause: Slapping your host is not permitted.
  • Neither the Chronicles, myself (Richard Evans) or the Ranchman's will be held responsible to ensure your safe passage home afterwards. That will be your own responsibility. If you're going to drink too much, ensure you have a ride arranged.

I'll keep a running tally below of the folks who intend to participate:

Confirmed Attendees:

Mike R. from Project Alberta

Richard from Cannuckistan

Jordan from the comments sections

Jon from the shadows

Jane and Maria from Project Alberta

Aizlynne and Greg from Exposed Agenda

Rob from BumfOnline

Darcy from Dust my Broom


Rap isn't the problem... Rap fans are the problem!

I like Dan McTeague. He gets things done and at least appears to understand that he works for the people of Pickering-Scarborgough East. But sometimes he just doesn't get it. His most recent idea is to ban rapper 50 Cent (Curtis Jackson) from appearing in Canada. This is from his recent letter to Immigration Minister Joe Volpe:

I don't think people in Toronto or any urban area need or want to hear Mr. Jackson's message right now (Emphasis mine)

Memo to Dan McTeague, if people didn't want to hear Mr. Jackson's message we wouldn't be having this conversation.

When government officials start deciding what people want, that's when they become dangerous.

Pure unadulterated lies...

Just when you think the CBC has sunk low enough, a dark deep new depth is discovered...

An online poll asking if Saskatchewan should get a fair deal on equalization payments was flooded with electronic "no" votes earlier this week.

This is not what happened. In fact, the "report" does not even touch on what the REALITY of the ENTIRE STORY is...

Now, the provincial government's poll has been taken offline while it tries to figure out how to prevent people from "skewing" the results again.

This is a bold outRight F&*%!G LIE!! The RESULT was "SKEWED" before anyone even remotely cared about this "poll"!

The government launched the "Raise a Flag" website last week to pressure Ottawa for an energy accord similar to the one Newfoundland has.

In other words, spend taxpayer money on stupid and blatant propaganda.

It includes a "poll" "question" asking people whether they agree that Saskatchewan deserves a fair energy accord. Why don't you ask people if they deserve to eat instead?

According to Premier Lorne Calvert, more than 1,000 "no" votes came in over about an hour on Tuesday. After the poll was suspected of being rigged. When lots of people vote and nothing happens, was it just another funny accident? Like the black "X" over Cheney's face?

At one point, according to the Saskatchewan blog site, Small Dead Animals 77 per cent of the votes said "no" and 23 per cent said "yes". Nobody SAW 77-23. Only 90-10 WAS EVER SEEN BY ANYONE THAT "voted" afterwards, due to one blog.

Calvert said Wednesday the government froze the results where they were Truth.
before the flood of electronic "no's" "came in" 90 per cent infavor and 10 per cent against. Lie.

The government is now trying to fix the site so that nobody can manipulate the votes in future. This line is what the comment section was invented for...

"Either for or against," Calvert said. "I mean, somebody might have decided that they're just going to skew it the other way. Or....
Well, we don't want a skewed poll."

A number of visitors to Small Dead Animals noted that after they voted "no" the poll results remained frozen at 90 per cent infavor. They accused the NDP of rigging the poll. No, they CAUGHT the NDP "rigging".

Read the post that busted it wide...
Calvert said that is not what happened. Why is it any company in the country can run a computer competently, yet when a government tries to use them, we get waste like this, or the gun registry?

He added he doesn't trust anything called "Small Dead Animals" especially when it encourages people to vote "no". Are the citizens of Saskachewan really braindead enough to trust THIS bullshit????????

Shameless Plug.

I have just updated my Canadian music site "A Singles Scene." It is...

a look through the basements, antique barns and junk stores of southern Ontario looking for Canadian music through the singles of the 1950's to the 1980's. Join me as I seek vinyl 45's, common and rare, wherever I can lay my hands on them.


Note: Mandatory Political Content: Sorry Warren, no Punk here... yet. But there is Go Go Trudeau by the Sinners here.

From the MailBag...

Subject: Doctor's Report

Recently, I was diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D. (Age Active Attention Deficit Disorder).

This is how it manifests:

I decide to water the garden. As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide my car needs washing. As I start toward the garage, I notice that there is mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.

I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table and notice that the can is full. I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first. But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.

I take my check book off the table and see that there is only one check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking. I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over. I realize the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.

As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye, they need to be watered. I set the Coke down on the counter, and I discover my reading glasses that I've searching for all morning. I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.

I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote -- someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs.

>But first I'll water the flowers.

>I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor. So I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.

At the end of the day;

- the driveway is flooded,

- the car isn't washed,

- the bills aren't paid,

- there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter,

- I can't find the remote,

- I can't find my glasses,

- and I don't remember what I did with the car keys.

Then when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I'm really tired. I realize this a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail.


The Slippery Slope.

How long before this is a basic human right?

SIOUX FALLS, S.D., Nov. 21 (UPI)
A security guard found Michael James Plentyhorse, 18, sans pants on the floor in the Washington High School Alumni Room in Sioux Falls, S.D., with a half-naked female mannequin, the Sioux Falls Argus Leader reported.

"There was inappropriate activity between him and the mannequin," a police spokesman told the newspaper. "That's the only way I know how to put it."

The spokesman said security staff had reported the same mannequin found undressed on several occasions.

That the House condemns the government ...

...for its arrogance in refusing to compromise with the opposition parties over the timing of the next general election and for its 'culture of entitlement,' corruption, scandal, and gross abuse of public funds for political purposes and, consequently, the government no longer has the confidence of the House.

That is the particularly harsh motion to be tabled by Stephen Harper on Thursday. A vote on the motion should occur early next week. Paul Martin should refuse to recognize it as a legitimate confidence motion by Wednesday, at which time Stephen Harper will grin painfully, Gilles Duceppe's head will explode and Jack Layton will have a press conference.

More of the story here. I found this part interesting:

A leading constitutional expert says it's been more than a century since a federal government was defeated on a stand-alone non-confidence motion.

"It wouldn't have been in the 20th century - it would have to be before," said Ned Franks, professor emeritus at Queen's University.

That's over 100 years since a government has gone down in this via such a motion.

The two most likely dates for an election are Jan. 16 or Jan. 23.

Bring it On!

Throw Pauly from the Train?

An accused Cocaine Trafficker has told a Brampton Court that a $300,000 contract was taken out on the life of Paul Martin in 2003, according to a Toronto Sun story. Which leads to a few questions:

who advertised the contract?

For how much?

And how much of that money made it's way to the Liberal Party of Canada?

A Simple Question:

How many more are there?

TORONTO - A suspected kingpin of Canada's jihadist network has been indicted by the United States for his alleged role in a terrorist cell that sent money and recruits overseas to "murder, maim and kidnap."
Kassem Daher, a Lebanese-Canadian and former Alberta theatre owner, was indicted on three counts for allegedly fundraising, recruiting and supplying equipment for armed conflicts in several countries.


News that slips under the radar

OK, so the news for the North American auto sector is awful. GM is eliminating jobs, cutting workers, Toyota is taking over the field. Got a union job? Sorry sucker, you're out of luck, right?


On the same day when GM announced their major cuts, when the MSM where ringing their hands at the carnage on the shop floor, who noticed this item?:

DaimlerChrysler AG unveiled plans yesterday to spend $768-million to upgrade two of its Ontario plants, as the only profitable company of the Big Three auto makers boosted its commitment to Canada.

Daimler's investment will improve the flexibility of manufacturing operations in Windsor and Brampton, and finance the construction of a $300-million paint shop in Windsor that is scheduled to open by 2007.

An estimated $610-million will be spent at the Windsor assembly plant alone, including the 185,000-square-foot paint facility...

...Each of the world's four biggest auto makers -- Daimler, Toyota Motor Corp., Ford Motor Co., and General Motors Corp. -- has now made a major investment in Canada over the past couple of years, a winning streak that followed more than a decade of auto industry migration to the southern United States and Mexico.

Funny how the bad news was everywhere, but I didn't know about the good news until I got home and read Borque.

All I want for Christmas ...

... is a new PM
A new PM, oh a new PM.

All I want for Christmas is a new PM
Then Scott Brison can Kiss My Ass!

People for the Edible Treatment of Animals

The latest crap brainwashing propoganda information from PETA.
I'm kind of partial to the part where they say:
Oh, I almost forgot, PETA is the same group that recently got caught killing doggies and kitties (to the tune of 31 confirmed) and disposing of them in a grocery store dumpster.
The cats and dogs were taken Wednesday from animal shelters in Northampton and Bertie counties, police said. Animals had been collected every Wednesday for four weeks, and carcasses had been found dumped in Ahoskie every Wednesday for about a month, Ahoskie Police Chief Troy Fitzhugh said.
Among the dead animals, though, authorities found a female cat and her two “very adoptable” kittens taken from Ahoskie Animal Hospital, veterinarian Patrick Proctor said.

“These were just kittens we were trying to find homes for,” Proctor said. “PETA said they would do that, but these cats never made it out of the county.”

When Proctor evaluated one dead dog for police, he discovered a healthy, 6-month-old mutt with a needle mark on its front right leg, he said.

He also identified what he called a “death kit” that police found in the van. It was filled with syringes and two drugs that only licensed veterinarians can have, he said.
The comic book seen above is nothing but pure leftist projection folks...


It was a different time...

LONDON (AP) - Alfred Anderson, the last known survivor of the 1914 Christmas Truce that saw British and German soldiers exchanging gifts and handshakes in no man's land, died early Monday, his parish priest said.

He was 109.


Born June 25, 1896, Anderson was an 18-year-old soldier in the Black Watch regiment when British and German troops cautiously emerged from their trenches on Dec. 25, 1914. The enemies swapped cigarettes and tunic buttons, sang carols and even played soccer amid the mud and shell-holes of no man's land.

The informal truce spread along much of the Western Front, in some cases lasting for days.

"I remember the silence, the eerie sound of silence," Anderson told the Observer newspaper last year.

"All I'd heard for two months in the trenches was the hissing, cracking and whining of bullets in flight, machine-gun fire and distant German voices," said Anderson, who was billeted in a farmhouse behind the front lines.

"But there was a dead silence that morning, right across the land as far as you could see. We shouted 'Merry Christmas,' even though nobody felt merry. The silence ended early in the afternoon and the killing started again. It was a short peace in a terrible war."


Our heros are slowly passing on and with them the memory of what they fought for, what conditions were like and the ideals that made them endure...

Carry on soldier...


David Orchard a Liberal?

God I hope this is true, just for the joke value:

I have it on very good authority from a contact in Regina that the Liberals are in talks with David Orchard about running as a candidate for them in the upcoming election. There's no signed deal on a napkin yet, but it does seem like a serious possibility.

From a guy who had trouble with Peter MacKay's ethics, he's going to join Paul Martin's Liberals?

Warning to PM: this guy is way more trouble than he's worth.

Warning to Jack Layton: This guy is a bit of a lefty, so look out for your job, it'll be next.

Warning to the Conservatives: stop giggling.

At The AAP Convention

A quick Primer for the US readers (because you folks havn't gotten the full story [about Canada] down there and this event will have an impact on you in one form or another)

Alberta is one of many provinces and territories that make up Canada. We're set up in a manner similar to your republic in that our provinces are supposed to be operating autonomously within a constitutional framework.

Our federal government, like any socialist entity, has been slowly encroaching on our provincial authority. It's to the point right now that we have very little left in the way of autonomy.

Here are some examples of our province's grievences:

  • Federal transfer payments - Being a socialist society, the federal government takes money from prosperous/productive provinces and gives it to provinces/territories that aren't. A recent study showed that over the past 41 years, Alberta has paid $2,500.00/person/year to this transfer scheme. The other main net contributor, Ontario, has paid a measely $758.00/person/year. To look at it another way, Alberta has only 10% of the country's population but funds over 67% of the transfer scheme (including the monies transfered by BC which is the only other net contributor).

  • The federal gun registry - Albertains as a whole don't like the idea that the federal government has taken the first step in total confiscation of firearms. This is also a program that we were told would only cost $2M. The actual cost is approaching $2B.
  • Public Healthcare - Healthcare falls within provincial jurisdiction. The feds don't like that and have put a system in place where they are in control. Albertains know that the current socialized system is bloated and inefficient and would like to make changes. The feds don't like that either and have put serious restrictions in place. Our hands are tied when it comes to administering our own system.
The list goes on and on and if I keep it up, so will this post. Some other examples include; having SSM forced on us, forced bilingualism, an anti-US stance on everything, etc. These are things that most folks in Alberta don't value.

Suffice to say however that over the past decade, we have been trying to reverse this situation by putting a conservative government in power at the federal level. It hasn't worked. The majority of the canadain electorate (also recipients of all that transfer cash) are in the east and they like things just the way they are. During this decade there have been inumerable financial scandals within the federal (Liberal) government and the folks out east still continue to elect them.

They know which side their bread is buttered on.

To further our efforts, we've been pushing for reforms within the Canadian Senate. Currently all senators are appointed by the Prime Minister (head of corrupt liberal government) and there is very little representation for Alberta. Our efforts towards change have been repeatedly squashed.

To quickly summarize our position:

Alberta is a mule under the yolk of confederation pulling the pork-laden wagon that is the rest of Canada. We're the only "red state" in a blue country.

As Albertains however, we've traditionally been reluctant to look at ourselves as the source of the problem. We've always elected the "most conservative" provincial government available. It's become abundantly clear in recent years that we really are to blame though. We've given up our provincial autonomy without any argument. Without any fight. We relied on our "conservative government" to argue for us. The reason that the Alberta government hasn't resisted is because it, itself, is socialist. The population may be conservative but the government and it's leader Ralph Klein are true liberals. Ralph Klein is showing himself lately to be about as conservative as John Kerry.

There is a growing number of people who are now looking at our provincial government and the "light bulbs" are turning on. We're starting to figure it out. So what's the population to do? Start a new party. A truly conservative group.

Enter the Alberta Alliance Party (
AAP) and the Seperation Party of Alberta (SPA). These are groups of people who want to regain Alberta autonomy.

The SPA whishes to meet it's mandate by removing us from confederation altogether and making a go of it as a seperate country. The republic of Alberta would be born. The vast majority of folks I've spoken with don't wan't that though and it's going to be a very hard sell.

The AAP however has a different plan. It wants Alberta to become an equal partner within confederation as opposed to the mule. It also sees seperation from the rest of Canada as an possible end result, but believes that specific measures have to be taken first. Methodical steps. We have to try to regain control of our provincial autonomy, at the provincial level. If that fails, which is likely to happen, a refferendum will be held letting the people of Alberta decide whether or not to opt-out of confederation. This is an easier sell.

Both of the above groups have alot more substance to them than I can discuss in these summaries (this post is going to be huge as it is). You'll have to follow the links for more info.

I've put my support behind the AAP. I may even run as a candidate in the next election.

Now, why is all of that important to you folks down south? Here it is in a nutshell:
  • It's almost a given - Alberta's seperation from the rest of Canada is the likely end result of any action we take. It'll result from inaction as well.
  • Oil - Our reserves of oil are second only to Saudi Arabia.
  • Location - Alberta is landlocked - attached to your northern border
  • Economy - We're going to have to decide on currency and it won't be a weak Canadian dollar
  • Military - We'll need one. The Canadian army can't protect us with it's outmoded, broken equipment and understaffed forces.

We'll be looking to you.

If seperation does happen, we'll have two choices.

  • Join the US republic or
  • Go it alone with help from the states

Either way, you're going to be involved.

Now, onto the AAP Leadership Convention:

Friday Evening - Opening Reception

I showed up as a supporter of David Crutcher for leader. (Yes, that's important)

One of the first things I noticed when upon arrival was the age of the attendees. Not very many young people. The second thing I noticed was a couple of guys walking around in "Crutcher T-shirts" and looking more like they were part of a hit squad than anything else. They didn't seem to be too awful friendly which was an impression of the Crutcher camp that stayed with me. As a Crutcher supporter I scored one of the shirts.

I'm not a mingler so I hung back until Aiz and Greg showed up. They pulled me out of my bubble and forced me to meet people.

(Aizlyne and Greg)

After a while, each of the candidates got up and said a few words. Here's the exact text of my notes about their comments:

"Marilyn Burns: I missed it, what did she say?"
"David Crutcher: Free booze in my hospitality suite!"
"Paul Hinman: Very well done! - actual substance."
"Ed Klop: Well spoken - provided substance"

At this point I was beginning to feel less "warm and fuzzy" about my choice of candidate.

I should note that during the campaign I'd been hearing rumblings about concerns with Crutchers support team. His campaign manager Craig Chandler in particular. I was looking forward to meeting him and seeing what he's all about.

I was appropriately rewarded and was not left with a great impression. Don't get me wrong, I was still feeling "warm" towards Crutcher's campaign but "fuzzy" had left the building.

In the Hospitality Suite:

I was pretty well lubricated at this point so I won't comment too much the hospitality suite.


(Craig Chandler explaining the virtues of Craig to our friend Aiz)


(David and Greg)

It wasn't too much longer and our hero (me) had to stumble back to his room for the night.

Saturday Morning

This was the first time I'd slept in in a very long while. I got back to the convention 35 minutes late and missed the majority of the candidates speeches. I did however get there in time to see Chandler's hit-squad (Crutchers support team) standfront and center as Crutcher gave his speech. I thought this was a little out of line and I wasn't the only one. Eyebrows were raising and eyes were rolling throughout the room.

(Chandlers hit-squad)

I'm going to call it Chandlers campaign from here on in. Somewhere during the previous night I came to realize that Crutcher had lost control of his campaign and that Chandler was in the drivers seat.

"Warm" just left the building.

Next up on the agenda was the candidates Q&A:

It was a lengthy session and I made lots of notes. Don't worry, I'm not going to go over them all. Here are the highlites of what I got from listening to their answers:

Paul Hinman: Very well spoken. Prepared. Articulate. Clear. Showed exemplary leadership qualities.

Marilyn Burns: As with Paul, very well spoken and articulate.

Ed Klop: Ed was well spoken too but he seemed to lack substance with his answers.

David Crutcher: David was frequently tripped up and didn't seem to have a good grasp of party policy. I have to admit though that his conviction and right-wing stance on issues was inspiring - it's what drew me to support him to begin with.

It was about 3/4 of the way through the Q&A session that I decided to vote for Paul Hinman instead of Crutcher. I was extremely impressed with Paul's performance.

Once the Q&A was finished we placed our votes in the box and wen't for lunch. About midway through the afternoon, we got word that they were going to the second ballot and didn't have a winner yet. They did let us know however that Paul was in the lead with David and Marilyn tied for a distand 2nd.

(David Crutcher and Craig Chandler after hearing the news that they were running a distant second. Is Craigs expression giving anything away? The writing was on the wall at this point.)

It wasn't until 4:00pm that we got the results back. Paul won and rightfully so.

Marilyn Burns came in second.

(Marilyn Burns and myself after the voting - She was my second choice)

Here he is folks, Paul Hinman, the man who could very well become the next Premier of Alberta and who gives us our province back.


(Paul Hinman speaking with the press after the announcement)


(Aiz, Paul and Greg after the press left)

Here In Cannuckistan

Able-bodied white males need not apply...

From the National Post - A major federal department has temporarily banned the hiring of able-bodied white men in an unusual move critics say could spark a backlash against the very disadvantaged groups it is meant to help.

Managers in the Public Works department must hire only visible minorities, women, aboriginals and the disabled, except with written permission from their superiors, David Marshall, the deputy minister, ordered in an e-mail circulated yesterday.

The policy, designed to address shortfalls in the department's employment-equity goals, will last at least until the end of next March and be reviewed then, the memo said.


The Charter of Rights and Freedoms does allow some discrimination by government to aid groups it identifies as being disadvantaged, said Robb Macpherson, a labour lawyer with the firm McCarthy Tetrault.


I think this may be the charter section that was referenced above:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Reverse discrimination enshrined in the Canadian Charter. Neat...

2 Stories that are Driving me Nuts!

Two Stories, a local one from the Cambridge Times here and one from the Brampton Guardian here.
From the Cambridge Times:

An interim decision by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal could spell victory for a Cambridge woman who was born male.

The tribunal has ruled that the province must pay for the sex reassignment surgery Michelle Hogan received in 2003...

Hogan said she is unsure how much compensation she will receive from the province if the tribunal's decision is made final. She said the surgery alone - performed at a hospital in Thailand - cost $11,000. In an interview with the Times following her surgery, Hogan said she was forced to accumulate a $40,000 debt to carry out the transition from man to woman. Her church also assisted her through fundraising.

In the tribunal ruling, Ross Hendricks, tribunal vice-chair, said Ontario failed to prove that the decision to de-list sex reassignment surgery was made for valid medical reasons. He said the province's conduct was "negligent, reckless and an abuse of power."...

So I went through the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and found nothing that states you are entitled to taxpayer funded sex change. Nothing to even remotely suggest it. Want a sex change... Pay for it!

In their first budget, Dalton McGuinty's Liberal Party of Ontario de listed eye exams, which they used to pay for bi-annually. I wear glasses, so does that mean I can go to the human rights tribunal and sue because the decision to de list wasn't made for "valid medical reasons?" Wasn't the decision to cut me off from my Optometrist "negligent, reckless and an abuse of power."? And if I could get a human rights tribunal to hear my case, who would pay for my lawyer? Who paid for Michelle's?

From the Brampton Guardian

Royal Canadian Legion branches in Brampton have been forced to change an out-of-date rule, which discriminates against some Sikhs and Orthodox Jews.

Local veterans call it a tradition that they fiercely enforce-- no "headgear" in the Legion clubroom. Head coverings must be removed out of respect for the fallen...

Members of the Legion, a private club, had voted for that rule, she said, and she was just enforcing it...

"That's wrong," said Royal Canadian Legion National Command spokesperson Bruce Poulin last week, adding Dhaliwal should not have been barred from the clubroom.

"I'm surprised. I thought this had been resolved many, many years ago," Poulin said...

He said members of the Indian Air Force have come to the local Legion two years in a row for Remembrance Day services-- some wearing turbans-- and none complained about the policy that saw them restricted to the community lounge in the Legion hall...

Question. If I went to India, and decided to head to the local Mosque to pay respects to Indian vets, do I have to wear a turban? Nowhere in India I can go that requires me to wear a turban? If I wound up in one such place, would Singh Dhaliwal stick up for me? Or would I have to go to a human rights tribunal? If the old Indian vets can sit in the common area, why can't Singh Dhaliwal without putting up a fuss?

I liked this bit:

A straw poll done by The Guardian of six branches in Toronto and Mississauga showed that they all were aware of the policy, and all allowed religious headdress in their clubrooms.

However, all said they do not have any members who wear a turban, and some indicated they accept the policy reluctantly.

"Some of our patrons don't like it, but they do go along," said the president of Clarkson Branch 582 in Mississauga, who did not want to be identified. "We're tolerant here."

Yea we're Tolerant here, what about our buddy Singh:

The experience has left Dhaliwal skeptical about the reception any Legion branch would give to anyone wearing a turban, despite their stated policies. And locally, he agrees policies can change, but attitudes won't unless a group larger than just himself decides to push the issue.

Aha, time to push the issue. Nice and tolerant like.


Absolute travesty!

Koreanet.com(Nov. 20).
North Korea agreed to the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, last April, a South Korean government official said on Sunday. The official said on condition of anonymity
Why would someone EVER need to speak on a "condition of anonymity", regarding Kyoto?!?!?! that the North joined the Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on April 27 and that the communist country is expected to carry out the obligations stipulated in the accord. "North Korea appears to have had the Supreme People's Assembly ratify the pact," he said. This will help what?

"The North is likely to send its delegation to a United Nations meeting on global climate change in Montreal, Canada, on Nov. 28."

The Chosun Shinbo, a pro-Pyongyang newspaper based in Japan, also reported that North Korea accepted the Kyoto Protocol in April as part of its efforts to join the international community in sustainable development. Observers said that the North Korean move can be interpreted as its realization that the environmental issue has become one of the most important global agendas.
I guess you would have to be fairy "left", to think climate change is a "pressing" issue for North Korea... Did anyone watch or read CNN tonight? Try this link. It's got video, and other special reports. Eh, CNN is a worthy FOX competitor...

North Korea has rarely attended international meetings related to the Kyoto Protocol. "The U.N. agreement on climate change is an issue which no nation cannot ignore, except the U.S, Australia, China, and the entire third world... an official at the Ministry of Environment said. "Aware of the international move on environment, North Korea is preparing for it." The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997 and came into force on Feb. 17 after Russia ratified it. Oh. I didn't know Russia bared the responsibility of ratifying it. However, the U.S., the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, has rejected the treaty, questioning its effectiveness and possible damage to the U.S. economy. The protocol requires industrialized countries to cut down carbon dioxide and other greenhouse-gas emissions to 5.2 percent below the 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. South Korea, unlike industrialized countries to be regulated by the protocol from 2008, is currently exempt from the reduction scheme. I didn't know that either. There is no PRACTICAL standard to the "protocol", as only select countries share any burden for Kyoto. In reality, North Korea shares NO burden of global CO2 emissions...

Honey! I'm Home!

Convention was a hoot. Too tired to blog last night. Spending some time with Corinne and the kids this evening. Will have the convention post up tomorrow or Monday.


Prejudiced against Pride?

The ladies in my life are Pride & Prejudice fans and a couple of months ago promised them I would take them to the new version, starring Keira Knightly and Matthew MacFadyen, upon it's release.

Unfortunately for me I didn't offer to take them to a real life gangster/rapper/scumbag movie, I offered to take them to a Victorian love story that involves 1 kiss, and that is post-marital. I say unfortunately because it wasn't playing anywhere in our Region, or the neighboring one for that matter. No the closest it was playing was at Square One mall in Mississauga, about 1/2 an hour away. Last weekends schedule was a bit hectic so we decided we couldn't squeeze the extra hour in. Instead we made plans for this weekend. Why not? It is after all at a significant mall and it is only 6 weeks until Christmas. It's a date, we said.

Then came Monday: The weekends box office is released and Pride & Prejudice is the #10 (US box officee) money earner for the weekend, even though it only showed in 215 theatres. Got that theatre number? 215. That 4 per state! That's puny! But it was number 10 on the money list. Further it's average per theatre was number 1 at $13,326. By comparison, the number 1 movie, Chicken Little, played in 3,658 locations for an $8,653 average. Zathura at number 2, another movie in it's first week, averaged $4,166 showing in over 3,000 theatres.

So it now seems logical that I won't have to travel to Mississauga with those kinds of numbers, surely a local theatre is being run by a profit minded business person and they will bring in Pride & Prejudice. Surely!

Surely Not!!

Here it is the weekend and the trip to Mississauga is back on. And I have to ask myself, what is going on here? Why is nobody who owns one of the 30 or 40 screens within reasonable distance of my house willing to show a money making movie? A movie that, based on the numbers, people want to go see if only they could.

Somebody who is hardcore right winger may suggest there is a Hollywood plot to promote immorality, that Pride & Prejudice is not left wing enough. But I'm not a conspiracy minded individual, so I don't buy that. More likely that the prevailing mindset that sex and violence sells is too hard to overcome. However, this is the 3rd movie in the last year that I have wanted to see that has not been in a local theatre upon release; this time I'm willing to drive 50KM to see the movie.

Next time you hear a radio show talking about the decline in theatre attendance, remember this!

In the meanwhile, I'm going to track how well this movie does, and I'll try and post a review: if people are going to have to go to an extra effort to see it, they might as well have as much information as possible.

Something to read?

I'm a fan of Scott Adams, which stands to reason, since I work for a large corporation. Most people who work for large corporations think Scott is a pseudonym for someone who works there, else why could he so accurately show what their life is like. ;)

Some years ago, Scott decided to augment his Dilbertian output with something different. Since it was rather unusual, it wasn't - apparently - a big seller like his humour offerings. This made Scott decide to give us an early Christmas present. If, in his words, you like having your brain spin in your head, you might want to download a free copy and read it yourself ... might even give us something to beat up on ...

http://www.andrewsmcmeel.com/godsdebris/ is where you'll find it.

And if you weren't aware, Scott has decided blogging sounds like fun, for now, and he has created http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/ where you can see true comedy like scientists and creationists arguing their views ;)

Two Brilliant Quotes

I thought I was done posting until this evening but I made the mistake of doing more reading.

Quote 1 - Taken from "Being American in TO":

On the one hand we teach our children to avoid "peer pressure" because we know their friends can lead them into all kinds of trouble. On the other we (Americans, in particular) are castigated because we defy "peer pressure" and embark upon courses of which "the rest of the world" disapproves. This isn't only about Iraq but also include Kyoto, social programs in which people become increasinlgy dependent on the state and, perhaps most of all, on gun control (or the lack thereof.) (Snark Time: maybe they want us to be like them in order to validate their compromises. Misery loves company, they say.)

Quote 2 - Taken from "PJ Maximum":

The Marines were a fantastic audience. They were engaged and inquisitive on every point, and they were also genuinely concerned about the mainstream media's preoccupation with negative news. They felt that it's not that the negative stories —like casualty reports — shouldn't be reported, but that we never hear what America is getting for this sacrifice. As one Marine put it, it's like if I spent $7.99 for a slice of pizza and the headlines the next day read, "Marine Out Eight Bucks!"

emphasis mine.

Public Service Announcement

Grassroots Politics

If you're traveling north from Calgary through Red Deer late this afternoon, don't be surprised if you see this in the rear view mirror;

and this once I pass you.

I'll be on my way to the Alberta Alliance Leadership Convention being held this weekend at the Red Deer Lodge.

This will be the first time I've ever attended an event like this and I'm not sure what to expect. The opening reception is this evening and I think I'll be expected to mingle a little. I don't know how to mingle. You'd never know it but I'm actually quite shy and reserved.

What's a guy wear to one of these things? In my bubble, Friday's "Hawaiian Shirt Day", and it can't be easily changed so that's one less decision. What about Saturday? Semi-formal? Casual? Semi-casual? Should a guy be wearing a tie?

AwCrap, I'm getting off course here. My point is that I'll be there and posting on it at the end of each day. If anything really interesting comes up, I'll live blog it from the Blackberry. Oh, and you can expect some photos as well.

Though it may seem mundane, this event is going to be choosing the leader of the party that's going to ensure Alberta's future autonomy.

I know that Aizlynne and Greg from Exposed Agenda will be there and I'm pretty sure that Mike R. from Project Alberta will attend as well, new baby permitting. Hopefully we'll see some more of you.


Where's Bill?

BUSAN, South Korea President Bush took a hardline stance against North Korea on Thursday, saying the U.S. won't help the communist nation build a civilian nuclear reactor to produce electricity until it dismantles its nuclear weapons programs.

Let's hope Bush follows through. As a reality check, the "missing" WMD in Iraq that all the LOONleftICS love crying about... Probably EXIST, in North Korea. Will the term "worse that Hussein" ever strike a chord with any of 'em?

As a Light Water reactor is much more significant than some oil... Is this giving in?
The deal's stipulation is a North Korea free of WMDs. Notice how Bush did not simply give North Korea energy in the HOPE that weapon development would cease, like the "Agreed Framework" of 1994 did.

In unrelated news...

I'm not from Cambridge, I'm from Hespeler!

Found another item of interest in the Comment section of today's National Post, specifically on the Letters Page. The content of J. Hagarty's letter, while interesting enough, is not why I mention it here. I mention it because Mr. Hagarty listed his location as Hespeler, Ont.

Hespeler is my home villiage and, as much as I like it, doesn't technically exist anymore. Sometime in the 1970's the government of Bill Davis in it's infinite wisdom decided that Galt, Preston and Hespeler should be joined together to form Cambridge. Hespelerites have never forgiven or forgotten. The feeling of my fellow villiagers is that our money is still benefiting the rest of the city. We have never accepted the greater entity, still have our own hockey league, still have our own Santa Claus Parade, we even still have our own Mayor - although he is unofficial.

Hespeler is a fair warning for those who think amalgamation is a great urban Panacea. Thirty years on, Hespeler still resents our forced marriage. The Region of Waterloo now talks of merging Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo into a Mega-city. The city of Cambridge balks, and Hespeler laughs: but we are a warning for the empire builders, Hespeler has never really accepted Cambridge and we will certainly reject Kitchenerization, and for once I can speak for all Cambridge!

If you don't believe me, ask J. Hagarty of Hespeler.