
Dusting Off Grandma's Advice

Grandma used to say "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and prove it" (OK, I admit she may have heard it from Mark Twain). Perhaps this is why Stephen Harper wanted to gag his people.

It's a tough life for Stephen, last week he was vilified for acting all Nazi like and telling his people not to talk to the press, this week, he's going to be vilified because one of his people talked to the press and acted all Nazi like:

A backbench Conservative MP (Colin Mayes: Okanagan-Shuswap) , blasting the media for its testy relationship with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has suggested reporters who write distorted articles be jailed...

"“Maybe it is time that we hauled off in handcuffs reporters that fabricate stories, or twist information and even falsely accuse citizens,"” he writes.

Memo to the honourable Colin Mayes: What part of shut up do you not understand?

From At Home In Hespeler


Why are we supporting head-choppers?

I’m having a real hard time with trying to be ‘conscious’ of others rights. The continual drumbeat from the nutcase fanatic head-choppers from that ‘religion of peace’ just makes me more determined that their so-called rights do NOT supersede anyone else’s!
It’s bad enough that we have morons with zero religious training appointing themselves as learned religious scholars (or imams, if you prefer) just because they know how to read … well, read but not comprehend, obviously. But when they’re given a voice by absolute idiots like the leftards on the Alberta Human Remains Coots ... well … I sure wish they’d get back to whining about the treatment aborigines receive with our tax dollars.
Using our tax dollars to allow muslitards to sue people that they disagree with just violates every principle I remember learning in civics classes. One of the things I’ve always pointed out as being better in Canada is the whole loser pays legal system  ... it stops frivolous lawsuits and the idiot kind of tort law we are afflicted with.  Allowing dipshit leftard groups like the AHRCC to fund lawsuits changes that whole dynamic … now it’s taxpayers forced to subsidize points of view differences.
I thought it was bad enough that the left-leaning idiots in Ottawa went the idiotic “hate speech” route … but allowing muslim morons to define magazine articles as hate is just so far beyond the pale …
You want to talk hate speech … how about inciting your followers to murder non-believers? That is worse than anything Ernst Zundel was accused of … in fact, if it were a Christian that were inciting other Christians to murder muslims, he’d have been in jail before he could catch his next breath,. But these head choppers don’t incite ... they command. It’s not hate speech … it’s pure bloody hate … and accessory to any killing that happens.
If the Alberta Human Remains and Citizenship Clowns held any values at all … they would be fighting to have this jackass deported instead of defended!
I normally shrug off the constant flow of requests for financial support … but this one I plan to respond to. The Western Standard should be congratulated for having the fortitude to report … instead of simply trying to brainwash the unwashed as so much of our media does. It is disgusting that public funds will be used to take the magazine to court, and it is doubly disgusting that private funds will be necessary to defend such an action. I guess this is the result of Canada being a ‘civilized’ country while the savage and uncivilized ‘religion of peace’ – washed in blood and gore – is free to use the tools of civilization against it. I’m starting to believe that we should adopt their methodology to defeat them. Unbelievers and criminals like these head-choppers should not be accorded any rights at all, and should be chased from our shores back to sand-land!.

CBC Petition

Some of you folks mentioned that the open letter to the PM posted a couple of days ago should be turned into a petition. I like the idea. I've been insanely busy this week though and won't be able to do anything with it until the weekend. Watch for it then...

The Ezra Strikes Back

I've always been a big believer that in order to marginalize the left, we have to use their own tactics and institutions against them. What follows is a brilliant example of how to do that:

March 30, 2006

Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission
Southern Regional Office
310, 525 – 11th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 0C9

Dear Sirs/Mesdames:

Re: Soharwardy v. Western Standard
Complaint S2006/03/0330

I write on behalf of the Western Standard in response to the above-captioned complaint.

1. Overview

The complaint is a frivolous and vexatious abuse of process. It has no basis in fact or Canadian law. It is contrary to Canadian values of freedom of speech, freedom of the press and religious plurality, under which Canadians are free from compulsion to submit to religious edicts. The complaint is an attempt to abuse the power of the state to chill discussion about subjects that are in the public interest. It is also an inappropriate combination of mosque and state, using a secular government agency to enforce a Muslim religious precept, namely the fundamentalist prohibition of the depiction of Mohammed.

From a legal point of view, the bulk of the complaint refers to comments made by Ezra Levant in other media, where the Western Standard was not the publisher or broadcaster. As those collateral comments were not published or broadcast by the Western Standard, they are irrelevant to the complaint as framed, and will not be dealt with here. The fact that the complainant has not named those other media as respondents strongly suggests that the selective nature of this complaint – against the Western Standard only – is malicious and punitive.

This is a nuisance suit that serves an illiberal agenda, and should the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission (AHRCC) not dismiss it forthwith, the AHRCC itself would become a party to it.

2. Perversion of Human Rights Commission

If the AHRCC does not dismiss this complaint, as did the Calgary Police Service in response to a similar complaint brought by the same complainant, the AHRCC will be discredited and its liberal reputation will be brought into disrepute. This complaint perverts the cause of human rights. As Alan Borovoy, general counsel to the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, wrote in the Calgary Herald on March 16th, in direct response to the within complaint, “during the years when my colleagues and I were labouring to create such commissions, we never imagined that they might ultimately be used against freedom of speech”. Borovoy wrote that censorship was “hardly the role we had envisioned for human rights commissions. There should be no question of the right to publish the impugned cartoons.”

Borovoy was so concerned that the AHRCC would even consider this complaint that he called for an amendment to the AHRCC’s governing statute, to reign in the AHRCC. “It would be best, therefore, to change the provisions of the Human Rights Act to remove any such ambiguities of interpretation,” he concluded.

3. AHRCC could chill public discussion

The national debate surrounding the Western Standard’s publication of the Danish cartoons touched on many important matters of Canadian public policy, including the separation of mosque and state, the proper response to terrorism, press freedom, diversity of religious opinion, the division between radical and liberal Muslims, and the inculcation of Canadian Charter values in new immigrants. All of these matters are bona fide topics of discussion for both private citizens and the media, especially for news media like the Western Standard.

If the AHRCC allows itself to be used to attack the publication of a good faith debate on these issues, the AHRCC will become a tool of censorship akin to libel chill. If it does not dismiss this complaint, the AHRCC will send a message that the state, with its unlimited resources, will not hesitate to interfere with and harass media that discuss controversial topics even in a bona fide manner. That would be worse than a private lawsuit brought by an illiberal complainant, as such a litigant would have to finance his own prosecution, and would be liable for costs to any defendant for a baseless action. Not so with the AHRCC, which has unlimited resources, and which does not compensate defendants against whom a complaint is dismissed. Even an acquittal, therefore, is a punishment. The process becomes the penalty.

4. Freedom of expression and the right to offend

Freedom of expression cannot be limited to merely innocuous subjects, or else it is not truly freedom. Freedom of expression is only meaningful when it trumps other values, such as political sensibilities, or religious dogma, or personal sensitivities. Indeed, Western Civilization’s progress in all realms, ranging from science to art to religion to feminism to civil rights for racial minorities and gays, has come about from the free expression of ideas that necessarily offended some earlier order.


The rest of the document is here. Backgorund to the case can be found here.

It's going to be really interesting to watch what the human rights tribunal does with this file. Will they prove themselves to be on-side with the islamofascists and suppress our freedom of speech / freedom of press? Time will only tell.

On a personal note, I can honestly say that I never knew the ACLU had a Canadian cousin in the CCLA. Hell, I never knew the CCLA existed at all. Based on some of the positions outlined on their website, they're clearly an organisation that's going to need to be poked with a pointy stick from time to time. Sweet!


Misleading Headline Of The Week

"Agents brought dirty bombs into Canada"

Actually, no they didn't. One has to read the article to find that out though:

WASHINGTON -- Reports emerged Tuesday that in a secret operation to test U.S. border security, American undercover agents snuck radioactive material -- a key ingredient in making "dirty bombs" -- into Canada, loaded the material into a rental car, and successfully drove it across the Washington state border.

News Flash: Radioactive material does not equal "Dirty Bomb"



Yesterday I posted on how James Loney, recently (rescued!) CPT member was a potential "Darwin candidate". However, like Neo before he took the "pill", I didn't know how deep that "rabbit hole" went. I posted too soon. Lets take a second look:

  • Voluntarily entering a war zone as a civilian peace activist: Pretty dumb!
  • Voluntarily entering a war zone as a civilian peace activist to collaborate with and assist sand-monkey-terrorists in their fight against freedom: Really dumb!
  • Voluntarily entering a war zone as a civilian peace activist, to collaborate with and assist sand-monkey-terrorists in their fight against freedom while knowing that your "Iraqi brothers" would cut your head off if they found out that you're a "queer": Completely Friggin Stupid!

Words fail.

Too Funny To "Not" Post

An Open Letter To Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Prime Minister Harper;

It's time to do something about the CBC. More specifically, it's time to eliminate all public funding for this organization and allow it to sink or swim on it's own merits. As I'm sure you're aware, the primary function of this organization is the gathering and broadcasting of the daily news. As I'm sure you're also aware, news organizations and journalists have to be impartial with all but op-ed pieces if they are to maintain the trust of the public. Human nature dictates bias based on perception and journalists are supposed to be trained to turn this bias off with their reporting.

It has become painfully clear recently that the people involved with CBC news are not willing to maintain that impartiality. I would like to quote Tony Burman, Editor in Chief of CBC News from one of his recent "Letters From the Editor":

There is another reason I think the story of the two Canadians, James Loney and Harmeet Singh Sooden, and their colleagues resonated so strikingly with Canadians.

It coincided with some of the main conclusions of a major study the CBC has conducted about what Canadians "want" and "need" from their news media.

According to this study, more Canadians than ever feel that news shouldn't be a passive process. It should stimulate action and engagement, and help connect Canadians with the major challenges of our times.

(emphasis mine)

Based on a "CBC study", Mr. Burman wants to move away from passive gathering and broadcasting of the news, the facts, and move towards activism. As the "Editor in Chief", he sets the direction the organization takes and this direction will not serve the Canadian interest Mr. Harper. I say this because their brand of "activism" is of a destructive nature. They are clearly biased toward the failed concept of socialism with documented proof of said bias being collected and displayed daily.

Another quote from Tony Burman from another "Letter From The Editor":

At the CBC, we decided not to show the original cartoons in our extensive coverage of the controversy. We felt that we could easily describe the drawings in simple and clear English without actually showing them. This was intended, without embarrassment, as an act of respect not only for Islam but for all religions.

Why should we insult and upset an important part of our audience for absolutely no public value? We wouldn't have done that if it involved overt examples of racism, or anti-Semitism or libel. Where do we draw the line?

Shouldn’t the media be part of the solution, not the problem?

As illustrated in the quote above, the CBC, under Mr. Burman's direction, also actively practices in, and promotes, censorship when discussing matters relating to our western freedoms.

Freedom is an interesting word Mr. Harper. As Canadians we have the freedom to provide funding and support to any number of activist groups should we choose to do so. We have the freedom to make that choice. Except when it comes to the "activist" CBC, as it's funded by our tax dollars.

As such Mr. Harper, I respectfully request that you level the playing field. That you provide Canadians with a choice. That you end state funding for the CBC. Canadians deserve better Mr. Harper.


Richard Evans


Monday Morning Quickies

Because everyone should have a quickie on Monday morning...

62 year-old
college professer is dead as a result of injuries sustained while picketing. Don't let the MSM fool you on this one. He wasn't hit by a car. His injuries were sustained after falling off of a car. "Right Girl", who deconstructed the MSM spin, is nominating him for a Darwin Award.

Potential Darwin candidate James Loney has returned to Canada after being rescued by the military forces he was dedicated to thwart as a member of the CPT. In his first media statement upon his arrival on Canadian soil he had the grace to thank his liberators. Well done James. Nothing like a little public pressure to get a fella to do the right thing hey? Here's to hoping that this individual thinks twice about putting himself in harms way again.

The US Humane Society
(HSUS) has some potential Darwin candidates as well. In their efforts to hinder the Canadian seal hunt, these idiots are putting themselves between the hunters and their prey. That would be fine but for one small detail. They have to stay, by law, a minimum of 10m (30') away from the hunting operations. They're not allowed to block the passage of any of the hunting boats. Violating these conditions will result in protesters being a) arrested, or b) rammed. Personally I'd prefer to see them rammed and then arrested.


Buck Owens, 1930 - 2006

Don't Say We Didn't Tell You So...

Because we told you so! In fact, we told you here, here, here, here and here!

There's a sound legal argument for making the controversial practice legal, says Brian Barnard, the lawyer for a Utah couple, identified in court documents only as G. Lee Cooke and D. Cooke, who filed suit after being denied a marriage license for an additional wife. Though the case was struck down by a federal court last year, it's now being considered by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Barnard plans to use the same argument—that Lawrence v. Texas, the 2003 sodomy case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that individuals have "the full right to engage in private conduct without government intervention," should also apply to polygamous relationships.

Almost always, when the legalization of polygamy is brought up, it's used to make a case against gay marriage. Most notably, Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania told the Associated Press in 2003 that legalizing gay sex would pave the way for legalized bigamy, polygamy and incest. This "slippery slope" argument angers some gay-rights activists who see the issues as being completely separate. "I frankly would not love to see an article [about polygamy advocacy] in NEWSWEEK because this is the connection that our opponents make, and we feel it's a specious one," says Carisa Cunningham, director of public affairs for Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders. Polygamy activists aren't thrilled with the association, either. Though they closely watch the gay-marriage battle, they are generally religious and conservative—and, like Henkel and Hammon, believe that homosexual behavior is a sin.

heh So it annoyes the queers that the polymagists are proving the anti-gay marriage groups correct.


Hat tip to the Caucasionally Challanged Christian


Blame Ol' Billy

I'd like to blame Bill Clinton for a lot of things. Most notably is a marked decline in North American moral standards. Slick Willy single handedly did more to destroy the family, with a blow-job, than decades of activities by radical fem-nazi's. He cheated, got caught, and then claimed that it wasn't cheating. Claimed that blow-jobs don't count. And once that didn't work, he claimed that it was "just sex" and that since Hillary was "OK with it" (meaning that she wasn't throwing him out) that we should let the matter fade away. And he got away with it. I don't have empirical data on this issue and won't suggest otherwise. Anecdotaly however, I would assert that there was a bit of a cultural shift after that event. Billy made it extremely easy for any other would-be-cheater to use the same excuses. "It's just a little sex" and "blow-jobs don't count". "Look, the President did it, why is it wrong for me to do it?"

Now, I've been called morally aggressive in the past and that's OK. I don't mind. But this post is about Billy's "screw-ups". Meaning that there has been more than one. So we won't dwell.

Here's another (h/t - YN):

The first round fired against the U.S. homeland in this war was not 11 September 2001.

No sooner had we relaxed our national defense posture as Cold War tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Bloc adversaries subsided than our homeland was attacked by a second-tier adversary, radical Islamists.

On 26 February 1993, a terrorist cell headed by al-Qa'ida operative Ramzi Ahmed Yousef (who entered the U.S. on an Iraqi passport) bombed Tower One of the World Trade Center in an effort to topple it into Tower Two and murder up to 30,000 occupants of those buildings. Fortunately, due to Ramzi's lack of engineering knowledge about where to park the truck bomb, Tower One withstood the blast.

In 1995, after Ramzi's capture, he was being flown to New York for prosecution. As the transport helicopter passed the WTC towers, an FBI agent removed Ramzi's mask so he could see that the towers were still standing. Ramzi commented gravely, "We are not done yet." Indeed, Ramzi's computer, seized in the Philippines before his arrest in Pakistan, detailed a plan to hijack commercial aircraft and use them as flying bombs against U.S. targets -- which his cadre succeeded in doing on 9/11.

For eight long years after the first WTC bombing, the Clinton administration refused to take the domestic terrorist threat seriously enough to make deterrence a priority. Eight months into George Bush's first term, it became resoundingly clear that a small terrorist cell armed with nothing more than box cutters could, in a matter of minutes, kill thousands of Americans and cause in excess of $250 billion in damages to the U.S. economy.

Our current situation with this war on terror can be directly attributed to Clinton's inaction back then.

The list goes on and on... China... Somalia... The tech-bust... The growth of the lib-left... etc, etc...

As noted previously, I'd like to blame Bill Clinton for a lot of things. But I can't. You see, we live in democracies in North America. We put our leaders into their positions and then fail to take them to task. We trust them. And we should. But we shouldn't do it blindly. If they screw up it's our fault. Not because we're willing participants though. It's because we don't care enough to become informed with what's going on. Because we don't care enough to ask the questions. Because we, as North American society, have become apathetic. And it's the equivalent of being in bondage.

Understand that when I say "we", I'm generalizing. You, dear reader, are one of the smart ones. You've made the effort to become informed. You're visiting this blog (that I'm lucky to be able to post to) and others like it. 9-11 was a wake-up call for me and I'd wager, many of you as well. Many more however haven't opened their eyes yet and I'd like to ask the following: What do we have to do to shake the rest of the sheeple out of their slumber?


Who's surprised?

Affirming yesterdays comments regarding the lack of gratitude by our peacenik "her0es", James Loney's father Ed, continues his son's legacy of anti-war lunacy...

Despite the kidnapping trauma that began Nov. 26, Ed Loney said there was no point in focusing on the horror of a situation that included the murder of American hostage Tom Fox.
Why get all wrapped up in the cold-blooded actions of terrorists, when one can get kidnapped protesting the actions of America. Besides, the kidnappers were just misunderstood jihadists that let their prisoners "exercise regularly", according to the CBC's spin...
"If you start getting all wound up about how tragic it is and he should never have done that, then it's all wasted," Loney said.

Ya don't want that anti-U.S message to get "all wasted" by stating the obvious, in that Loney's actions were not intelligent or commendable.
"All this grief all these four months is all wasted time."

Not to mention the millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours wasted in finding them.
Ed Loney said the past four months have been a "huge ordeal" for him and his family.
Still, he said, the end result has made it all worthwhile.

The ordeal was "worthwhile"?!?!? Don't say I didn't warn everyone...
"It's probably done more good than Jim could ever have imagined," Ed Loney said. It doesn't seem like any of this has done any good for Tom Fox. That deranged quote is only the tip of the iceberg folks. The LOONleftIC "her0es" will be quoted soon enough.
"It gave us an opportunity to be out there and talk about the human-rights abuses and what was going on and what continues to happen in Iraq to ordinary Iraqis."
I wonder if these clowns ever had anything to say "out there", about human-rights abuses committed in Iraq by Saddam Hussein's regime against ordinary Iraqis...

Update: Perhaps I spoke too soon when I said the LOONleftIC "her0es" will be quoted soon. It would seem they are not willing to be quoted, even to help find other terrorists...

The Daily Telegraph in London is reporting today that the Christian activists refused to fully co-operate with an intelligence unit sent to debrief them.
Right after the unit sent to rescue them came off-shift.

Friday Is Hawaiian Shirt Day

Don't ask how or why, just accept that it is. And can you tell me what accessorizes a Hawaiian shirt perfectly? It's Beer of course. Beer served by scantily clad women. (Click the pic)


A victory for the left...

After months of intense media coverage, we can all now look forward to even MORE intense coverage of Canada's left-wing contribution to the Iraqi war.
What WERE they trying to accomplish in Baghdad? Allow me to speculate...
The "Christian Peacemaker Teams" accomplished the mission they went to Baghdad for, with perfect success. The mission was opposing American foreign policy. For every CBC news story covering Canada's military, there were two for the LOONleftIC "her0es". Now that they are back safely, they will have a media even MORE willing to propagate their anti-war propaganda.
"End the Iraqi occupation" will be the soundbite...
I really think the terrorists are as pleased at the outcome, as the people they released. While I hope I'm wrong and these guys actually have some gratitude for the people that risked their ass in saving them, and more importantly, preserving the freedom they will now be able to come home to enjoy, I ain't holding out any hope. I bet the news of Stephen Harper as the Prime Minister hit those poor moonbats especially hard when they received a call from the Prime Minister...
I strongly believe it is a travesty that precious military time and resources were wasted looking for these idiots. It was effort that SHOULD have been spent hunting down terrorists, such as the ones that kidnapped them and killed their buddy.
A waste of bravery that COULD have been spent, killing people that would do this: Unfortunately, opposing war is far more important to the left than promoting freedom...
Welcome back James Loney, Harmeet Sooden and Norman Kember.
And of course, Thank You to Canada's Armed Forces.

Happy Birthday To Us!

It was exactly one year ago today that our little blog was started with this post:

The Conservative Convention
Houston, we have a problem. Specifically, we have a problem with Belinda Stronich. Now I understand that it has always been the conservative position that MP's would be able to speak their minds and take positions contrary to party policy. My problem is having Ms Stronich stating that we need to embrace the idea of gay marriage in order to reach out to different demographics. Is it really appropriate to ask people to go against their morals solely for the purpose of winning an election? Is it just me or do the new conservatives seem to be morphing into a new division of the liberal party?

I never thought it would last this long or grow this much and I'd like to thank all of you for coming along for the ride. (Yes, even you MoonBats)



Postcard from Ontario

Dear Richard

I'm glad to see you are recovering nicely from your birthday. So much recovered in fact that you are giving Wonder Woman a sabbatical. Tell her I'd be glad to run a post or two up her flagpole if she feels the need to salute.

Things are never boring here in Ontario Richard and the past few days are fine examples of this principle. I read today that you Albertans may be getting another energy rebate next year; us too... sort of. Premier Squinty came to my home town to announce that if you create environmentally friendly energy in your home, you can sell it to the grid. So, if I put a windmill in my back yard, besides all the free BBQ-able snacks it will whack out of the air, I can remove my house from the grid and/or sell any excess back to Ontario hydro - at an inflated price. How is his sane? However, I cant begin to tell you how excited this makes me Richard. I'm gonna save a bundle AND finally get that freeloading Hamster to contribute to the house.

Further east piddler Ashley MacIsaac is said to be running for the Liberal leadership. Remember what I said last week about Paul Martin looking good to these guys? (Are we beginning to fathom yet how bad things are in Liberal land?) How does he look today? In case you haven't seen it, there was an article in yesterday's National Post. In the one article MacIsaac says more dumb things than Jean Cretien in... well in two or three sentences at least:

He said he wants the job because he fears the threat of Quebec separation is poised to further divide Canada.
Seperation will further divide Canada? Ya think?
But of course what he really means is Quebec didn't vote Liberal en masse last election, so that's bad for Canada.

Mr. MacIsaac also said he wants to run to bring his youth to the party and to end the "continuous mockery that's been allowed to take place of my party."
Perhaps your party been made a mockery of, but a mockery taking it's place? What is a mockery? Some kind of small furry animal? And how has it taken place of your party?

"I've never in my life had any reason to speak my mind if I didn't think that I had something that was politically motivating me to do so."

If you are a Liberal supporter, you got to love this one from the guy who wants to be your leader:

He predicts Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives will stay in power for another six to seven years.
Six or seven years - hooray. But not a good thing for a guy who wants to run the opposition to say. Would you vote for a guy who just gave the other side six or seven years? One last quote Richard, not because it's so good, but because it seque's so nicely into my next story:

"I really think this time is the opportunity for me to put it out there that I'm not playing games."

Ah, games. Richard, as bad as it can be here in Ontario, it is so much worse in Toronto. The place is being run by lunatics. Every year the poor Toronto taxpayers go through this song and dance routine where they cut nothing, sell off some assets and beg the Feds and the provincial's for money. That is what the whole new deal for cities routine was about. It meant the City of Toronto could access more cash. They are completely out of control.

Case in point: They have developed a board game called "Balance the Budget" ostensibly to help
"engage residents" in the 2007 budget discussions and to "educate participants on the city's current financial health."
That's right, the city can't balance the budget, so they'll make a game of it. And how much does this one cost the poor city of Toronto taxpayers?

Walker (councillor Michael Walker) suspects the costs have easily reached $100,000 and have involved as much as a year of staff time.
Do you know Richard, when I read this one yesterday I just kind of laughed. But sitting here writing about, it is really infuriating. But always remember, this is the environment Jack Layton and Olivia Chow cut there teeth in. They are not nuts, just suffering from overexposure.

That's it for now, I gotta go get a small game licence so I can put up my windmill, and I have yet to figure out a way to put the cat on the grid, not to mention the kids...

As you can see I'm very busy so

having a Liberal time, wish I was there.



Some things to think about as you send your kids off to school...

Amid controversy over a homosexual speaker, a high school in Wisconsin has
canceled its "Diversity Day" event scheduled for tomorrow.


This time, a fax from Liberty Counsel stated local pastor Don Greven of Bad
Axe Lutheran Church and the grandfather of a senior at the high school raised
concerns about no Christian, or formerly homosexual, viewpoint being included
among the speakers, the Tribune reported.


Attleson said the homosexual couple scheduled to speak refused to be on the
program alongside an "ex-gay" viewpoint, saying they would be

The committee then decided it would be best to cancel the whole

Alrightythen, so the queers throw a hissy fit because they have to share the spot-light with opposing views and the whole event gets cancelled. Nice.

New York City's Department of Education says local media misreported its AIDS and HIV education curriculum, clarifying that the material for kindergartners is unchanged since it was introduced in 1987.

Beginning this year, however, children in fourth grade and higher will receive more specific instruction about how the disease is transmitted and how to prevent it.


New York's education department insists the lessons are age-appropriate, but many parents who have looked at some of the material disagree, reports WCBS-TV in New York City.

Queens fifth grader Charles Comaianni had never heard of AIDS but got a lesson yesterday "about the immune system and what happens when your immune system is down"

By the end of this week, WCBS said, the 10-year-old will learn the disease is spread by unprotected sex or by sharing needles.

He also will learn about homosexuality and HIV prevention methods – including a condom demonstration – things his father Nick Comaianni says he doesn't want his son to know about yet...

10-year-olds learning to put on condoms. Great...

The new principals at both of Newton's high schools are young, energetic, and eager to start meeting people in their schools.

They are also both openly gay.

Brian Salzer, 38, who will be the principal at Newton South High School, comes from Sauk Prairie, a small Wisconsin school district near the state capital of Madison, and was the first openly gay principal in Wisconsin.

Jennifer Price, 34, is a doctoral student at Harvard's Graduate School of Education who lives in Newton with her spouse and their two young children. She takes over at Newton North High School in July.

''In the end it's about our leadership and what we do in the schools," Price said yesterday of the dual appointments.

Nathan Bonneau, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association, said he wasn't aware of any other openly gay principals in the Bay State, but could not say definitively whether Salzer and Price are the first.

Many parents said yesterday that the sexual orientation of the principals is not important.

''I don't want to comment on their orientation because it doesn't matter at all," said Mark Wadness, co-president of the Parent Teacher Student Organization at Newton North. ''I think it has no bearing or problem within the Newton community."

But Brian Camenker, a Newton parent and director of a Waltham-based organization that is fighting same-sex marriage, disagreed.

''This is such a blatant, in-your-face move," said Camenker, whose son attends Newton North. ''Nobody else in Massachusetts would do this. Nobody else in the country would do this."

Superintendent Jeffrey M. Young said that Salzer and Price were hired because they were ''the two best principals."...

So if we understand that correctly, a demographic that makes up just 2% of the population just happened to produce two of the best qualified candidates at exactly the same time? For exactly the same school district? Can you say "BullShit"? Seems more like quota management to me.

...Is Newton a rogue town? In nearby Brookline a transsexual told first-graders how his penis was cut off and he became a woman. With no sense of irony, the Globe called it "sex-change counseling." Parents, never notified, had to comfort their terrified children.

Ashland children were instructed to play homosexuals in a skit. As reported in the Middlesex News on April 1, 1994, one boy's line was: "It's natural to be attracted to the same sex." Girls were told to hold hands and pretend they were lesbians.

As reported widely in Massachusetts in 1992, at a required assembly in Chelmsford, an instructor used four-letter words describing the joys of anal and oral sex. The children then licked condoms...

Alright, so what's the point behind posting all of this stuff? Well, I'm a parent of 2 children. One in grade 6 and the other in grade three. The eldest came home with a "health class permission slip" the other day and I started looking into the curriculum a little. The Calgary Board of Education provided 2 links where I could get more information (click and click).

The first one was a pdf file that contains wonderful statements like this:

In an environment of acceptance, understanding,respect and caring, students in the health and lifeskills program can learn to acknowledge and express personal feelings and emotions, as well as to appreciate the strengths and talents of self and others. There are opportunities for students to accept and appreciate diversity and the uniqueness of self and others in our global society. This program emphasizes healthy interactions and values, such as integrity, honesty and trust that underlie safe and caring relationships. Friendship skills are developed and then extended to incorporate skills for working in groups. Such skills include conflict management, consensus building, negotiation and mediation.

If you can get past that horseshit without gagging, it also tells us what topics are covered in each grade. Sort of.

Grade 6
  • evaluate the need for balance and variety in daily activities that promote personal health; e.g., physical activity, relaxation, learning, sleep, reflection
  • determine the health risks associated with the sharing of personal care items; e.g., articles of clothing, food/drinks, brushes, lip gloss
  • identify and describe the stages and factors that can affect human development from conception through birth
  • examine how health habits/behaviours influence body image and feelings of self-worth
  • analyze personal eating behaviours—food and fluids—in a variety of settings; e.g., home, school, restaurants
  • examine and evaluate the risk factors associated with exposure to blood-borne diseases —HIV, AIDS, hepatitis B/C; e.g., sharing needles, body piercing, tattooing, helping someone who is bleeding, being sexually active
Right, that was just a little bit shy of being helpful. Actually, after reading stories similar to those quoted above, this was just enough information to get me concerned. It was time to check out the other link.

I decided to snoop around in the "Teachers" section of the site to see if I could get anything of substance. Cruised on over to the "Lesson Plans" and found this:

What can a person do to prevent the spread of blood-borne diseases?

  • Practice abstinence (not having sexual intercourse or sexual contact)
  • Use only clean and new needles or tattooing/piercing equipment
  • Avoid touching someone who is bleeding without wearing latex gloves

Well now I'm feeling a little better. My daughter's going to learn the right things, abstinence, provided that the instructor sticks to the lesson plans. Next I found a section entitled "Managing Sensitive Issues" and this is what I read:

What do students do if parents opt them out of human sexuality instruction?
Administrative Regulation 3015 states that schools must provide alternate learning experiences for students who have been exempted from human sexuality instruction by their parents in compliance with prescribed programs of study.

What are the obligations for informing parents?
Administrative Regulation 3015 states that parents must be advised prior to the start of human sexuality instruction of their right to exempt their child from this course component Parent meetings are strongly encouraged and decisions regarding these should be made in consultation with your principal

What if parents want to observe classes?
When receiving such a request, carefully consider the purpose of the visit and whether or not a parents' presence would impede student discussion of sensitive topics. Interested parents would need to arrange this visit in advance with the teacher(s) and principal. Teachers are not obligated to honor parental requests to observe classes and may obtain further guidance from the ATA at 265-2672.

I was feeling warm and fuzzy untill I read that last paragraph. Specifically, the last sentence. Aparently the teachers union (ATA) has some sort of deal in place where we, as parents, do not have the right to watch their members (teachers) perform their jobs. Warm and fuzzy just left. Even if I wanted to check out the lessons myself, the teacher is under no obligation to allow it.

The bottom line is this: Every day we blindly send our kids off to school with the hopes that they're going to get a proper education. Fo the most part we have absolutely no idea what they're being taught and it would appear that the school boards and teachers unions have mechanisms in place to keep it that way.

Update: After doing a little more surfing while writing this post I came across some interesting stats. I guess what really caught my attention was the "For Professional Reference Only!" headding above the link. Why for professional reference only? Is this information to much for parents or laypersons to understand? hmmmmmm?

Read the document and judge for yourself.


The Left Is Scared

And that suits me just fine.

...The idea of sweeter, smoother, and more politically sophisticated statements from the religious right may not comfort the secularists among us, especially since so many faith-based groups are springing up into a policy network that, broadly speaking, leans right. In Ottawa alone, the new National House of Prayer and the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada, connected to the powerful U.S. group Focus on the Family, are joining the more established Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Real Women of Canada and the Laurentian Leadership Centre, an Ottawa offshoot of the Christian university Trinity Western in Langley, B.C.

The tiptoeing quality of Mr. Manning's advice, and a similarly eerie silence from some previously-outspoken candidates in the last election, reinforces the idea of the Stealth Evangelist, the so-called "hidden agenda" of the religious right...

Now, a guy's got to wonder what exactly it is that has those folks on the left so scared.

It's the thought of having to be responsible and accountable for ones self as illustrated within this past weeks posts. Most notably is the discussion on abortion. Our friend and lib-left commenter Peter D. let me drag it out of him:

"You are using rape as an excuse Peter. You're just not being direct about it. Let's make it easy on ourselves fro here on in. Lets agree that an abortion should be allowed in the case of a rape. Fair enough? Good!"

I was never using rape as an excuse Richard, I was simply saying that it was disgusting to outlaw abortions in the case of rape. We agree on this. I'm not sure why you are saying I am using it as an excuse.

"I'm kind of disturbed by your last paragraph Peter. What you're trying to tell us is that people have no self control. I see that is nothing more than pure projection on your part. Just because you may have no self control, doesn't mean that no one else has."

I am realist Richard who lives in the real world. People have urges and feel that, lo and behold, they have the right to follow through on them. That's why we have birth control. For you to believe that people will resist their natural urges until they get married, well, I think we know how that has worked out. No projection Richard, just realism.

Peter D Homepage 03.19.06 - 11:52 am #

I can't say that Peter speaks for the lib-left but his comments are standard fare when discussing issues of morality.

They don't want anyone to be held accountable. For anything.

As an aside, I should note the following. I'm not a religious man. It's been well over 20 years since I've been to church and I don't know how long it's been since I've prayed. I don't buy into the idea that one has to be part of an organized religion to have a relationship with God or Christ. I can't say with any certainty that the Bible or Koran or any of the other religious texts are the word, or work, of God. I do however see them as somewhat of a road map and don't think they should be discounted or dismissed so easily.

When one looks back at societies and civilizations, the ones that have survived and prospered always have strict moral and cultural guidelines attached to them. Look at the Chinese as an example of that (I'm using the Chinese specifically because their culture has never been dominated by Christianity). They've survived for thousands upon thousands of years. The civilizations that failed; Rome, the Greeks and the Egyptians, threw out any cultural rules, and let anarchy reign, as the progressives or lib-left wish us to do now.

I guess what I'm saying here is that religion and conservatism don't necessarily go hand in hand. Rather, to be conservative one must be willing to look back and discern what has worked and what hasn't and choose a path forward from there. Religion is just one of the things we can look to within that process.

Think about it...


An Exercise In Irrelevance

One of my favorite movies of all times is Starship Troopers. However it's not because I'm a male geek who's into sci-fi action flicks. Nope. Although I am. It's because of the following dialogue (which takes place in one of the early scenes):

Jean Rasczak: All right, let's sum up. This year in history, we talked about the failure of democracy. How the social scientists of the 21st Century brought our world to the brink of chaos. We talked about the veterans how they took control and imposed the stability that has generations since. We talked about the rights and privileges between those who served in the armed forces and those who haven't, therefore called citizens and civilians.

[to a student] Jean Rasczak: You. Why are only citizens allowed to vote?

Student: It's a reward. Something the federation gives you for doing federal service.

Jean Rasczak: No. Something given has no value. When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.

Dizzy: My mother always told me that violence doesn't solve anything.

Jean Rasczak: Really? I wonder what the city founders of Hiroshima would have to say about that.

[to Carmen] Jean Rasczak: You.

Carmen: They wouldn't say anything. Hiroshima was destroyed.

Jean Rasczak: Correct. Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst.

Alright, so now you're probably asking "What's the point?"

I'm glad you asked. The point is this: The moonBats attempted to exercise their political authority this weekend with a show of force and did no more than prove just how completely irrelevant they really are.

From Breitbart:

Anti-War Protesters Rally Around World
Mar 18 6:27 PM US/Eastern
By PAUL BURKHARDTAssociated Press Writer

Thousands of anti-war protesters took to the streets around the world Saturday, marking the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with demands that coalition troops leave immediately. [...]

and from the AP:

Anti-War Rallies Mark Iraq Anniversary
By NATHANIEL HERNANDEZ Associated Press Writer

CHICAGO (AP) -- The third anniversary of the U.S.-led war in Iraq drew tens of thousands of protesters - shouting chants of "Stop the War" and calling for the withdrawal of troops - in demonstrations across the globe.

More than 7,000 people marched through downtown Chicago in one of the nation's largest protests, saying the war diverts money from domestic needs and demanding the U.S. pull out of Iraq. One sign read, "Bush is a category 5 disaster." [...]

Lets look at the numbers for a minute (as reported by the AP, CTV, CBC et al - note that the numbers from the Calgary event are my own estimate based on observations)

Toronto; pop = 5mil, protesters out = 1,000, pop protesting the war = 0.02%

London; pop = 7.5mil, protesters out = 15,000, pop protesting the war = 0.2%

Calgary; pop = 1mil, protesters out = 50, pop protesting the war = 0.005%

Sydney; pop = 4mil, protesters out = 500, pop protesting the war = 0.01%

Tokyo; pop = 12.3mil, protesters out = 2,000, pop protesting the war = 0.01%

NYC; pop = 8mil, protesters out = 1,200, pop protesting the war = 0.01%

Chicago; pop = 3mil, protesters out = 7,000, pop protesting the war = 0.2%

In the vast majority of these examples, the protesters could only muster less than 1/10th of a percentage of the populations of their cities. In the two examples with the largest protests, the best they could do was muster only 2/10th's of one percent of their cities populations.

This is clearly NOT a show of force and goes even further to demonstrate a complete lack of political authority.

Here's how John S. from Stop the ACLU saw it

Anti-war protesters marched in Australia, Asia, Turkey and Europe on Saturday in demonstrations that marked the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with a demand that coalition troops pull out.

Around 500 protesters marched through central Sydney, chanting "End the war now" and "Troops out of Iraq." Many campaigners waved placards branding President Bush the "World's No. 1 Terrorist" or expressing concerns that Iran could be the next country to face invasion.

Indeed, the protests would have probably been even smaller if it were simply pacifist dreamers gathering. Without the hatred of America to fuel these moonbats, many wouldn't have put the hash pipe down and gotten off their couch. If these folks were truly anti-war, they would be protesting the hate filled extremist terrorists that want to impose tyranny on the world under the banner of Islam. Instead, we can see their true motives, and if they were smart they would realize why they can't gather any significant support for their cause. We all want peace, but we have to look at where the root causes are that are keeping us from getting there. If you ponder it, we are always at some kind of war. War and peace and like yin and yang, and more often the only way we can achieve peace is through war with those that destroy it. Appeasement will never get us there.

As noted above, I went down to the protest here in Calgary. I didn't go as a "Protest Warrior" this time though. We're going to chaulk that up to a St. Paddy's day hang-over and short notice on the part of the MoonBats.

All of the usual suspects were there including our favorite Che supporter. I'm putting my estimate of actual protesters at 30 -40 people. Kids and innocent folks who were simply trying to walk past don't count.

One of the signs that really caught my attention was one that read "Free The Guantanimo POW's" How on earth could anyone want a bunch of sand monkey terrorists set free? I'd really like to know. Now I can understand the MoonBats wanting to close Gitmo but releasing the prisoners is a little insane no?

I was also a little dismayed that one of the speakers, an immigrant woman of middle eastern descent, was nattering on about how bad things were in Iraq under the US occupation. How is it that this woman an stand there and complain about Iraqi's gaining freedoms that she was currently using? Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

Maybe one day these individuals will realize that once they stop acting like idiots and start using logic and reason, their numbers will go up and they'll have some real political authority.

Note: I'm having trouble uploading the pics to blogger right now. I'll try to get them up a little later this afternoon. - Update: Pics are up. You should be able to click on them to get the larger images.


Molly Saves The Day? Nope, But I'll Save You From Molly

A new low on the part of those on the left?

Probably not.

You know, every day I see more depravity and insanity on the part of the left and frankly it's getting depressing.

Case in point: Can't get an abortion in your home town? No problem! A liberal/fem-nazi blogger in the US has provided instructions so that you and a friend can perform the procedure at home. Her blog is called "Molly Saves The Day" She provides a list of the equipment needed:

You will need:

One set of uterine dilators (any equipment may be purchased from numerous websites. If you need assistance in finding this equipment, do not hesitate to email me at molly.blythe@gmail.com)
Vaginal speculum
Pregnancy test
One set of uterine curettes
One pair of uterine forceps
One pair of regular forceps
Sterile bags for medical instruments and medical waste
A course of antibiotics
Sedative medication
Pressure cooker
Container of bleach solution: one part chlorine bleach to 10 parts water
Strong soap
Sterile latex gloves
Water-based lubricant
Maxi pads
Clean plastic sheeting and towels
Exam table
Wet wipes

She also takes you through the procedure step by step:


The first step is to break the membrane holding the fetus inside. You can feel around with the forceps for it. To get an idea of what each part looks like -- and to see the texture so that you understand better how it will feel -- I recommend looking at books with photographs of first trimester fetuses (personal recommendation for its astonishing photographs: A Child is Born), The membrane should be easily broken with the forceps. Depending on how far along the pregnancy is, varying quantities of clear or pinkish fluid may come from the vagina. As you grasp the sac with your forceps, twist it away so that it detaches. You will now need to remove small pieces of fetal material and membrane from the uterus with the forceps. Some of these pieces will be distinctly identifiable as fetal material. Save the material until the end of the procedure on a piece of plastic, so that you can be sure the entire fetus has been removed. If doing this sounds too ethically challenging, remember that fetuses do not have the capacity to feel actual pain until the third trimester. You are not "hurting" it, and it has no awareness, nor the capacity for awareness, that you are extracting it.

This portion of the abortion procedure should not be particularly painful for the patient.

While you are removing fetal material, you will also be removing pieces of placenta. However, because the placenta is attached to the uterine wall -- and because it is the blood source for the baby -- bleeding may begin at this time. It is imperative that if bleeding begins at this point in the procedure, you do NOT stop. Stopping the procedure and attempting to stanch the bleeding will not work. The bleeding will stop on its own once the placenta is totally removed from the uterus. It may be scary, but keep going.


What this woman has posted is not the sariest part however. What's really scary is her supporters, in the comments thread, asking her to put it into a downloadable pdf format c/w illustrations.

  • At 6:35 AM, Anonymous said…

    I think the pubic shaving suggestion can be disregarded- it's an outdated practice that isn't done anymore except for csections, and even then they only shave a little bit. I've had a LEEP and a d&c and was not shaved for either.

  • At 7:25 AM, shannon said…

    Maybe you could make this infomation into pdfs and make them downloadable so that women's groups can have little booklets of information.

  • At 8:02 AM, Molly said…

    The reason I still recommend shaving is that this is for unexperienced practitioners. Some women may have enough pubic hair that it becomes difficult to see the cervix, and if someone's doing one of their first procedures they don't need any additional problems! :)

I could go on and on about why abortion at home is a bad idea but I think most of us already know these things. Instead, I'm going to provide a simple 2-step process to avoid having to go through the procedure altogether:

Step 1. Keep your pants on.

Step 2. Repeat step 1.

See how simple that is?

Now, it would seem that someone had already proposed this to our new friend Molly and she didn't take to it very well at all:

"...Anyone else referring to women as "skanks," "whores" or saying ANY variant of "keep her legs shut" unless they are absolutely and clearly in jest? You will not be tolerated.
Playtime is over, fuckers. You want to go around calling women whores? Find your own kind at Free Republic or some other place where dickwads like you hang out. From now on, this blog is Feminist Friendly, and any comments that aren't will be screened out..."

I'd like to ask, honestly, what kind of feminist would discourage abstenance and encourage women to have the "at home abortion"? It would seem to me that this woman is all about promoting risk rather than safety.

It really is a sad comment on the state of the left.

A Quick Note Re: St. Paddy's Day

Parade organizers in New York to queers: "Piss-Off! This parade is about being Irish, not gay" (paraphrased)

And good on'em for that. Can't let the colon-rubbers co-opt every event can we?


Happy St Patrick's Day

From At Home in Hespeler: (written in Canada, for Canadians by an Irish man).

Only the Irish could celebrate the life of a Patron Saint, the man who is reputed to have brought Christianity to Ireland by getting rip roaring drunk.

Yaa for us!

Cheers everybody, and look for me in Ottawa tonight.

Edit: apologies for the double posting: Guinness for breakfast is a dangerous thing!


Left = Wrong

Canadians are not peace-keeping in Afghanistan: There is no peace to keep. They are there to help impose U.S rule over Afghanistan, and safeguard routes for planned oil pipelines.
One really HAS to feel Righteous, when reading the delusional "arguments" of the left. The taliBAN was one of the most heinous regimes this side of Kim Jong Il. Where were all of these leftist yellow cowards after 9-11? Where were they before Jan 23, 2006? Hiding in their partisan closets, of course.
I find it more than disingenuous when a "debate" AGAINST Canada's mission suddenly erupts out of nowhere, due simply to a change of political leadership. Let this hollow rhetoric continue, as anyone that can see world events with any type of clarity, will recognize the importance of helping the Afghan people.

And just so every Right-winger knows how wrong the left really is, here's a quote that should disturb any human legitimately concerned with human rights...
Forget all the cheery propaganda fed to the gullible press, including the latest preposterous excuse for sending troops: women's rights
How "preposterous" does one have to be to actually publish the belief that this war has nothing to do with the rights of women in that savage land of oppression? Is the left even aware of the fact women living under the taliBAN's rule WERE(keyword) not allowed the right to go to school, work, leave the house, or show their face? I kinda doubt women living in Afghanistan enjoyed having their clitoris surgically removed either. Leftists do not care about women in Afghanistan, and never did. Slandering the Conservative agenda is much much more important than human rights, to human-scum like Eric Margolis...

Update: A double-agent moonbat chimes in...

Wow. Knight of the Blue Revolution, that is the stupidest article I have ever read. It was probably you who wrote it. Whatever. One more thing, Eric is not a leftist or socialist. Eric, while I do not adhere to his political orientation, is a great journalist(something you will never know or be) and is a conservative. I mean for god's sake, he is a member of the republican party.Therefore, he is not leftist "scum". Posted by theking01

Update #2: Someone named Canuckistani is soundin' OFF! :)

Update #3: A stereotype moonbat tries to defend the left...

We are wiping the U.S's shit for them. Canada has no legitimate reason to be there[...!] As for Knight's personal slur of Eric reputation, Eric is an objective journalist, and a thoughtful caring person. What? He's not a Conservative anymore??? We all know the Right's(Wrong) strategy of killing the messenger because they can't intellectually refute the message. Posted by ghawley.

Nature-Nazi's Threaten to Kill Super Dave Osborne

It's not just Super Dave either. What these nature-nazi's are trying to do is put all stunt-men in jeopardy. The problem comes with the genuine Saskatchewan Seal-Skin bindings these folks use for their stunts. If there's no more seal hunt, as insisted upon by the nature nazi's, there'll be no more bindings and that will put these fearless heros at risk.

They won't have the proper safety equipment. Really, would you deny a seat-belt to your child when going for a car ride? To do so with our stunt men would be a complete inequity!

For the love of God, club a seal (not a sandwich) and help ensure that these genuine Saskatchewan Seal-Skin bindings continue to be sold.


Animals: It's what's for dinner.


Follow The Leader

The Liberal Leadership race is getting interesting before it begins, with Stephane Dion declaring French a must, Bob Rae tilting the race leftward and Paul Martin's name being bandied about.

Back on February 3rd, I suggested French Proficiency would be a requirement for Liberal leader.

This Party is not going to elect a unilingual English leader. They would elect Lucien Bouchard before they would go with someone who answers a simple French question with "En Anglais, sil vous plait?"

This actually lead to my first (and only) MSM link, when Katherine Fletcher from the Calgary Herald linked to the above article. That was then. Today, Stephane Dion said it would be "unthinkable" to elect a leader without French:

Can you imagine that at the next debate in French among the leaders in the election campaign the Liberal leader will not be there, while the Bloc, the Conservatives and the NDP will be there?" Mr. Dion asked during an interview. "This is unthinkable."
Unthinkable, untenable and highly unlikely. But if your excluding Mlle. Stronach and M. Brison from the race, who then? How about Paul Martin? Yes, that Paul Martin:

OTTAWA -- A small group of Quebec Liberals is trying to get former prime minister Paul Martin to take another run at the party's top job.
And why would our man run again, for the job that is still technically his?

"With all due respect for potential candidates, it remains that the best one is the MP for LaSalle-Emard, the Right Honourable Paul Martin,'' wrote Sylvestre, who openly called for then-prime minister Jean Chretien's resignation in 2000.
The guy who took them from majority to minority to opposition in 2 short years (2 years 2 months, I believe) is the best potential candidate? The guy who, last we saw him was doing his best Homer Stokes impersonation, yelling "Is you is, or is you ain't, my constituency?" at his campaign stops? Are we beginning to fathom yet how bad things are in Liberal land?

But who are these other potential candidates? There are, as far as I can see, four serious candidates at this time - Belinda Stronach, Scott Brison, Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae. Not one of them was a Liberal when Paul Martin took over the leadership of the party. And lets face it Stephane Dion is right, without French you don't stand a chance. Add in that Scott Brison has been linked to the income trust scandal, and he is dead in the water. Back on February 3rd, I stated that Belinda's response to a question in French "En Anglais, sil vous plait" pretty much sums up what I think of her chances: "No, there's not much point really..."

That leaves Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae. Ignatieff has the problem that he has been labeled the 'next Trudeau.' How can anyone live up to that label inside the Liberal party. Add to that he is a relative unknown, and completely untested , and I think he won't win.

Which brings us to Bob Rae. Bob wants to unite the left, which is remarkable because he left it in tatters here in Ontario ten years ago. The NDP and the unions still do not trust each other after what Bob Rae did to them back in the early 90's. And he simply cannot win in Ontario.

I was talking to my mother-in-law today who likes Bob Rae, voted NDP, often votes Liberal, and she agreed, he wouldn't get a quorum of votes in Ontario. When North America was recovering from the recession in the early 90's, it was getting worse in Ontario. Soft Liberal Ontario voted for possibly the farthest right politician to hold office in Canada in 30 years after Bob Rae.

There used to be a joke you would hear in the early 90's "I can't wait until this recession is over so I can start hating my job again." People would say it when you asked how they were. You'd hear it at the convenience store, instead of complaining about the weather, Ontarians took to complaining about the economy. That is the baggage Bob Rae is carrying around.

So maybe it's true, maybe Paul Martin is the best of the potential candidates. Not a thought that can make too many Liberal's happy I would think.

From At Home in Hespeler


Drugs, drugs... DRUGS!!!

Drug Smuggling Increases in S. Korea
Pyongyang, March 13, 2006 (KCNA) -- Drug smuggling is now rapidly increasing in south Korea, according to south Korean MBC. 10 cases of drug smuggling were detected uhhhh... Uh huhuhu! O.K at Inchon airport this year, which increased by 40 percent as compared with those in the same period of last year. Philopon seized accounts for over
1,290 million won in domestic currency, or more than 15 times that of last year.
1,290 million North Korean won, huh?
Compared to the value of .169 billion American dollars?

Next story...

U.S. Smear Campaign against DPRK Assailed

Pyongyang, March 12, 2006 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Reunification Solidarity of south Korea released a commentary on March 2 in denunciation of the U.S. smear campaign against the DPRK. The commentary recalled that the U.S. State Department asserted in an "international narcotics control and strategy report" on March 1 that there exist the substantial evidences showing the involvement of the DPRK in drug and other illegal dealings. The U.S. labeled the north of Korea as a "criminal state" and has exerted sanctions upon it, the commentary noted, charging that all those acts are prompted by its intention to isolate and stifle the north. The whole world recognizes that the U.S. is the biggest producer and market of drugs and a country where a largest number of counterfeit notes overflow, the commentary said. So, by technicality, the amount of drugs and American counterfeit notes produced by North Korea is insignificant... The commentary urged the U.S. not to resort to its far-fetched allegation in a bid to conquer other countries but to be aware of its crimes and strive to redress them. It demanded the U.S. repeal all the base reports pursuant to the hostile policy towards the north. No.


Guess they forgot 'bout B.S...

And the fact her and Fancy Pants are supposed to be Liberal leader candidates. Or Rae. I can honestly say I never thought it would be this Good in my wildest dreams. Did Conservatives do this to B.S?

Eh, just prepare to watch the moonbat meltdown in regards to this...

Who's more terrified of the prospect, of seeing REAL pro-freedom conversion Right now: Al Qaeda, or Canada's left-wing?

The Truth According To Aljazeera.com

Born to Kill.

Zionism is a form of Facism and Nazism which until very recently was classified as "Racist" by the United Nations. This classification was only overturned by pressure from United States at a UN conference in South Africa.

Zionism represents the biggest threat to world peace today.

This cartoon represents the fact that modern day "Israel" was built on stolen land. The Palestinian people who had welcomed Jew's as guests were turfed out of their homes and lands by these same people.

Over the years the Zionists have attempted to classify the Palestinians as terrorists and as outsiders in their own lands. However ask yourself the question; How would you feel if you were thrown out of your home today so as to satisfy a racist Zionist belief that 1000's years before, the Jews lived in this land.

The Palestinian people welcomed the Jews and have no problem living with the Jews, the fact is the Zionists want to live in a "pure Jewish" land, literally a modern form of Fascism and Nazism.


Crossposted to North American Patriot



It would seem that I've gotten the attention of EugenePlawiuk from over at the Gaunch Review blog. Actually, I'm OK with that seeing that it is, to use his own words, "AN UNABASHED LIBERTARIAN COMMUNIST BLOG"

Hmmm... So I've pissed off a communist... Cool!

Lets see what he has to say:

There are those on the rightwing of the blogosphere in Canada that think they can blissfully go on and on in a racist fashion and think it's funny. Worse they think it's defensible.I am refering the collective of mental midgets over at Cannuckistan Chronicles. The latest White Whing Wacist outburst in this case was posted by Richard, the Cannucklehead. Breaking News: Sand Monkeys and MoonBats Really Are That Dumb!Sand Monkeys. Whats next Rag Heads? Is it any less racist or offensive? No. But hey Richard the White Whing Wascist already has his excuse's ready for those of us offended by his racism.


Sure he would from the safety of his Canadian blogosphere. This mental midget thinks this clever comment clears him from being a hatemonger and racist. Far from it, it merely confirms he is unapologetic about his hatemongering and racism.But worse yet Richard literally palpitates with joy over the death of Tom Fox the Christian PeaceMaker. Richard says he deserved to die and his fellow Canadian and Brit comrades deserve to die too. The vitrol drools vindictively in his post.


These are far from rational well meaning folks whose politics differ from mine. They are rabid racist dogs of war. There is no reasoning with them. Nor should one try. Merely exposing them to the light of day may help them retreat back under the rock from whence they crawled with their cousins in the White Supremacist movement.

I'll let Eugene's comments stand on their own. The explaination re the term sand monkey is below as well as the rationelle for having no sympathy for those who aid and abett terrorists.

I do have one question for Eugene though: How is it that an unabashed libertarian communist can be making money from pop-up ads on his blog? Isn't that just a wee bit capitalist of him?

"Sand Monkeys" - defined

Because some people just don't get it...

Richard Evans:
The IRA are a Catholic group fighting a Protestant group. That brings god into it alright. But I'll give you the point that not all terrorist have to be religious. I don't know if Somali warlords are religious or if they're just more honest than Osama bin Laden about craving power and influence.

Back to the point, sand monkey is a synonym for sand nigger and is frequently used by racists to mean anyone who comes from the Middle East that is not Jewish.

You deciding to make it mean only the terrorist is the same ridiculous argument the KKK makes when they say nigger is a term of behaviour and that there can be white niggers too and black people who are not niggers.

It doesn't make you look better to try and make up your own definitions of racists terms, especially when the word terrorist is known world-wide to represent the people and behaviours you are speaking of.

I am from the US south and would love to have a Confederate flag on my car. The Stars and Bars flag means a lot about Dixieland and a southern way of life that doesn't have to support slavery or racism. But, I cannot put one on my car because No-nazis have adopted that flag for the white supremacy movement. It's now so associated with them as to make me appear affiliated with them if I display it.

Your use of the term sand monkey labels you as racist whether you want to try and argue the point or not. If you want to remove the racist label from yourself, use the appropriate term that you don't have to waste time trying to explain.

Posted by Kyla at March 12, 2006 07:52 AM

Sorry Kyla but you've fallen prey to lib-left language manipulation. To political correctness.

The term "sand monkey" cannot be found in either dictionary.com or wiki as a synonym for anything. In fact, the term can't be found in either of those places at all.

The connection between "monkey" and "nigger" is one you've made in your own mind. Lets look at the term "monkey" shall we?

Here's what wiki sez: "A monkey is any member of two of the three groupings of simian primates."

So my term "sand monkey" means simian primates who live in the sand. Sounds pretty accurate so far in describing the islamofascists no? A group of primates who haven't quite finished evolving?

By your definition, when my kids are bouncing off the walls after being cooped up in the house on a rainy day and I refer to them as monkeys, I'm being racist. That's not accurate at all Kyla.

You are correct when you discuss the term "nigger" as being racist however. It was derrived from the word "negro" which refers to the color of one's skin. To their race.

My term refers to the intelligence and actions of a group. Specfically, islamofascists.

I'm sorry that you can't put a confederate flag on your vehicle. It's a shame that you allowed one of your symbols to be co-opted in such a manner but that's your choice, not mine. You see, I have a US flag on the back of my vehicle up here in communist, America hating, Canada. Do I get grief over it? Some, yes. Do I care what others think? Not so much.

In closing, It's unfortunate that you've fallen victim to the PC police and live your life according to what others may think. As for me, I've chosen a different path.

Now, if any of you folks who wish to complain about the use of the term "sand monkey" can point me in the direction of some of these islamofascist terrorists, I'll ask them personally how they feel about it's use. Sound fair?

Posted by Richard Evans at March 12, 2006 09:10 AM

The preceeding exchange was taken from a comments thread over at SDA.