
Bush Makes Another Pick


From Stop The ACLU:

"Ruling against the ACLU? I think we like him! With the nickname Scalito, after Scalia because of his judicial philophy…this is definitely the kind of judge the president promised. Ruling against the ACLU is a nice bonus, if I may say so. Anyone who will stand up to the ACLU’s socialist agenda has to be a good pick, in my opinion. Already people on the left are whining about pandering."

We'll have to watch this one closely...

Dylan's Revenge and Moving On

A quote from the comments section:

You've just been "outed" as a radical from bloggingtorries.ca.
What's next? The Conservative Party of Canada?

Good luck in poltitics!
dylan 10.31.05 - 2:22 am #

Fair enough Dylan but you're still a liberal. That leaves me way out in front.

I should say though that if being accurate and straitforward are considered "radical" in the eyes of the Blogging Tories administration, I personally don't want to be a member. Moving on will be a good thing.

To that end, I'll be looking to join some other like minded organisations to share ideas and traffic. The "RINO's" and the "Wide Awakes" are two immediate examples. Look to see them listed in the near future.

Also to be listed in the near future is a group that I'll be developing and administering myself. You'll get the full details on that once I flesh them out. Basicly though it'll be comprised of bloggers who are as concerned as I am with the current PC culture and it's effects on society.

Like I said, moving on from the BT's is a good thing.

It's going to screw with the sites stats a little and my new co-bloggers may be concerned, though they have shown more support than anything and they knew who I was before they signed on.

Speaking of which, we've gotten 3 more volunteers to help with posts. I'll introduce them once the appropriate arrangements have been made.


A Response


This is an open letter.

I appreciate your letter and the explanation as to why you've removed me from the list of Blogging Tories. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't somewhat shocked by your decision. I do understand that the Blogging Tories is a private organization and that the decision is yours to make. I respect that.

Now, as to your letter:

You claim that I was removed for the action of "trolling". I prefer to call it picking a fight. There are far too many people like Dylan claiming to be conservative when, in fact, they are not. They are responsible for the watering down of what once was solid conservative policy. I am simply showing these individuals for what they really are. It should be noted that I've used this same tactic to expose those form the extreme left for the past seven months without a complaint from your organization. I have to question why you bring the issue up now.

You stated that you were displeased with my post on Rosa Parks. I have to question what exactly it is about historical accuracy that causes you concern. Do you have a problem with being exposed to the truth Stephen?

You also stated your concern with my use of the word "fag". I'd like to place my use of that word in context for you:

"Alright, lets get something clear here. If the homosexual community in general
and Lund in particular are going to refer to people like me (who feel that
homosexuaity is wrong, that it's destructive, that it has no place in our
schools and that we have a right to say as much publicly) as homophobic and
liken us to individuals associated with Naziism, I'm going to refer to him as a
fag (a word they use to refer to themselves) and liken them to pedophiles. It's
only fair."

As is clearly seen, I didn't call anyone a fag. I threatened to use the term if he continued to refer to conservatives as homophobes and equate us to Nazis. I honestly expected that someone of your intelligence and stature would have picked up on that.

Your next comment was in regards to the upcoming election and the potential impact that I may have on media coverage. If I understand it correctly, you're saying that an election campaign isn't the place to put conservative ideas out to the people. Well, I remember a certain politician saying that "an election campaign wasn't the place to discuss issues" and she was crucified for it. You're saying the same thing she did Stephen.

I could rant on but I won't. You've made your position clear.

I do have to say though that I'm both sorry and disappointed. Sorry and disappointed that the Blogging Tories would sell out truth in order to remain politically correct with the aims of grabbing a few soft votes. I'm sorry and disappointed that I thought better of you. It's people like you Stephen that keep this country as messed up as it is.

Richard Evans

From the MailBag


It has come to my attention that your blog is in violation of the standards of the Blogging Tories community. In particular, your blogpost http://nomoresocialism.blogspot.com/2005/10/outing-liberal.html can easily be labelled as 'trolling', which goes against BloggingTories standards outlined here (#8):http://www.stephentaylor.ca/archives/000331.html

as such, I am removing your blog from the Blogging Tories blogroll.

On a personal note, I was also displeased to see that the death of Rosa Parks become an opportunity for your blog to question the black civil rights movement. I am also upset by your use of the hateful word "fag" in this post:http://nomoresocialism.blogspot.com/2005/09/aw-crap.html

Please also consider that blogs will become more visible during the upcoming election and that the media will use any stick given them to beat upon the Conservative Party. I'm sure that you'd agree that a few of your opinions would surely harm the party if they became even indirectly associated with it.

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion and as a'c'onservative, I support your rights to free speech. However, as the webmaster of Blogging Tories (a private group), it is also my right(and responsibility) to disassociate myself (and others who have asked) from inflammatory bloggers such as yourself.

As an analogy, even though Robert McLelland started the NDP knockoff"Blogging Dippers"... if I ran that group I wouldn't accept Robert's inflammatory style either. I'm apologize for taking up your time with this generally unpleasant matter, however I believed that you're entitled to a full explanation.

Stephen Taylor

Well, as I've said before: If I was looking for more friends, I'd get another dog. This letter does deserve an appropriate response however. I'll have to chew on it for a wee bit...

Note to the US readers: Folks like this are the reason my country is so effed-up.

Pseudo Bill Strikes Again

At the Wranchmans.

Winner of Best Overall Halloween Costume.

Prize is a $1,005.00 bar tab.


Aw Crap!

I'm supposed to be working today but instead I'm stealing audio from the Young Nationalist website.

Give a listen to this: Rev. Willie Wilson If only our own religious leaders were so frank...

I have to admit that I heard the clip on the Tony Snow Show a while back and have been looking for the it ever since.

It's going to get chopped up and re-worked into some new moonbat beating audio creations...

Outing a Liberal

Ya know, it really annoys me when Liberals call themselves Conservative.

Take my new friend Dylan for instance. here's what he say's about himself:

Born and raised in Western Canada, I've always considered
myself a conservative. I'm currently studying International Development in
Winnipeg, and plan on using my education to work for a Canadian NGO, or run in

His blog is titled "Right of Center Ice"

Now, if Dylan were really conservative, why would he say that his blog is "DEVOTED TO PROGRESSIVE POLITICS IN CANADA"? Why would Dylan have the following listed as his primary links?

A History of the PC Party
Website of the Prime Minister of Canada
United Nations
Vive Le Canada
Iraq Body Count
Aljazeera News (English)
CBC News
CNN Online
Mennonite Central Committee (NGO
Care Canada (NGO
Red Cross Canada (NGO
David Orchard: Campaign for Canada
Stephen Harper Said...

Aljazeera, CNN and the friggin CBC??? The PM's website???

Why would Dylan have this

or this

in his sidebar?

And when my new friend Dylan writes stuff like this, what's one to think?

Major U.N reforms must start out with the abolition of the
5 "Veto" votes given to the "winners" of World War II. The United States,
France, Great Britian, China, and Russia (the former USSR) need to give up their
veto votes to ensure that the truest forms of justice are carried out against
nations that violate Human Rights and break international law. The US will
always veto any reforms regarding taking away their veto vote as it would allow
other nations to bring their Presidents and country to the table on a variety of
human rights issues; Gitmo being a prime target for good

Nations who say that they are willing to make the MDG's a
reality must stand by their committments and front the money that they pledged.
It's no wonder that Paul Martin says that the U.N is made up of "empty pledges"
when our committment to the MDG's requires 0.7% of our GDP and it's not being
done! Not by Canada, the USA, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France... etc. How can
Paul Martin, George Bush, Tony Blair call the U.N to reform when they themselves
are not willing to make the first step and make their "empty pledge" a reality?
Why should other nations pledge more and give their 0.7% when Canada, the only
nation in the G-8 with a surplus, doesn't? If Canadians expect "results" from
the U.N but doesn't do what it takes to get those same results, then we are by
no means a part of the solution.

Well I'll tell ya what. Looking at my new friend Dylan its easy to see that he really isin't a conservative. He's a Liberal. Tottering on the edge of becommng a full blown MoonBat. Somebody please help this poor child.

Regarding The Audio

It would seem that there are a fair number of people out there that don't know how to use the volume control on their computers. I've been getting complaints about the audio embedded in the background.

OK, fair enough. I'm doing some housekeeping today and made some changes.

If you look to the right (below the stat counters), you'll see the section where I'll keep the audio files. The choice is yours to listen or not. From here on in (or until I change my mind) there wont be audio in the background unless it really emphasizes the point of one of the posts.

Right then, today we have a selection of:

  • Frank Sinatra flies to the moon - To help make Wonder Woman feel at home;
  • Kim Jong Il singing "I'm So Ronery" - To help the Knight of Good feel at home;
  • The Corb Lund Band sings about switchin' to whiskey - Because I still live here;
  • and, The ACLU / 50 Ways To Be A Liberal songs - To remind the moonbats that they're still moonbats

Enjoy your visit folks

The Knight of Good - Mr. Iron Man

The Knight of Good from over at Ashes Of Tyranny has also agreed to provide the Chronicles with some cross-posts. You'll find that his writing style is quite similar to my own as we both write the way we speak.

He's an Alberta boy as well.

The Knight is all about North Korea and that little midget Kim Jong Il's negative global impact. His research is solid and on these issues, he doesn't hold back. North Korea needs to be monitored and The Knight does a good job of it. His inaugural post, below, is taken from a North Korean (tourism?) website. Give it a read... Note that their #1 Frequently asked question is whether or not they have autographed pictures of little Kim available. It's amusing.

Just think, another 20 years of Liberal rule and we'll be just like the North Koreans...

Please give "The Knight of Good" a warm welcome.



20 questions from the mouth of evil...
It's F.A.Q.-ing nasty!!!

1. Can I get a signed photograph from Leader Kim Jong IL?Eh, let's get down to the most important question then... Soon the KFA shop will offer such article. When's soon? Not soon enough...

2. Can I send a letter to North Korea and get a penpal in North Korea? What fun!
You can send the letter if you have an valid address and contact person. We provide no service for penpal friends. Or any other information...

3. Can I emigrate to North Korea and live in North Korea? Is that really the third most popular question??? It's possible only in very special situations and having honor/merits. You must send a request letter stating your reasons, together with your complete CV, copy of your passport and certificates to korea@korea-dpr.com Question 3b. Will I get my passport back?
4. Can I work in North Korea as a teacher/interpreter/(other)?No. Damn! O.K then...

5. Can I travel to North Korea? I heard it is impossible to travel to North Korea. It's impossible to have any fun in North Korea... Is it true?
You can travel to North Korea only as a tourist, or as a part of a delegation invited to the country by the Government. The Korean International Travel Company (Ryogaengsa) can give more information about tourist trips, and the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) also arranges delegations to the DPRK every year. See www.korea-dpr.com/travel for more information. I'm here already. Brainwaves...

6. I am a US citizen / I am a South Korean citizen, can I visit North Korea? Isn't that the same as question #5? Special protocols are in effect regarding US and South Korean nationals. Contact your local embassy for more information. The Korean Friendship Association (KFA) organize trips and will allow visas for some US citizens that contributed for the peace and friendship between USA and the DPRK. Same answer too...

7. I am a journalist / news reporter and I'm interested in doing a documentary in North Korea. Can I? Good luck. Send your details to Special Delegate Mr. Alejandro Cao de Benos in the e-mail korea@korea-dpr.com A.k.a... THE RED Freakin HACK!!!

8. Can I travel to North Korea as a backpacker? No. You must travel as a group only, even if you are the only participant you must be with Korean guides at all times. Lest ye be free...

9. Can I join the Korean People's Army?No, only Korean nationals with DPRK citizenship. One must be of "Iron" faith to think this is the 9th most asked question...

10. I've heard that everybody starves in North Korea. Me too. How is the food situation?
It is no secret that there was a crisis during the mid 1990's in the DPRK. Because of the collapse of the Soviet Union, and due to the isolation caused by US embargo and sanctions, the country suffered a difficult period. A natural disaster caused floodings, and combined with the other factors, it created a period which we now call the "Arduous March" where the DPRK had to recover from this situation, and the collapse of the Soviet union while still unduring hostilities by the US who continually to this day try to stifle and isolate the DPRK. Since the end of the 1990's and around year 2000, the country has completely recovered from the "Arduous March" and has survived as a country which has now become even stronger and more independent than before. Uhhh, I guess you could call that an honest answer. No mention of the all the crisis that did NOT occur in South Korea...

11. I want to know why North Korea has nuclear weapons. Why? Sounds like a crybaby LOONleftIC to me... After the US failed to fulfill the terms in the Agreed Framework by supplying two light-water reactors to the DPRK as compensation for the discontinuing of Korean nuclear power, the DPRK withdrew in October 2002 from the NPT and thus restarted its own energy-producing program, and then started to recycle spent fuel-rods.The DPRK has a nuclear deterrence as a life-insurance to protect the motherland. The US, who put the country inside the "Axis of Evil", and is threatening with a nuclear holocaust pre-emptive strike has created this situation and made this necessary. The situation is no less serious because the US side has nuclear weapons and other missiles stationed in South Korea. The so-called "six-party talks" has not yielded a solution, due to the reckless demands of the US side who wants to disarm the DPRK without the intention to sign a non-aggression pact and with the intention of launching an attack against the DPRK. Same ol' same ol' blame ALL FREAKIN PROBLEMS ON THE U.S SHITE!!! Reminds me of the way the Nazi's treated the Jews.
12. What does the DPRK want regarding the nuclear standoff? What DON'T they want. A brand new American Light Water Nuclear Reactor... TO START!!!The DPRK wants a peaceful solution to the nuclear standoff by having unilateral talks with the US, and that the US side signs a non-aggression treaty. The DPRK is open and ready for a switchover in the hostile policy of the US.

13. Is North Korea a dictatorship? Mother... F...
No, the DPRK is a multi-party constitutional democracy guaranteeing freedom of speech and assembly to all citizens. DPRK citizens play an active role in their nation's political life at the local, regional and national levels, through their trade unions or as members of one of the nation's three political parties, which include the Workers' Party of Korea, the Chondoist Chongu Party and the Korean Social Democratic Party. Aw Crap...

14. Does North Korea suppress religion? Not KimIlSungism, that's for sure.
The DPRK is a multi-confessional society with sizable Christian and Buddhist populations, for example. While most North Koreans are non-religious or atheist, all citizens of the DPRK enjoy full religious freedom under the Socialist Constitution. They just don't enjoy freedom in general. That's all.

15. Can North Koreans travel abroad?In spite of accusations to the contrary, MY accusations, North Koreans enjoy the full freedom of travel. I haven't met too many in Canada. Many DPRK citizens travel abroad for scientific research, education, language training, religious conferences and trade fairs, for example. There are also hundreds of thousands of DPRK citizens living abroad, in China and Japan, for example. Mostly China(ese SLAKE CAMPS!).

16. Has North Korea's economy really collapsed? Nope. Slow steady decay... On the contrary, the DPRK enjoys a highly diverse and productive economy with a wide array of thriving manufacturing industries that produce automobiles, computer hardware and software, electronics, textiles and processed foods, just to name a few. While the DPRK economy has historically been geared towards heavy industry, the country's light industrial sector is quickly taking off. Korea's specialized and educated workforce provides an ideal environment for joint-venture projects and investment. As long as it's all government approved

17. I hear that North Koreans are very poor. Is this true? One would think it would be hard to lie about this... By international standards, DPRK citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. In Socialist Korea, the state guarantees all citizens the right to quality healthcare, education, stipends for the disabled, retirement pensions and access to recreational facilities, as well as a wide array of other state-supported services. Indeed, DPRK citizens are guaranteed many provisions that are uncommon in many developed capitalist societies, which are home to real poverty. Unlike in many countries of the capitalist world, the DPRK is a state free of homelessness, unemployment, prostitution and starvation. As Reagan, and Mark Steyn once did, we must call out evil where it exists... LOOK! What is this? an episode of Star Trek?

18. Is North Korea a 'Stalinist' state?The term 'Stalinism' is highly loaded AND FREAKIN APT! and is most frequently employed not as a descriptive term but as an insult. The DPRK political system is based on the Juche Idea, a theory developed by the late President Kim Il Sung stressing national self-reliance and development according to the unique characteristics of individual nations. 'Stalinism,' on the other hand, was articulated as a universalistic political ideology. The DPRK is indeed a socialist state, meaning that all the means of production are socially owned. However, the central implication of the 'Stalinist' accusation--simply that the DPRK is a dictatorship--is inaccurate. Korea is a socialist democracy guaranteeing its citizens the full range of individual liberties and rights provided by many liberal regimes, and more. Are we, as free people going to tolerate this bullshit?

19. Is North Korea 'reforming' its economy and moving towards capitalism? The first valid question. While the comparison between the DPRK and 'China in the 1980s' is frequently evoked by many so-called 'experts' these days, it is completely incorrect and misleading. The DPRK remains a planned socialist economy and has no intention of embracing the capitalist developmental model. And an honest answer.

20. What is North Korea's stance on homosexuality? I give up.
... the DPRK rejects many characteristics of the popular gay culture in the West, which many perceive to embrace consumerism, classism and promiscuity.

GoldWing Road Riders

Welcome to the GoldWing Road Riders Assn. I appreciate you stopping by.

Pull over, kick off the boots, crack a cold beer and enjoy your visit.

I almost bought a Gold Wing once. Yup, then my wife heard someone call bikes "donor-cycles". Kinda put the Kaibosh on the whole thing. The closest I get to that feeling of freedom now is when I've got the doors and roof and windshield off of the jeep.

Oh, the "I Am Also Canadain" post you were looking at can be found here if you were looking for it.

The Chronicles Is Recruiting

Quite often you'll see that I use the term "we" when referring to the Chronicles. Right, when I do that I actually mean "me". Jeff was helping out with some posts for a while but he seems to have faded to obscurity.

I need help.

This little (blogging) adventure has been having an effect on my sex life. More to the point though, it's been having an effect on my free time. Corinne is telling me, and correctly so, that there'll be no more nookie until I start prying myself away from the computer and spend more time being the husband and father that I am.

Grudgingly, I have to agree. It's hard to do though because this little site was started just 7 months ago and it's got some really good stats. It's been averaging 170 hits/day, is linked to by well over 300 other blogs and will be getting it's 30,000 visitor before the end of October. It's got a loyal readership. It's got a reputation for kicking the crap out of MoonBat arguments.

These are trends that I'd like to see continue. I won't be able to do it on my own though and I'm looking for a few good writers to help out.

  • I'm not looking for someone to take over.

  • I'm not looking for a clone but do expect that people who post here share most of my values.

  • I'm looking for a few different people with differing CONSERVATIVE viewpoints to post as their schedule permits.

  • I'm looking for people from either Canada, the US or Europe as the Chronicles has readers in all three.

If you think you have what it takes to walk the fine line between truth and hate speech, to put up with the constant whining from the lib-left and to put accuracy above opinion, I'd like to hear from you. Please send me an e-mail at resenvt@hotmail.com.


The most bodacious "Wonder Woman" of North American Patriot has agreed to do some crossposting in order to help save my sex life. Having her here not only helps to keep readers informed on international issues, it raises the bar on the ol' class-o-meter. hmmmm.... going to have to start playing Frank and Mel a little more often methinks. Please give her a warm welcome.

Any other volunteers?

* No MoonBats were harmed in the making of this advertisement.

Some quick notes

  • I met another Calgary bolgger yesterday. Mike P from Project Alberta. We're going to get along just fine I think. There's cold beer in our future. I'll tell ya, it's nice being able to sit and have a conversation with like-minded people.

  • One of the things that came up in our discussion was the need to turn the apathetic sheepole back into citizens who actually give a damn. He suggested a war on apathy. I agree. Now the problem with a war on apathy is that it won't be politically correct. Folks don't like being told to wake up. They don't like being told to pull their heads out of their asses. They find it easier to go from day to day safe and secure in their protective little "bubbles". Well we here at the Chronicles think that political correctness is for whimps. People who try to win friends by pleasing everybody. That's BUNK! If the Chronicles wants another friend, we'll get another dog. As such, the Chronicles will be taking up the mantle and promoting the war on apathy on an ongoing basis. Whimps be dammed! Stay tuned for updates on this.

  • Project AB is looking like a great source for information on the candidates in the upcoming Alberta Alliance leadership race. I would suggest you sign up and find out as much as you can before voting. Note as well that the SPA has a strong presence within the conversation threads. Someone needs to get these two parties together so they don't end up splitting the conservative vote and allowing the freakish liberal party to have more seats in the next provincial election.

  • Craig Chandler, Campaign Manager for David Crutcher is not doing a great job of communicating Crutcher's positions within the Project AB message boards. My support is wavering as a result. Pay attention David.


A Blog To Watch

Miers withdraws today. These folks were posting on it this past MONDAY.

From their post:

For a nominee who, unlike John Roberts, has practically no previous record on constitutional issues, such documentation is essential for the Senate to judge her thinking and legal acumen. But there is no way that any president would release this kind of information -- ``policy documents'' and ``legal analysis'' -- from such a close confidante. It would forever undermine the ability of any president to get unguarded advice.

Which creates a classic conflict, not of personality, not of competence, not of ideology, but of simple constitutional prerogatives: The Senate cannot confirm her unless it has this information. And the White House cannot allow release of this information lest it jeopardize executive privilege.

Here's part of GWB's statement regarding today's withdrawal:

President Bush said he reluctantly accepted her decision to withdraw, after weeks of insisting that he did not want her to step down. He blamed her withdrawal on calls in the Senate for the release of internal White House documents that the administration has insisted were protected by executive privilege.

"It is clear that senators would not be satisfied until they gained access to internal documents concerning advice provided during her tenure at the White House _ disclosures that would undermine a president's ability to receive candid counsel," Bush said. "Harriet Miers' decision demonstrates her deep respect for this essential aspect of the constitutional separation of powers _ and confirms my deep respect and admiration for her."

Seems pretty friggin accurate to me...

Closer To Home II

Crutcher's camp responds:

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

TO: Alberta Alliance Party Members
FROM: Craig B. Chandler, David Crutcher, Campaign Manager
RE: Negative Attack Piece By Randy Thorsteinson, Ed Klop Campaign

Dear Alberta Alliance Party Members,

We are in receipt of a letter by former Alberta Alliance Party leader, Randy Thorsteinson on behalf of the Ed Klop campaign strategically delivered to you in these last days of the campaign to influence your vote.

Our campaign team first read Randy Thorsteinson’s letter late yesterday and we read it several times and we are still a little stunned.

David Crutcher and I felt that Randy Thorsteinson’s was a man who we thought of as a friend. We discussed who should respond to this letter, or whether we respond at all. David Crutcher felt that as the Campaign Manager, I should respond on behalf of all the team.

Randy has always been honest with us we were quite disappointed that he broke his word.

Both David and I confronted Randy as the former leader about the rumour that he was supporting and bank rolling the Ed Klop campaign. Randy told David via phone this was untrue.

On October 7th, 2005 in the Alberta Alliance Party, Red Deer office, I confronted Randy Thorsteinson face to face. Randy looked me in the eye while I was waiting for last minute memberships by the fax machine and I was told that he is not supporting any candidate in this race. To say we are disappointed that we were misled is an understatement.

However, we feel very hurt and quite numb from Randy Thorsteinson’s very negative and personal attack on David and I.

Randy attacked David Crutcher in four different ways:

1. Randy claimed that David wants to implement an Alberta GST. This is very misleading. David Crutcher has discussed and entertained the idea of eliminating every other form of tax in Alberta and replacing all taxes with a single flat rate consumption tax. This would not apply to food, utilities or gas and only apply to certain products that have yet to be determined. David’s comments were off the cuff on AM 1140’s Freedom Radio Network, which is not a live show and therefore editing is done and the full context of the conversation is not available. This is not a policy of the David Crutcher campaign and can’t be found on any David Crutcher literature or even on the website. Randy is making comments in desperation to bolster his choice in Ed Klop. However, the Fraser Institute has released a detailed report supporting this concept, as have various other business and taxpayer organizations.

2. Randy claims that David Crutcher “…supports turning the Alberta Alliance Party into a separatist party” and referred to an Edmonton debate as evidence. Randy is putting the cart before the horse. The debate that Randy was not even at was audio taped by our campaign team. David did say at that debate that if Stephen Harper’s Conservatives do not form government he is for leading the Province out of confederation. However, we would only do this with a referendum from the membership and the member’s wishes would trump all. The comments that David Crutcher has said are no different then what another candidate said in Calgary at the Freedom Radio Network meeting after the taping. Please review David Crutcher’s comments on this by going to his website at the following link


David’s official position is as follows: “I want to do all that I can to take my country back and if we can't undue the damage that has been done then we need to seriously explore Alberta's place within confederation. My campaign slogan is a "New Alberta" within a New Canada where the province of Alberta has control over it's own destiny. Where Alberta is in equal partner in a confederation of equal provinces where no on province has special status or power of another”.

3. Randy said that I have called some of the Alberta Alliance Party Policies “left wing rubbish”. This is completely accurate. There are many policies thanks to the David Crutcher team that were tabled at the recent Calgary policy convention. Many policies were anti-business and would bankrupt the province. In new parties there are always competing visions and David has laid out a less government, lower taxes, politically accountable, pro-life, pro-family agenda instead of what was offered in the past. The members agreed with David and tabled the “left wing rubbish” I was referring to. Unfortunately, Randy’s policies were cutting red tape length wise rather then in half. In fact, over 1/3 of the membership has not renewed because of the left wing policies Randy brought forward with the party. These people would renew under the new conservative Alberta Alliance Party with David Crutcher at the helm Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell said that elections are no time for policy and we know where she is politically. David Crutcher is offering a clear vision and the members will decide.

4. Randy also claimed that I have attacked the party, other candidates and our members. This is untrue.

I never attacked the party I merely discussed party policies and offered solutions on how to improve them. I spoke the truth. If this party is to be a credible conservative alternative it needs to be conservative, not Liberal lite.

I also never attacked other candidates. I merely pointed out the same things Randy did in his letter about Paul Hinman being overworked etc… All of you have seen the letter from the David Crutcher campaign that arrived with your ballot

The following is what Randy said about Paul Hinman:

“It will be impossible for Paul Hinman to build the party as the leader. He
simply doesn’t have the time necessary to do what a leader needs to do. I should
know I have done it. The leader needs to constantly travel the province building
support and meeting the media. In one year I attended over 100 Town Hall
meetings (two per week). Paul told me just two weeks ago that at times he is
working until 3:00 am just to keep up with his demands as an MLA. Additionally,
the Tories have targeted him for the next election and a candidate – ex MLA
Broyce Jacobs – is already campaigning against him. Paul is being loyal to the
party by running for the leadership but if we ask him to be leader he will lose
his own seat; he only won by 129 votes. Broyce Jacobs only has to take 65 votes
from Paul to win. We need to be fair to Paul and allow him to focus on his
constituency. We need Paul to remain an MLA and focus on fighting for us from
within the legislature”.

The following is what Randy said about Marilyn Burns:

“Much like Paul, Marilyn simply doesn’t have the time to be the leader of
the party. Marilyn has a thriving legal practice and can not commit her full
time efforts to leading the party. If Marilyn is in the middle of a trial and a
major political event happens she will find it extremely difficult to respond –
I know I did. Based upon my experience I think Marilyn is being overly
optimistic; she told me herself that she doesn’t have the time necessary to
commit full time to the leadership of the party”.

We do agree with Randy’s assessment of the other 2 candidates.

I never attacked members of the party but merely exposed one person who left the David Crutcher campaign with strategic information.

The timing of Randy Thorsteinson’s letter is not a coincidence as the ballots were mailed on the same day the letter was released. Some feel Randy timed it perfectly, others feel he is desperate for his puppet to win and others feel that Randy does not want the party to succeed without him. I have a feeling it is a little bit of all of the above.

To find out the truth about David Crutcher and his beliefs please review the 4 page brochure glossy black & white brochure that we have sent you this week and check out David’s website at www.davidcrutcher.com

Yours in the fight,
Craig B. Chandler
Campaign Manager
David Crutcher Campaign
P: 403-720-1911
F: 403-203-3370
Website: www.davidcrutcher.com

This is why I like these guys. They're not afraid to table new ideas. They're not afraid to look at our place within the constitution. They're not afraid to call lib-left policies exactly what they are...

My support for Crutcher continues.

Closer To Home I

...the Alliance leadership race gets nasty.

Randy Thorsteinson
Former Leader – Alberta Alliance Party

October 23, 2005 My Fellow Alberta Alliance Members,

I appreciate the opportunity to write to you today and am grateful for your continued support of the Alberta Alliance.

I have received countless telephone calls and e-mails asking me for my recommendation for the upcoming leadership election in the party. It was a difficult decision for me on whether to comment or not. I consider each one of the candidates my friends and will obviously disappoint three of them if I make a recommendation.

However, I realize that you have spent the last several years and more putting your trust in me. I am deeply humbled by your support and feel that I owe it to you to comment. I have had the opportunity to work with each of the candidates, especially through the 2004 election and understand their ability to grow the party. I feel I have a unique perspective because I understand what needs to be done and how each candidate’s strengths will work towards building the party.

After much thought I have decided to endorse Ed Klop for Leader of the Alberta Alliance.


In fairness I owe it you to explain why I haven’t endorsed the other candidates.

Paul Hinman: It will be impossible for Paul Hinman to build the party as the leader.


Marilyn Burns: Much like Paul, Marilyn simply doesn’t have the time to be the leader of the party.


David Crutcher: I like David as an individual but can not support him for several reasons.

- He wants to implement an Alberta GST.
(source: Leadership Debate – Freedom Radio Network - September 24, 2005)

- He supports turning the Alberta Alliance into a separatist party. There already is a separatist party and it failed miserably. The Alberta Alliance is not a separatist party.
(source: Leadership Debate – Edmonton Oct. 17, 2005)

- His campaign manager Craig Chandler said: “Alberta Alliance had left wing policies, extreme left wing.” “David would never defend the AA's previous policies” “The current AA policies (although tabled for defeat) are left wing rubbish.”

(source: www.ProjectAlberta.com - September 14, 2005)

David Crutcher has never publicly chastised Craig Chandler or fired him for his anti-Alberta Alliance policies comments. Certainly he could have hired some other campaign manager that supported Alberta Alliance policies. I simply can’t support David. I don’t want a provincial GST. I am not a separatist and Craig Chandler has crossed the line in his attacks on the party, other candidates and our members.




I love it...

...when the MoonBats get all stirred up like this. Please, keep up the good work!

A Response

Have you ever seen a paradigm shift without a clutch? You can watch it here, here and here.

1. For those who use rational thought: it'll be some good humor. If it doesn't amuse you, go to point 2

2. For those that do their thinking based on emotion: You're the ones we're chuckling at and you need to read further.

Two quotes:

"4th. The point is that this site regularly exposes the left and the tricks they use to further their agenda. Sometimes the agenda is the right way to go (as was the case with black civil rights) but most times it isn't. I believe we should be able to decide on an issue based on the merit of the arguments put forth as opposed theatrics.Richard Evans Homepage 10.26.05 - 8:03 am #"


"Well, I think both things can be true. I wouldn't have had the guts to do what she did, staged or not. And yes, it was planned in advance; she wasn't just tired. She was an NAACP member, not just a "cleaning lady."

This matters. The incident worked _because_ there was an infrastructure in place to stage it then keep it in the news, run the boycott, etc. It wasn't just "one person making a difference", but a group of dedicated people.

The romanticism of history, usually the fault of eager journalists, does no one any favours in the long run.

Inevitably, it creates resentment. With Parks, MLK and others being portrayed as near saints, it made it almost impossible for those who felt the Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional to get a fair hearing. Who cared about some old piece of paper in the face of these brave individuals...? Who cared about whether or not the government should be able to tell private companies who they had to serve...? Who cared about long standing traditions of states rights or property rights?

None of that was as romantic and dramatic as the protests. And anyone, even liberals, who dared to raise the constitutional conundrums was "just a racist" or an "uncle Tom".

But "staged" or not, that doesn't take away from what Parks and her colleagues accomplished in an extremely dangerous atmosphere. Roe v. Wade was "staged", now it sounds like "Lawrence" was staged. It seems like the liberal way of getting things changed, whether we like the results or not.Posted by: Kathy Shaidle at October 25, 2005 09:20 AM "

One link:


Now a note to those who STILL wish to call me racist:




If you're not bright enough to take what I've posted at face value, then you're not bright enough to have your opinion matter.


Rosa Parks Was A Pawn

Rosa worked for the NAACP - A black civil rights organisation. The bus adventure was staged to garner public sympathy. Be careful who you're praising in her passing folks...

Out of Stanford
In The Shadow Of Rosa Parks: ‘Unsung Hero’ Of Civil Rights Movement Speaks Out
By Vanessa de la TorreJanuary 20, 2005

Claudette Colvin could easily be lost in the crowd. Her short hair is neatly curled; she wears eyeglasses and a small pair of gold hoop earrings. She dresses modestly and looks more like someone’s kindly grandmother than the woman who 50 years ago was a catalyst for one of the most famous events in civil rights history.

But that, in fact, is who Colvin is.

Nine months before Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger, Colvin had done the same thing, but without any fanfare. She was only 15 at the time, and civil rights leaders had reservations about using her as the symbol of their movement. Instead, Parks, who worked for the NAACP and was inspired by Colvin’s example, became the person whom history would remember.

Now, half a century later, Colvin still vividly recalls her emotions on the day when a bus driver summoned the police to arrest her in Montgomery, Ala.

It was March 2, 1955. Colvin was a junior at Booker T. Washington High School. She hoped to practice law one day and defend people like Jeremiah Reeves, a black classmate who had been convicted of raping a white woman and sentenced to death. The case had her simmering. It was on her mind that bus ride, she explains. And she was angry that twice a day she rode the same bus and here was the driver, ordering her to stand so a white person could sit.

What happened next was impulsive, Colvin says. “I had the spirit of Sojourner Truth inside me, the spirit of Harriet Tubman, telling me, ‘Don’t get up!’” She told a policeman that she was “just as good as any white person” and wasn’t going to give up her seat.

“I was very hurt because I didn't know that white people would act like that and I was crying,” Colvin later testified in court. “And (the policeman) said, ‘I will have to take you off.’ So I didn’t move. I didn’t move at all … So he kicked me and one got on one side of me and one got the other arm and they just drug me out.”

The police said Colvin was “clawing and scratching” as they hauled her off the bus. What Colvin has admitted is screaming again and again, “It’s my constitutional right.” She had paid her bus fare.

Colvin was charged with misconduct, resisting arrest and violating city and state segregation laws. (Eventually she was convicted and sentenced to probation.)

E.D. Nixon, then a leader of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP, had been waiting for a test case to challenge bus segregation and vowed to help Colvin after her father posted bail. But then came the second-guessing: Colvin’s father mowed lawns; her mother was a maid. Churchgoing people, but they lived in King Hill, the poorest section of Montgomery. The police, who took her to the city hall and then jail, also accused the teenager of spewing curse words, which Colvin denied, saying that in fact the obscenities were leveled at her (“The intimidation, the ridicule,” she often says now).

Some blacks believed she was too young, and too dark-skinned to be an effective symbol of injustice for the rest of the nation. Then, as local civil rights leaders continued to debate whether her case was worth contesting, that summer came the news that Colvin was pregnant — by a married man.

E.D. Nixon would later explain in an oral history, “I had to be sure that I had somebody I could win with.” Rosa Parks, for a decade the NAACP secretary who took special interest in Colvin’s case, was “morally clean, reliable, nobody had nothing on her.”

On December 1, 1955, Parks would board a bus at the same stop as had Colvin, and go on to become the symbol Nixon had been seeking.

In contrast to Colvin, when policemen came to lead Parks away, she asked, calmly, “Why do you all push us around?”

Recently, as the country honored what would have been Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 75th birthday, televisions replayed scenes from the era of burning crosses, hooded Klansmen, “Whites Only” signs, clashes between Southern policemen and peaceful protestors, the “I Have a Dream speech,” and King’s assassination.

But second to Reverend King is the image of serene dignity: Rosa Parks, the unassuming seamstress who galvanized the movement after a long day’s work, because she refused to give her seat to a white person. The legend goes that her feet were tired. She became one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Important People of the Century.

When someone Googles Claudette Colvin, on the other hand, the first item is a dated news release about fourth graders in Milwaukee who made a six-minute film titled, “Claudette Who?”

Not to take away from the good that came of the adventure but you've all been hoodwinked by the NAACP.

Kate keeps her comments short and sweet... Outside the Beltway has a mini round-up... Stop the ACLU is being far more kind than I expected...

I Am Also Canadian

I often stop by "I Am (Also) Canadian" for a chuckle and light hearted insight. He's provided the inspiration for the following:

I Am Also Canadian

I don’t live in Ontario. Nor do I live in Quebec. I don’t see hockey as the lifeblood of the nation. The CBC speaks neither for nor to me. In fact, I was happy when they were on strike.

I don’t speak French nor do I wish to. When I was young and had it forced down my throat in elementary school, I resisted. When given the opportunity to make my own choice of a second language I chose anything but. I don’t regret it. I see having two different labels on all consumer products as wasteful and inflationary.

I see this forced duality as destructive. I see the results of our great "cultural mosaic" experiment as being outright disastrous. We cannot be one nation when we’re divided into so many fragments. I know that at the hands of Liberal governments, our once singular culture has been replaced with one of constant turmoil. Ethnic group competes against ethnic group. Region competes against region.

I don’t buy into Ontario’s claim that it’s the center of Canadian civilization. Nor do I buy into the idea that Quebec is distinct.

I don’t hate the United States. In fact, some days I admire them. Other days I’m indifferent. They’re an industrious nation. They know their history. They know where they came from. They understand the perils of communism and socialism and resist both.

I disagree with Canadian socialism. I believe that individual responsibility is more important than state provided entitlements. The government doesn’t owe me a job or a paycheck in lieu. The government isn’t responsible for my health. Ken Dryden isn’t responsible for raising my children, I am. I believe that it takes a family to raise a child and the village can go to hell if it doesn’t agree.

I believe the family is the cornerstone of society. I feel the manner in which my federal government continues to allow the sexual exploitation of our children undermines that. Why do they feel so adamant that a 45 year old man should be able to have sex with a 14 year old girl? I also feel that taking marriage away from a husband and wife and giving it to sodomites was a mistake. I believe that marriage should remain solely within the realm of religion.

I don’t bash religion or speak ill of those who practice it even though I myself may not. I believe that spirituality holds a very important place in our society. It’s our foundation and the source of our indelible rights.

I believe that I have a right to own property. Unrestricted. The money I earn is my property. When the government demands taxation without providing appropriate representation they are stealing and misusing my property. I should be able to own land. I should be able to own a firearm.

I don’t believe that gun control works. I don’t believe that we’re getting value from the gun registry. I believe that when you take firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, you leave firearms in the hands of the criminals alone. You leave the law-abiding citizens defenseless.

I believe that as a sovereign nation we need to be able to defend ourselves. Without regret. We need a military that understands that it’s job is to win the peace by killing. We need a government with the intestinal fortitude to allow them to do it.

I believe in racial profiling if it will help prevent terrorist attacks.

I believe in being polite but not being politically correct.

My voice will be heard.

My name is Richard and I am ALSO Canadian!


Why The Outrage?

How is it that anyone could have expected anything less?

Young Singers Spread Racist Hate

Known as "Prussian Blue" — a nod to their German heritage and bright blue eyes — the girls from Bakersfield, Calif., have been performing songs about white nationalism before all-white crowds since they were nine.

"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white … we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."

Lynx and Lamb have been nurtured on racist beliefs since birth by their mother April. "They need to have the background to understand why certain things are happening," said April, a stay-at-home mom who no longer lives with the twins' father. "I'm going to give them, give them my opinion just like any, any parent would."

Don't get me wrong. In no way am I condoning what these kids do or the message behind it. What I am going to say is that their actions are completely expected.

Think I'm wrong? Consider the following:
  • Affirmative action policies where a qualified "white" individual misses out on a job because the employer is required to fill some kind of "diversity" quota. In order to fill said quota, a lesser qualified individual of colour or deviant sexual orientation gets the job.
  • Al Sharpton, Oprah and Jessie Jackson and their kind making every issue a "race" issue.
  • Reparations (financial) for the actions of white forefathers who did what was perfectly legal back in the day but which is now seen as criminal.
  • The inability to racial profile to prevent crime and terrorism even though there are clear profiles.
  • Lax immigration policies where illegals are allowed to roam freeley. They can own property. They get driver's lisences. They don't get deported. And you're not allowed to refer to them as "wetbacks" even if they really did swim across the Rio Grande to get into the country.
  • A dilution of the language. Now every automated phone system in the US has spanish as a language option.

The list goes on...

There's a Radio host named Michael Savage who pushes the concept of "Borders, Language Culture."

The idea behind it is that we have to protect all 3 of those things to maintain a stable society. You folks in the US simply have to look up here (to Canada) to see the effects of not doing so.

North American society (MoonBat policies) created the conditions that allow people like these kids (and their parents) to flourish.

I don't see the majority of these kids fans as being hard-core skinheads. Though I may be wrong, I see them as normal people pushing back against the crap that's being forced upon them by the left.

Consider that if there were no "Johns", there would be no prostitution. So it goes with the message shared by these children. If the message wasn't ringing true to the listeners there would be no listeners. Consequently, there would be no one pushing the message.

I will state again, before the hate-mail starts, that I do not condone the kids actions or the message they spread. I can, however, say that this is something that was (is) to be expected.


A decision has been made

The Chronicles has decided to officially endorse David Crutcher as leader of the Alberta Alliance Party. As such, we'll be doing what we can to help him out. (That can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on one's perception of the Chronicles.)


Happy Birthday to the United Nations

That's right. The folks that brought you the "oil for food" scandal, the "sex for food" scandal and most recently, the Kyoto cash transfer scandal is preparing for celebrations for it's 60th Anniversery.

They've declared October 24, 2005 to be UN Day!

I'm so excited. I wonder if they'll have cake...

Well, to help them celebrate I've got two videos for you to watch.

The first is a short infomercial produced by the NRA that highlites the UN's part in the failed gun control programs in Canada, Austraila, the UK and their current efforts in the US. George Soros is involved and that means that our own Maurice Strong can't be that far away. You'll also see a surprising connection between UNICEF and the gun bans. Run time is approximately 11 minutes. If you only ever watch one bit of video I post, please watch this one.

The second is a trailer for a documentary titled "Broken Promises - The United Nations at 60". This one highlites the UN's incompetance and should be watched as well. Better yet, buy the video and pass it around to your friends...

I'm not the only one thinking about the UN this weekend. Kate at SDA discusses the inept Stephen Lewis, Locusts & Honey and Let it Bleed tear into the UN over it's stand on Syria and some interesting recent developments. Over in Thomas Paine's Corner, it's arms control. Finishing up our little round-up we have the Coalition for Darfur talking about the UN's success (not) in the Darfur region, Elisa at Boxer Watch shows us what a lib-left US Senator thinks about the UN and Cool Blue who mocks the UN's own status reports.

ADDITION: The folks over ate Right Wing Nation have a wonderful idea for making UN Day a little brighter for all of us...

I didn't see any UN articles posted within the open trackback thread at Stop the ACLU yet so I'm going to post it there as well. For the uninitiated, the UN and ACLU have some very congruant objectives...


Keeping Score

Common Sense = 1
Anti-Gun MoonBats = 0

This was nice to see. Common sense wins one for a change:

WASHINGTON - Congress gave the gun lobby its top legislative priority Thursday, passing a bill protecting the firearms industry from massive crime-victim lawsuits. President Bush said he will sign it.

"Our laws should punish criminals who use guns to commit crimes, not law-abiding manufacturers of lawful products," Bush said in a statement.

The House voted 283-144 to send the bill to the president after supporters, led by the National Rifle Association, proclaimed it vital to protect the industry from being bankrupted by huge jury awards. Opponents, waging a tough battle against growing public support for the legislation, called it proof of the gun lobby's power over the Republican-controlled Congress.

Get it? If you get drunk, get behind the wheel and kill someone, you can't sue the car manufacturer and hold them liable for your actions. Now the same thing goes for guns. If a criminal uses a gun to committ a crime, the gun manufacuturer can't be held liable.

Yahoo News = 0
NRANews.com = 1

Does anyone else see a slight bias in the rest of the YahooNews article?
(continued from above):

"This legislation will make the unregulated gun industry the most pampered industry in America," said Kristen Rand, director of the Violence Policy Center.

Under the measure, a half-dozen pending lawsuits by local governments against the industry would be dismissed. Anti-gun groups say some lawsuits filed by individuals could be thrown out, too.

The Senate passed the bill in July.

The bill's passage was the NRA's top legislative priority and would give Bush and his Republican allies on Capitol Hill a rare victory at a time when some top GOP leaders are under indictment or investigation.

"Lawsuits seeking to hold the firearms industry responsible for the criminal and unlawful use of its products are brazen attempts to accomplish through litigation what has not been achieved by legislation and the democratic process," House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., told his colleagues.

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, did not vote. He is in Texas in connection with his indictment in an alleged scheme to violate state election law.

Propelled by GOP election gains and the incidents of lawlessness associated with the passing of Hurricane Katrina, support for the bill has grown since a similar measure passed the House last year and was killed in the Senate.

Horrific images of people without the protection of public safety in New Orleans made a particular impression on viewers who had never before felt unsafe, according to the gun lobby.
"Americans saw a complete collapse of the government's ability to protect them," said Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president.

"That burnt in, those pictures of people standing there defending their lives and defending their property and their family," he added, "where the one source of comfort was a firearm."

With support from four new Republicans this session of Congress, the bill passed the Senate for the first time in July. House passage never was in doubt because it had 257 co-sponsors, far more than the 218 needed to pass.

The bill's authors say it still would allow civil suits against individual parties who have been found guilty of criminal wrongdoing by the courts.

Opponents say the strength of the bill's support is testament to the influence of the gun lobby. If the bill had been law when the relatives of six victims of convicted Washington-area snipers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo sued the gun dealer from which they obtained their rifle, the dealer would not have agreed to pay the families and victims $2.5 million.

"It is shameful that Republicans in Congress are pushing legislation that guarantees their gun-dealing cronies receive special treatment and are above the law," said Rep. Robert Wexler (news, bio, voting record), D-Fla.

Bush has said he supports the bill, which would prohibit lawsuits against the firearms industry for damages resulting from the unlawful use of a firearm or ammunition. Gun makers and dealers still would be subject to product liability, negligence or breach of contract suits, the bill's authors say.

Democrats and Republicans alike court the NRA at election time, and the bill has garnered bipartisan support. But the firearms industry still gave 88 percent of its campaign contributions, or $1.2 million, to Republicans in the 2004 election cycle.

Gun control advocates, meanwhile, gave 98 percent of their contributions, or $93,700, to Democrats that cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
The bill is S. 397.
On the Net:

Now, if you want the strait story, tune into "Cam and Company" daily at 1pm mountain. The show, heard live both on Sirius radio and online (broadcast c/w streaming video) addresses all things conservative and from a constitutional viewpoint. I can't say enough about the show's host, Cam Edwards. He's plain spoken, articulate and gives it to the moonbats in a manner I wish to emulate. Please note that if you're a sensitive lib-left Canadain or UN supporter who doesn't like being held up as a bad example, prepare to be offended. Check it out.

There'll be a permanent link in the sidebar shortly.


All dressed up with no place to go...


The scheduled end of the event was 5:30. I was set up and in position at 5:00 only to find out the event ended at 4:30. Everyone was already gone. I hung around on the street corner waving at traffic anyway just so it wasn't a total bust. Reaction was mixed but there were far more positive responses than negative. That was good.

I think it's time to sell pseudo-bill. If it doesn't go before Haloween I'll wear it again but I'm pretty sure it'll be the last time.

Note to Peter V.: I was good. I was open and accomodating. I answered all your questions. I didn't give you any grief. I met your requests. The least you folks could have done is called a guy and let him know that things were running ahead of schedule.


A Tale of Two Bills

Bill Clinton is in town today speaking at the Telus Convention Center.

"William Jefferson Clinton was elected President of the United States in 1992, and again in 1996—the first Democratic President to be awarded a second term in six decades. President Clinton’s core values of building community, creating opportunity, and demanding responsibility resulted in unprecedented progress for America."

Excerpt taken from http://www.powerwithin.com/event_calgary_telus.aspx

Right, someone please tell those folks that it's not progress when you're going the wrong direction.

Fortunately, psudo-Bill is going to be present outside of the Convention Center helping to remind folks exactly who it is they've been listening to. With any luck, we'll also get some air time / blogging materials that'll hinder Hillary's run in 2006.

The fun will start somewhere between 4 and 5.

UPDATE: All dressed up with no place to go...

The scheduled end of the event was 5:30. I was set up and in position at 5:00 only to find out the event ended at 4:30. Everyone was already gone. I hung around on the street corner waving at traffic anyway just so it wasn't a total bust. Reaction was mixed but there were far more positive responses than negative. That was good.

I think it's time to sell pseudo-bill. If it doesn't go before Haloween I'll wear it again but I'm pretty sure it'll be the last time.

Note to Peter V.: I was good. I was open and accomodating. I answered all your questions. I didn't give you any grief. I met your requests. The least you folks could have done is called a guy and let him know that things were running ahead of schedule.


Breaking News

For years we've been told that oil and gas operations have an adverse effect on wildlife. In fact, we're currently amidst a huge debate on whether the US should be drilling for resources within the Alaskin Wildlife Refuge. The eco-nazis are telling us that all the animals will die.

"The results are clear," says Shawn
, WWF-Canada’s Vice President, Communications. "Canadians feel strongly about protecting pristine habitat, they do not appear to believe the often made claim that drilling in the middle of a calving ground
for caribou will not disrupt wildlife, and they obviously want their
government to make their view known to President George W. Bush."

Well, after reading information from sites like the one linked to above, you can imagine my shock and utter dismay when I witnessed livestock and wildlife directly adjacent to oilfield operations. They were actually all ALIVE.

This is completely contradictory to what we're being told by wildlife proponents. There were cattle, horses and even deer. There were calves! As was expected, the horses and deer declined interviews but one fine cow (tag #127) accepted my invatation. When asked how she could possibly be alive in these conditions she simply said "Moo!"

Her response had me puzzled and after extensive research it was discovered that the phrase "moo" means "I'm a happy cow" when translated to english.

Well "Moo!" indeed cow #127, moo indeed...



Please be advised that if I refer to beating on MoonBats it's purely in the metaphorical sense. Like a poker player who takes all of his opponents cash... There's no actual physical beating involved. Thank you for your attention.

Good Morning

Have to be in Brooks by 07:30... no posts 'till this afternoon.

MoonBat Outreach - Update

Once again, Ti-Guy proves that he's not too pretty bright. As found on the blahg.

Thoughts on unions...

Thoughts on the war on terror and social programs...

I tried to pull specific quotes but they weren't as funny taken out of context. You'll have to read the threads.


MoonBat Outreach

I'm in the middle of a MoonBat Outreach exercise right now. No posts until late this afternoon... You'll get the highlites... Should be some good humor.


The Big Day

If they ratify their constitution today they move on to the next step. Electing their permanent government. If they don't, it's a do-over. Either way, these folks are voting again and it's a beautiful thing. Our best wishes go out to them.

From FoxNews.com

"Sunni-led insurgents had vowed to wreck Saturday's referendum at about 6,000 polling stations across Iraq. In the 19 days before the voting, nearly 450 people were killed by insurgents using suicide car bombs, roadside bombs and drive-by shootings."


Conservtives are Smarter than Dummicrats

The coverage of the Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court within the blogosphere has been extensive and I didn't think I'd have much to add. It's time to chime in now though.

From FT.com

Top US Republicans are reaching out into to the world of high technology to tame the conservative backlash against Harriet Miers, Supreme Court nominee.

Within minutes of the nomination of Ms Miers last week, conservative blogs exploded with outrage, providing the first sign of serious conservative discontent over the choice of a woman with no track record on conservative issues, such as abortion, or experience of constitutional law.

Now the White House is trying to quell the revolt of the blogs: on Wednesday, Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, reached out to the bloggers who have been leading the charge against Ms Miers in a conference call whose content appeared almost instantaneously on the internet.

Professor Stephen Bainbridge, professor of corporate law at UCLA and a leading Miers opponent, “live-blogged” the conference call: that is, he took real-time notes and broadcast them on to the web on his popular “blawg”, or law blog.

Mr Mehlman assured the bloggers who were contacted by telephone that though Republicans had been disappointed before by Supreme Court nominees who turned liberal on the bench, that would not happen with Ms Miers. “11:41: Miers will not be swayed by the ‘Georgetown cocktail set',” Prof Bainbridge blogged, noting the time at which Mr Mehlman made his promise that the nominee would not fall victim to the liberalising influence of elite opinion emanating from the bijou Washington DC neighbourhood of Georgetown.

We'll start by saying that GWB is way smarter than you whiney conservative bloggers. You folks, in addition to the rest of the talking heads, are being played on the whole issue.

Let me explain...

The Republicans know that the Dummocrats aren't goint to allow someone with a proven (conservative) track record to pass through the vetting process. That's a given.

So what can they do about it? Bring in someone unknown. A cypher. A mystery.

But the Dummocrats are bound to make anything the prez does difficult no? So how do they get around it?


Make the cypher a woman for starters.

Then position a few well placed conservative cries of dissent into the mix. Those conservatives who act more like sheep than people (I know it's hard to fathom but they're out there) will begin to echo the cries. The Dummocrats will look at it and begin to think that they're getting the better end of the deal. That means less fight. It also helps to put the conservatives on the judicary committee in control of the questioning. Again, this means less fight. It means another confirmation for a Bush appointee...

I don't see Hariet Miers as a cypher. I see her as a Trojan Horse. I also see alot of the whiney conservatives bloggers as puppets...

From WorldNetDaily

© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

A bill that would add "sexual orientation" to federal hate-crimes law will make homosexuals a protected class for civil rights purposes and threaten free speech, charges the leader of a global movement supporting traditional families.

The bill, passed in the House in September and now pending in the Senate, is a "subtle attack on the natural family," warns Allan Carlson, founder and convener of the World Congress of Families.

"While it's presented to the public as a way to stop physical attacks on gays, adding so-called sexual orientation to existing hate-crimes law could be used to crush dissent," said Carlson.

"After all, gay activists have told us repeatedly that objections to homosexuality spawn anti-gay violence," he continued. "It then becomes a short step from adding an extra punishment for physical acts to penalizing controversial views."

The companion bill in the Senate is expected to be approved soon by the Senate Judiciary Committee, paving the way for a floor vote.

Carlson noted that in Canada and Sweden similar laws have been used to punish expression.
In Sweden in 2004, Pentecostal Pastor Ake Green was sent to prison for a month for a 2003 sermon in which he described homosexual acts as "abnormal, a horrible cancerous tumor in the body of society."

In the Canadian province of Alberta, Rev. Stephen Boissoin is being threatened with thousands of dollars in fines by the province's Human Rights Tribunal for writing a letter to the editor decrying public school indoctrination in favor of the gay lifestyle.

Carlson points out that in the past, hate-crimes laws have been based on race, religion, ethnicity or sex – mostly immutable characteristics.

If homosexuals are added to federal law in the U.S., he said, for the first time a protected class would be designated solely on the basis of sexual behavior.

"Homosexuality isn't biologically determined," he insisted. "The much-touted search for a 'gay gene' of several years back has elicited no scientific evidence."


That's right. Canada's the cannary in the coal mine. I hope our friends to the south are paying attention...


Oh, Now THIS Is Special

It would appear that women are beginning to notice they screwed up by turning their men into whimps who looked and acted queer. They want the "manly" man back:

"Ubersexuals," she adds, "are tired of taking their behavioural and fashion cues from their female counterparts and from men's magazines that boil men down to their basest, most simplistic. These are men who embrace the positive aspects of their masculinity -- confidence, leadership, passion, compassion -- without giving in to the stereotypes that give guys a bad name -- disrespect toward women, emotional emptiness, complete ignorance of anything cultural outside of sports, beer, burgers, and athletic shoes."

Alright, I stand corrected. They still want the wussies. Only less wussified than the average semi-lightfooted metrosexual. I can buy into "confidence, leadership and passion" those are rock solid. But, where the hell does "compassion" come into play? That's not a traditional male trait. It's a neo-moonbat trait. Now I know there are those who'll disagree with me and that's ok. Look at the list of "poster boys" in the article and things will become clear.

  • Real men kill terrorists. They don't look on them with compassion.
  • Real men kill animals for food. They don't look on them with compassion.
  • A real man will fire your lame ass for a lack of performance at work. He will not smother you with compassion.

Aw Crap! Enough of this subject...

Have I ever mentioned that social engineers piss me off?

2 Quick Items

1. In less than a week I get to do something that I've wanted to do for a very long time. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be looking up the number for the "guys in the white coats"...

2. A "hottie" called me cute! And she wasn't coherced either! WOOHOO!!!


Ahhhh, the Smurfs... Lovable little blue creatures living the perfect communal life. When I was quite young they were extremely popular. They're making a comeback now it seems.

From Breitbart:

Smurfette is left for dead. Baby Smurf is left crying and orphaned as the Smurf's village is carpet bombed by warplanes _ a horrific scene and imagery not normally associated with the lovable blue-skinned cartoon characters.

These are the scenes being shown as part of a new UNICEF ad-campaign on Belgian television.
"It's working. We are getting a lot of reactions and people are logging on to our Web site," UNICEF Belgium spokesman Philippe Henon said Tuesday.

The Belgian office of the U.N. children's fund said it has decided to use the creations of late Belgian artist Peyo to shock a complacent public into backing its fund-raising efforts for ex-child soldiers in Africa.

The 20-second video commercial clip now being shown on Belgian TV aims to show that war can happen in the most innocent of places, Henon said.

"We get reactions from all over the place," said Henon. "People are shocked and want to know the reasons behind this cartoon image."

The appeal is meant to raise money for UNICEF projects in Burundi, Congo and Sudan, Henon said. However, due to its graphic and disturbing scenes, this cartoon is not for everyone. The advertisement is aimed at an adult audience and is only shown after 9 p.m. to avoid upsetting young Smurfs fans.

The video is peacefully introduced by birds, butterflies and happy Smurfs playing and singing their theme song when suddenly out of the sky, bombs rain down onto their forest village, scattering Papa Smurf and the rest as their houses are set ablaze.

The bombs kill Smurfette leaving Baby Smurf orphaned and crying at the edge of a crater in the last scene of the video and finishing of with the text "don't let war destroy the children's world."
It calls on viewers to donate.

UNICEF traditionally uses real life images of playing and laughing children but decided to change it for something that would shock people, Henon said.

"We wanted to have lasting effect of our campaign, because we felt that in comparison to previous campaigns, the public is not easily motivated to do things for humanitarian causes and certainly not when it involved Africa or children in war," he said.

Henon added that UNICEF would never cross the line and film real-life war scenes in its appeals.

The UNICEF campaign was launched Friday with the Smurf TV spot and will last until April.
"We see so many images that we don't really react anymore," said Julie Lamoureux, account director at Publicis, an advertising agency that drew up the campaign for UNICEF Belgium. "In 35 seconds we wanted to show adults how awful war is by reaching them within their memories of childhood."

Seems innocent enough but it really isn't. Lets have a good look at the Smurfs:

The Smurfs were / are used to generate buy-in to the idea of socialism. Don't believe it? Consider the following (taken from a web page titled "Smurf Communism"):

S.M.U.R.F = Socialist Men Under a Red Father

Take a look at the man in charge of the Smurfs, Papa Smurf. Is it just a coincidence that he wears a RED hat and RED trousers? Also notice the similarities in appearence between Karl Marx, the founder of the communist ideals, and Papa Smurf.

All of the smurfs look exactly the same (with the exception of Papa Smurf and Smurfette). They all have white hats, white trousers and are blue. This is just like the Marxist theory of a classless society where all men and women are treated as equals and are comerades.

Take a look at Vanity Smurf

Is he not a homosexual? Continually in the smurf society Vanity was put down. This was to indicate to the people that in communist dictatorships, homesexuality would not be tolerated.

Communism is built on the idea that no man is better or worse off than any other. Private buisness is disallowed and all workers work to benefit the country as a whole. In the Smurfs village all of the smurfs have their own individual jobs to do. No Smurf is regarded as being better than any other smurf. Every smurf has their own job to do, which benefits everyone in the community. Handy Smurf makes the houses for everyone to live in, Jokey Smurf keeps everyone happy, Brainy Smurf has a lot of technical knowledge. The Smurfs have no currency and every thing is shared equally between them. It is nearly impossible to tell one smurf from another. This demonstrated the idea of total equality and that every member of the society was as important as the others. Communists were often depicted as using violence as a way to sort out their problems and get what they want. In keeping with that portrayal the Smurfs have no qualms about using their "Magic Dust" to stop people aggressing against them or to retrieve an object which they desire.

Take a look at what Smurfs are portrayed in a positive light. Handy Smurf, the worker (which illustrates the rise of the working class to power) and Hefty Smurf, the soldier. Also look at which smurfs are portrayed negatively. Greedy, who eats too much, and Vanity, who contributes absolutely nothing to society.

Another of the Smurfs negatively portrayed is Brainy Smurf. He bears a striking resemblance to one of Lenin's high ranking officials, Trotsky.

During the 1920's Trotsky was exiled from Russia by Stalin to Mexico. The reason for this was that Trotsky's ideas conflicted with those of Stalin and other high ranking communists. Like him, Brainy Smurf too questions the smurf ideals and is one of the few unhappy smurfs.

The Smurfs biggest enemy was Gargamel, the representation of Capitalism in Smurf Land.

Gargamel wanted to catch the Smurfs in order to turn them into gold. Peyo wished to portray Capitalists as money hungry, greed-driven people whose sole purpose in life was the accumulation of wealth. Also note that Gargamel looks not unlike a stereotypical person of the Jewish faith. Under the communist regime (during certain time periods) Jews were persecuted for, among other things, their love of money. Also Azrael, Gargamels cat, was an indication of the communist belief that the American politicians were under the control of one overbearing greedy leader.

So what exactly is the UN saying with it's new commercial? That we shouldn't bomb the shit out of "peaceful" little blue creatures? Or that we shouldn't try to destroy socialism? You be the judge! As far as I'm concerned, I'll cheer whenever I see one of those little blue bastards blown to pieces...

Authors notes:

  • Do I really believe that the Smurfs themselves were used to forward socialism / communism? I'm not sure. On the face of it, the idea has merit but I don't have enough information. It's fun to play every now and then though.

  • Do I believe that popular media is used to forward the socialist agenda? Absolutely. Listen to CBC radio for a few hours... It's a process called normalization where you get used to and accept that which your exposed to all the time...