
A Chuckle?

What do you get when Muslums and Liberals collide? Good humor...

An Islamic guide on how to beat your wife

By Isambard Wilkinson
September 29, 2005

MADRID -- An imam who wrote a book on how to beat your wife without leaving marks on her body has been ordered by a judge in Spain to study the country's constitution.

[Understand now that he didn't build the bomb, he wrote a book on how to build a bomb. Metaphoricaly speaking.]

The judge told Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, imam of a mosque in the southern resort of Fuengirola, to spend six months studying three articles of the constitution and the universal declaration of human rights.

Mr. Mustafa was sentenced to 15 months in jail and fined about $2,600 last year after being found guilty of inciting violence against women.

[A stiff penality for writing a book to be sure. Don't hold the people who are beating their wives accountable. That would be wrong. Lets blame the book and it's author instead.]

A judge released him after 22 days in jail on the condition that he undertake a re-education course.

[a re-education course!]

The Spanish government has set up a commission to find ways for the Muslim community to regulate itself. A central recommendation is that imams speak Spanish and have a basic knowledge of human rights and Spanish law.

[Would that not be prudent for any immigrant? Why are they starting this now? One would think that for the age of their culture they would have a better handle on things...]

In his book "Women in Islam," published four years ago, Mr. Mustafa wrote that verbal warnings followed by a period of sexual inactivity could be used to discipline a disobedient wife.
If that failed, he argued that, according to Islamic law, beatings could be judiciously administered.

"The blows should be concentrated on the hands and feet using a rod that is thin and light so that it does not leave scars or bruises on the body," he wrote.

["spare the rod, spoil the child" was a phrase quite common here just 2 generations ago. I guess the Muslums aren't that far behind us after all]

Mr. Mustafa's lessons, which he must pay for, will be taught by teachers from Malaga University.

[Were it in Canada, the federal government would have picked up the tab.]

According to La Vanguardia newspaper, he will have to study articles 10, 14 and 15 of the constitution. The first two address "the dignity of a person and inviolable rights" and states "all Spaniards are equal before the law."

[How does one define the "dignity of a person"? Is it not relative? Does a prostitute have as much dignity as a judge? Does a smelly hippie without a job have as much dignity as a Married father of 3 who does have a steady job? Is dignity not something that comes from within? Gotta love lib-speak...]

The third one states "the moral and physical integrity of a person in no case can be submitted to torture nor inhuman or degrading punishments or treatment."

[WTF is the "moral integrity" of a person?]

Any wagers on how long before the judge in question gets blowed-up causing spain to cave into the Muslums just as so many other countries have?

Score One For The Good Guy's

Schwarzenegger vetoes gay marriage bill as promised


Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today delivered on his promise to veto legislation that would have given same-sex partners the right to marry, but said he would not support any rollback of the state's current domestic partner benefits.

That stance would put him at odds with two initiatives being pursued by conservative groups for the ballot next year. Those measures would not only prevent gay marriage, but also eliminate rights domestic partners currently enjoy.

"I am proud California is a leader in recognizing and respecting domestic partnerships and the equal rights of domestic partners," Schwarzenegger said in his veto message. "I support current domestic partnership rights and will continue to vigorously defend and enforce these rights and as such will not support any rollback."

But that position did not placate the author of the same-sex marriage bill, Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco.

"The governor has failed his test of leadership and missed a historic opportunity to stand up for the basic civil rights of all Californians," Leno said. "He cannot claim to support fair and equal treatment for same-sex couples and veto the very bill that would have provided it to them."

Right, well, suck it up princess...


Open Letter To Cindy Sheehan

An interesting letter that seems to slowly be working it's way into the blogosphere.
I picked this up at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Residing in the same town as you once resided and knowing your family, I must ask you, "Whatever are you thinking?"
Your son was the one who encouraged my youngest son to enlist. You were very proud of Casey and what he was doing then and he believed very much in what he was doing.
After Casey was killed, my eldest was one of the local airmen who brought him home, facing hostile fire to do so, so you would not not have to wait.
My daughter comforted you and your family. You two spent hours and hours engaged in heartfelt grief. At that time, you were very, very supportive of the President, of our soldiers and of what was occurring in Iraq.
Cindy, you've changed since the Kerry campaign contacted you in early July of last summer. You're not the same grieving mom, especially after you started traveling on the road to support John Kerry's campaign.
You've turned into a political puppet for those who are exploiting you and its not pretty nor does it do anything for Casey's memory. You're not the same, quiet compassionate woman we saw at church or downtown, when you proudly sat as the entire town showed up on Memorial Day to honor Casey and Mike Williams.
How can you justify berating the President for honoring the soldiers who died while protecting America and following the directives of the Congress and the Senate? How can you consistently state that you don't want your son's name to be acknowledged by him and on the same hand, turn around and use the name of Joe Williams' Mike, as an example for your cause despite the many requests of the family for you not to do so? How could you print Mike's name in your anti-war advertisement in the newspaper even after seeing the grief and effort his mother went through to go to Crawford to personally remove it from your cross. You knew it caused them pain.
Mike died honorably and his father, a Vietnam vet is very proud of him. He believed in what he was doing, just like Casey. How could you bring so much pain to the Williams family and so much pain to a nation because of your own anger?
Cindy, how can you do this to your kids who don't know how to explain your actions to anyone here in town? They went through a lot last summer and still are.
The hours, days and weeks following Casey's death were emotionally gut wrenching as many of us with children, husbands, wives, friends and other loved ones in the military comforted you while living with the fears for our own loved ones over there. Everyone went above and beyond because we all believed and still believe in how very right, honorable and courageous our loved ones are in their mission to keep America safe.
We all went through considerable anguish when Casey died and I suspect none moreso than you. But how can you justify your anguish and place it on a higher level than that of Joe Williams?
The treatment you've returned to everyone is inexcusable. Placing Mike Williams' name on a cross despite the family's objections was unforgiveable and the reaction of Mike's mother when she saw it was heartbreaking.
What you are doing to neighbors, to friends, Casey's battle buddies and to a nation of people who are having to relieve the ugly pain of the late 60s and the 70s is unfair.
This is about you, Cindy. Not about anyone else. When you turn your back on your neighbors, your friends, your family and act in this manner, it only evidences that there is no consideration toward anyone or anything else.
Finally, and most disturbing, how can you support a group that supported John Kerry, who on April 7th, on National Public Radio stated that Al Sadr had a "legitimate voice" and that the Coalition (including your son) should not have closed down his newspaper after he called for the deaths of U.S. troops.
You know better than anyone else, Casey was killed in Sadr City by the Al Sadr militants. How can you join ranks with those who support the terrorist who called for the death of your son?
Its beyond me, Cindy, and something I suspect, someday in the future, you'll look back on and with considerable pain.
We don't want that for you. I believe you need to sit down and think about it long and hard. You are bringing so much pain to this nation and its people.

Has Cindy become an unwitting political mouthpiece/ pawn for the Democrats and the left? This seems to verify such a notion.

A North American Patriot provides some more incite into this letter.


Time for a Review

This was originaly posted a while back. It's time we looked at it again.

Way back in 1958 a fella named W. Cleon Skousen wrote a book called the Naked Communist. In that book he stated 45 declared goals for the communist takeover of America. I haven't read the book but I have read the stated goals. Lets have a look at some of them (in italics) and see how they've done so far.

Please bear in mind that terms "America" or "US" can be taken to mean "North America" or can be replaced with "Canada" and still have the same effect. Oh, and because we're nice Canadians lets call them "Socialists" instead of "Communists".

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. - Canadian military neutered, U.S. military is a work in progress, check.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N. - UN policy is to let anyone in. Representation of western democracies is completely watered down by sheer volume of socialist / facist states, check

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.) - UN seen as governing world body, check, currently attempting to set up global tax system. U.S. liberal presidential candidates and the demmocrat party in general pushing to get U.N. approval for all actions - the "Global Test".

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. - the "Boy Scout's Oath" is all that's left, check, ACLU working to dispose of it as well.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. - US Dems, Canadian NDP and Libs, check, Canadian Conservatives are on the fence. Currently in minor power struggle to bring them further to the left.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. - Courts are stacked with sympathetic justices and have ultimate power, check.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. - Schools completely co-opted, check.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers. - Student newspapers co-opted, check.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions. - Better than expected, the majority of all media have been co-opted, check. Strangle-hold is being lost due to the internet and blogs. Intend to have the U.N. gain control over the same.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. - See #20 above, check.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." - Check, check and tripple check.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art." - How do you think they managed #22, Check!

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. - They're still fighting for the right to view / distribute kiddie porn but for all intents and purposes, check.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. - Larry Flint, Check.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." - SSM law passed, gay pride parades in every city (even as bodies float through flooded streets in NOLA), sexual age of consent at 14, media and school "sex-ed" courses used as prime communication tools, Check!

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch." - Scorn new pope and tell the people that Jesus was gay, check.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." - School prayer eliminated, check.

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. - Work in US is ongoing. Canadian Bill of Rights replaced with socialist Charter of Rights and Freedoms, check.

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. - Very little Canadian history taught in schools, check, U.S. public schools currently a work in progress.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. - Social Service Agencies are in control in Canada and operate with impunity, check. Recent flooding in NOLA illustrate the extent that control has been gained in select regions.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. - Control is absolute, check.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. - See 32 above. Ensure populace is on either valume or prozac. Ensure children are fed ritalin. The state has the ability to remove children from the care of parents without due process or even valid reason, check.

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. - Too dificult. Goal changed to use hate laws to gain coercive control over those who oppose socialist goals, check. UPDATED: Shrinks actually forwarding the agenda on things such as homosexuality and pedophilia!

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. - Look at the Stats! Check!

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. - Prosecute parents for taking the kids X Box away. Put them in foster care. Allow children to "divorce" their parents, check.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems. - Gain widespread support of terrorism and social activism, check.

Remember, those goals were written almost 50 years ago.

Well over 50% have been acheived.

How much further will they be allowed to progress?

Now, this is interesting...

While snooping around on the "library of Parliament" site I came across this:


First Session, Thirty-eighth Parliament,53 Elizabeth II, 2004

house of Commons OF CANADA

BILL C-211

An Act to amend the Canadian Bill of Rights
(right to housing)

First reading, October 15, 2004

This enactment amends the Canadian Bill of Rights to include the
right to proper housing at a reasonable cost and free of unreasonable

1st Session, 38th Parliament,
53 Elizabeth II, 2004
House of Commons
of Canada
Bill C-211

An Act to amend the Canadian Bill of Rights
(right to housing)

1960, c. 44

Whereas the Parliament of Canada recognizes the dignity and worth of all
individuals and acknowledges that individuals have the right to enjoy the
security and benefits provided only by proper housing;

And Whereas continued access to proper housing, free of unreasonable
financial or other barriers, is necessary to ensure that right;
Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and
House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. Section 1 of the
Canadian Bill of Rights is amended by adding the following after paragraph
(b.1) the right of the individual to proper housing, at a reasonable
cost and free of unreasonable barriers;

That puppy's still on the books, waiting to be voted on by our MP's.

The Votes Are In

Yesterday our Members of Parliament had the opportunity to raise the age of sexual consent from 14 to 16. They chose not to. We knew they wouldn’t though so It’s not a big surprise. Did you know that they had the chance to do it last spring? Yup, they did. The vast majority of Liberals didn’t show up though because they were busy drinking and dancing on speakers. How’s that for representation?

I'm going to find out how each MP voted and post the results. We should know exactly which members think they should be allowed to have sex with our children.


Les Mackenzie from www.thecomputergeeks.ca was struck with inspiration and designed a new logo for the Chronicles.

The colours are right.

The script style is accurate.

I like it!

The official Cannuckistan Standard (old logo) will be placed in the sidebar above the listing of MOONBATS. It's a fitting way of identifying them.

To identify this BLOG as being generated in Canada, the Canadian Flag will be flown on the LEFT sidebar. When this country is no longer in distress, it will be turned right-side-up.

Again, a special thanks to Les of www.thecomputergeeks.ca for the new logo.


Breaking News:

There's a nasty rumor that a virually infected mouse is on the loose at the Foothills Hospital. Said mouse got away from a research lab. The massive scene control (10-ish fire trucks, police and EMS) when I was there would suggest that something big was going on. Emergency responders wouldn't confirm why they were there.

Will post more as I hear it.

Question: Didn't something like this happen in New Jersey not long ago?


Chemical spill forces

Broadcast News
Wednesday, September
28, 2005

CALGARY -- A spill involving an unknown chemical has
forced hundreds of people from a building next to Calgary's Foothills

The fire department`s hazardous materials team has been
called in to deal with the spill in a basement lab at the Health Sciences

Officials say one person suffered minor injuries after
coming in contact with the chemical.

Unknown chemical? Ever been to a lab? Ever seen unknown chemicals in that lab? Guy's like me force people like them to lable everything. I call BULLSHIT!

Rush Limbaugh of Rock and Roll

This tribute to one of rock's greatest guitarist/musicians goes out a little late. You see, on Sept.16/2004 at the young age of 55, John Cummings aka Johnny Ramone lost his battle with prostate cancer and died in his sleep.

Were you aware that John Cummings aka Johnny Ramone was a die hard Republican? In a punk scene where left wing propaganda was and is the norm, this may come as a shock to many however, the synonymity of left wing politics with punk is probably not as common as one is led to believe because....*" marketing it that way helped get the bands' names in the papers and establish "street cred.""

Just goes to show, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

The Washington Times
Johnny went worldwide public with his partisanship in 2002, when the Ramones were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. At the microphone to give props to the people who made it all possible, he offered his own version of a Michael Moore moment.

"God bless President Bush, and God bless America," he said, clad in his trademark T-shirt, ripped blue jeans and leather jacket. "I said that to counter those other speeches at the other awards," Mr. Ramone says in a phone interview. "Republicans let this happen over and over, and there is never anyone to stick up for them. They spend too much time defending themselves."


Johnny was driven right by a youthful revulsion against, um, face-ism. "It was in 1960, the Nixon-Kennedy election," he says, recalling his first inclination toward the right. He was an only child of Irish heritage in a working-class neighborhood. Families on his block voted left, pro-union. "People around me were saying, 'Oh, Kennedy's so handsome,' and I thought, 'Well, if these people are going to vote for someone based on how he looks, I don't want to be party to that.' "


"I try to make a dent in people when I can," he says. "I figure people drift toward liberalism at a young age, and I always hope that they change when they see how the world really is."


Like so many other right-wingers. who are fed up with the media establishment, Johnny tunes in to the radio every day for some roiling rhetoric and to the Web for some news that doesn't seem to make the local newspaper. "Hey," he says, perusing Newsmax.com as he speaks on the phone, "what's going on with these illegal aliens now?"

These are just a few snips of the entire article.

"We didn't sell a lot of records, but somehow we left an impression." Johnny Ramone

Rest in Peace, Johnny.



Thanks for the Mammaries.

LGF highlights some of the 'lesser clad' participants in the recent spate of anti-war protests to hit Washington.

Warning: Not recommended for those with weak stomachs, or overactive gag reflex!

Let's Get All Naked And Hate Bush.

P.S. I really enjoy the post analysis commentary. A few notable comments:

# 31: Not a shaved pit in sight. Why am I not surprised?
#41: These aging people are stuck on hippiness... They just won't let go of the peace-love-dove acid trip.
#47: hipponess

and my personal favorite #65: Love the "Torture Is Indecent" sign - "yeah, I've had enough, made your point - put your T shirt back on".

Actually, that's as far as I read in the comments section. Hilarious though.


Guilty Until Proven Liberal

From Licia Corbella at the Calgary Sun:

Double standard keeps West on

Handcuffs and leg irons. That's what Noel Hyslip got
slapped in before he spent eight days in jail.
His "crimes"? First, he
donated a 25-kg bag of grain to a 4-H youth club across the Coutts, Alta.,
border. He was fined $4,000 for that "crime."

Then Hyslip, along with a convoy of other Alberta
farmers, took a truckload of grain and sold it for a profit and at a higher
price than he would have got from the Canadian Wheat Board.

He was found guilty of a customs offence and spent
eight days in the Lethbridge jail in November 2002, along with 12 other Alberta
farmers before a couple of local farmers took up a collection of $9,000 to get
the father of three children back home.

Hyslip, 45, says he finds it absolutely "disgusting"
he received a much harsher penalty for selling his own grain than Liberal
advertising man Paul Coffin received for stealing $1.5 million of taxpayers'
money through the federal Liberal government's sponsorship scandal.

Last Monday, Coffin was sentenced to no time in jail
and received no fine for committing 15 counts of fraud that included him
charging the feds more than $1.5 million for work that wasn't done, by employees
who didn't exist.

"If you can steal that kind of money and not get
penalized for it, then you'd be a fool not to steal it," says Hyslip, reached
atop of his combine while harvesting his canola crop at his family's Vulcan farm
late last night.

"That's why we have laws and penalties for breaking
Hyslip says Coffin, who donated some of his stolen money back to the
Liberal party, is actually a big winner out of the deal.

"He didn't go to jail and he didn't even have to pay
the interest on that $1.5 million and he wasn't even charged a fine. It's a nice
deal if you can get it," says Hyslip, with a chuckle.

"It's all about who you know. Guilty until proven


It's time to negotiate a new deal for the west.


No More Cooing Aloud, Allowed.

The moonstruck left has yet again pushed the envelope in the furtherance of ridiculous and inane bureacratic measures, this time under the guise of: human rights.

From BBC/England:

A West Yorkshire hospital has banned visitors from cooing at new-born babies over fears their human rights are being breached and to reduce infection.


Some new mothers have already said they are astonished by the rules which stop people asking questions about their babies or looking at them in maternity wards.

Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager at the hospital's special care baby unit, said: "Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me.

Now call me old fashioned, but have you ever met a mother that doesn't like her baby to be fawned over and payed considerable attention? Me neither.

Not even Ayn Rand in the heady days of her "civilization is the pursuit of privacy" would have envisioned such stewardship of our privacy placed on the shoulders of weak kneed social engineers.

However, if the fountainhead behind such a movement stemmed from the latter reasoning given by West Yorkshire Hospital , that this was also to help prevent spreading of infection, I would be pacified in my antagonism. I'm no expert on appropriate maternity ward governance, infact, far from it, but somehow I doubt this provided the impetus behind the ruling.

Human rights, political correctness, and secularism while providing some good, also combine to purge society of rational reason if left unchecked and unchallenged. It is time to tighten our collective fists around the reins of common sense.


More Pics...

Aizlynne sent over her pics from the counter-protest. Scroll down to the "well, that was fun..." post or click here.



The edit I performed on the ACLU song made it onto the Young Nationalist website. That's cool. I only hope the owner of the song, Mike Church, doesn't find out I messed with his stuff (made it better) and come lookin' for me. It should be ok if he does though. The best Canadian whiskey he's had is CR... I'll get some "Gibsons Rare" into him along with some Cuban cigars (legal in Cannuckistan) and he'll mellow out.

Sharing is good no? (That's right, I'm pillaging again.)

The woman in this video was co-opted by the Young Nationalists to head up their security. I don't think that's right. She's obvioiusly an Alberta girl and needs to work closer to home. I think she should head up security for the Chronicles. (for the folks in Ontario that don't get it, click on the pic to see the video.)

Yup, if I keep up the way I'm going, I'm going to need this young woman's help.

Well, that was fun...

UPDATE: Aiz sent her pics over along with a quick video (video link repaired)...

We should start off by saying that these folks sure were violent for being "peace protestors" and all…

There were several occasions where the counter-protestors were threatened with physical violence. Yup, violent peace protestors. Hypocrisy. That was amusing.

You’ll note that I said "counter-protestors". There were three of us this time. The incredibly bodacious Aizlynne of "Exposed Agenda" fame met me at the pub prior to the event and joined in chiding the moonbats. A note about Aizlynne: She is far more even tempered and reasonable than I am. Where I antagonize, she educates. I thank her for that.

The short time I spent with her at this event made me realize/ clarify a few things about myself as well. I’ll post on that later. This one’s all about the protest.

The third anti-moonbat was a fella named Merle. He doesn’t read the Chronicles (he may now though). He wasn’t there to join up with me. In fact, he was there before Aiz and I. He was a single individual with an ideology that made him show up, and stand up, to unknown opposition. There are very few people that have the balls to do that. My hat goes off to you amigo.

Anyway, there were about 50 of the moonbats in all, most of them grouped in front of the federal building. They seemed to like the idea of someone taking pics and let me get away with it until I pulled out the signs. They didn’t like the signs.

The Chronicles aren’t unheard of within the group of moonbats. One of them came up and asked which one of us was Richard. We chatted for a wee bit. He was quite pleasant. Well mannered. If the rest were like him there wouldn’t be a need for extremists like me. Later on, he mentioned that his roommate was responsible for some of the hate mail that I’ve gotten and apologized. Don’t worry amigo, you’re not guilty by association and the mail amuses me.

The 3 of us kept our distance from the protestors for the most part. That's not my style though. It’s no fun if they can ignore me. As they were having their little love-in, I went up and stood on the fringe. Signs held high. Interrupting their speakers with shouts of "Support the troops", "No more socialism" and some well placed laughs. It pained me when the really hot hippie-chickie gave me the finger. Not!

Here's a quick vid..

The guy in this pic (at the back with the sunglasses) seemed to have a limited vocabulary consisting of "Shut the f*** up!"

Once they were done with the motivational speeches, they decided to march over to the US consulate. I don’t know if it was planned or not. It wasn’t on the published itinerary but it made sense. There was no pedestrian traffic where we were. They all walked right past us. Each commenting as they did so.

There was some reasonable debate. Mostly on the part of Aiz and Merle. I’m an antagonist. I prefer to let these people know that they don’t have the power that they think they have. (this is what I’ll be posting on later)

Do you know that a very large number of these people actually find Cindy Shehan to be credible? Holy Crap!

At one point, one of the moonbats (it was actually a female) was getting right up into Merle’s face demanding to know why he himself was not enlisted with the US army and fighting in Iraq. This had me pissed on two levels. One: She was taller than him. Using her height, leaning in, being as imposing as possible. That’s not playing fair. Two: The argument that only those actually fighting the war have a right to speak on it is complete bunk. They’re not fighting, using their own logic they themselves shouldn’t be able to speak to the issue. I wedged myself between them and started giving her the gears back. She didn’t like it. I didn’t care. Merle may have been a little put out though. I think he wanted to shoot her down himself. I’ll mind my own business next time.

There were a couple of the younger ones that hung back from the main group. They tried to make coherent points but couldn’t. They left as well.

We were left at the mustering location all alone. Merle and I decided to follow them and keep the pressure on. Aiz had to scoot. Before she left though, she mentioned that we should be getting us like-minded folks together more often. I agree.

We caught up with the moonbats at the corner of 7th and 4th. Something different here this time. There were police. Lots of them. Don’t know what the police thought of us but the protestors weren’t impressed. Visibly not impressed. Their bubble was shrinking again. They broke out the mega-phone and started chanting. I was really wishing that RadioShack (Source) had some in stock when I stopped earlier in the morning. Wanted to do some chanting of my own…

It was kind of interesting. Over the length of time that we were there, a couple of passers-by started arguing our points with the moonbats. That was cool.

15 minutes later they decided to break up until the vigil scheduled for later in the evening. It was time for us to bail as well. Walking past them we made sure they got the point of our being there. They didn’t like it. The profanity used by those folks is amazing.

All in all, I think we were effective with our little counter protest. It wasn’t like sandblasting a cracker this time. No kids easily scared away by a crazy guy with some really cool signs. These folks were older and more experienced. And there were far more of them. They knew we were there though. They were made to be very uncomfortable. They were challenged on their ideas and didn’t do very well in defending them. They didn’t get a free ride this time.

What did I get out of it? I met two individuals that I’ve got a lot of respect for. Aiz for her temperament and balance. Merle for his gumption. I got to meet a moonbat who was actually polite. I got to get up close and personal with folks from the far left and let them know, in no uncertain terms, that they aren’t the only game in town. How could that be anything but good?


The Morning Checklist

Signs: (c/w good sturdy handles to fend off the smelly hippies) * CHECK!















(c/w graphic of purple finger)






Bullhorn: - Pick-up from Radioshack

ACLU Song (edited): - looped on CD to be blasted through the Bullhorn * CHECK!

"Trial Size" Deoderant and Soap: - to be passed out to the smelly hippies

10 Questions to ask the smelly hippies through Bullhorn: - to be developed

Haircut: - need to look presentable in case the media show up - scheduled for 09:00

Lucky Hawian Shirt * CHECK!

The Blinding Light of Truth - because hippies hate it * CHECK!

Digi-Cam: - to record the event * CHECK!

Schedule of Events: * CHECK!

  1. Hit the Regal Begal Pub on Center St. at 11:00 am
  2. Drink some malt liquor because this'll be funnier with a couple in me - also helps to keep temper with MoonBats.
  3. Mobilize to protest location (Harry Hays Building) at 11:45 am - Protest starts at noon.
  4. Survey crowd, if there is one, and finalize course of action.
  5. Take photos for "political blog".
  6. Bring out the signs.
  7. Get Loud.
  8. Piss myself laughing at their reactions.
  9. Take more pics.
  10. Repeat last 3 steps (7-9) until they leave.

The last protest I crashed was like sandblasting a cracker.

They had no idea how to react to me being there. They were completely stunned that someone else was actually speaking out against them. I had more people stopping by to talk to me than they did. They eventually left with their tails between their legs.

Part of me hopes today's event goes the same way...

Um, NOT!!!

Truth be told, I'm looking for a little more of a scrap...

If you can, come down to watch the show.

Film at 6..


Get off yer butts...

Saturday, September 24, Noon-1pm
Protest Rally @ Harry Hayes Federal Building (4 Ave at 1 Str. SE)

A protest rally in solidarity with the international days of action to End the War on Iraq. Featuring voices raised in speech and song. Join us in saying no to U.S. and corporate imperialism and yes to peace, justice and the environment.

Please bring your signs, banners and noise makers. This is an outdoor event, so dress for the weather.

Coordinated through Peace Calgary: http://www.peacecalgary.ca/
Sponsored in part by the Committee to Ban All Meetings.
No meetings were used in the creation of this protest.

I'll be there. Anyone care to join me? I have some extra counter protest signs...


How long will it be until we see the following posted at Huffington, Kos or DU?

"Bush sent Hurricane Rita into Texas to get all the NOLA refugies he missed with Hurricane Kate!"

Everything Old is New Again...

Here at the Chronicles we believe in recycling. It's not right to use NEW 1's and 0's to comment on something that we've commented on before. Having said that, today's wholesome, recycled blogging goodness was spurred on by this article:

Pettigrew's driver threatens to sue over online

Glen McGregor
The Ottawa Citizen
September 23,

The chauffeur who accompanied Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew on
government-funded trips abroad is considering legal action after an item on a
conservative magazine's website questioned whether they had a romantic

Kevin Libin, editor-in-chief of the Calgary-based Western Standard,
wrote in a web log entry this week that the media should have asked about the
nature of Mr. Pettigrew's relationship with driver Bruno Labonte following a
report that they had travelled together to Europe and South America.

"Mr. Labonte is discussing these attempts on his personal reputation
with his lawyers," Mr. Pettigrew's press secretary, Sebastien Theberge, said in
an e-mail.

Mr. Theberge emphatically denied there was anything improper between
the two men.

"Mr. Pettigrew's relationship with his driver is and has always been
strictly professional," he wrote.

He added, "Private life is private. Mr. Pettigrew attaches a great deal
of importance to his absolute right to privacy."...

A while back, Angry In The Great White North had some interesting information on "Libel Laws In Ontario" and I thought that I'd apply it to a nasty rumor that I heard the other day the above article. It needs to be noted at this point that what follows is a rumor and has no founding that I know of on actual truth. As such, it is not the opinion of the author or anyone else associated with this blog. It is being used specifically to illustrate the information obtained on "libel Laws In Ontario".

"Warren Kinsella (staunch liberal author and J. Cretin supporter) has sex with sheep".

"Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew swapped spit with his chauffer, Bruno Labonte, while visiting "Romantic Locations" at the taxpayers expense."

It is my new understanding that one cannot publicly say "Warren Kinsella has sex with sheep" "Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew swapped spit with his chauffer, Bruno Labonte, while visiting "Romantic Locations" at the taxpayers expense." unless they have unequivocal proof of the same and that there is no malicious intent with the statement.

Let me be perfectly clear on this point so that you folks out there don't get into trouble. You are NOT allowed to say that:

"Warren Kinsella has sex with sheep."

"Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew swapped spit with his chauffer, Bruno Labonte, while visiting "Romantic Locations" at the taxpayers expense."

Saying such things could and likely would, land you in court. Don't Do It!

I don't know if saying that " Warren Kinsella Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew helped fleece the Canadian public with his support of the Liberals. state sponsored trips to romantic locations with his chauffer." would land someone in court in light of recent Ad-Scam revelations revelations made by the Globe and Mail.

I'm assuming that it would though because there's no concrete proof of the same. Until we know for sure it would probably be best to avoid the statement: "Warren Kinsella helped fleece the Canadian public with his support of the Liberals." "Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew helped fleece the Canadian public with his state sponsored trips to romantic locations with his chauffer." Seeing that Mr. Kinsella is a "Lawyer", maybe he'll stop by and give a professional opinion.

As far as I know you ARE allowed to think those things but you have to keep them to yourself.

Note: It's also been rumored that the Deputy Prime Minister, Anne McLellan has HAD sex. Don't even think this. EVER! It's just wrong.

Other Blogs commenting on this issue include: Angry in the Great White North, The Shotgun, Also Canadian, and Mitchieville


Don't Make Me Hurt You!

You know, in all honesty I saw this cartoon at approximately 10:00 am this morning in my Edmonton Sun newspaper, proceeded to chuckle a little, thought to myself " Yeah, I suppose Kim Jong Il has played fast and loose with the US", and proceeded to finish my coffee and read the commentaries in the editorial section.

No less than 8 hours later, I have just read this over at Drudge Report. If you don't feel like linking to the article, allow me to give you the headline of the posting: N. Korea Accuses US of Plotting Attack.
Nuclear attack, no less.
Now this may all seem par for the course, until you realise:

Monday, Sept 19 2005 in Beijing, China, during* 6 nation talks, N. Korea promised to give up its nuclear weapons program in return for economic aid and security assurances. The US also showed great restraint when Gregory Schulte, chief U.S. representative at the U.N. watchdog agency, said Wednesday that the North needed to move quickly to implement the accord.
"The time has come for North Korea to join the international community and to earn access to the political, economic and security benefits of normalized international relations, trade, investment and assistance," he said.

You know the old saying, " Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me". Kim Jong Il is certainly a rogue element with his own duplicitous nature.
From H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos: "Below him the ground was festering with gigantic Dholes, and even as he looked, one reared up several hundred feet and leveled a bleched, viscous end at him."

Duplicity, indeed.....


I don't get it...

from CNews:

LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP) - Every man, woman and child in Alberta will get $400 from the province's unbudgeted surplus, the Alberta government announced Tuesday.


Etmanski said the money will not be subject to provincial taxes, though she added it has not yet been worked out with the federal government whether it can be exempt there, as well.

Now, if I understand it correctly, we were getting the rebates to make sure the feds didn't get their grubby hands on it... Am I wrong with that?

Does the Klein govt. really think that the feds will let us have it tax free? What about the GST we pay on the stuff we buy with the cash?

It would seem that this little adventure is going to be nothing more than a scheme to transfer cash TO the feds through you, the Alberta citizen...

The quick math looks like this:

- $100.00 (25% average income tax) - to the feds
= $300.00
-$ 20.00 GST that would be added to $280.00 (to equal $300.00)
= $280.00 for you, the tax payer

Lets see what the feds get:

$120.00 taxes
X 3,000,000.00 Alberta residents
= $360,000,000.00 transfered to the feds through you.

If Klein wishes to follow through on this foolish adventure, my $280.00 is going to go to the Alberta Alliance Party.

Question: Why are they not giving us a tax break instead?

You can contact your MLA through here. Ask them. Let them know how you feel about this little cash transfer scheme...

I'm Biting My Tongue


Quote for Today

The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offence, isn’t it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill — he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offence, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it, and so pass to genuine vindictiveness.

~Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

Hegelian Dialectic

Consider the following:

Two buddies are in a pub.

Jessie leans ovet to Frank and sez "I think you're gay, dude."
Frank replies by saying that he in fact is not gay.
Jessie pushes the issue asking why it's so rare to see Frank with a woman...

The exchange carries on like that until both are roaring drunk and Frank picks up the only woman left in the pub (who's also, um, a little less than attractive), just to prove that he's not gay. This is also the result that Jessie had in mind when he started the exchange.

Now, us normal folks would say that Frank was just suckered into taking home an overweight ugly woman.

Our friends on the left call the exchange "Hegelian Dialectic" and they use it as an agressive method of control. It's based on the following (in it's simplest form):

Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis

Thesis = the accusation (J to F: You're gay)

Antithesis = the rebuttal (F to J: I am not gay)

Synthesis = closure (F proving that he isin't gay)

It's extremely effective and by using it, you can make a person act irrationaly by simply making an irrational statement towards them. It's the whole reason the PC culture (below) has taken hold.

Two points:

  • When you use it though, you have to have the end result in mind.
  • You have to be first with the irrational statement. Watch...

PC'er to normal person: You're a homophobe!
Normal person to PC'er: I am not!
PC'er to normal person: You won't let then get married, you're a homophobe!
Normal person to PC'er: Fine, whatever, let them get married, just quit calling me a homophobe!

Sound familiar? How about this scenario:

Lib-left: GWB hates black people (irrational statement)
GWB: No, you're wrong, I love black people!
Lib-Left: GWB hates black people, look he's oppressing them! They've been flooded and he's not helping!
GWB: No, look, I'm giving them all $2,000.00 debit cards. See, I'm a good Guy (irrational action - note that the card program was stopped because they realized it was a bad plan.)

Closer to home:

Lib-Left: The conservatives want to destroy healthcare! (irrational statement)
Conservatives: No we don't, we love healthcare!
Lib-Left: No, they want to destroy it. Look! They want to make changes. They'll destroy it!
Conservatives: No, they're wrong. Look, we've changed our policy, we're not going to make any changes. In fact, we'll throw even more money at it! (irrational action - they softened their policy on repairing a system in dire need of repair)

Here's one that's really recent: "Stephen Harper needs to be removed as leader!"

Is it a rational statement? Nope. Not right now anyway. It makes no sense. But the lib-left media's pushing the idea anyway...

I mentioned earlier that you have to have an "end result" in mind when using this technique. In the case of the homosexuals, it was marriage in particular and a celebration of their lifestyle in general. In the case of GWB, it was, and still is, money for those poor black folks. In the case of the conservatives, not just keeping the sacred cash cow called healthcare alive, but fat as well.

As for Steven Harper needing to be replaced: Sometime very soon you're going to see someone slip in a "change" that Stephen can make in order get the complaining to stop. Remember how the whole BBQ circut thing got started when some pundits declared Harper to be too angry?

Who does it work on? All of us! I'd like to say that only weak-minded individuals are susceptable but that's not the case... Depending on how long and loud the irrational statements are being shouted, we all crack.

Scott Adams (Dilbert) often mentions that it is the most insane amoung us who define our reality. I think he's right in this case.

I noted earlier as well, that you have to be first. You have to initiate the debate or scenario. This puts the opponent on the defensive... Instant moral high-ground for you... I don't know why this aspect works but it does.

How does it work overall?


As humans we're social creatures. We need community. We don't want to be shunned or labeled. We wan't to be liked.

Somewhere way deep down is a little trigger that makes us act irrationally simply for the sake of being liked. We thought we got passed it when we came out of high school but we didn't. We only learned to control it better. With adolesents we call it peer pressure.

How do we combat it?

Ideally, an individual can try to ignore the irrational statements. That doesn't work for long though. Bush and Harper both have to cave in to public opinion... Conservatives in Ontario have to cave in to their peers because of employment or social issues (that is if they let themselves be known as conservatives - note the abundance of OT conservative bloggers that don't post their real names)

Here's an effective method but most would be too scared to try it:

  • Get right there in the mud with them...

Don't respond to their irrational statement and make a statement of your own (preferably rational but not required)

How we deal with our freind Megan Walker-Williams is a perfect example.

MWW has a habit of entering a blogs comment threads and spewing her drivel. Here's how we make her go away (example taken from a comment thread on Anonologue's blog):

The best method, I've found, to deal with MWW is to ask her why she's so racist... Ask her why she feels the natives should be segrated from us... Ask why she feels the need to keep the entire native population dependent on the welfare state... particularly in light of what we're seeing comming out of NOLA... Ask her why she feels that her people don't have to work for things the way we have to... Ask her why she feels that her people aren't obliged to pay taxes like we have to... Pure racism...Shuts her right up...Richard Evans Homepage 09.17.05 - 3:12 pm #

Hmmmm...Over on Angry's blog, you Richard Evans defended Kate McMillan's proposition that Canada needs to recreate residential schools for Aboriginals.While it is true that most of the Conservatives on-line understand that there is a severe problem with Kate's statement, and only a handful have said privately or on-line that they think her statement is disgusting...You Richard Evans, are in the unique class of a couple of Klanish Conservatives in openly defending her proposal.Thanks for giving me the opportunity to point this out.Kate, Analogue, Richard Evans and Jeffie: Paul Martin's Dream Team agitprop artists... false-flag recruiting for the Liberals in the Blogworld since 2004!MWW Homepage 09.18.05 - 10:47 am #

Notice how MWW neatly sidesteps her racist views......Jeff Homepage 09.18.05 - 11:45 am #

Yes, I too noticed how MWW avoided answering for her racist views.Anonalogue Homepage 09.18.05 - 12:18 pm #

You guys are right...I do in fact hold views which can be construed as racist; I was a staunch supporter of David Ahenakew, in fact. My racist views can also be inferred by my blind support of The Indian Act, which, of course, is racist. I have been hesitant to discuss this because it would make my existence appear foolish, on the whole. I harbour feelings of lust for Stockwell Day.Edited By SiteownerMWW Homepage 09.18.05 - 1:01 pm #

"Over on Angry's blog, you Richard Evans defended Kate McMillan's proposition that Canada needs to recreate residential schools for Aboriginals."Only to the point that we could get the kids away from the negative influence of racist individuals like yourself MWW and assimilate them into our culture thus making them productive citizens... As opposed to the segregated, welfare sucking, dependant lower class that you wish to instill. Why do you do it Mehgan? Why do you push so hard to keep your people down? Is it an industry for you? Do you benefit financially from the endovor? Please enlighten me...Richard Evans Homepage 09.18.05 - 7:49 pm #

More often than not, it makes her go away. If she does hang around, she turns to childish insults and asking where an individual lives so her husband and brothers can stop by for a "coffee" (yes MWW I still have that e-mail). - _as a side note: Kate at SDA has an extremely insightful article on this particular individual...)

When it gets to that point, you win.

Remember: Those who seek to use peer pressure to make you do something are also going to be susceptable to that same peer pressure...

Anyway, just thought I'd share something I've learned over the past several months. Happy Blogging.


Time to Re-examine the GST.

Peter Goldring, MP for EdmontonCenter-East has put a members bill forward to try and eliminate the GST from home heating fuels. He considers natural gas a 'necessity of life' and as such, it should be exempt.

This raises an interesting question/dilemma:

Couldn't electricity be considered a necessity of life?
What about water(you do realize that you pay GST on your water bill every month, right?)?
What about clothing? Seems pretty essential and necessary to me, yet it isn't GST exempt either.
What about fuel at the pump? GST is charged ON TOP OF the federal tax. This means you are being gouged not once, but twice every time you fill up that jalopy.

Solution: We either need to scrap the GST altogether or the government needs to seriously reexamine the GST issue and decipher which products are essential, and which aren't. This, of course, is extremely subjective and is bound to create some internal friction among differing Canadian sectors.

Personally, I think the GST should be removed from ALL goods and services immediately. The effect of this would be felt by consumers across the board, and would certainly help to offset and mitigate our already high personal and corporate tax structure.
Also, administration and bureaucratic costs for simply collecting the GST account for 2-3 out of the 7 % that we are charged. This is important to remember because in actuality, the government is only collecting about 4-5 % tax instead of the 7% we have been led to believe is going in their pockets.

I'm glad that Goldring is leading the charge on this and I wish him success.



Minor Adjustment

Fixed the link to the ACLU (unedited) song. You can find it to the left under "Now Playing".

The edited version that you're listening to (if you want it) is here:


THE P.C. MANIFESTO V3.0 - 2005 Update

Not sure where I got this but it's funny as heck... Kind of lengthy but fitting considering some recent posts...


Authors: Saul Jerushalmy and Rens X. Zbignieuw
Copyright: Copyright (c) 1992 - All Rights Reserved

"...In order to forge a cosmic accord of unprecedented unity and harmony, The Politically Correct Movement demands that all people, regardless of prior social preconditioning must accept the incipient world order that will offer unlimited bliss and contentment. Dammit."
- Prof. Dr. Skippy "Houng Lau" Whitmore
Berkeley CA, 1965



PC stands for Politically Correct. We of the Politically Correct philosophy believe in increasing a tolerance for a DIVERSITY of cultures, race, gender, ideology and alternate lifestyles. Politically Correctness is the only social and morally acceptable outlook. Anyone who disagrees with this philosophy is bigoted, biased, sexist, and/or closed-minded.


Being PC is fun. PCism is not just an attitude, it is a way of life! PC offers the satisfaction of knowing that you are undoing the social evils of centuries of oppression.


Sure. As a matter of fact, most people at the forefront of the PC grand destiny ARE white males. But remember, as a white male, you must constantly feel guilty.


If you are a white male, your ancestors were responsible for practically every injustice in the world-slavery, war, genocide and plaid sportscoats. That means that YOU are partially responsible for these atrocities. Now it is time to balance the scales of justice for the descendants of those individuals whose ancestors your ancestors pushed down.


It's simple. You've got to be careful what you say, what you think, and what you do. You just don't want to offend anyone.


That's right. Being offensive is destructive, and will not make the world a harmonious utopia, like in John Lennon's IMAGINE.


Oh, there are lots of ways. For example, why buy regular ice cream when you can buy "Rain Forest Crunch?" Segrega..whoops..separate all of your garbage into different containers: glass, metal, white paper, blue paper, plastic, etc. Make sure that all your make-up has not been tested on animals. Try to find at least sixty ways to use your water; when you take a shower, brush your teeth at the same time. Then don't let the water go down the drain, use it to irrigate your lawn. Or better yet, replace your lawn with a vegetable garden. Don't use aerosol. If you are fortunate enough to know your ethnic heritage, dress the part! Don't do drugs. You should listen to at least one of the following PC musicians: U2, REM, Sinead O'Connor, Sting, or KD Lang.

Harrass people who wear fur coats. Remind them that an innocent baby seal was mercilessly clubbed. Or just yell, "FUR." They hate that. And don't EVER eat meat.


Cows are animals, just like humans are animals. That means that they have rights. When you eat meat, you're oppressing animals!


No, not always. Sometimes killing can be justified, like the palistinians do to the Jews. You have to be able to tell when an animal has rights, and when it doesn't.


The general rule is as follows:


Examine the following chart:


cows ===> cockroaches
cute bunnies ===> flies
dolphins in tuna nets ===> tuna in tuna nets
whales ===> sharks
red squirrels ===> gray squirrels
owls ===> loggers
harbor seals ===> barnacles


Hug a tree. Rejoice each day in our cultural differences, for they are what gives flavour to our great country. Get in touch with your sexual identity. Check your refrigerator for freon leaks. Subscribe to National Geographic. Search it for neat non-Western cultural traditions and costumes. After you read it, use the paper as an alternative fuel source. Try to wear clothes with Xs on them if they're all natural fibers. Above all, ALWAYS question authority!


Don't worry, that's not important.


If you are feeling unsure about your motivation, just remember. YOU ARE RIGHT. It's that simple. You, as a PC social warrier, are right.


Good question. It's important to know when someone is saying something insensitive so that you can have that person removed from society. The guideline is as follows:

Is the confrontation between two white people?

Yes -> The liberal is right.
No -> The white person is oppressing the ethnic person.

Remember, many seemingly obvious issues, such as evacuating New Orleans, or the War on Terror, are really race issues.

Here's a fun practice drill for you: See how many newspaper articles you can make into race bias stories. It's fun! Some PCers are so good they can make the weather report look like a KKK pamphlet!


It all depends on the situation. If you are not in a position of authority, by all means report this activity immediately to whomever is in charge. If your school leader, employer, or superior is hip to the trend, she or he will take the necessary steps to have the insensitive offender disciplined.


The Constitution never meant for racism, sexism and insensitivity to be espoused by anyone. That's not what free speech is about. Some call it censorship. PCers call it "selective" speech. Saying something negative about a particular race or gender is just as damaging as, say, punching them in the face. We just can't allow that kind of verbal assault.


Yes. That's part of the PC movement. You see, part of the way we think about people comes directly from the words we use to describe them. Take "black" for instance. Why should a person be judged by the color of their skin?


No, I mean they should be judged by where their ancestors are from. If your great grandparents are from Africa, or Asia, or wherever, then you should be identified by that fact. You can even apply for special scholarships!


No, there are no scholarships for any of those. Sorry. If you are a woman, however, there should be some.


Technically, yes. But that's not the kind of African-American we mean. We mean BLACK African-Americans. Another example: A white South-African U.S. immigrant is not an African-American either.


For more help, see the PC LEXICON further down.


Well, for one thing, we should forcibly encourage students to volunteer their time with philanthropies. Also, we should re-emphasize non-Western perspectives on history. Finally, we should re-structure tests and quizzes to reflect cultural biases.


Well, the way the system works now, "select" under-represented minorities who tend to do worse on entrance tests have lower standards of admissions at school and work and receive preferential treatment. This is unfair and wrong.


Yes. The truly PC way to do it is to have a different grading scale for different groups which gives or subtracts points from the final score, depending on who is taking the test. If you are white, then you have been benefited by society during your life. That means that you lose ten to fifteen points to make the test fair to everyone else.


It IS right. That's the beauty of PC.


Humor. PC people take every comment VERY seriously. We will not accept any comment, joke, remark, or anything that sounds like it could be a racial or ethnic slur.


"What's black and white and red all over?" has been staple humor for decades. Not PC - It can be taken the wrong way.

In every day speech, try to use phrases like, "Isn't that the pot calling the kettle African-American." Any racial jokes or jokes even mentioning culture or gender should be omitted. True, this mostly limits comedy to the level of sitcoms, but that's a small price to pay for social equality.


Yes. The Politically Correct belief is essentially a recognition that people are diversely equal. We rejoice in this equality by treating people differently based on their equal individuality. Hop aboard the bandwagon... Be PC. Or you're an intolerant, racist, sexist insensitive pig.


---> ETHNICITY <---
(PC people do not recognize the term, "race," as valid)
"Insensitive Term" ===> "Preferred Term"
Black ===> African-American

Oriental ===> Asian-American

Indian ===> Native-American or Indiginous Peoples of N American Continent
(NOTE: THE FOLLOWING TEAMS ARE NOT PC: * Atlanta Braves * Cleveland Indians * Kansas City Chiefs * Washington Redskins AVOID THESE CITIES!!! And never buy tickets from a "scalper"!)

Chicano ===> Hispanic
(NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT PC: * Cheech and Chong * Chico and the Man episodes * Cisco Kid * Rosarita Salsa * Speedy Gonzales BOYCOTT THEM!!)

White Trash ===> PC Unaware, Rustically Inclined

WASP (white male) ===> Insensitive Cultural Oppressor (ICO)

---> GENDER <---
(PC'ers don't like the word "sex" as it has confusing connotations)
"Insensitive Term" ===> "Preferred Term"
Woman ===> Womyn, Vaginal-American

Girl ===> Pre-Womyn

Housewife ===> Domestic Engineer

Fireman ===> Firefighter

Stewardess ===> Flight Attendant

Meter Maid ===> Parking Enforcement Aduciator

Post Man ===> Post Person

Mail Man ===> Person Person

Policeman (cop, pig) ===> Law Enforcement Officer, Baton Boy, Cal. Clubber

Prostitute ===> Sex Surrogate, (Teen Victim. See: Broken Home)

MANkind, HuMAN, PerSON ===> Earth Child(ren)

"Insensitive Term" ===> "Preferred Term"
Handicapped ===> Differently Abled, Handi-Capable,
* Blind ===> Optically Darker, Photonically Non-receptive
* Deaf ===> Visually Oriented

Poor ===> Economically Unprepared

Bum ===> Homeless Person, Displaced Homeowner, Philosophy Major

Hunter ===> Animal Assassin, Meat Mercenary, Bambi Butcher

Commercial Fisherman ===> Flipper Whipper

Whaler ===> Blubber Lover

Old Person / Elderly ===> Senior Citizens, 4th-Dimentionally Extended, Gerontologically Advanced

Conservative ===> Right Wing Extremist Fascist Pig

Drug Addict ===> Chemically Challenged

Bald ===> Comb-Free

Vegetable ===> Noble Unconcious Hero

Bisexual ===> Sexually Non-preferential

Midget, Dwarf ===> Little People, Vertically Challenged

Insane People ===> Selectively Perceptive, Mental Explorers

Tree-Hugger ===> Environmental Activist

Logger ===> Wood Weasel, Paper Pirate, Treeslayer

Obese/Fat ===> Differently Weighted, People of Mass, Gravitationally Challenged

Corpse/Stiff/etc ===> Victim of GlosBiDS, (Global Systematic Biological Dysfunction Syndrome)

"Insensitive Term" ===> "Preferred Term"
Far East ===> Asia

Censorship ===> Selective Speech

B.C. ===> B.C.E.

Older Students ===> Non-Traditional, New-Traditional

Learning Disability ===> Self-Paced Cognitive Ability

Cheating ===> Academic Dishonesty

Library ===> Educational Resource Center

Used Books ===> Recycled Books

Dorm ===> Residence Hall

Berkeley ===> Mecca

"Insensitive Term" ===> "Preferred Term"
Broken Home ===> Dysfunctional Family

HouseBroken ===> Family Disfunction

Mercy Killing ===> Euthanasia, Putting.. Down/to Sleep/Out of Misery

Insult ===> Emotional Rape

Cattle Ranch ===> Cattle Concentration Camp (CCC), "Moo-shwitz"

Senile Bag o' Bones ===> Alzheimer's Victim

Ghetto/Barrio ===> (EHA) Ethnically Homogenous Area, Pre-Integrated Pre-Nirvana

Hamburger ===> Seared Mutilated Animal Flesh (SMAF)

Cheeseburger ===> Adding Insult to Injury

Trees ===> Oxygen Exchange Units

Gang ===> Youth Group

Pimp-mobile, Low-rider ===> Culturally Responsive Transportation Option

Drunk/Trashed ===> Spatially Perplexed

Slum ===> (EOZ) Economic Oppression Zone

China ===> Porcelain

Delicatessen ===> Corpse Farm, Charnel House


These are some, but unfortunately not all, words that are used to describe people. Remember, there are much more eloquent PC ways to say the same thing (and mean the same thing) without offending any of Earth's Children. DO NOT USE THESE WORDS. (except when telling other people not to use them) IF YOU HEAR ANYONE USE THESE WORDS, REGARDLESS OF CONTEXT, RESPOND IMMEDIATELY.

"Alky, Babe, Beaner, Belgian-Bastard, Betty, Bimbo, Bitch, Blonde, Broad, Bum, Canuck, Chick, Chink, Coolie, Coon, Commie, Crip, Dego, Dike, Dot-head, Druggie, Fag, Fairy, Four-Eyes, Fudgepacker, Greaser, Hebe, Hippie, Honky, Hooknose, Indian, Injun, Jap, JAP, Kike, Kraut, Lez, Lush, Nigger, Nudnick, Pinko, Pollock, Raghead, Redskin, Retard, Ruskie, Sambo, Skirt, Spic, Spook, Tart, Toots, Uncle Tom, Wetback, Whore, White-Trash, Wop, Vegetable"



"Right-Whingers, Jesus-Freak, Nazi, Redneck, Facist, Homophobe, Racist, War Monger"

The Cannuckistan Chronicles is proudly PC Free!