Ontario Hit With Reality Stick I
The first has to deal with the great Canadian welfare program - Equalisation:
TORONTO (CP) - It's time for governments in Canada to stop blaming others for the consequences of their own fiscal decisions, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Monday.
The federal Conservative government's commitment to responsibility and accountability will ensure that provincial concerns over equalization and the so-called fiscal imbalance are addressed, Flaherty told the Toronto Board of Trade.
"Greater accountability and clearly defined roles will also mean that governments will no longer be able to blame other governments for the consequences of their actions," he said.
Alberta Premier Ralph Klein has threatened to pull out of the federal government's revenue-sharing deal with other provinces if energy income is included in the equalization formula.
Flaherty said energy income will remain outside the formula.
"That was our platform commitment," he said.
When asked about the finance minister's comments Monday, Klein waved around a letter he was given by the Tories during the last election stating their position.
"I just not used to people keeping their political promises," Klein said...
I'm going to break here for a second to remind you folks that Klein's a closet MoonBat. Anyway, carrying on;
...But Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said Monday he wasn't clear what Flaherty meant with his comments about resource revenues and equalization calculations.
"Does that mean that (resource revenues are) not going to be included for purposes of calculating Alberta's wealth?" he asked.
"Does it mean that they will be included on a strictly mathematical perspective, but that technically Alberta won't have to make a contribution of the non-renewables?"...
That's correct Dalton. You Eastern bastards have just been told that you'll be keeping your grubby hands off of our western oil. This was one of the conservative government's election platforms and they're sticking to it. Suck it up princess.
True to Moonbat form however, Dalton doesn't like the idea of making his own province take fiscal responsibility and has set up a website from which to whine (as reported by CTV). It's called strongontario.ca and here's a snippet from the site's main page:
It’s Only Fair
A strong Ontario means a strong Canada.
To build a strong Ontario, we need to keep our economy strong and our people healthy. That’s why we’re investing in education, health care, roads and public transit.
But to make these investments, we need a fair share of the money we send to Ottawa.
Right now, the federal government has more money than it needs to meet its responsibilities while the provinces and territories don’t have enough to meet theirs.
Our new Prime Minister has agreed there is a fiscal imbalance — and that it needs to be fixed.
So after years of massive federal surpluses, Ontario families expect that a fair share of their tax dollars will come back to Ontario.
Some are saying we should expand the Equalization program to solve that fiscal imbalance.
But that will only help Canadians living in Equalization-receiving provinces. And it will cost Ontario taxpayers.
Loosely translated, Ontario doesn't want to give money to the other provinces anymore. It's not fair.
Heheh, what is fair then?
Well, Alberta's oil money should go to the other provinces if the comments made by Dalton (above) are any indication.
Ontario Hit With Reality Stick II
OTTAWA (CP) - The federal Conservatives are sending a blunt message to the provinces that they'd better get used to living without the billions in child-care money they were promised by the previous Liberal government.The Tories prefer their own plan, which features direct federal payments to families, coupled with tax breaks and grants for day-care operators.
"We campaigned on that," Social Development Minister Diane Finley declared Monday. "Canadians chose us with that full knowledge. And now we're going to make that happen."
The comment came as Finley emerged from a day-long meeting with her provincial counterparts, some of whom had hoped to persuade her to change course.
"I'm disappointed - very disappointed," said Mary Anne Chambers, the Ontario minister for children and youth.
"It seems pretty clear that Minister Finley, even though she speaks of provincial and territorial jurisdictions, is quite prepared to bypass the provinces and the territories."
Carole Theberge, Quebec's family minister, said she had expressed her opinions to Finley.
"Because we already offer these services, I put forward Quebec's position, which is to obtain the right to withdraw from the program with full compensation," she said. "Mrs. Finley said she would get back to us."
At issue are $5 billion in transfer payments the Liberal government of Paul Martin promised to the provinces over five years to create new day-care spaces.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has taken the first legal steps to back out of those deals and replace them with $100-a-month cheques that will go straight from Ottawa to parents of children aged under six...
Guess what? As a taxpayer in Alberta, I will no longer be paying for socialised daycare in Ontario or Quebec. I like them apples!
The lib-left MSM up here in Canada doesn't however.
Here's a video clip of CTV's Mike Duffy chatting with Mary Anne Chambers, the Ontario minister for children and youth. In the clip, note how Duffy ties the Conservative government to organised religion (For you US readers, that's a bad thing up here in the secular progressive socialist utopia of Cannuckistan) and laughs outright when the idea of having a self-sustaining system is brought up. Keep up that objective reporting mike. It's serving you well... As a side note to that clip, I found it particularly refreshing to watch a MoonBat have a melt-down on live TV.
The Conservative Reclaimation of North America 3
No more of that "God sez this" crap and "God sez that" crap. Base all arguments on logic and reason instead.
Don't get me wrong here, faith and religion are important. So important in fact that they'll get their own point in this series. The big problem is that in our modern world, faith and religion only mean something to those who already have faith and religion. They don't win the intillectual debates.
When discussing things like gay marriage or homosexuality, reference points that involve darwinism and statistical traits and such.
Beat the social progressives (MoonBats) with their own arguments...
Discuss in the comments section...
Good Bless The Union
TORONTO (CP) - Subway stations were shut, buses and streetcars were parked in garages and thousands of angry commuters had to find alternate ways to work early Monday after the city's transit system was shut down.
Toronto Transit Commission spokeswoman Marilyn Bolton confirmed service for 700,000 people was halted following "an illegal job action" by transit workers.
Commission general manager Rick Ducharme said he hoped the shutdown wouldn't last long.
"We're working with the Ministry of Labour to get a cease and desist order because it is an illegal strike," he said.
The shutdown caught most commuters by surprise. Many said they went to bed on Sunday unaware an illegal strike was possible...
Poor bastards...
The Conservative Reclaimation of North America 2
Grow a healthy lawn with little effort and maintenance. Use these tips
to use water wisely.
Water 1 inch over the Week
Your lawn needs only 2.5 centimetres (1 inch) of
water over the week to stay healthy. To measure this amount of water,
use a rain gauge or a Frisbee; place it on your lawn while you are watering and
watch it fill up.
Watering your lawn the recommended amount will encourage the roots of lawn
to go deeper looking for water and help it survive the extreme conditions of
summer. Too much watering creates a shallow root system that makes your lawn
dependent on frequent watering. Overwatering can cause thatch build up or lawn
disease and uses our precious tap water.
Be Weather Wise
If it has already rained 1 inch in the week, don't water. Your
lawn loves the water from the sky more than tap water.
Water your Lawn in the Morning
The morning is cool and there is little or no wind. Watering during the
heat of the day will just allow the water to evaporate.
Aim your Sprinkler
Don't water the driveway and sidewalk.
Let the Lawn Grow
When you mow your lawn, leave the lawn at least 7.5 centimetres (3 inches)
long. The longer grass will protect the roots from the sun and will help retain
moisture in the soil. Longer roots will develop and the longer grass may even
crowd out weeds.
(Emphasis mine.)
Those are some good tips and I'd be inclined to buy-in to what the City is trying to tell the public but for this:
This photo of the watering practices of the City of Calgary on City property was taken yesterday. The City tells us that we shouldn't be watering the sidewalk but apparently it's OK for them to do so. The City tells us that we shouldn't put more than 1" of water on our lawn each week. This little geyser was running for an hour before I took the photo. The City tells us to watch the weather. Yet they chose to water this grass when there was a 70% chance of rain in the forecast. (We did in fact get rain over night and it's still spitting this morning). The City just went against it's own guidelines. That's bad enough as it is but it goes from bad to worse. You see, if I were to turn 90 degrees to the left, we would see the main building of the City of Calgary Water Services Department. I didn't take a photo of the building because of the neat little guard post directly behind me. Getting caught taking pics of City hypocrisy could cause grief for one of my clients working elsewhere on the grounds. That would be bad.
Long story short: The citizens of Calgary (us) have to pick up the slack and compensate for the incompetence of the folks who work for the citizens of Calgary. Our civil servants have even put bylaws in place to ensure that this happens:
35. (1) No person, unless authorized by the Director, Waterworks, shall:
(a) Sell water obtained from the water system; or
(b) Supply water obtained from the water system to any person who intends to sell the water; or
(c) Supply water, by pipe or a hose, to any other premises which should be supplied with water through its own water service connection.
(2) No person shall waste water.
(3) Any person who contravenes this Section may forfeit the right to be supplied with water and shall be guilty of an offence and liable on Summary Conviction to a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor greater than Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00).
(B/L 1M2000, 2000 January 24)
(B/L 38M2003, 2003 October 6)
(emphasis mine)
So if I'm caught watering my driveway, I'll be subject to a $100.00 fine. Nice.
And this brings me to the second entry in my series on the Conservative Reclamation of North America.
We need to take back City Hall. And the Town Halls. And the local School Boards.
These institutions are where the rubber meets the road so to speak when it comes to governance and they have more influence/impact than the federal and state/provincial governments combined. Because of their interface with the public, they have, unfortunately, become infested by the lib-left. The vast majority have become their own little self-serving socialist entities. And, like any entity, they tend to grow unless kept in check. When they are allowed to grow, they do it on your dime. This shit needs to change.
Ahhhh... But where to start? At the top silly.
We need to nominate, support and elect conservatives to the positions of Mayor, Aldermen/Councilors and School Board Directors. These individuals make the appointments or hiring decisions in terms of City Managers, Chief’s of Police etc. The trickle-down effect will take over from there.
The potential is enormous. Think about it.
You're Terminated
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will veto legislation that would require California textbooks to contain information about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in American history, according to a spokesman.
The bill, which has already been passed by the Senate and awaits a vote in the Assembly, seeks to recognize "the contributions of the LGBT community in the social science curriculum in the same way the state has come to recognize the achievements of women and minorities,” the Sacramento Bee reports.
But Schwarzenegger spokesman Adam Mendelsohn told the Bee: "The governor believes that school curriculum should include all important historical figures, regardless of orientation. However, he does not support the legislature micromanaging curriculum.”
Schwarzenegger earlier angered gay activists by vetoing a bill legalizing same-sex marriage.
The queers and pedophiles need to understand that children are off-limits. They will not be sexualised to accomodate the pedo/homo adgendas...
A New Twist
Cultural Racism:
Those aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value and normality to white people and Whiteness, and devalue, stereotype, and label people of color as “other”, different, less than, or render them invisible. Examples of these norms include defining white skin tones as nude or flesh colored, having a future time orientation, emphasizing individualism as opposed to a more collective ideology, defining one form of English as standard, and identifying only Whites as great writers or composers.
Emphasis mine.
Words really fail me on this one. I'm going to have to chew on it a little more I think.
PS: Can anyone tell me please what the hell is "having a future time orientation"?
Time For A Tax Revolt
Small wonder, considering the movie features Sook-Yin Lee, the host of CBC Radio's Definitely Not the Opera, doing things definitely not done on camera by CBC radio hosts.
Sofia, the orgasm-challenged "relationship counsellor" played by Lee is not only seen having vigorously athletic real sex with her husband (played by Raphael Barker), she also engages in various forms of auto-erotic stimulation to try to get past the portals of the big O.
Mitchell's movie, which features an ensemble of actors playing New Yorkers who are experiencing lots of (graphic) sex but little intimacy, has enough explicit activity that it will inevitably be charged with pornography (a label which the director strenuously disavows). But the sex is intended to be incidental to the movie's larger issue, which is an epidemic crisis of emotional detachment in a world steeped, in Mitchell's words, "in the fear of sex.''
As for the good old grey CBC, Lee was understandably diplomatic in her account of how her superiors reacted when they learned she was going to appear in a movie doing things that might reflect controversially on the public broadcaster.
"There was confusion and fear on the part of my bosses when I originally was cast in the movie," she admitted. "The bottom line was, they had to answer to the public," Lee explained. "And the fear was the public would be outraged, that we would be talking candidly about our sexuality, about our desire to connect, about all these things. They thought the world is not ready for this, there's going to be a backlash, and in reality the backlash was people coming to the fore and saying, 'Wait a minute this should exist.'"
"It was the most beautiful thing because in the end my bosses just went `Phew, you are allowed to do this. Go do it. There are no restraints on you whatsoever, we're really proud of you.'"
Besides, when you get right down to it (so to speak), what Lee's character gets up to in the movie is pretty mild compared to certain other activities, such as a three-way, all-male engagement — which brought the house down at the screening — involving the singing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" into a man's rectum. [...]
I'm gratefull this isn't a CBC production but having the CBC endorse it is completely unconsionable. I don't think we, as taxpayers, should be paying their salaries anymore.
This Crap Is Getting Out Of Hand
Give me a friggin break.
OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper's motorcade has acquired a presidential look.But one MP says the big black SUV now cruising at the rear of the entourage is a bit too remindful of President George W. Bush.
And its gas-chugging potential raises other issues, even for a prime minister who ditched the Kyoto accord, says New Democrat Pat Martin.
The SUV surfaced two weeks ago behind the armoured limousine, and a lead car, that ferries Harper about town. The motorcade takes Harper even from his Langevin Building office across Wellington Street to his Centre Block space on Parliament Hill.
The drivers are armed RCMP officers, but the addition of the SUV makes the entire motorcade look like a Secret Service operation.
Bush has had black SUVs in his motorcade for several years.
The 320-horsepower V8 Chevrolet Tahoe now embedded in Harper's parade is made in the U.S. GM Canada truck plants assemble Silverado pickups.
As has been said of the SUVs in Bush's procession, the new black wheels add an air of intimidation to Harper's motorcade.
"It looks like something Darth Vader would be driving," says Martin. "We've got this gas-guzzling behemoth touring around with the prime minister. It looks tough, it looks quasi-military. Is that the kind of image the prime minister wants to project?"
These people are so completely consumed by their hatred of the freedoms in the US, and the possibility that Canada may regain some of those freedoms, that nothing is beyond contempt.
Here's a newsflash you MoonBat idiots: WE DON'T CARE IF THE PM HAS AN SUV IN HIS MOTORCADE!!!
Alexandrina Victoria, May 24, 1819

William IV died in 1837, just 27 days after Alexandrina Victoria's 18th birthday.
She married her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha on Feb 10th 1840, and he passed away in Dec 1861 of Typhoid Fever.

May 24th was first declared a holiday in Canada by the Legislature of the Province of Canada in 1845. It has been slightly altered a few times, with the modern for, the Monday before May 25th being the celebrated holiday.
So Happy Birthday to Queen Victoria: I promise to celebrate it in a way in which you would not be amused:
Posted from Hespeler
I love this Dude!

Pay attention to the 14:40 mark of his speech here.
MoonBat Logic
Hillary Clinton: Right Wingers to Blame for Abortion
2008 White House hopeful Hillary Clinton is blaming right wing "ideologues" for denying women access to contraceptives - leaving them no choice but to end their unwanted pregnancies with abortion.The move to withhold contraceptives "was started by a small group of extreme ideologues who claim the right to impose their personal beliefs on the overwhelming majority of the American people," Clinton declared in an e-mail to supporters on Wednesday.
"They're waging this silent war on contraception by using the power of the White House and their right-wing allies in Congress," she complains, adding, "and so far, they're getting away with it."
So just how are these right wing ideologues driving up the abortion rate? Clinton explains:
"Low-income women, denied access to contraception, are having more unwanted pregnancies - four times as many as those for higher income women. And almost half of all unwanted pregnancies end in abortions."
Sorry Hillary but that doesn't wash. You see we wouldn't have to provide contraception if you socialist types weren't so intent on devaluing the family and promoting promescuity. To take it further Hillary, you wouldn't be devaluing the family and promoting promescuity if you weren't a socialist. To go even further still, had you a brain in your head, you wouldn't be a socialist.
That's how proper causation modeling is done Hillary. You have to go all the way back in the chain. You can't just stop wherever it's most politically expedient. Twit.
Note to would-be poor single mothers: Keep your friggin pants on!
Canadian Lib-Left Dumber than US Lib-Left
GOP leaders hastily scheduled a vote on a measure to require the Bush administration to bring the troops home now, an idea proposed Thursday by Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.). The Republican-proposed measure was rejected 403 to 3, a result that surprised no one.
The idea was to force Democrats to go on the record on a proposal that the administration says would be equivalent to surrender. Recognizing a political trap, most Democrats -- including Murtha -- said from the start they would vote no.
But the maneuvering exposed the chamber's raw partisan divisions and prompted a tumultuous scene, which Capitol Hill veterans called among the wildest and most emotional they had ever witnessed.
OTTAWA (CP) — Canadian troops will spend two extra years fighting to bring democracy and security to Afghanistan’s most perilous corner after Prime Minister Stephen Harper won a tense political showdown over his divided opposition rivals.
A motion to extend the deployment barely passed 149 to 145 Wednesday night. The NDP, Bloc Quebecois and most Liberals, including key leadership candidates such as Stephane Dion, Ken Dryden and Joe Volpe, voted against it.
The vote is a political victory for Harper, who can characterize the result as an indication of the will of Parliament, while exposing divisions within the Liberal ranks.Coming out of the House, Harper took a few shots at the opposition.
“I think the truth of the matter is support for the mission is a lot stronger than the vote,” Harper said. “There were a lot of people in there who just wanted to vote against the government. But certain Liberals took a principled position and Canada is much better for it.”
The vote is also likely to spell the end of the political debate on the mission, a welcome respite for the Conservatives as they prepare for the next federal election.
The lib-left reps in the US didn't take the bait whereas the lib-left reps in Canada did and it won't be good for them. Angry In The Great White North sums it up nicely:
For the Liberals, a split is forming. Michael Ignatieff and Scott Brison for the extension. Ken Dryden, Joe Volpe, Stephane Dion, Hedy Fry against. With the Conservatives achieving another parliamentary victory, there will be bitter recriminations lobbed during the Liberal leadership race. The party itself will crack violently along this fault line, and it's anyone guess what will be the end result. Meanwhile, any "Unite-the-Left" push to merge the Liberals and the NDP will be shelved until the Liberals sort this out. The NDP will not easily forgive the Liberal Party for allowing a free vote for the Liberal caucus.For the Canadian left in general, a panic will start. If Stephen Harper can win this vote, what other votes can he win? Joining the US in developing a ballistic missile defense system? Redefining marriage as a heterosexuals-only institution? Property rights? For the left, there has been an assumption that Stephen Harper would be hobbled in a minority government. Bide their time, and at the next election in a year or so, the left would win again. The Conservatives could do little lasting damage -- lower taxes a modest amount, for example, which would be hard to increase, but most things could be rolled back. Instead, to the horror of the left, who have assumed that though they lost the election they still ruled the country, Stephen Harper is succeeding at far more substantive and transformative changes, and might continue to do so.
Stephen Taylor took the time to expose the hypocrisy of those who voted against continued deployment:
NDP MP Alexa McDonough:
"It's not a question of should we be in Afghanistan. Yes, we should, we need to be, we need to be in in the long haul." (CTV, Question Period, May 14, 2006)
Like John Kerry, our friend Alexa was for the war 3 days before she was against it. Nice.
Yesterday was not a good day all around for socialism in Canada at and it's effects will have an impact in the US. I say this because a large number of American MoonBats point to Canada as their model of the eutopian socialist paradise in progress. They're not going to be able to do that for very much longer. Canadians have begun to figure out that the "progress" we've been making has been in the wrong direction. We're changing course.
Could Bush Be Right On The Immigration Issue?
Further, what do you think would happen if all of a sudden 12 million illegals were deported? The socialists would would be happy and that would be bad. That would make me sad and we can't have that. Nor can we have 12 million people in the country illegally. So what to do? Exactly what Bush, as influenced by Tony Snow, is doing. Stem the flow of illegals comming in. Make them do it legally. Hence the Guest Worker Program and the proposed amnesty for those already in the country.
I think it may be the right way to go.
I Didn't Post This Morning...
And now you're asking who would be dumb enough to give me the controls to one of these things? Well, that would be these folks. You see my lovely wife gave me one of their discovery flights for our wedding anniversary and they were obligated.
Speaking of gifts, I couldn't let her give me something really cool without outdoing her. So I bought her a new patio set for mothers day. (I love the Home Depot. Don't get me wrong here either, I'm not talking about the superficial love a teeney-bopper feels for the latest boy band here. I'm talking about a real deep manly kind of love. I'd sleep there if they'd quit kicking me out.)
It had to be sourced and assembled which is one of the reasons for light blogging last week. Have you ever tried to load a patio set into a jeep? It doesn't work very well. Thank God for tie-straps and a removable roof.
There was a problem however. Getting the set put together and onto the deck caused me to take a long hard look at the deck. You see, the chair and table legs are only 1/2 of an inch thick. The gap between the floor borads on the deck was 3/4 of an inch thick. That meant that if you would move your chair you would literally fall between the cracks with an easy 1/4 of an inch to spare. I found that out the hard way.
I also started to notice all of the rot that was taking place.
This shit needed to be fixed. So much for a realxing weekend. But really, who cares about that when it gives me another excuse to go to the Home Depot. Let the reconstruction begin.
Now, we should mention here that contrary to MoonBat belief, conservitives DO believe in recycling. The plan was to use as much of the old material as possible.
As such, a 3/4" gap becomes a 1/4" gap.
If you ever have the chance to spend a day pulling up old boards, banging out the old nails and then resecuring them closer together I suggest that you laugh in the face of whoever is giving you that chance. What a pain in the ass. As many of you know, I'm a consultant. What you don't know is that I bill out at $500.00/day. Lets do the math on the floor boards: Pulling up the old boards was easy and took only an hour. That's 10% of an average day and equates to $50.00. As that work would have been done anyway we're going to remove that money from the calculation. Now we're at $450.00 for the day. Placing and nailing the boards back ito their new positions took about 3.5 hours. Nope, wait, I was drinking beer at the time. Lets say 4 hours. That equals approximately $202.50 worth of my time and, seeing that it also would have had to be done anyway, we'll remove that from the total as well. That leaves us with the cost of pulling the nails out of the old boards. That cost was $247.50. Lets divide that by the 28 boards that got re-used: $247.50/28= $8.83. It cost me $8.83 for each recycled floor-board. The manly Home Depot stotre would have sold me new boards at a cost of $4.25 each or $119.00 for all 28. Here's the point: Recycling cost me over a hundred bucks and took 5 hours of my life that I'll never get back again. I'm beginning to think it's a little over-rated. Friggin Hippies!
Anyway, long story short, I got it done. The rot is gone and there was a grand total of 15" worth of gap taken out of the floor. It still needs to be stained but that's a project for another weekend. WOOHOO! I'm pleased to say that I didn't build this deck and that the idiot who did should be kicked in the box. How on earth can you be 2" out of square on a run of only 12 feet. Dumbass!
Needless to say, this is what kept me from posting this past weekend.
Now, we can only hope that the lovely Mrs. Evans takes this game a little further and outdoes me on fathers day. Honey if you're reading this we could really use one of these to go on the newly refurbished deck next to the new patio furniture.
Evil LOONleftIC boos...
I know for a fact that it has nothing to do with the series score. They were booing O'Canada the first two games! I was at game 3, and also know for a fact that Good Conservative Oiler fans were singing the American anthem. There were no boos...
The fans in San Jose are lamer than the "fan" sitting under the goal light in game 3, cheering wildly as the Oilers scored in overtime. Wearing a hab jersey.
Yet, they're not even remotely as lame as hockey fans in Vancouver.
Media Bias 101
Blogs changing political discourse, shaping media coveragePat Flannery
The Arizona Republic
May. 14, 2006 12:00 AM
Unless you're a political junkie or an Internet geek, a pair of political uproars in the blogosphere probably flew under your radar this past spring.
Ben Domenech, a former Bush administration intern who launched the conservative RedState.com, was dumped in late March as a blogger at Washingtonpost.com after liberal rivals unearthed plagiarism in his work, triggering a flurry of Internet commentary, known as a "swarm."
Then late last month, the Los Angeles Times suspended columnist Michael Hiltzik's blog after a conservative critic exposed Hiltzik's practice of using pseudonyms to post provocative comments on other blogs.
Note how the author conveniently omits the fact that Hiltzik is a card carrying MoonBat while stressing that Domenech is a conservative with ties to the Bush admin.
The frays are instructive to those unfamiliar with blogging because they signal how and where a growing share of political discourse is taking place these days. It is a more personalized, polarized and contentious dialogue in which the public's business and a broad array of private opinions are blended in an edgy, fast-moving political medium.
It has become part of the political landscape, with Democrat Howard Dean setting the early standard by using blogs to raise money, spread his message and build a grass-roots network in the 2004 presidential race.
Howard Dean gets portrayed as a hero. Nice.
What's different now is the ubiquity of blogs. Recent episodes dramatize how swiftly and powerfully they may react, sometimes rivaling mainstream media in their ability to track events and connect the dots in real time, and influencing traditional news coverage. Consider:
• Blogs applied the pressure that led to Trent Lott's 2002 resignation from the U.S. Senate after making what some construed as racist remarks.
• It was a blogger dubbed "Buckhead" who in 2004 exposed forged documents used by CBS News and Dan Rather in stories about President Bush's National Guard service.
• Former Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., was unseated two years ago after conservative bloggers attacked him and forced the state's largest newspaper to modify its coverage of the race.
Right, conservative bloggers "attack" where as liberal bloggers participate in "flurry of Internet commentary, known as a "swarm.""
• Blogs raised early questions about the Bush administration's handling of the Hurricane Katrina crisis. A study by Loyola University Chicago sociologist Lauren Langman concludes that the blogs forced critical mainstream news coverage that weakened support for the president.
• Last year's U.S. Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers was withdrawn after conservative blogs derided her qualifications. Bush took the unprecedented step of holding a conference call with the bloggers in an unsuccessful attempt to quell criticism.
Of those 5 bullet points, only 2 were conservative victories. The first, in regards to Trent Lott, seems to be inaccurate. If I remember it correctly, Lott didn't resign his senate seat. He simply steped down as the house majority leader. He still sits in the senat as indicated by his website [click].
As their numbers and influence grow, it is clear that blogs are not just a national medium.
More than a dozen independent Arizona political blogs now exist along with those of media outlets and campaigns. Readership is minuscule compared with many national blogs, but they sometimes scoop local media and influence their coverage.
But it gets even better:
What's not clear is precisely who is reading all these blogs.
Daily Kos, a liberal national blog launched in 2002, has nearly 500,000 visitors a day. Instapundit.com, appealing to libertarians and conservatives, gets close to 150,000.
Another popularity measure is how many other sites link to a blog. According to Technorati, 35,000 link to Huffington Post, a national site created by pundit Arianna Huffington that features an array of opinions. Among political blogs, it is second only to Daily Kos in the number of links to it.
Locally, the story is quite different. Patterson said his averages about 300 hits a day, with about 350 readers on a weekly distribution list. Wactivist.com, another Arizona blog, averages fewer than 100 visits a day, according to its site meter.
So Kos (lib-left) and the Huffington Post (lib-left) are the heavy hitters in the blogosphere? And Instapundent (conservative) gets an honorable mention? Wow. Lets see what the TTLB says about it:
Higher Beings
1.Instapundit.com (4480) details
2.Michelle Malkin (3951) details
3.Daily Kos: State of the Nation (3181) details
4.Power Line (2859) details
5.lgf: now, nobody dance! (2829) details
6.Captain's Quarters (2829) details
7.CyberStones-A Lutheran Blog (2627) details
8.Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall (2189) details
9.Hugh Hewitt (2094) details
10.Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things (2076) details
4 of the top 5 are conservative blogs. How is it that the author missed Malkin, Powerline and LGF? That's easy. Our new friend Pat Flannery picked and displayed only facts that fit within his MoonBat reality.
It's called lib-left media bias.
The Eye opens...

Get A Haircut and Get A Real Job
Giving a plug to a restaurant isn't the point of this post however.
Being a stinky smoker (one of only 2 or three at the reception), and not wanting to stink the place up, I would occasionally excuse myself and wander out front where I would spark up. This little ritual happened 10 or 12 times over the course of the evening. But it wasn't the only ritual that was taking place.
After about the third trip outside, I started to notice that I was making new friends. Not by choice mind you. You see, every time I'd go outside some bum/beggar/drug addict would approach and say something like "Hey, buddy, can you spare some change?". Each and every time I went out for a smoke, there was a different beggar/bum/druggie who approached. I heard all kinds of stories that evening. Everything from someone needing to buy food to someone looking to scrape up enough cash to buy a bus ticket. One of the more memorable charachters was holding a can (with a plain white label that looked like it was hand-made) and proclaiming that he was with some organisation that was looking to stop police brutality towards the mentally handicapped street people. By this time I was pissed and told him that if he didn't move-on he would have to worry about my brutality instead. He moved on. After he was gone, my 9 year-old son, standing next to me, commented; "Dad, I think he was lying". I agreed.
This adventure got me thinking about another encounter that I had not that long ago. I had just pulled up in fron of my favorite pub and was approached by a young (25-ish year-old) woman. The conversation went something like this:
Young Woman: Excuse me sir, can you help me? My car's run out of gas and I need to borrow some money so I can get home.
Me (looking at the gas station next door): I hate it when I run out of gas. They've got a jerry can next door. Lets get you some fuel.
Young Woman: My car's not here. That won't work.
Me: Alright then where's your car?
Young Woman: (gives location 15 blocks away)
Me: No problem. I'll give you a ride back to it.
Young Woman: I can't. My kids at the Dr's office and I have to wait for him? Really, if you could spare 10 dollars I'd appreciate it.
Me: Your kid's at the Dr's office alone? How old is he?
Young Woman: (looking around nervously) 6
Me: Sorry. If you need fuel, I'll buy you some fuel but I'm not going to give you cash.
Young Woman: F**K YOU!
Me: What do you charge?
Young Woman: (flips the bird while walking away)
I was more than willing to give this woman help with the problem she said she had and it became painfully clear early into the conversation that she was lying to me in order to pull on the 'ol heart-strings...
There have been other ocasions still where I've offered individuals work. Not one has accepted.
Could I have given some cash to these people? Absolutely. But I didn't.
Why not?
Because of a concept called "enabling".

Is that a good thing? Of course not but some would tell you it is. Take our friend Polly Jones for example. Polly thinks that the beggars/bums/druggies should be able to bother anyone they want anywhere they want and at anytime they want. Instead of empowering these individuals and forcing them to become self sufficent, she want's to keep them begging. Why? Because she feels good when she gives cash to beggars/bums/druggies. I think she likes the idea of having others beholden to her. I think Polly may be a bit of a control freak. Maybe that's why she can't get a man. Well, that and the fact that she hates men but I digress. We're not discussing Polly's failed love life here.

Polly's even going so far as to fight measures taken by the Calgary Downtown Association (CDA) to limit the beggars/bums/druggies in our city center. Here's a quote:
I will be posting new ad busting examples, ideas and strategies soon. In the meantime, I encourage people, especially Calgarians, to partake in a counter-campaign against the Calgary Downtown Association's victim-blaming strategy. Let Calgary know that you believe in fighting poverty, not people.
The CDA has the right idea however. Instead of giving money to these individuals to spend on drugs or booze, give it to the agencies who help these folks out. Shelters. Soup kitchens. The Salvation Army. After the adventures from last Saturday evening, I'm inclined to fully support the CDA's efforts. If a fella can't spend 10 minutes standing on a sidewalk in downtown Calgary without being hit up for spare change (sometimes twice in that 10 min period), there's a problem.
Research gathered by the CDA’s Outreach worker indicates 85% of money given directly to panhandlers feeds their addictions. These results and an increasingly aggressive panhandling population have encouraged the Calgary Downtown Association (CDA) to launch a public awareness campaign to address the issue of panhandling on Downtown streets.
The campaign encourages people to support agencies not addictions.The campaign will be brought to life using ‘street teams’. The teams will be located at high (pedestrian) traffic locations, dressed as professionals, holding signs asking for spare change for their addiction. In this setting, the juxtaposition of supporting a better dressed individual’s alcohol and/or drug addiction versus supporting a lesser fortunate individual’s is obvious. Additionally, campaign posters will be in various restaurant, bar and office tower bathrooms throughout the Downtown as well as on LRT trains for six weeks.
- The primary objective is to redirect people to give to agencies and charities able to develop programs to help panhandlers off the street.
- The secondary objective is to decrease the number of panhandlers on the street.
The CDA encourages people to give to agencies instead of to panhandlers directly. The choice for people to change their giving habits is up to them. If they choose to redirect their generosity to agencies, EVERYONE benefits.
Calgary is one of the most generous cities in Canada. There are over 30 agencies set up to help those in need. There is no need for anyone to go without, unless it is by addiction or by choice.

Polly doesn't understand that in Calgary, the city with the hottest economy and lowest unemployment rate in the country, these beggars/bums/druggies, and their enablers, are the engineers of their own poverty. One feeding off of the other.
By enabling them, Polly keeps them as victims.
Poor Polly... I don't know who's worse off. Her or her victims...
It's been...
The pedophiles won't understand why and that's OK. I don't mind.
Speaking of which, I think I'm going to go catch some Trout this weekend.
It's both!
The Conservative Reclaimation of North America 1
Way back in 1958 a fella named W. Cleon Skousen wrote a book called the Naked Communist. In that book he stated 45 declared goals for the communist takeover of America. I haven't read the book but I have read the stated goals. Lets have a look at some of them and see how they've done so far. Please bear in mind that terms "America" or "US" can be ment to mean "North America" or can be replaced with "Canada" and still have the same effect. Oh, and because we're nice Canadians lets call them "Socialists" instead of "Communists".
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.) - UN seen as governing world body, check.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. - All but the Boy Scout's oath removed, check.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic [North] American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. - Courts have ultimate power, check.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. - Schools completely co-opted, check.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers. - Student newspapers co-opted, check.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions. - Press co-opted with exception of some small regional publications, check.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. - Control achieved, check.
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. - They're still fighting for the right to view kiddie porn but for all intents and purposes, check.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. - Larry Flint, Check.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." - Send in Will and Grace and push for SSM, Check!
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch." - Scorn new pope and tell the people that Jesus was gay, check.
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." - School prayer eliminated, check.
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. - Work in US is ongoing. Canadian Bill of Rights replaced with socialist Charter of Rights and Freedoms, check.
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of [North] American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. - Very little Canadian history taught in schools, check.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. - Social Service Agencies operate with impunity, check.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. - Control is absolute, check.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. - See 32 above. Ensure populace is on either valume or prozac. Ensure children are fed ritalin, check.
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. - Too dificult. Goal changed to use hate laws to gain coercive control over those who oppose socialist goals, check!
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. - Look at the Stats! Check!
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. - Prosecute parents for taking the kids X Box away. Put them in foster care, check.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems. - Gain widespread support of terrorism and social activism, check.
In order to reverse the course, we're going to have to follow their exact path. Do as they have done and continue to do. As such, I'll be posting a multi-part roadmap that we'll be calling the "Conservative Reclaimation of North America" and it'll be based on the "45 declared goals" post highlited above.
The first entry?
What is Conservatism:
Conservatism is a philosophy defined by Edmund Burke as "a disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve".[1] The term derives from conserve; from Latin conservare, to keep, guard, observe. Classical conservatism does not readily avail itself to the ideology of objectives. It is a philosophy primarily concerned with means over ends. To a conservative, the goal of change is less important than the insistence that change be effected with a respect for the rule of law and traditions of society. The traditional enemy of conservatism, therefore, is radicalism (not, as is often asserted, liberalism).Because conservatism is tethered to the traditions of a given society, it cannot hold any single, universal meaning across the world. Additionally, conservative 'means' are often combined with other ideological 'ends' (e.g.: Conservative or Classical Liberal versus Radical Liberal). Conservatism is older than the left-right division in politics; and conservatives may align with either the left or right depending on the time and place. [taken from Wikipedia]
In that vein, we'll be looking to restore North American Conservatism. The next question: Why? Why does conservatism need to be restored?
It's simple: The lib-left currently has us in a state of limbo/cultural recession.
We need to restore conservatism because classical socialism has failed. Because communism has failed. Because fascism has failed and because the new socialist utopia concept (as practiced by the modern lib-left) is failing.
This is something that you're going to have to think about a wee bit. What social or societial advances have been made under the ideologies noted above? Was slavery ended? Was the airplane developed? How about space travel? The Russians got a man up into space first but at what cost to their society? The Russians were first but the US won the overall race. Because they wanted to. How about harnessing the power of the atom? Radio and TV communications? The computer? The list goes on and on and it's not limited to US advances either. The UK and Canada have been big players as well.
Further, you have to ask yourself, who's going to contribute more to their society; an individual who's forced to contribute or an individual who want's to contribute? Was Eddison forced to invent the lightbulb? If you're a parent, were you forced to have the sex that created your child?
The individual who want's to contribute, who has an emotional buy-in, will win every time.
This is one of four primary values of traditional North American conservatism as I see it. The power of the individual. The other three primary values; The Family, Nationalism and Faith will be discussed further, in future installments.
Alright, now you're probably asking what the first step is...
Take back the MSM
If there are to be changes in the media it'll be up to us as individual citizens (consumers and private companies/corporations) to make it happen. It'll need to be done in a three-pronged approach:
1. Expose the current MSM outlets for what they are; biased and inaccurate. When consumers begin to understand that they're getting a bad product, they'll quit buying that product.
- Use the web and other non-MSM sources to expose the bias of MSM outlets (including the wire services AP and CP). These non-standard sources include blogs, e-mail, satellite radio, BBS and publications put out by community groups.
- Talk to your friends and co-workers. Word of mouth is an extremely powerful tool.
- Explain to your children that what they're seeing in the MSM isn't necessarily the truth. Teach them healthy skepticism.
2. Provide an alternative. Nature abhors a vacumme and people leaving the current MSM establishment will need somewhere to turn. I'll use FOX News as an example because their "fair and balanced" model is ideal. An individual watching fox news can trust that they are being presented with fact and not opinion presented as fact. When fox presents opinion, the viewer is well aware that they are being presented with opinion.
- In Canada, we need to petition the CRTC to allow FOX News to be piped-in with standard cable packages. Fox is already established and it'd be relatively easy for them to make a move into this country. It's a start.
- Establish new television networks to compete with FOX on their own level. (to keep them honest). These networks need to be national as well as have local affilliates to accomodate those who don't have cable.
- Begin publishing news papers that operate within the "fair and balanced" model. This will have to be done across the board. Community newsletters. College and University papers. Local, regional and national dailys.
- Terrestrial Radio. Radio news and opinion arguably gets more exposure, more often, than both television and print combined. With television and print, most viewers/readers have actively sought out what they're being exposed to. With the exception of talk radio, radio listeners are passive and get the news as a "side effect" of their choice. Most radio stations don't usually have their own reporters and as a result read the copy that gets pulled off of the wire or comes from a local affilliate TV station. New or existing terrestrial radio stations will need to become affilliated with the new TV stations.
- A new wire service will also need to be created. Wire services (AP and CP etc) aren't necessarily news outlets in and of themselves. They're distrubution conduits. We need to set up simmilar agencies that incorporate filters where only stories that pass the "fair and balanced" test pass through.
3. Eliminate the reward that the current MSM establishment has been receiving for their poor performance. Minimise or take away their financing.
- Contact advertisers and let them know that you won't be purchasing the products advertised in biased MSM publications and programs.
- Refuse to purchase biased MSM print publications.
- Don't include biased MSM TV stations in your cable subscription packages if possible.
- Don't listen to biased MSM radio outlets
- Contact these MSM outlets and let them know that you've turned them off and let them know why you've turned them off.
Using this three-pronged approach, we can wake the general public up to what's going on, let the MSM know that we're on to them and provide an example of how the MSM needs to change if they're to survive. The end result will be honest and accurate reporting which will result in a properly informed citizenry.
We'll need that in order to procede...
Dear Mom and Dad
They may still be in nappies and playing with sand and building blocks but many toddlers are already racists, nurseries have been warned.And if the state mandated re-education doesn't take place? Well, your kids are going to grow up to be criminals damnit!To stop prejudice from developing while children are still three years old, staff need to ensure that different racial groups "play together right from day one", according to Herman Ouseley, the former chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality.
Nursery staff should "discourage separate play" and "help children to unlearn any racist attitudes and behaviour they may have already learnt", said Lord Ouseley.
"It is important to consider whether patterns of play are consistently based on racial or cultural grounds," he writes in the latest issue of the journal Race Equality Teaching.
"If, for example, Muslim children nearly always play together and seldom play with other children, the question needs to be asked, 'Is there a reason for it that may relate to culture? Or apprehension? Or prejudice?'," said Lord Ouseley, the author of an influential report on the 2001 Bradford riots.
The recommendation that staff intervene to ensure that children mix goes further than current thinking and guidance, which concentrates on making sure nurseries cater to all ethnic groups.
Calling the Conservative approach "spiteful," Bennett added: "There's actually no plan for early learning and child-care spaces. So it's a good job they're putting more money for prisons in the budget, because we're going to need them if we don't get this early childhood right."
So there you have it. Mom, Dad, you're not good enough to raise your children. Forget the fact that parents have been raising their own children for several thousand years previous. That just doesn't work in the new socialist utopia.
Carnival of Pedophiles 2.5
I've stopped responding to them in the comments sections of the post as well. It's like talking to a brick wall.
Media Bias?
Military families who might be questioning the country's role in
Afghanistan should camp out at Sussex Dr., U.S. "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan said
last night.
Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq two years ago and who is now the
most visible face in the U.S. anti-war movement, said Canada's presence in
Afghanistan frees U.S. troops to fight in Iraq, a war she said the average
Canadian and some families of Canadian soldiers oppose.
"They should take their tents and put them on the Prime Minister's lawn
and say, `I want to know why you're making our soldiers fight and die, and kill
innocent people in Afghanistan, and I'm not moving until you let me know,'" she
Sheehan, 48, made the remarks shortly before addressing 300 people at
an anti-war event at the University of Toronto's Convocation Hall, organized by
the student union and the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War.
"My heart goes out to all the (Canadian) families who have had loved
ones killed in Afghanistan," she said.
Until recently, Canada has been "a peace beacon" for the United States,
she said, with a long history of giving asylum to American slaves and
Sheehan's son Casey, 24, was killed in the Baghdad slum of Sadr City on
April 4, 2004, when his unit was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and
small-arms fire. He had arrived in Iraq only five days earlier...
What they failed to include in the report at this point is that Casey was on his second tour of duty and that he volunteered of his own free will to go on the mission that killed him.
Here's a quote (naughty words edited) from the vivacious RightGirl:
Mother Sheehan: The dumb c*nt has come north of the 49th parallel. Hasn't sheI'm afraid that we're in a minority with our opinions RG...
been arrested a few too many times to get permission to cross the border? Oh
well, we have no border security anyway, and half the border guards want to see
an end to the war because they're Middle Eastern, so it stands to reason they
would have let the dingbat in. She's going to grace the cities of Ottawa,
Toronto and Vancouver with her very own brand of shmaltz, and the peacniks are
going to lap it up. They'll probably proclaim an official Cindy Day in Toronto
for her. Oh, how I would sincerely love to cross paths with her...
As the anti-death penalty/pro-choice crowd rejoices...
Even IF America lost, and "he" won.

PMSH: Mr. President, welcome to Canada. Please mind the mess.
POTUS: Thank you Prime Minister. (leans in to wisper) Hey Stephen, what's with all the sticky pink shit everywhere? And what the hell is that popping sound?
PMSH: Right, about that, well we released our budget yesterday.
POTUS: Yeah, and?
PMSH: The sticky pink crap is the residue left from the MoonBat heads exploding. That noise is the sound of MoonBat heads exploding. That pile over there used to be a CBC news crew.
POTUS: Well I'll be damned. You know they told me this sort of thing happened at the DNC right after the last election down south.
PMSH: It's only going to get worse over the next few days sir. When it sinks in that special interest groups aren't running the show anymore.
POTUS: Well done Stephen. Hey, who's going to clean up the mess? I've got some illegals to get rid of.
More From The Left-Coast
He also gives a brief account of his interactions with a young prostitute in the
late 1990s, to whom he gave $40 a day for three weeks for heroin, and a
41-year-old drug user for whom he bought crack one evening sometime in 2001 and
allowed the man to smoke it in his van.
Call me cynical but I have to wonder, what's the street cost for a blow-job? Right around $40.00? Anyone know? One really has to question whether or not the Mayor was trading the drug money for sex. In that vein, one also has to question whether or not the Mayor has a taste for men as well as women. Was the "crack pipe" the only "pipe" that got smoked in the Mayor's van? Do you think the Mayor smoked some "pipe" himself? Things that make you go hmmmm....
Back to the whole "free drugs for adicts" thingy: The good Mayor wants the program to go ahead. He thinks it'll be less harmful to society if the taxpayers supply the drugs. You see, the Mayor and his ilk think that once the druggies get free smack, they won't committ crimes anymore. Does the program help the druggies? They would tell you that it does.
Hey, I just had one hell of an idea. Lets give children, wards of the state of course, to the pedophiles in an even more progressive "harm reduction program"!!! Sure, that way, the pedophiles won't have to look at kiddie porn on the internet or risk themselves stalking our kids at schoolyards or playgrounds. Sounds like a great plan to me.
We'll wait...
I can honestly say this is the first time I have ever wanted Calgary to win Game 7, including last season. It should be interesting, regardless.

Carnival of Pedophiles 2.0
You continue to willfully ignore that not all pedophiles touch children. Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Not all pedophiles are self-serving freaks who will abuse children just to get off, and none of them choose to have this condition. But thanks for the compassion and empathy, "LFR." It's only to be expected from a homophobe.
Posted by: Jillium April 24, 2006 at 05:18 PM
Crake, don't worry about those comments. You have an excellent blog, but a BLog will obviously come under a lot of criticism. Richard, we may be using similar arguments to homosexuals - the homosexuals were right. There is nothing wrong with what they do and they managed to educate the public effectively.
Posted by: BLueRibbon April 25, 2006 at 03:44 AM
Personally if you guys don't believe children need to be encouraged or empowered to excell, then you are the child molestors.
Posted by: Crake April 25, 2006 at 08:06 PM
*sigh* I just don't get it :S I just don't understand why so many people can't see that paedophilia is, er, normal, not harmful, and at the end of the day perfectly OK. Listen. I know, that all your life you've been fed news stories of paedophiles commiting such attrocities as raping, killing, beating etc until you were foaming at the mouth. I know that you're by far in the majority and it's oh so easy to hide as a face in the crowd and not have to bother with radical changes of viewpoint. But I urge you to look at this from our point of view. I swear, this is not about acceptance of underage sex. Well, OK. It is. But not primarily. Primarily it is about dealing with the psychological problems inherent in being born a paedophile in today's society.
Of course i could not leave sex out of this just in case you accuse me of backstabbing or some such nonsense. I'm just trying to break everything to you in the least painful way possible. Quite frankly, ths is a seperate issue that requires a far more lengthy comment to address. Besides, I'd prefer to deal with pure acceptance first (i.e. not getting hanged upon coming out etc). We'll screw your heads with the underage sex is ok thing later. But for noow...yeah sure, I'll admit, I want it. With selected boys under 13 years old. So friggin hawt *sweats* *loosens collar*. however for now I will simply state that I know very well that I could never take the same attitude to sex as you guys can. simple as that. good moral judgement comes into play. sorry if you believe underage sex is wrong full stop. sound slimy? sorry. I guess you think I'm off to lynch/date rape the next unsuspecting child to come wandering past my front door now. well, uh, if you say so. I personally find your own sexual activities just as mucosal.
Posted by: ezekiel23 April 28, 2006 at 06:39 PM
"Blogging child molesters"I'd be quite pissed off if I wasn't already numb to such bullshit as this. Do you honestly beleive that anyone with such an interest in children is automatically guilty of commiting a horrid crime?What's even more disturbing is how you seem to have bestowed upon yourself the duty to insult, attack and blatantly lie about these people. Why is it that you can accuse people of commiting horrific crimes, insult their blogs and writing, and imply that they are actively deceitful, yet YOU consider yourself so superior that you can label them "Filth" afterwards?In my honest oppinion, you need to do some more research - the kind that perverted justice would never bother with.Andrew Homepage 04.25.06 - 9:22 am #
LOL! You guys are the sick ones! We pedophiles shall continue to exist no matter what you all do! We have been a part of human society since its beginnings. Did you forget that Greece was a thriving BL culture?And when you think about it you guys have tried to stamp out BLs and pedophiles for so long now. Apprently nature abhors a vaccum because now female school teachers are turning pedophile! Female Pedophiles like myself are going to like me are going to have fun while you gusy go looking behind bushes and catholic church pews for BLs. and you know whats really sad? You guys encourage women like me.CrystaCrysta 04.25.06 - 6:10 pm #
Bigotry and hatred will get you nowhere. If you want to comment on us, first try to understand us. Otherwise you're just repeating the same senseless mistake that humans have made for eons.Twilight_Sky Homepage 04.29.06 - 6:17 pm #
Emphasis mine. It amazes me how these individuals try to justify their positions. "We're born this way" "It's a sexual orientation" "You have to try to understand us" Right. Whatever.
They didn't confine their whining to the comments sections either. They put their own posts up which is where we're going to start this weeks carnival...
First up is a blog called "Artless Truth" run by an individual called "one45". Here's a look at what "one45" has as some short-term goals:
This summer will be time not only to figure out what that thesis will be and what grad schools to apply to, but also time to rediscover myself, and what better way than to rejoin old friends and work with kids? I need to hold onto this, look towards the brighter future and finish the drudgery that lies between.Emphasis mine. When he's not thinking about kids, he's helping other pedophiles avoid being caught looking at kiddie-porn:
I guess I’ve always wondered how many hits I’d get if I was mentioned on the major russian boy porn board… no wait, I really didn’t. But it is interesting. I was averaging between 150-250 unique visits per day. It jumped to over 900 yesterday, and already over 800 today. Well, I hope they enjoy the cleaner images on this site. I don’t think that viewing CP is a good idea at all. It can get you jail time and all sorts of trouble. Plus over half of it was produced in abusive situations for profit, e.g. the Blue Orchid tapes, produced by these guys: boyfuckers. It would be really useful if that page were translated to english, but here’s a mechanical translation by babelfish. Although in some cases, I will admit the question is more one of legalities than morals, either way it’s not a good idea. On the other hand, it is very much another criminalized addiction.
The issue here is not really whether it is right or wrong, but how to stop it. There are two major ways, depending on what your orientation is. If you are strictly attracted to boys, then fulfillment can be found in legal forms, including boy photography, where you get a much more rounded aesthetic appreciation of the boy as well. The shift may be gradual, from porn to naturist films to naturist pictures to speedos and so forth. As with any addiction the key is to set a schedule and try and stick to it, but not bring yourself down for minor deviations from it. It’s still something you will have to keep secret and will likely feel shame, but there is the legal issue is addressed...
Well, isn't that special...
Next up we have a blog called "my silent war". Here's a choice quote:
A chronicle of my struggle for the acceptance and understanding of the paedophiles like myself, who would NEVER abuse a child.Pay attention to that statement because it seems to be one of the main planks of their argument for acceptance. We'll address that one in next weeks post. For right now though, lets look at what this individual has to say about last weeks post:
You have to wonder what it must feel like, to be so steeped in prejudice and hatred, that you force yourself to lie about people, accusing them of commiting actions that would in reality make them sick, and encourage utter hatred to be directed at them. Does hatred feel good? Does it cause some kind of euphoria? Is it enjoyable to slag people off because you don't understand them?I sure hope notYup, I'm prejudiced against child molesters. I have a great deal of hatred for them.
That's a good thing.
Finally we've got one called "Altering Perceptions". All I have to say is HolyCrap!
March 15, 2006
Filed under: Boylove
I seem to go through phases with this online stuff. Sometimes I feel like blogging and participating on BLOC and all the other stuff, and other times I just want to disappear. The last week or so has been like that. Maybe more than a week. I’m back now, somewhat at least. Trying to figure out why I go through these phases. Its not like I don’t enjoy all the online stuff…I honestly love it. I just get burned out on it for some reason. I get tired of talking and want to do something for a boy. Want to actually help a boy, because that in some way helps me.
March 16, 2006
Late nights
Filed under: Boylove
Matt is on spring break, which he calls “March break”. Which should mean chatting till late at night, but then of course Mom has to go to bed. Stupid women.
March 20, 2006
Hard Decisions
Filed under: Boylove
I have been wrestling with myself over the last few weeks over my relationship with my syf. I guess this is the reason for my sporadic posting. I am at a crossroads, and don’t know which way to turn.
I have reached a point in my relationship where I am keenly aware of the damage I could cause to this young man, both emotionally and psychologically. It is a heavy burden, as Im sure all of you know. He desperately wants to take our relationship further. But he is at an age where his emotions are in a constant turmoil, thanks to puberty, and I greatly fear that what he thinks he wants at this moment will change. I fear that whatever I decide now, he is likely to hate me for it later.
March 22, 2006
Filed under: Boylove
Life fucking sucks. There, I said it. What would I do if I was deeply in love with a boy, and another boy decided to do everything he can to destroy that? Even if it meant destroying both me and the boy I love? Stay tuned…
March 24, 2006
Fun Day
Filed under: Personal
This morning I went and picked up my stepson from rehab. Fun fun. I don’t know if the whole thing worked for him or not, but I’m hoping. It was a court-ordered rehab, which makes no sense to me. How do you order someone to change? Thats American justice for you.
March 31, 2006
The Past
Filed under: Boylove
Isn’t it funny how the past always comes back to haunt you? You make mistakes everyone does. But those mistakes never go away, do they? No matter how well things seem to be going, those old mistakes will come back and bite you right on the ass.
Emphasis mine. Sometimes, some things just make you shake your head. This is one of those times I think. Oh, if anyone is wondering, "syf" stands for "special young friend" in pedophile speak. I found a great glossary of the terms they use here: click.
These people are out there. They wan't your children. They're using the same arguments made by homosexuals to try to gain acceptance. They don't deny it and they feel that it's perfectly normal. Think about it for a while.