22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."A quick look around downtown Calgary gives us this, as it sits on the Grounds of the Calgary Board of Education (CBE):

These sculptures were specifically commissioned for that part of Britain's Pavilion at Expo 67 which portrayed Britain responding to the challenge of the world problems and meeting international responsibilities. They were conceived and designed by Mario Armengol, who aimed to inspire two moods - an immediate reaction to man dominating and then a contradictory feeling of insignificance and dependence.(emphasis mine)
The sculptures, despite their height of 21 feet, are unmistakably human - naked, raceless, expressionless men and women. They are placed in groups, hands extended in gestures of fellowship and goodwill.
I don't know where they got that description but it sure seems to fit the socialist / secular progressive view of the world.
Upon further thought though that description seems to be exactly the sort of thing that would be put up by an organisation subjected to goal #17:
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.A socialist school board embraces and promotes socialist art. They've even made it their offical logo.

This is why my kids go to a charter school. The more the influence of the CBE can be minimised, the better...
Shameless plug...
While Prime Minister Stephen Harper talks about international peace and stability, President George W. Bush finds himself preoccupied with what may or may not be on top of the missile, and where the missile may or may not be launched, may or may not, at...
The rumored successor to Kim Jong Il shows up in Germany to see Clapton(and watch South Korea lose).
As well, Google Earth updated much of North Korea to high resolution.

Support our Troops
Att: Cheryl Dill, Chamber President
I have to say that I was deeply saddened when I read about the "ideological war of words" currently taking place in your community. (Globe and Mail - T-shirt slogan causing rift in Canada Day parade). It's extremely unfortunate that individuals like Rick Sullivan and the Oceanside Coalition for Strong Communities, confuse support for Canadian troops with support for US foreign policy. Mr. Sullivan obviously doesn't understand that Canada is a sovereign nation and one has to wonder exactly why he and his group were willing to celebrate Canada Day to begin with.
With the additional media attention this issue has generated, you're likely to get even more demands that your organisation stop selling the "Support Our Troops" T-shirts. I'm writing this e-mail to offset those demands and voice support for your efforts. If you folks are able to ship a few of those T-shirts out to Calgary, I'd like to place an order.
Thank you for not bowing to pressure from far-left fringe groups and please, keep up the good work.
Richard Evans
Click here to send your own note (It's preaddressed and formated. All you have to do is click "send"): {Click}
For the US Readers
Stephen Harper's conservatism is new to Canadian politics. It is really a neo-conservative, social conservative government which, unlike any other Tory government, has peculiar rules it plays by.Above anything else, Harper believes that the state is inherently evil and cannot be trusted with anything.
In Harper's Tory land, the state has no role to play in climate change or controlling long guns, and has no right to intervene in the economy.
He loathes Keynesian economics, and believes the ideal state is by definition a non-socialist society.
To Harper, socialism is Friedrich Hayek's "Road To Serfdom" totalitarianism. Any government action is by definition socialist, and therefore goes against free enterprise.
His love of free enterprise is shown by his taking on the job as head of the National Citizens Coalition, a body that stands for unfettered free enterprise, and is patently anti-labour and opposed to the welfare state.
Harper's Hayek views and his pro-American views on the economy make him a big neo-conservative indeed. As a Reformer, he was violently opposed to day-care centres because he saw them as bastions of socialism, and he believed firmly that state day care was pure socialism and therefore a violation of the Hayek credo
Harper claims he's only an economic conservative, not a social conservative. But here is the rub. Harper won't give the state a brake in economic matters, but on social matters like same-sex marriage and abortion, he is ready, willing and able to interfere.
Harper's government is far more of a neo-conservative government than the government of U.S. President George W. Bush. The prime minister is building up a Canadian military so Canada can fight the war on terrorism as a real military power.
Harper's pro-business, pro-military, anti-welfare and social conservative stands all add up to problems. His Canada is not the real Canada.
Ontario is not Harper country either.
Ontario favours the state, the welfare state and government intervention in the economy. The province does not have the hatred for the state and the fear of socialism that Harper and his neo-con Tories have.
Harper's agenda is now so right of centre, so ideological, there is no room there except for hard-core right-wing ideologues. He may be doing well in the polls, but that's because the Liberals haven't sorted out their act yet.
Harper, it seems, is so neo-con, so socially conservative, that he's losing the Canadian middle class. His chances of getting a majority government have been badly hurt by his relentless drive to the far right of the political spectrum.
Veteran journalist and Canadian political expert Larry Zolf is a regular contributor to CBC News Online. Larry has been a critic, reporter, producer and consultant for CBC news and current affairs since he joined the CBC in 1962. Born and raised in North End Winnipeg, the hotbed of general strikes and socialism, Larry has covered stories such as integration in Mississippi and the October Crisis in Quebec. He was one of the hosts of the CBCs flagship current affairs television show "This Hour Has 7 Days." He is now retired.
When you hear the Canadian MSM spewing garbage like this, keep in mind that they're simply trying to hold on to the ideal of Canadian communism and that they don't speak for the majority of us nice folks to the north.
The Homosexual / Pedophile Link
AGWN is begining to get it:
The only thing that is different is that 14- and 15-year-olds are off limits to adults.A very interesting point came up in the comments thread of AGWN's post re the nature/nurture argument. If homosexuals are born gay, why does the practice / concept need to be taught to children before they reach the age of 16?And then it stuck me. Is this what the gay lobby is really upset about?
Are gay relationships skewed more heavily towards adults having sex with young teens? Is this law really discriminatory, in that the majority of heterosexual relationships are not going to be affected, but a significant portion of homosexual ones will?
I was leery of putting this up until I saw this post on rabble:
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm......
Update - One of Canada's biggest moonbats, Robert McClellan, of "My Blahg", also posted on the issue of raising the age for sexual consent to 16:
Let’s make one thing clear about this legislation to raise the age of consent. It is an example of conservative nanny statism.That's all he wrote and frankly I expected more of a rant from him. His comments thread makes up for it though:
8 Comments Add your own
One really has to wonder if our friend Ti-Guy isn't protesting too much. What is it that would cause him to react so violently to the idea that little kids are now sexually off limits to adults? I can understand Robert's take on the legislation change because he is, after all, a communist who want's to destroy western society. Ty-Guy on the other hand just exploded to the point where he is wishing someone dead.
I've been banned from commenting over at the Blahg, could maybe some of you kind folks wander over there and ask Ti-Guy if he has a vested interest in continuing to allow adults to have sex with 14 year old kids? Pretty please?

Iraq reopens Vietnam wounds
PTSD disability-compensation cases have increased with noticeable percentage since the outbreak of Iraq war more than three years ago.
Ok, I'll bite, what does an increase in injury rates have to do with Vietnam? The increase is in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in in the Vietnam Vets. It seems that the Nam vets are having flashbacks triggered by images from Iraq. Interesting. If you're a nerd that studies stats that is... Why is it up on AJ's main page? Well, it gives them a convient location to place quotes like this:
Hmmmmm..... Sounds like a Quagmire to me... Not!Like Vietnam War, the controversy sparked by Iraq war and the lies presented by the American President to justify invading the country, split the American to supporters and war critics.
Numerous analysts drew up comparison between Iraq and Vietnam, citing obvious strategic and tactical similarities between the two wars, suggesting that Bush's war on Iraq is turning into another Vietnam.
Now, what else have we got...
Israel twisting facts to cover up Palestinian killings
The next step is that Israel will try to convince the public that its findings exonerate the army from the beach killings.
No, the next step is that the Palestininas will try to convince the public that the JOOOOOOOOOS are killing indiscriminately. Next?
![]() | Why is the U.S.-UK war on Iraq illegal? Iraq posed no threat to any country, and its violations of the United Nations Security Council resolutions are simply technical. |
Heheh... Yeah, Iraq was in defiance of the UN resolutions and yeah, the US and coalition forces were"technially" legally entitled to invade but they shouldn't have because those Iraqi's are all basically good guys...
Oh look, they've got a section titled "Conspiracies". Lets see what's in there...
A bomb attack or Marines’ fists killed Al Zarqawi?
Challenging what circulating news reports suggested about the death of the alleged Al Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, Tunisia's Hebdo quoted an eye witness as saying that the man wasn’t killed in a U.S. bomb attack, but was beaten to death by American Marines.
Sweet. Someone needs to put those Marines in for some sort of commendation. What's next...
Right. And we should buy into this bunk because why?Guantanamo detainees didn’t commit suicide- They were subject to torture
A few days ago, the American President George W. Bush was quoted as saying that he would like to close the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, "but I also recognize that we're holding some people there that are darn dangerous, and that we better have a plan to deal with them in our courts."
But the fact of the matter is that “some darn dangerous people” are running the prison camp and the White House, and that’s why we had Guantanamo back on news headlines over the past week.
I think I just got the lib-left figured out. They're all getting their news from Aljazeera...
New Conservative Talking Point in Quebec
It's been proven that the provincial seperatists (PQ) knew about, and profited from, the federal sponsorship scandal. Can one assume that the federal arm, of that same seperatist movement (the BLOC), also knew of, and profited from, that same sponsorship scandal?
How much distrust would that little question generate in Quebec?
Quibbles and Bits 2
2. Did the MSM bitch this much when Paul Martin or Jean Cretien went to hockey games when they were Prime Minister? Methinks the answer to that question will be a great big NO...
3. Tequila Sheila Copps tries to tell us why we should be happy to be the highest taxed population in the free world. Socilist Idiot!
4. Ottawa politicians are to be branded as homophobic if they don't increase funding for gay-pride week celebrations. I think we need to start throwing the term "heterophobic" around...
OH, MY - The Queers Are Upset!
While surfing around I discovered that homosexuals seem to find this little ad extremely offensive:
The ad earns a Negative rating because it directly finds humor with the term "fairy" -- referring not just to the type that flies around with a magic wand, but also to the universally recognizable gay stereotype of an effeminate gay man. Frankly, it could end simply and appropriately with the female fairy being repelled by the car's toughness.Chrysler's customer service department has received several telephone complaints, spokeswoman Suraya Bliss told the Detroit News.
"We were pretty surprised that there are individuals that are making the conclusion that sexual orientation can be determined by the type of clothes you wear and the type of dog that you're walking," Bliss said. "Are they suggesting that men that wear colored shirts are gay … or that all gay men dress alike? What we would ask someone to do is look at the ad for what it is."
The ad received a scathing review with no stars from Advertising Age critic Bob Garfield, who quotes the spokeswoman too. " 'Was it intentional? Absolutely not,' says Bliss, whose voice quavered as she spoke, perhaps because she was choking on the corporate line. 'It's not the kind of company we are.' "
Garfield continues, "But, of course, the corporate line is preposterous. Much more likely is that someone at BBDO realized they could call people fairies if their commercial depicted an actual fairy. Get it! How subversive! A flitty little fairy! We can imagine the hilarity in the cubicle as they contrived a way to set up the "Not for sissies" selling proposition based on an innocent magical fantasy.
"Look, there's nothing wrong with positioning an economy car as a car with truck values. In fact, "the manly subcompact" is a very good idea. You can even suggest that everything else in the category looks effeminate. Though political correctness is out of control in this society, you're still allowed to choose your own sexual demeanor.
"But what no advertiser has any business doing is calling people fairies, because it is cheap, because it is gratuitous, because it is hateful.
"Also self-destructive, undermining Daimler Chrysler corporate entreaties to gay and lesbian consumers -- not to mention the much larger sick-of-sexual-bullying population. But never mind the business consequences.
"There is simply no room in advertising for hate speech. Period. For the record, Daimler Chrysler and BBDO protest that this spot is obviously not homophobic because the guy with the lap dogs is a preppy type-as opposed to some flamboyant queen. Of course, the same people swear they were totally unaware of the "fairy" double-entendre. They say we're seeing things. We say they're living in a fantasy world, and it's anything but cute."
That comment came from an organisation called "Commercial Closet" who make it their mission to bring "GLBT sensitivity to corporate advertising".
Well, isn't that precious. It's all about them...
It seems that the Dodge fairy isn't the only corporate fairy they're going after. Nope. Nabisco has a "Snack Fairy" that they don't agree with. Here's a quote:
Two cowboys lean against a fence in a rural setting. The shot is a nod to the movie Brokeback Mountain, conjuring a gay motif. One of the cowboys asks the other, "So you're saying he's a fairy?" His friend responds, "A snack fairy."
The snack fairy, a foolish man in a tutu (Colin Mochrie of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"), is the centerpiece of an ongoing campaign for the brand. He is running from a tractor: "Help? A little help!"
Without acknowledging the fairy's plight, the first cowboy asks the other, "And he brought you gifts?" His friend replies, "Yup, he brought these." Pleased, he thinks aloud: "Fig Newtons? 100% whole-grain?"
"They're good actually," his friend adds.
"Yup, they are good."
One of the cowboys shouts to the snack fairy, who is now riding the tractor, "We love your cookies, Sir!"
The incompetent snack fairy shouts back, "What?!" He proceeds to fall backwards off the tractor: "Ahh!!"
The cowboy reacts by yelling, "Walk it off, snack fairy!"
The snack fairy pops up from under the brush to say, "Snack Happy!"
Despite the ongoing appearance of the Snack Fairy in other ads, it is the first to directly address the cross-dressing nature of the character. The ad earns a Stereotypes rating because it plays off of the age-old reference to gay men as "fairies," a homophobic slur used unambiguously. While some might find it humorous, many others will find it offensive.
A way to remedy the commercial's treatment of the subject would be to have the cowboy address the snack fairy with a more indifferent tone, as opposed to a bossy and belittling one.
And here's the best part:
Note to "leathermen, sissies, queens and Lipstick Lesbians": The image of the cowboy doesn't belong to you. It never did and "Brokeback Mountain" will never change that. The word "Fairy" or it's images don't belong to you either. Get used to it.Gay people are shown in this collection as classic gay stereotypes, including leathermen, sissies and queens, and Liipstick Lesbians, but are otherwise accepted by characters in the ad. While some in the gay community now accept these depictions as "diversity" and "reality" -- others remain sensitive to them and do not. These ads do not meet Commercial Closet's Best Practices.
Some days a guy's just gotta shake his head, walk away, buy a Dodge and some Fig Newtons...
Thank You Gary Bettman
The reality of losing that heartbreaker, pales in comparison to the prospect of the Houston Oilers in 1997.

Good capitalists have respectable issues with the salary cap, yet everyone knows a socialist system of player salary equalization makes the sport more enjoyable... And thus more profitable!
Thanks to Mr. Bettman, the "prospect" of the Oilers leaving Edmonton, is about as likely as the return of NHL ties...
p.s Brian, you were Right. Not just about the Oilers, but about this:
"Take it from a Toronto boy, it can be a long time before your back."
It's called NHL parity. Thanks again Gary.
Throwin' The Book At Chuck Guite

One, he will spend Christmas in prison, not being eligible for day parole until mid-January.
Two, he will serve a full year before being eligible for parole in mid-August 2008. (Note: I'm extrapolating and mathing-up these numbers. They may not be exactly right).
Had he received a three year sentence, or some lame three years less a day, then both of the above would not be so.
Poor Chuck! The Liberals spend years putting soft-hearted putzes on the bench, and when one of them finds themselves in the prisoner's box, they get the one tough guy.
Sorry Charlie!
Cross posted from Hespeler
Leaving the Left - Again
I voted for Al Gore in 2000. When he lost, I was disappointed, mostly in my fellow Democrats for thinking that the election had been "stolen" and in having forgotten their American history. The Electoral College has elected three other Presidents in our history: John Quincy Adams in1824, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, and Benjamin Harrison in1888. The rush to judgment by the now conspiracy consumed Left put me off. Where, I asked, were all the "disenfranchised" black voters who would have given Gore a victory in Florida? No one could produce a single name. And how exactly were the voting machines in Ohio "rigged" in 2004? I now refer to the Democrats as the Grassy Knoll party.
Still, I approached the 2004 primaries with an open mind. I was still a Democrat, still hoping that leaders like Sam Nunn and Scoop Jackson would emerge, still fantasizing that Democrats could constitute a party of truly progressive social thinkers with tough backbones who would reappear after 9/11.
I was wrong. The Left got nuttier, more extreme, less contributory to the public debate, more obsessed with their nemesis Bush - and it drove me further away. What Democrat could support Al Gore's '04 choice for President, Howard Dean, when Dean didn't dismiss the suggestion that George W. Bush had something to do with the 9/11 attacks? Or when the second most powerful Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin, thought our behavior at the detention center in Guantanamo was equivalent to Bergen Belsen and the Soviet gulags? Or when Senator Kennedy equated the unfortunate but small incident at Abu Ghraib with Saddam's 40-year record of mass murder, rape rooms, and mass graves saying, "Saddam's torture chambers have reopened under new management, U.S. management"? What Democrat could not applaud the fact that President had, in fact, kept us safe for what's going on 5 years? What Democrat - even those who opposed the decision to go into Iraq - wouldn't applaud the fact that tens of millions of previously brutalized people had the hope of freedom before them?
What made me leave the Left for good and embrace the Right were their respective reactions to 9/11. While The New York Times doubted that we could succeed in Afghanistan because the Soviets in the '80s hadn't, George W. Bush went directly after the Taliban and Al Qaeda and crushed them in short order. Although many on the Left claim to have backed the President's actions, the self-doubt leading up to it, crystallized my view of the Left as weak and terminally lacking in confidence.
And a memorable quote from the first article:
Leftists who no longer speak of the duties of citizens, but only of the rights of clients, cannot be expected to grasp the importance (not least to our survival) of fostering in the Middle East the crucial developmental advances that gave rise to our own capacity for pluralism, self-reflection, and equality. A left averse to making common cause with competent, self- determining individuals -- people who guide their lives on the basis of received values, everyday moral understandings, traditional wisdom, and plain common sense -- is a faction that deserves the marginalization it has pursued with such tenacity for so many years.
We can see the exact same thing happening up here in Canada. It's an evolving polarisation. People are beginning to wake up to what the lib-left is all about, they're choosing sides, and the lib-left is scared as a result. More and more the lib-left is being marginalised and the control they've maintained for so long is waining. This leaves us with two questions: How do we keep the trend going and how do we repair the damage caused by these failed ideologues?
Cindy Shehan: International Moonbat
"I begged him not to go to Iraq," the anti-war activist said through tears at a rally in support of the former soldiers, who wore black T-shirts emblazoned with "AWOL." "And I wish he was standing up here with these people because he didn't want to go."
Fact: Cindy's son Casey volunteered for his first tour of duty in Iraq.
Fact: Cindy's son Casey volunteered for his second tour of duty in Iraq.
Fact: Cindy's son Casey volunteered to go on the mission that cost him his life.
Fact: The pussies Cindy is supporting in Canada aren't in the same class as Casey.
Shootin' Off My Mouth
Well on Tuesday the Edmonton Oilers announced they where conceding defeat to the Carolina Hurricanes. Now that's not, admittedly, exactly what they said, but what they did say, " Dwayne Roloson is out for the remainder," amounts to the same thing.I beg forgiveness for this sin, and offer this by way of sad pathetic excuse. I am from Southern Ontario. Have lived here since the age of three. Maple Leaf country, you see. And here in Maple Leaf country, when the team is down 2 -0, and the back-up goalie has the call the rest of the way, well "announced they where conceding defeat" is what you get.
Then the bloody Oilers go and do the unthinkable, they refuse to die. And of course, someone had to call me on it, one of my fellow bloggers from right here at Let Freedom Reign none the less. Yes, KnightofGoodMrIronMan from none other than Edmonton Alberta had this to say:
"now that the Stanley Cup is over"OK Mr. KnightofGoodMrIronMan, you guys have done your bit - you have made me watch hockey in 30 degree heat, 2 days before the summer solstice, the only NHL hockey I have watched in three years, I'll have you know. And I'll tell you something else Mr. KnightofGoodMrIronMan, here in Ontario we know from teams that have run out of gas, what with the Leafs doing it every year, and the Hurricanes look out of gas.
*snicker* Perhaps outside of Northern Alberta...

So what do you say KnightofGoodMrIronMan? You on?
Bleeding Blue Blood
It all started early in the season, when this team was able to pull games out of thin air, by virtue of a remarkable ability to score a goal whenever needed.
Like this game, or this game. They made the playoffs by winning the second last game of the year, and by watching Vancouver piss away all playoff chance. They got in despite dire predictions to the contrary from "fans". After most wrote 'em off before the first round vs Detroit, a comeback trailing the Sharks 2-0 was implausible. To complete friggin' idiots...
#2: Too many penalties Greene
#10: Horcoff is the best first line player no one knows.
#12: Samsonov: So this is what it's like getting BETTER at the trade deadline.
#13: I don't think of Harvey as a Star.
#14: Torres hits and hurts everything(thanks for Weight).

#18: Moreau will block a shot with his teeth, regardless of the score.
#20: Devo won't or can't hit.
#21: Captain Gator. What else do you need to say? Enjoy Zion, Toronto Maple Leaf fans...
#22: Where in the hell did Rem the Gem come back from?
#23: Tarnstrom's a spaz.
#24: Staios does almost as much as Pronger and Gator, without the credit.
#30 Jussi went from decent backup to key performer.
#34: Fernando = Clutch.
#35: Rolly got us here.
#37: Pecs was quietly the best defensive forward in the NHL. Again.
#44: What were you thinking St. Louis? MVP.
#83: Most raw talent on the team, and Hemmer will only be better next year.
#94: Smyth: He's just garbage/grind-goal-Smitty, game in game out.
Just Because...
The whole village helped prepare for the American patrol which would soon arrive.
Ahmed bravely volunteered to detonate the I.E.D. His family proudly sent the boy to martyrdom.
The patrol arrived.
“Drop the radio!” shouted a soldier.
“Allah Ackbar!” replied Ahmed.
Before he could press the transmit button to set off the bomb the soldier shot him dead.
News media around the world reported the massacre at the village. Infidel politicians turned against their own military.
“The horror,” gasped Senator Kerry.
“Murderers!” cursed Congressman Murtha.
Go read the whole thing [click]
British Columbia is giving a same-sex couple an unprecedented role in a review of the provincial curriculum to ensure respectful teachings about sexual orientation from kindergarten to Grade 12.
A six-page contract, signed by the Education Ministry and obtained by The Vancouver Sun, guarantees Peter and Murray Corren a significant voice in the revision of classroom lessons to recognize gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people and the creation of a new social-justice course -- to include teachings about sexual orientation -- for Grade 12 students.
This week, Murray Corren said the anticipated changes to the curriculum, along with tougher limits on parental rights to remove their children from classes teaching "sensitive content," are far more important than the new elective course.
He said the deal was a major victory after a lengthy human-rights battle to have gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people reflected in the everyday curriculum.
"It's very significant," Murray Corren, a Coquitlam literacy teacher, said of the agreement. "We wouldn't have worked for 10 years to sell out for something as minor as just a simple elective course. But when the ministry came to us with this proposal ... we were more than happy to reach a settlement with them."
The Correns, who were among the first same-sex couples to be wed in B.C., agreed as part of the deal to drop their human-rights complaint, which had been headed for a lengthy hearing this summer before the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal.
The Correns say the subjects that require urgent attention are social studies for K-7, health and career education for K-9 and -- to a lesser extent -- English-language arts for K-7.
Other members of the public, along with education stakeholders, will have opportunities to comment on the proposed changes but won't have the same guaranteed input.
The harshest criticism of the contract came from Xtra West, a gay and lesbian newspaper in Vancouver that accused the Correns of settling too soon for too little. "I want the government to liberally sprinkle queer content throughout all the course material where we are now conspicuously absent," Robin Perelle said in an editorial.
- - -
- The ministry will amend policy to ensure parents can choose alternative delivery for "sensitive" subject matter in three courses only: Health and Career K-7, Career 8-9 and Planning 10. The amended policy will be given to the Correns on July 15 and they will have until Aug. 1 to comment.
- The ministry will draft guidelines for the K-12 curriculum review and give the Correns a copy by Aug. 1. They will have 30 days to comment.
- The Correns will provide a list of groups with expertise in sexual orientation and homophobia and the ministry will solicit feedback directly from those organizations.
- The ministry will give the Correns a draft of Social Justice 12 before releasing it publicly and will "make revisions as appropriate" in light of their response.
- The deputy education minister will meet the Correns every six months until Sept. 1, 2007 to ensure timely and adequate implementation of the terms of the agreement.
(emphasis my own and h/t to Nealenews)
So, what they've done here is not only bring in curriculum changes, they've taken away your rights as a parent to remove your children from classes where the new curriculum is being taught. They are forcing your kids to learn this crap and they're forcing you as a parent to simply accept it.
Two words: Private Schools!
In addition to the consensus position that liberals are godless, no one has made a peep about that swipe I took at Hillary, proposing that she have a chat with her husband before accusing others of being "mean" to women in light of Juanita Broaddrick's charge that Bill Clinton raped her. Hillary beat a hasty retreat on her chubby little legs and is now hiding behind Rahm "Don't Touch My Tutu" Emanuel.Yes, the Democrats' pit bull, Rahm Emanuel, is a former ballerina. And they wonder why the concerted effort of the MSM (as we call the mainstream media) and the Democratic Party can't lay a finger on me. A ballerina. Hey, if the padded, silky shoe fits ...
She doesn't pull any punches and we, as conservatives, would do well to follow her examples...
I've also updated the Anti-PC League listing and I have to say that I'm pleased but not satisfied with our membership. Out of the millions of bloggers out there, only 250 have proclaimed that they won't be bowing down to political correctness. I shudder to think the rest of the blogosphere is filled with PC pussies. We can do better. Click the link in the right side bar to sign-up.
Here In Cannuckistan
A Burlington teacher alleged to have confined an 8-year-old student in a closet has been sent home, with pay, for the rest of the school year.Emphasis my own.
The boy's parents say they are still waiting for an apology and a public declaration from Halton school officials that their son was telling the truth about being shut in an art supply cupboard for talking in his Grade 2 class.
The parents, who don't want to be identified, say they're not seeking to have anyone fired. But they are furious their son was repeatedly called a liar by other parents and students after it was announced the teacher had left Florence Meares Public School on a personal matter.
Yesterday, board officials confirmed the teacher was off with pay for the rest of the school year following the alleged May 4 incident.
It's not known how long the boy was left in cupboard or if the door was locked. He told his parents he thought it was between 20 and 30 minutes and that his attempts to open the door from the inside failed.
Another teacher discovered him and he was returned to his class.
He did not tell his parents about the incident at the time. "He didn't want to be in trouble for talking in class," his mother said, adding the family only found out four days later at the same time they learned he had already been interviewed by the Halton Children's Aid Society.
Those unionized teachers sure do care for our children. Yup, they sure do... Think about that the next time the unions push for socialised, state-sponsored, daycare.
Provincial Politics
...From that, the man credited with slaying Alberta's once rotund deficit, Dinning promised to establish a "First Ten Years Heritage Foundation", to give children at risk "a healthy start."(Loosely translated, that means new welfare on top of the old welfare system...)
He also vowed to create more post-secondary education spaces so every Albertan "bar none" can seek higher learning.(That means more state sponsored education. Which in turn means more power for unions and higher taxes. The phrase "bar none" implies that entry standards will be lowered having the effect of watering-down the "knowledge pool". Ask any instructor/professor about the need to teach to the "lowest common denominator")
Sharon Carry, president & CEO of Bow Valley College, said yesterday "literally thousands of people are being turned away from seeking a higher education or upgrading their skills every year. Think what that does to a person's aspirations," said Carry.(Lets be honest here, are folks being turned away because there aren't enough spaces? Because they can't afford their education? Or is it because they're not bright enough or not qualified to take the courses they wan't to take? We'll never know because people like Sharon Carry never seem to elaborate...)
"Jim's commitment to find a place for everyone is really a great signal," she added...(Socialist / communist nations find "places" for their citizens. Free nations allow their citizens to find their own "places".)
Comments in brackets ( ) are my own.
I've given up on the provincial PC's because they tend to be anything but conservative. My vote goes to the Alberta Alliance...
Addendum: "Debris Trail" has a great post up on the state of socialism in Canada. Here's a teaser:
Yet, the Socialist class battles on as if the days of rickety scaffolds and poverty wages for hard labor were still here. They drag out any and every obscure and rare case, and attempt to push legal and labor codes even further to the left. Listening to Socialist scribes and talking heads, one gets the sense that Canada is one vast gulag of Capitalist enslavement. The fools just won’t quit.Read the whole thing here [CLICK]
Little Help?
In regards to the "security certificates" mentioned in yesterday's post, do they apply to foreign born nationals who don't hold a Canadian citizenship or foreign born nationals who do hold Canadian citizenship?
I ask because I read this today:
Laprade was arguing in support of controversial federal security certificates that can lead to indefinite detention of foreign-born terrorist suspects, and to their eventual deportation based on secret evidence presented at closed-door hearings.One has to wonder: Why are we concerned with the rights of non-citizens who would do harm against us? Why would we give them the same rights as citizens? If, that's what we're doing in this instance...
Some of the nine judges were clearly reluctant to accept the view that security must always trump individual rights in such cases.
Public safety may be important, observed Justice Louis LeBel, but it's not the whole of the law.
James Loooney
We need to remember that James Loney is an individual who has shown that he has extremely poor judgement. He voluntarilly went into a warzone. Further he went into a warzone as a member of an organisation that is strongly suspected of aiding and abetting the enemy. Further still, James, being a colon rubbin' homosexual, was in a warzone as a mamber of an organisation suspected of aiding the enemy that would chop off his head if they new that he's gay.
Islamofacist sand-monkey jihadists (terrorists) took our friend James hostage while he was in that warzone. He had to be rescued by the soldiers who are safeguarding our freedoms and who, incidently, James loaths.
Like I said, extremely poor judgement.
Well, James is in the news again. Only this time he's speaking out against Canadian security and anti-terrorism measures. He's got the support of one (Tequila) Sheila Copps, former Liberal Party MP and
OTTAWA -- The whole country hung on every word about James Loney when he was held captive in Iraq as part of a Christian Peacemaker team. So it was strange to see how few listened when he was lobbying here this week against state-sanctioned security certificates which mimic his own incarceration in many ways.
Loney came to add his considerable experience to the voices of those speaking out against lawful detention which can go on for years. Whatever side of the security issue you are on, you have to admire the guts of a young man who obviously did not allow his own incarceration to stifle his political or religious zeal. He spoke from the heart about his own fears and how important it was that we, as Canadians, not visit his private hell on others.
We have to admire the courage of a man who went through a living hell and returned to fight another day. He did not shy away from tackling the tough issue of security certificates. Summer in Sault Ste. Marie is a lot more appealing than protesting on Parliament Hill. But Loney prompted all of us to think twice, and then again.
As the issue of security certificates -- which have been legal under the Immigration Act for decades -- makes its tortuous way through the Canadian court system, voices like James Loney cause us to reflect on what they see as Canada's own Guantanamo. Can we really justify holding a person for years without trial or even access to evidence? Why is there so little public interest in this fundamental issue of justice?
James Loney lived a terrorist-imposed nightmare in Iraq. All the more reason his reflection on Canada's own measures of detention is worth listening to. He knows whereof he speaks.
With Tequila-Sheila having been a high-ranking member of the corrupt Liberal Party, I think it's safe to say that she isn't too fimiliar with good judgement either.
It's only logical...
Would The Real "Homegrown" Terrorists Please Stand Up?
These individuals however, are truly home-grown terrorists. You won't catch the politically correct governments or media calling them that though...

TORONTO (CP) - Ontario's premier has called off negotiations with aboriginals protesting a development site near Hamilton, saying the group's increasingly violent actions make it impossible to work together.
"A condition of our being at the table was that public safety would not be compromised," Dalton McGuinty said in the legislature. "In fact, last Friday it was - without a doubt - compromised." "We are no longer prepared to continue negotiations."
The standoff, which started more than 100 days ago, took a nasty turn Friday after an elderly couple's car was swarmed and two news cameramen from a Hamilton television station were assaulted.
Methinks it's time to send in the troops...
AGWN has some great posts on the individuals involved with this little adventure. They're a must read...
Karl Rove Won't Be Charged
WASHINGTON (AP) - Top White House aide Karl Rove has been told by prosecutors he won't be charged with any crimes in the investigation into leak of a CIA officer's identity, his lawyer said Tuesday.Robert Luskin said that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald informed him of the decision Monday, ending months of speculation about the fate of one of President George W. Bush's closest advisers. Rove testified five times before a grand jury.
and MoonBat heads are already expolding:
Demeter (1000+ posts) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tue Jun-13-06 07:01 AM Response to Original message |
6. My Heart Is Broken, My Spirit Crushed, My Faith in America Destroyed |
Olney Blue ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tue Jun-13-06 07:36 AM Response to Original message |
32. GOP callers on CSPAN are spinning this as meaning that Valerie |
Totally Committed ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tue Jun-13-06 07:43 AM Response to Original message |
37. Well, if that doesn't suck out loud... |
Nickster ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tue Jun-13-06 08:15 AM Response to Original message |
57. My one question is, who the heck did he throw under the boss to avoid |
Silly MoonBats. When are you going to learn that if you base yourselves in reality, you won't be disappointed when reality comes by for a visit. It's that simple. Oh, and to help you along a little it would probably be good to remind you that young "Scooter" was indicted for lying to prosecuters, not for revealing the not-so-secret name of a not-so-undercover CIA operative. Please, get it strait...
June 22nd, 2006 at 11:06 pm
What is your opinion in general of age-of-consent laws, where would you set the limits on them,. and at what point does it become nannystateism? There is obviously a point where it’s gone too far(e.g., legislation banning premarital sex - I doubt you’d find a single Conservative in favour of that one), but is banning 14-75 sex really it?
(For the record, I’m rather apathetic about this law - it’s certainly not going to be a great achievement of this government. I’m just curious about your opinions on it, given that you’re making a pretty strong claim about it.)
June 23rd, 2006 at 1:00 am
You have to keep in mind that this is a SOCIALIST blog. These people AGREE with Svend’s open support of NAMBLA.
June 23rd, 2006 at 1:43 am
Oh, f**k off you f**king pig.
Enough of this arselhole, Robert. I dont need to read this blog and see people being accused of pedophilia like this.
F**k you and your whore mother, Anti-Social.
June 23rd, 2006 at 1:55 am
I hope you in the army, Anti-Social, and will be deployed soon to Afghanistan. Once there, I hope you’re killed.
The world will be better off if you’re dead. Sorry, if that’s sounds mean, but..there it is. You are the most revolting person I’ve ever met.
June 23rd, 2006 at 3:53 am
Now there’s libel if I ever saw it.
June 23rd, 2006 at 9:48 am
Do you think Aunty cares? Without libel, s/he’s got nothing.
June 23rd, 2006 at 9:56 am
If nanny statism is criminalizing 40 year olds having sex with 14 year olds (while allowing near-in-age couples to do what they want), then I guess I can handle a bit of it.
June 23rd, 2006 at 10:07 am
Of course. With Conservatives, it’s always about f**king…every day, all day.
With the close-in-age exemption, this legislation doesn’t bother me. But I’ll never, ever forgive the Conservatives for accusing people of pedophilia over this issue. They’ll rot in Hell for that.
Now, let’s sit and wonder what other issue involving fucking the Conservatives will now get simultaneously moist and hysterical over…