I'm Going To Keep Saying It Untill People Start Getting It!
HIV on the rise in Ontario immigrants, gay men
Despite education campaigns and increasing collective knowledge of the causes and effects of HIV, it continues to spread, and in Ontario the rise is especially alarming.
The incidence of HIV among gay men is also alarming, said Remis. His findings indicate there have been 3,800 new cases of HIV among gay men in the past five years, representing a 28 per cent increase.
Remis attributes this increase to several factors. A chief cause, he believes, is that many gay men are experiencing "safe-sex fatigue," and they're simply tired of being bombarded with the safe-sex message.
Ask a homosexual journalist what he thinks the problem is and guess what you get?
Shaun Proulx, a journalist with Gay Guide Toronto, said he believes increased use of the powerful drug crystal meth among the gay community is contributing to the increase of HIV. He experimented with the drug for a story on the subject, and has first-hand experience.
"Crystal meth is called HIV's little helper because of its way of loosening inhibitions, of making you do things you wouldn't normally do," said Proulx. "You could have decades of safe sex practices behind you and abandon it all because you don't care."
It's the drugs fault. Don't look at the people taking the drug and indescriminately sticking their dicks in other men's asses, nope. That would be wrong-wrong-wrong! Blame the drug instead.
(On a semi-related note, how long before the folks on the lib-left start screaming that it was the gun that made this woman literally "go postal"?)
Are these folks so completely helpless that they can't take responsibility for their own actions? HolyCrap!
The article continues:
The numbers point to a sharp need for increased intervention efforts, Remis believes. Those efforts must be more concentrated and more highly funded, and must target small group intervention and personal intervention, both to the infected and uninfected, to reduce the chance of spreading the disease, he said.
Research efforts also need to be increased dramatically in order to better understand HIV and the issues that surround it, he said.
Remis said he expects the problem to continue to grow, and said it will only be slowed by increasing research and education dramatically. Ontario's problem, he said, could be a microcosm of what can be expected to occur across the nation.
"I think the bottom line is this is a big epidemic. It's a major public health challenge for Ontario and for Canada as a whole," Remis said. [Video clip of the news story can be seen here]
So they're looking for more cash? Lets look at current projections for federal funding towards aids research:
(values in Millions)
2003-2004 = 42.2
2004-2005 = 47.2
2005-2006 = 55.2
2006-2007 = 63.2
2007-2008 = 71.2
2008-2009 and beyond = 84.4
Some quick math shows that between 2003 and 2010, our federal government projects to spend $363,400,000.00 on this issue.
To add a little perspective, in 2004 our federal government put a paltry $1,774,331.00 towards breast cancer research.
How's it feel knowing that a very real issue that can effect you, your mother, wife, sister or daughter gets only 1/20th as much. I don't know what it tells you but to me this shows that the 51% of our population who are female are only 1/20th as important as the homosexual community (2-3% of the population).
Here's some more interesting math. Assume $25 million (on average) spent annually since aids first reared (pun intended) it's ugly head way back in the 1980's: 25 years X $25 million = $625,000,000.00. Add the projected ammount and you get: $988,400,000.00
That's just shy of a billion dollars spent because these individuals refuse to keep their friggin pants on. That's just in Canada and doesn't take into account private donations. And they wan't more?
How's it feel knowing that a billion of your tax dollars are wasted because some guy likes to get his colon rubbed by another guys dick?
Individuals within the homosexual community have the ability to "opt-out" of their high risk lifestyle. You, your wife, sister, mother or daughter don't have the chance to "opt-out" if breast cancer chooses to strike.